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Messages - Miriam

Pages: [1] 2
cRPG Technical problems / Horse not showing up in game
« on: June 19, 2012, 04:15:02 pm »
Hi all, i have a Well Breed Destrier on my website, but since the patch, i can't see it in game, like i don't have it at all... BUT it's still on the website. Anyone knows how to fix this? (i tried trasfering it between characters, but didn't worked)

EDIT: I just noted that in game i have a "Ragged padded armor" that is not showing on the website.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Passive "talents"!
« on: November 25, 2011, 07:45:21 pm »
I think the basic idea is good, BUT talents should be more balanced... and NOT taken from D&D (that it's a totally different game, and it's unbalanced too)

Suggestions Corner / Re: About "Skip the Fun"
« on: November 16, 2011, 02:15:34 pm »
Well, then make more starting gold and a gold penalty on the gold you gain in match, so you can still pay your upkeep but grinding gold is REALLY hard. In this way there will not be StF with full plate and flamberge and so on....

Suggestions Corner / About "Skip the Fun"
« on: November 16, 2011, 11:36:00 am »
As i understand it, "Skip the Fun" should be a way to make a casual player have fun without the need of grinding.

So, can you give a little more starting money? I know that the "standard gear" for a normal character (that is still grinding its gold and such) cost about 20k of gold... while a StF (Skip the Fun) character start with only 10k.

I played 2 StF char, and both times i had to grind for gold in order to have decent equip... but i choosed StF because i didn't want to grind, but just have some fun!

Well, of course it's just a suggestion, but please read it :D

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Unconventional Lag Spikes
« on: November 03, 2011, 09:26:45 pm »
Well, i live in an isolate place of my country... so we don't have cable internet.

But still, when it is "normal" i can have a lot of fun and i even manage to kill people! :D

Beginner's Help and Guides / Unconventional Lag Spikes
« on: November 03, 2011, 05:48:18 pm »
Hi all,
it's a couple of days that i have strange lag spikes when i play cRPG. I start the game as usual, with my normal ping (about 180).... BUT after few seconds it starts lagging really hard, like 500 or 600, then it comes back to normal for some more seconds, then again with lag spikes.

Of course i'm not doing anything else that is using internet connection, i even checked that every program (windows included) has autoupdate disactivated.

Do someone else have the same problem? Do you changed something in the game?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Roman Armor and Weapons
« on: May 18, 2011, 10:35:31 pm »
I'd like to see Roman equipment too!

Suggestions Corner / Map List
« on: May 18, 2011, 04:35:20 pm »
Can you change the map list?
At the moment we get lot of town maps THEN lot of open map, can you mix them? So people will bore ^^

Oh... and is possible to fix the "Players-Alive-Counter"? Because sometimes it disappear, maybe just make it "refresh" each round...

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Repair Costs?
« on: May 18, 2011, 01:46:44 pm »
I think is related to how much time you stay "dead" too (as if you die in the round's start, you loose more thing than dieing later) , but i'm not sure.

Btw, i have about 3 "set" of gear: one cost around 10K and i use it when i'm in a map that my team can't seem to win. The other cost around 20k and is the one that i use normally, waiting to get a decent multiplier. For the last one i use the best gear that i bought, and i usually use it when i have x3 multiplier or highter.... using this 3 set i never loose money even if i keep loosing^^

Many thanks! Really! :D

Yes, it worked... thank you!

If i use the "skip the fun" option, you know if i loose ALL of my character until i use the new one or i loose them forever?
Oh.. and you know if heirloomed items cost MORE to repair than the normal one?

Hello all,  i'm back playing this funny mod after some months.
I see that there is a new webpage for the login, and is quite cool.. BUT it seems to refuse my Nickname and Password, it keep saying "invalid login".
I already tried to erase cookies but i still have the problem, so atm i can't buy any items ... can you help me with this issue?

Btw: sorry for bad english :D

General Discussion / Re: Fewer players now?
« on: February 01, 2011, 04:46:11 pm »
Well... i stopped playing because for some reason from about a month ago to nowadays my ping is really bad. I have costant lag spikes when i'm close to the enemies, and i don't know why... so is quite unplayable for me.

Faction Halls / Re: Kingdom of Regalis: The Order of the Rose
« on: January 09, 2011, 10:59:52 am »
Due to Differences in time zones, I have come to hand in my Resignation Form.

I have moved on to the NA clans now. Good luck fellas! Try to Recruit more!
That's sad... well, good luck to you Anders! ^^

Btw, i'm using around 20k of equipment and i loose gold only if it happens to me to be for a very long time on losing side (like 3 or 4 maps)... maybe we can re-design our kingdoom class and make a low/medium/high gear level for each cavalry, infantry and ranged? I can post my personal equip if you need it ...

General Discussion / Re: Instead of an upkeep...
« on: January 08, 2011, 10:41:38 pm »
I think upkeep works perfectly, if you are worried about your gold simply play some round with an equipment of about 20k... you'll earn gold fast :D

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