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Messages - Jackelsano

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: cRPG is dead in such cases
« on: December 25, 2011, 11:22:13 am »
Could say Duel servers are more or less "Test" servers to jog out your best gear or worst and see how it fares in different situations. Don't know why these wankers care what happens, it's not bloody competitive. And as for getting hit when your down. It is the most infuriating and dishonourable move.

+1 also for this too. Rage Comics are good sometimes.

General Discussion / Re: Do you miss tactics in cRPG?
« on: December 25, 2011, 01:05:44 am »
This is the golden advice. I remember the glory days when Fallens did our "Fallen tactic shit" almost every round under command from our glorious general Ramses. Extremely fun stuff.

I happily would if I could, but being in AUS severely limits my access to EU and NA Factions. And I'll be damned if I have to join AEF. I was thinking of joining your rabble of villains, Everkistus but lag problems will ensue on EU/NA servers. On a good day I get 210m/s on a EU server. Perhaps it might be the distance the data has to relay, or my laptop is stuck on Eco Mode, limiting my internet's capabilities. (If your asking, I dried out the thermal solution that cools the CPU. Or it could be lint in the fan) Either way, I'll try to see what happens.

Pro tip: Don't ever play games on laptops. EVAH.

General Discussion / Re: Epic Mods for cRPG community !
« on: December 24, 2011, 12:17:57 pm »
I'm almost offended.

How could you make this pack without adding the BEST bannerpack EVER made for M@B?! (Actually, the best bannerpack ever made in any game, period.),21928.0.html

I'm downloading this shit immediately. INCLUDING the "FUCKING BULLSHIET".

General Discussion / Re: Do you miss tactics in cRPG?
« on: December 24, 2011, 12:07:47 pm »
I'd love to do tactics for at least a few games. In the Australian servers, it was exactly how you put it Joker, just mindless bumkins with no self-respect and decency, charging in, spamming LMB and expecting a kill without effort. Most of the time the loser of the duel just spams "gay" over and over again. Sadly intelligence and the inner workings of the mind are sadly lost on others just because they want to drink, smoke, dress like wankers and tap all the ass they can before wishing they'd never did any of that and die of chlamydia.

Of course, I'm ranting. But I see your point, the most tactics I get in cRPG any more is watching old videos on YouTube like RipperX's Battle of the Guilds. And it annoys the living shit out of me when my team fails to the point of staying on X1 multipliers for 4 hours straight. Something should be done about this.

General Discussion / Re: Communty dead
« on: December 24, 2011, 05:37:41 am »
Lets just put it this way.

This mod is amazing, the community it has is insane. Look at it objectively. People play the fuck out this thing and its just MOD! ITS JUST A FREE MOD FFS!!!!!!!!!!!

If the devs work out strat I wouldn't be surprised if some one doesn't come after them to help put it into something like Warband 2 or war of the roses.

M&B just got 75% discount. You wait and see a pile of people will be joining.

So I don't believe that the community is dead, hell we are posting about it in the thread and so are a bunch of other people.

I agree. In fact I'm getting Warband for a friend of mine for Christmas tomorrow so he can get into cRPG, and the rest might follow.

General Discussion / Re: Communty dead
« on: December 23, 2011, 11:01:25 am »
Well, that sounds more like a AU problem :lol:

It sort of is. It's half-half though, more or less in every server you get a select few who just decided they hate the mod for all sorts of arbitrary reasons without experience and lack tendencies to learn how the game works.

Aside from that AU just got a new server away from AEF and they are already cleaning up the garbage. Although, like most of us say, there's enough bans from AU servers to completely fill an empty one. I didn't mean to generalise on AEF though (aside from the fact that it was the one and only AUS server, and it HAD to be populated to aggressive bumkins.)

Suggestions Corner / Re: New Heirloom Models (and web GUI)
« on: December 23, 2011, 07:25:27 am »
I reckon you should get paid for this.

Fucking brilliant.

I was going to say something about a model viewer to get a better look but that item window is more than enough, and I'm just asking for too much. Still though, legendary effort.

General Discussion / Re: Range Overhaul Mod (v0.8)
« on: December 23, 2011, 07:20:36 am »
Looks brilliant, I myself use a archer extensively. It's good to see that some players actually care about us lot. Although, and no offence meant at all, it would be more of an improvement if you didn't grab the default cross-hairs and invert them. But no doubt your already working on it. Awesome job.

General Discussion / Re: Communty dead
« on: December 23, 2011, 07:14:27 am »
I don't see how the community is 'dead' but it's well on it's way there on a silver platter. In my opinion the only way to increase popularity and make playing cRPG something to be enjoyed again is to pacify those bloody whining nooblets who always openly rant about cRPG's issues before actually getting into the game for a few weeks at best... It's almost similar to a perpetual chain of events.

Person plays M&B Warband, then hears about cRPG.
Person plays cRPG for a minimal amount of time and starts ranting on the forums.
Person gets openly ridiculed by the cRPG community (us) for having a shallow opinion about a game and mod they've only played for 72 hours total over the course of 3 weeks. Not to mention he hates it because of the constant use of techniques he has no fucking clue about.
Person tells friends that M&B Warband sucks and cRPG is no better. Person's friend heeds his buddy's warning that it sucks and proceeds to EB Games to purchase World of Warcraft.


Now, not that I'm a total pro at cRPG, because I'm not and I don't claim to be. Those of you who play in AEF know this well... But what I do know is that everytime I play the chatbox is littered with faction rivalries encroaching to the point where they fight about real life and the overused "yeah, tell me yur adrezz so I can cum bash your faec in" line... And the retards who think they are pro, but aren't, the assholes who hates everybody that has a bow, crossbow, one-handed and two-handers and insults everyone and whole-heartedly support the use of ladders and killing disadvantaged players. And also the whiners.

Only when we get off our asses and start showing people that the cRPG community isn't a incoherent rabble and maybe the mods and chadz might start seeing a considerable improvement...

General Discussion / Re: 1.240, Where is it?
« on: October 09, 2011, 03:28:49 am »
Alright, I got it now. Thanks for your help guys.

General Discussion / 1.240, Where is it?
« on: October 08, 2011, 11:06:05 am »
Just need some help, after looking though all the threads related to updates all I can find is versions that have come before the latest one, and the posts in the Announcements section have been all about 1.231 and so fourth, could someone direct me to where the latest patch is? Thanks.

Spam / Re: cRPG Australia
« on: October 08, 2011, 10:21:13 am »
Anyone slightly insulted that the cRPG mods consider the Australian community to be spam?

What do you expect? The mods pretty much made cRPG_AUS cause they felt sorry for us. Though some just act like arseholes or complete noobs and make the rest of us look bad and that pretty much affects us. And I doubt fighting with some Aboriginal guy wont do us any favors...  :?

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