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Messages - Knight_of_the_Death

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Unban Essays / Re: Unban essay.
« on: September 20, 2012, 05:39:58 pm »
I used my magic fairy powers to sneak into the database and haxxor some of the looms to myself. Go me!
No need for clowns now.
Ban all devs thats the only solution
yeah, lol.
I first wrote about 17 mw i had on my banned account few days ago, before loosing them, so it proves -i dont lie.

Unban Essays / Re: Unban essay.
« on: September 20, 2012, 05:35:34 pm »
Are you fucking kidding me?
You had exactly the same items you had when you pulled the stuff when I checked your char yesterday.
Take a look at your alts and collect your heirlooms from them or something, they are all over the place.
I will now go ahead and check every single of your chars' trades on all three accounts and if there was not trade since you were banned I will lock this thread and you are done.

The only way any item could disappear from your acc while you are global banned would be one of the devs who got that power transferring one of your chars to his acc and then transfer the item.
Since I am sure that did not happen I will just assume you are trying to get more out of this once again...
Checking now, better be quick in case you are just blind.
Yes, its obvious and iam not blind, i lost 2 rare body armor, 1 very rare head armor, awlpike and some of light gloves, rare too and something els i cant even remember.
Yes, now i see how fair is policy in cRPG. You had all chances to get this items and now lie. You offered a way how you can hide this trade, cool. Well it maybe not you but one of devs DID IT.

Unban Essays / Re: Unban essay.
« on: September 20, 2012, 04:28:20 pm »
I find it really hilarious that you, a massive scammer, preach on how it's unfair for someone to get free MW's in a day.
Massive scammer..
Stop making it worse and worse for you...
And please guys stop provoking him  :rolleyes:
I dont blame someone, moreover i know that there are a lot of very good, honorable and honest admins and players too. If someone will not ignore my question and answer, i will apologize.

Unban Essays / Re: Unban essay.
« on: September 20, 2012, 03:58:42 pm »
What does it matter how many MW's you got? You're permabanned anyway.
Ah, yeah, so its not forbidden for admins to steal gear from banned accounts?
I cant say with 100% that he really did it, i wait for explanation.
But its the fact: 6 +3 items disappeared, exectly 6 the most valuable items.

So someone may get 6 MW`s in 1 day, while you spent 6 months to get them.
You still like it? is it fair?

Unban Essays / Re: Unban essay.
« on: September 20, 2012, 03:17:57 pm »
Like how do you mean this?

Do you want me to insult him like enough people already did?

I dont know how you think about this whole thing, but imagine he is really innocent and got permabanned for failing extremely in trading (maybe he tried to make a very profitable deal :D) and for trieing to cover up everything which i dont see why he tried to because in the end he will have to tell the whole truth anyway.

Oh and about "your" gear mr death it has just returned to its original owner so no reason to be upset :D

There are a lot people who made much more trouble in this mod and got a second chance also he is a very good player and it would be a shame if he would stay banned...
Thanks for helping me man, but i had 17 MWs at all (including your stuff), now i have 7 MW.

So what we have: 4 of them was yours, and after giving back your items i still have 13.. but there are only 7 now! i lost 2 body armors 1pole and also 1 head armor 1twoh and something els i dont remember( not yours).

Unban Essays / Re: Unban essay.
« on: September 20, 2012, 02:57:29 pm »
Wait untill admins post some reasons of my gear disappearing and dont post something like: dont fuck with admins.

Unban Essays / Re: Unban essay.
« on: September 20, 2012, 02:54:05 pm »
lol you mad, russian boy? why you harrasing me via PM's now
no, you was on this page for so long time, but didnt post nothing, i only wanted to see some more your retarded post, wasnt harrasing you, or post my pm lol.
Shit, why do i even waste my time talking to you? Ah yeah, its fun.

Unban Essays / Re: Unban essay.
« on: September 20, 2012, 01:35:40 pm »
perhaps the reason was "you're an asshole"
Kid, why do you insult me? did i insulted you? How did you even became an admin? Put 5 years instead of N/A in your profile.
I only aks people to think about cRPG top-brass- admins. Not all offcourse, but some of them obviously hide something.
LOL, that is what most cRPG players looks like. Little retarded kids.. And you play with that inadequate waste, who post this shit instead of telling his opinion.

Are they any adequate admins or people who can communicate without offensive language?

Unban Essays / Re: Unban essay.
« on: September 20, 2012, 01:28:19 pm »
perhaps the reason was "you're an asshole"
Kid, why do you insult me? did i insulted you? How did you even became an admin? Put 5 years instead of N/A in your profile.
I only aks people to think about cRPG top-brass- admins. Not all offcourse, but some of them obviously hide something.

Unban Essays / Re: Unban essay.
« on: September 20, 2012, 12:52:24 pm »
I see that admins here have some secrets.

There are only 7 +3 items on my account now ahah! Items disappeared from all chars (alts, main).
Please tell me where did they go to?

Quote of Meow: no one will never use my items.. hm, weird..
Interesting what justification Meow, or whoever made transfer of items back to Hagur will think out?

Unban Essays / Re: Unban essay.
« on: September 19, 2012, 07:18:58 pm »
lol well didnt work out eh :D?
Its just i found it out like this:

"Oh hey btw these 4 items you lend this guy you know hes globally banned and theres a thread for several days about this
you should probably talk to meow to clear things up"

Can you imagine how i felt in this moment?
i felt betrayed

I see that you are sry but i juuuuuuust cant understand why you didnt contact me ...

First it made you look even more suspious and secondly you should have expected that i wont be happy if whoever  would tell me whats going on.

I fear its to late for you to get mercy from admins ...
Also it wasnt nice from everyone to harass you
But if you  didnt try to scam wilzu and if you  didnt try to steal my stuff then know that i forgive you.

Good luck
Thank you for forgiving me.
I have never been in such situations before, and thought that i can prove innocence and you will never hear about this story.
I know how you feel now, but you dont know how i do..
Any way, i dont even hope that you will believe me, but it hurts.
And now i got permanently banned. All what you think about is saving your gear.
But thank you for everything what you did, thank you for items you give.
I had fun playing with you.

Unban Essays / Re: Unban essay.
« on: September 19, 2012, 06:58:19 pm »
Its not about believing or not just the fact that you didnt tell me that you char with my items is banned  :rolleyes:
I just dont see why you didnt tell me earlier you just made things worse...
I told you in pm. I hoped that can achieve unban.. eh. Dint want to disgrace myself and give your items back when all is over. Thats why i didnt mentioned your name.

Unban Essays / Re: Unban essay.
« on: September 19, 2012, 06:29:26 pm »
When you realized you couldn't give him what you agreed on, why wasn't your first reaction to offer him his stuff back?
Why do i have post the same for the 3rd time? I need it, he didnt, i was sure, that this is not gonna cause this, and was ready to give him shield when i buy it.
And now you sitill lying. Enjoy your ban :*
Cant believe this...

I mean i would never lend someone stuff if i didnt know him good and i only lend him mine because he lend me some of his stuff some time earlier...

Im still not sure if i shall believe this  :mad:

Knight_of_the_Death ever got the idea to tell me whats fucking happening?
i spent 4 days telling people what happened. Iam tired, sorry dude, and i see you dont believe me too, i guess its to the good.

Unban Essays / Re: Unban essay.
« on: September 19, 2012, 05:51:31 pm »
Well you scammed me, you used multiaccounting and you're calling me a liar plus you're a liar (a terrible one). You're trying to get unbanned and I'm trying to keep you banned, though you're not going to be unbanned whether I try to keep you banned or not.
Wiltzu iam tired of talking to you.
When did i sent you PM`s with plea to wait some time(not like few months good buy bro) and not banning me? I did it before i got banned, next min after deal. You say complete opposit, but no, no, you dont lie...

Unban Essays / Re: Unban essay.
« on: September 19, 2012, 05:24:49 pm »
IMO he's not active on the forums. And he's away from c-rpg atm.
Wiltzu. please go away. You did all what you want, so why you still spend your time voting each my post "-"?
You still want to have fun? kid..

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