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Messages - Cheapshot

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 and just 2-3 weeks ago many ppl were making fun of a guy who claimed that there is an autoblock hack

 Well I guess some of those were the ones using it :D

Announcements / Re: Char recalculation
« on: May 06, 2011, 12:14:22 am »
 Thanks for the great solution. I was like WTF!! when I joined the server and went from lvl 26 to 29 in 3 ticks. Most of my retirements were before January patch so I get to have more heirlooms then before eventhough I lost some gens. 

Spam / Re: Gooood bye Calradia... :)
« on: May 02, 2011, 09:07:21 pm »
If enough people seen that he was camping on the ruins, aka unreachable - glitching and even by more than one admin it seems fair enough to me!

And yes Blueberry, I love it.  :P

 You missed my point mister.  Proving him guilty doesnt make you innocent. You are just tryin to misdirect the subject away from your own probable guilt.


Spam / Re: Gooood bye Calradia... :)
« on: May 02, 2011, 08:58:05 pm »
Wait you are Jambi am I right? The one exploiting in places where npcs couldnt reach you? With your bow?

 This is plain ugly. He shows screenshots as proof and instead of giving an explanation to those you just accuse him back with abusing. This alone proves you ppl have ethical problems.

 If you go into a bedroom with a hot chick and lock the door ppl will assume you are banging her. If you dont want such assumptions you leave the fuckin door open (assuming you are not banging her).

Announcements / Re: Possible solution to future whine
« on: April 29, 2011, 10:31:32 pm »
  What you should do is to stop listening to whiners.  When you change something because of the whining, you just show them that they can get results by whining.  It's like negotiating with terrorists  :)

General Discussion / Re: Archers buffed too much
« on: January 11, 2011, 07:27:35 pm »
I liked the suggestion of giving archers two different arrows. Higher cut damage arrows which can say take out a low armored in 2-3 shots, a heavy in 8-10, and low pierce damage one which take 3-5 shots for light armor and 4-6 for heavy. That way archers can decide who they want to shoot and noone can be oneshotted.

 Please create an archer char login to a server and try to hit the same person 6 times while he isn't standing still.  If any of you nerfnerfguys manages to do that than you are definitely right about  it. 

 And to that genius who mentioned archers having a big lobby. I'm assuming you didn't notice most of the game admins-moderators expressing their hate for archery either with a topic or a post or signature. 


General Discussion / Re: anyone else hates archery?
« on: January 09, 2011, 09:06:13 pm »
Everyone keeps talking about the pierce damage issue.  I have to say that although archery got slower and does less damage, the deal breaker for me has been the reduced accuracy.  I have a 275 modified WPF and I still can't aim accurately enough to place my shots beyond 30 feet or so.  I don't mind not doing much damage, but when I can't hit I don't have fun anymore.

 To my knowledge, there's no modified WPF for archers anymore. If you have lets say 155 real WPF , you have 155 WPF no matter how low your PD is. 

Edit: But of course it can get lower than that by wearing heavier armor or having higher PD.

General Discussion / Re: anyone else hates archery?
« on: January 08, 2011, 07:28:45 pm »
i wonder why everyone hates archery

 Let me tell you the meaning of "I hate archers!!!"  :

  "I tried to play as archer in the past and I sucked"

Announcements / Re: Version 0.200 Released
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:10:43 pm »
 Only thing I'm interested in this game was archery. I was determined to keep playin no matter how bad it gets nerfed but this is too much for my determination.
- Thanks to the wpf change accuracy is a lot worse now.
- Thanks to cutting damage I do a lot less damage.
- And thanks to the new animation I shoot 2x slower now.  Besides being slow it just comes strange I cant aim anymore. And the worst thing is everytime I cancel a shot with the right click it pulls another arrow from the bag eventhough I already have one in my hand.

 I could have lived with the first 2 but this new animation just ruins the game for me.

 Thanks to ppl who created this mode, I had a lot of fun playing.

General Discussion / Re: Some tech questions...
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:20:58 am »
 I tried to check the game an our ago and had the same problem. The screen goes black for a second and then crashes to desktop.  But I don't think reinstall would solve this.  I will be waiting for a changelog anyways, and I hope someone will come up with a solution for this problem in the meantime.

Edit:,226.msg2492/topicseen.html#new    This is what we have been missing. I thought this was a serverside patch. Btw do not overwrite files while installing. Delete your crpg folder and make a new install.

General Discussion / Re: Some tech questions...
« on: January 05, 2011, 07:44:32 am »

 You only need to create a character with the exact same name, no need to save profile files etc..

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