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Messages - Zerobot1

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Re: Gold, Masterworks and Loompoints give away
« on: February 17, 2014, 05:19:36 pm »
I really think you should have stuck with it.

I don't play much these days, but I put in quite a few hours recently seeing how the latest patches are. Honestly I think that it's just another patch to play through and acclimatise, archery has always been a bit annoying one way or the other but as far as play style goes not much has changed in my eyes.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Missile speed
« on: December 16, 2013, 09:33:22 pm »
Don't forget you can hold your shot for much longer with the power draw bonus as well.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Missile speed
« on: December 15, 2013, 10:52:10 pm »
Yep I feel like a complete idiot using 2 slot bows right now, this one grinds my gears.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: How to nerf archery, without destroying it.
« on: December 12, 2013, 04:54:13 pm »
Well the missile speed on one slot bows is my real gripe, I'd want to see missile speeds stay in the 39-42 range. This is mainly to even the playing field between all archers including horse archers.

The other changes I don't know...

I agree I feel a bit cheated by the non loomed bows being basically as good as loomed.

I find I already have more arrows than I need most of the time on battle, but maybe in strategus or dtv it would be a different story.

Fire rate of horse archers... I'm just terribly biased. I'd want to see it because I just feel they have great mobility and the easiest time shooting from long range with these missile speeds.

Damage again I'm biased. I feel like I'm on the end of my tether with this game most of the time, this is the last thing I'd want.

General Discussion / Re: Steam overlay crash.
« on: December 07, 2013, 03:22:19 am »
Actually I have it working now but I've still no understanding of it.

It started crashing again even with steam running as admin. I looked in the rgl log to see what the crash was and it was something about memory, so I turned load textures on demand back on and now steam overlay works fine. I have 3gb of vram and 8gb of ram so I've no idea why who what where or how.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Perfect Aim
« on: December 06, 2013, 09:23:39 pm »
Just wondering, did you use the in game menu to set your wpf? 8 WM should be 184 wpf.

Edit - Ah nevermind it's the wpf from levelling, if they fix it you'll be down to 184 wpf. Also having power draw over the requirement gives you these bonuses on the 1 slot bows.

General Discussion / Re: Steam overlay crash.
« on: December 06, 2013, 08:26:15 pm »
All right my bad.

I thought I had checked run as admin for 'Steam.exe' and 'GameOverlayUI.exe' already but I hadn't. I checked both of those and restarted steam now it works.

General Discussion / Re: Steam overlay crash.
« on: December 03, 2013, 02:39:00 pm »
I had it working up until the recent wpf patch, now something about loading setting data makes it crash.

General Discussion / Steam overlay crash.
« on: December 03, 2013, 12:09:26 am »
Ever since the last patch I can't get past the loading screen with steam overlay on. Anyone else?

General Discussion / Re: Problem with crashes
« on: November 18, 2013, 07:34:16 pm »
Yep, I can't seem to get in the server now without crashing.

Suggestions Corner / Latest Patch Archery
« on: October 31, 2012, 01:30:44 am »
Seems in this latest version after testing both 18/24 pd6 wm8 and 24/20 pd8 wm 6 that something has gone wrong. :?

The draw is very slow, the reticule is expanding before you're even able to shoot on PD6, and I noticed very little difference between PD6 and PD8 shot holding times. This is on a MW Rus bow.

Anyone else feel the same?

If this intended archery then I feel kind of screwed having tested a STF when powerdraw was bugged and respeccing my main. And it also makes me think that powerdraw has been "bugged" for quite a while now.

General Discussion / Re: nerf archers
« on: June 17, 2012, 10:02:46 pm »
No, you die, and you accept it. Because everyone dies.

Thanks for sorting that then.

Now just refund me on all my bodkin upkeeps and we'll call it square.  :)

My arrows are still bouncing off plate users, I've never had my arrows do 0 damage against someone before.

Just HS a nordic warlord helmet and he still took 2 arrows after that, didn't die.

General Discussion / Re: Aketon and Heavy Aketon
« on: June 13, 2012, 06:29:24 pm »
But what about putting Studded Leather Coat back in?  :(

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