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Messages - Zanthos

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Strategus General Discussion / Re: New Troop upkeep formula
« on: September 10, 2011, 12:25:40 am »
On the surface, I really like the compromise on the formula for troop upkeep. Just estimating from what I saw with the Troops * 2.5 upkeep versus the gold income rates... this makes a little more sense. I'm hoping it plays out well in action.

Faction Halls / Re: [Version 3.8] Clan Banner Pack (Last Updated 14/8/2011)
« on: September 08, 2011, 01:19:59 am »
thanks but it has been tested - most of us in the clan are already using it in the file - it fully fills the shield and is perfectly center and looks nice on heraldic

Faction Halls / Re: [Version 3.8] Clan Banner Pack (Last Updated 14/8/2011)
« on: September 08, 2011, 12:38:24 am »
The Eastern Tsardom is no more. We have reformed as the White Company.

The current slot held by TS is A-2-5. If it is possible to change the back of the armor from yellow to white, please do so and replace that banner slot with the image below under the White Company name. Otherwise, we will need to locate a slot that has white for the back of the armor for the new banner.


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Strategus General Discussion / Re: Evaluation: Bigger armies - higher cost?
« on: September 07, 2011, 08:59:09 pm »
On the whole, I think this would negatively impact smaller clans and just become a nuisance for larger clans but not really stop them from doing things how they do today in the end.

The concept of trying to split up these behemoth armies and force a lot of smaller armies to move around the map is something I really really do like. However... I don't actually see this occuring solely as a result of increasing the gold upkeep for troops. Larger clans can manage the upkeep through rapid gold grinding from larger numbers and simply overfunding a particular army to maintain the upkeep as the behemoth army moves across the map. They also have the ability to spread out across the map much more easily and pass gold through funding or alliances whenever needed to maintain their army.

IF clans choose to break apart the armies into smaller pieces and place them in the hands of various members... those members will have to take a decent sum of gold and be quite active to have any chance of not losing their own personal smaller army while they move across the map. The larger the clan, the higher odds of having enough active members who can sustain an army for a day or so while they are moving across the map before meeting up at their ultimate attack point... or higher chance they had some gold grinders pass them extra cash before they set off on their trip so they can make it. Smaller clans will only be able to sustain much much smaller armies with a lot less ability to move too far from wherever their home base is located.

Overall, it will slow down the rapid funding of armies and massively sending out large numbers of troops. Clans will be forced to grind out gold much more than just recruit new soliders. Previously, an underfunded army due to not having gold grinders to produce decent equipment ... but of equal number of troops... may put up a decent fight or even win due to strategy or skill from the players hired. In this case... you HAVE to have the playerbase to support the gold piece regardless... and you can not rely on large numbers of lesser equipped troops. Simply put, more gold grinders = more sustainability. Larger clans = larger footprint to work from and easier logistics.

Basically - I see it as forcing smaller clans into areas in which they won't be able to expand far from due to the inability to sustain troop movements or handle logistics like those with much larger numbers. There will no longer be a chance for a clan with less gold income to put up a fight with equal numbers, but less gold... simply because they cannot move their troops far without the gold to do so. Clans with larger numbers will not enjoy managing it as much... but they can handle it.

Diplomacy / Re: Druzhina & White Company Contract
« on: September 07, 2011, 06:18:34 pm »
To me, none of this thread has really been about the contracts. This has mostly become nothing more than a long derailed and heavily trolled thread. If you actually take an objective look at the details of actions that have taken place over the past weeks (which I'm sure most people reading this thread don't even have half the facts... and no I'm not going to try to timeline every little thing that has taken place), then you will understand why there is no concern on our end. That is why I can only assume Louis, in his ever so strange way, is counter-trolling so to speak. :)

We are acting as mercenaries exactly as we intend from our RP and non-RP clan perspectives. We fully understand the concept of reputation and have no problem with the rep that we currently have. We only share very small amounts of the information about what is going on behind the scenes on these forums. Those who actually talk and work with us outside of these incredibly... I'll call them entertaining... forum threads will know exactly what type of people and clan we are... and actually know how we conduct our business.

So all the seriousness aside.... back to the entertainment and trolling!

Diplomacy / Re: Druzhina & White Company Contract
« on: September 05, 2011, 11:43:14 pm »
On behalf of White Company I can verify this statement as true and look forward to executing our end of the contract.

*09.06.11 - The details of the contract between White Company and Druzhina have been amended.

Diplomacy / Re: FCC vs Northern Empire
« on: August 15, 2011, 07:47:12 pm »
One thing that I still don't get though, is why no one has even been hired for the battles. Even in a lost cause I can't imagine ever doing anything other than fighting to the last man. Was actually looking forward to the fights againist TS last night. I remember when Templars were getting stomped on, they still hired a few random peasants to defend their villages for free.

Remember the number of clans and resources being thrown at us all at once. It is more of a strategic decision. It is quite hard to fund gold and troops to fight battles on all fronts and actually have a fighting chance. If we have the choice of being both outnumbered and outgunned in 5 different battles versus having a fighting chance in 1 battle... we'll choose the 1 battle.

General Discussion / Re: I am a bit dissapoint with NA 120
« on: August 11, 2011, 02:10:30 am »

Wow man blow the fuck up a little?

This is supposed to be a serious thread (read: NOT TROLLING). The questions raised are not just one man spewing crap on the forums over his own personal opinions. The server has been up long enough for all of us who have no lives and play this game waaaaay too much (remember that is a lot of us) to see these issues.

These main 2 complaints have been enough for a lot of us in our teamspeak to often say "fuck this I'm changing servers". That's never a good thing and well worth a discussion.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Skip the Fun Timer!
« on: August 08, 2011, 09:30:57 pm »


price drop to 910k for a gold offer


bump - on market for 1mil now

Still looking for a trade.

Thanks, but I'm looking for the bolts to go with my regular Crossbow (can't use Arbalest with my 2h) and I highly doubt I ever ride a horse again as I don't intend to retire.

Trading Masterwork Sword of War. On market right now for Masterwork Steel Bolts, Mighty Goedendag or for 910,000 gold. Will entertain other offers if worthwhile.

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