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Messages - Joshly

Pages: [1]
Faction Halls / Re: F**k It Dude, Let's Go Bowling (FIDLGB)
« on: May 05, 2019, 06:51:22 pm »
greetings from a potato

Faction Halls / Re: F**k It Dude, Let's Go Bowling (FIDLGB)
« on: February 22, 2016, 05:50:21 am »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Just making my way through here.

Faction Halls / Re: F**k It Dude, Let's Go Bowling (FIDLGB)
« on: February 27, 2014, 10:31:11 pm »
I find them rather tolerable!

The Chamber of Tears / Re: why onehanders are currently op..
« on: October 14, 2013, 10:43:19 pm »
Having played one hand for so long (and having always been a stabber, mind you) I find the current stab for 1h a bit more user friendly. With the added turn rate and adjusted reach, you do not have to hold your stabs until you are looking directly at the person (which is much better than the alternative). I wouldn't disagree that its not exactly balanced, if possible the time for the stab to be 'ready' could be a tad bit longer to keep people from catching a surprise(Can I get a 2h stab for my 1h? That would make it fair).

But as far as shielders being the 'best' class, I would disagree. Shields are strong, yes, they also block arrows to - fair point made. But they are also devastated by anything with bonus against shield (which is generally 2h or pole with a HIGH Str/Dmg value). You also have to take more agility in a build to keep up, example being my shield accounts for HALF of my total equipment weight - that itself is a huge factor. 1h weapons are often light, so once the shield breaks you are consistently blocking, hoping for a chance to get a swing(sometimes simply resulting in a hiltslash from 2h). Weapon glances are fairly regular against high armor, change the way you fight heavy armor or the weapons in which you use, something I don't often see for people using 2h or pole.

TL:DR - 1h or 1h/shielder don't need any more tweaking as much as the next class.


Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: February 21, 2013, 03:20:29 am »
Uumdi is the strangest person I know, no doubt.

tater haters  :cry:

One of the Kartoffels must live in Idaho...

I live in indiana :(

but it dont stop a tater from tryin

Diplomacy / Re: Hospitallers have declared war on CHAOS
« on: July 27, 2012, 01:40:55 am »
Let slip loose the potatoes of war!

To Mala: You are a strange person.

General Discussion / Re: Mouse or Mousemat?
« on: July 20, 2012, 05:39:45 pm »
I use a logitech G5 mouse that has lasted the better part of 5 years for me, never a problem. If you are looking for a mouse, go wired but look for a braided cable, otherwise the cables always wear out (at least on my desk)

I use a small 8" x 11" razor mouse mat. It is very smooth and flows much better. Never really used mats before, but after this I will always use a mouse mat. The mat helps tremendously, most noticeable when you are playing FPS.

A good mouse and a good pad are very helpful. I bought my mouse for something like $40, and given its still as good as the first day after 5 years, if this one ever breaks I will be buying a new one(same kind derp). Way better than the $10 mouse you buy that breaks or malfunctions a few months after use!

General Discussion / Re: MM_EyeBeat @ NA_cRPG_1 Videos
« on: July 20, 2012, 05:32:00 pm »
Full size definitely looks better, I also like to record in 60fps. It takes up a lot of harddrive space, but I used another harddrive from an old computer to store it.

I like to render the frame size down to 29.97, makes for a smoother video at least for me.

Its just not the recording quality, but what you use to process the video. :wink: I like to use adobe premiere

Closed Requests / Re: Ticket Wasters
« on: July 20, 2012, 05:09:47 pm »
I was signed up for defense at level 25 and it wouldnt hire me... doubt it hired a lvl 12 player.

I did a siege as lvl 12 last week, it is based on the rating, not your level.

I played as attackers and killed rhalzo many times throughout the battle, fairly. Its not like he was running around dieing on purpose, is was very slow and with the little bit of lag last night anyone with 40+ ping took a disadvantage when it spiked. It was easy to run around people to hit them. (Also nearly one shot rhalzo everytime)

Rhalzo is no dueling champ (no offense rhalzo) so its not like he is going to go 40-10 at lvl 12 when he is defender and can only wear the light gear. He is a pretty decent teamfighter, but with all the armor and the unorganized spam that is defenders - it obviously hard to get in the fight, and be useful. There we also areas in the castle that displayed no flags but defenders spawned, I killed a handful of these poor souls that spawned infront of me. Rhalzo could have been placed in a similar situation.

General Discussion / Re: NA gets Patch
« on: June 23, 2012, 08:51:14 pm »
After playing a few days, I figure I could at least voice another opinion. Although it seems like a large majority of it is crying.

As mention before, I am glad the lolstab is gone, sometimes it was a useful tool. But in doing such is removed much other options, I'd say most notably for me in 1h. I use a 1h and shield with the espada, so I am pretty stab dependent as my damage dealer. The only problem is that when i go to stab the targeted being, they can simply step out of the way. Yeah, you can hold the attack and turn. The only problem there is it gives people more time to react, which honestly probably is not needed anyway. Yeah - you can side swing as well, but with a 1.0 weighted weapon just side swing into the amount of armor some of these people wear and see what happens(more 2h spam friendly?). 8 times out of 10 its a glance (7ps too). I personally favored the different technique of the 1h shield build I did. It was different from others, who go for a weapon with reach and just out swing.

Its something that I could get used to, but in stopping one problem comes another, where people dance around and side swing - I'm relying on the S key instead of my LMB. The patch removes the overhead and stab from a good portion of fighting, enough to voice a complaint. I'm thrilled that I won't have to deal with helicopter pikemen, but it is saddening that all the other stuff has to suffer. Is it possible to nerf the overall turn speed slightly? or perhaps also affect the side swings? or some sort of system of weapon length slowing turn speed as mentioned before? I won't complain without giving some sort of feedback for solutions, but the recent patch is indeed slightly frustrating.

Argue realism all you want, but its never why I play the game.  :wink:

Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: December 05, 2011, 06:36:55 pm »
Hey guys, interested in joining - most of you better know me as Kart  :wink:

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