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Messages - Filthy

Pages: [1]
Sell/Trade / [Trade/Sell] Long list of items.
« on: September 24, 2011, 04:30:29 pm »
I'm trading all these items for other items, or selling them for the price written.


Vaegir War Mask 4.5k (original price 6.5k)

Druzhina Elite Lamellar Armor: 13.5k(Original price 18,5k)Sold

Shynbaulds: 2.5k(original price 3.5k)


Gilded Hourglass Gauntlets: 5.5k(original price: 8.8k)Sold

All sold
Katana: 6k(original price 9.2k)Sold
German Greatsword: 12k (original price: 15.2k)Sold
Flamberge: 14k (Original price 18.5k) Sold

All these items are the cheapest on the market, and i will also accept a good trade. If you have an item you wanna trade for one of these, please write the item etc here or PM me. If you want to buy them for the specified price, just go to marketplace and put my name in the Searchbox, and unclick the "Heirloom only" box. (My name = Filthy)

(All the items are currently on market for the specified price, if you want to trade ill remove them and put them on for the item you wanna trade for)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Tips for meleeing?
« on: September 24, 2011, 12:46:54 pm »
by the way also use this against ur enemy.
if you see ur enemy kills you by feint spamming alot.
then just think there probly gonna do it again the next round so just fight him in a way thatsgonna counter his attacks.
this way i almost never lose 2 times against one enemy:)

thought when you meet a good player, he will know that you are gonna spam if he feintspams, so he just wont feintspam and if you spam there, your gone buddy.

Forexample: I feintspam you insanely, like 10 feints or so, and you get killed. You meet me again, you think im gonna do it again. I feint ONCE, and then your gone.

Sell/Trade / [Trade/Sell] Arbalest ( SOLD )
« on: September 22, 2011, 02:44:54 pm »
Selling/Trading Arbalest for either 14k (original price 18,7k) or trading for another good weapon(prefer Crossbow) PM me or write here!


Buy / Re: Buy any of these many items
« on: September 21, 2011, 08:39:34 pm »
I have an arbalest. PM me and offer for it if you still need it

Announcements / Re: Version 0.240
« on: September 19, 2011, 04:49:56 pm »
long bow is cut again :p

No, all bows are cut and pierce - archery damaged defined by arrow. meaning: if you have arrow that has cut dmg, you do cut dmg- arrow that has pierce dmg, you do pierce dmg. So, the only way to get pierce dmg is to use bodkin arrow. but u can get pierce dmg with any bow. (Bodkin 1pierce, the one before 6cut) (:

Pages: [1]