.223 thread has update.zip that can overwrite .222.
I deleted the old crpg folder and downloaded this one, and when I try and rejoin a server it says that I have .221 not .223...nope, i have the same problem. And the funny thing is that I deleted the folder completly and I can still play crpg (i mean the .221)
is this just me?
Is anyone else having problems with the mod crashing since this ver 222 and 223. Since installing them onto the mod, as soon as i joined a server it crashed.. with a "windows unexpected error report". Iv tried Removing mod, d/l and installing the complete version of crpg. Which seemed to work for a few hours but when i left the game and come back to it now i am getting the same again: "Unexpected error" followed by the game closing down.
Anyone having a similiar prob or does anyone have any idea?
Ok, everytime i try to join a game its saying im running version 0.000.............hmm
I also have the same problem. I didn't have any problems at the version 221, after the patch when I enter any server Mount&Blade crashes. Does any1 have any clue? I already uninstalled Mount&Blade Warband and re-installed both the game and cRPG. And I have non-steam version of Mount&Blade.My problem has been solved. Maybe this may help you too. There were some files about my characters somewhere under "Users" folder. I used Advanced System Care to uninstall unnecessary files and registry entrys about the game. That worked like a charm and I was able to play.
I keep on getting this- This server is running a newer version (1.223) of the current module than the one you are running (1.223). Would you like to visit the download site for this module now?
I have already tried deleting my current crpg folder, and reinstalling it. I also don't get the part where it says I have 1.223 but the server version is running a newer version. Help :(
Same thing happening to me although my friends are in the server playing atm.
here it is
cmp - removed, please don't link files you don't have permission to upload
EDIT: in the main menu of mount and blade you still see 1.142 but when in game you are at 1.134 :) so don't worry (BE HAPPY!)
dont know if somoene already posted it but that here worked for me and some other guys:
1. first make a backup of your current warband.exe.
2. download this file http://www.megaupload.com/?d=J398VTMB
3. paste and overwrite it over your "new" warband exe.
4. start the game and dont take care about the launcher which sais u still have the new version.
then join a server hope it helps u cheers ;D
This helped like a charm.
And thank you kindly.
I got this message :
This erver is running a newer version (1.223) of the current module than the one you are running (1.223). Would you like to visit the download site for this module now?
Section 0(click to show/hide)
if the above does not work (and it did for me), then check this thread for alternative ideas:
Is cRPG eventually going to work with the newer version of Warband?
so this is why my friends kept telling me not to update warband via steam :DRight. Like you have any friends.
Right. Like you have any friends.epic rape :!:
dont know if somoene already posted it but that here worked for me and some other guys:
1. first make a backup of your current warband.exe.
2. download this file http://www.megaupload.com/?d=J398VTMB
3. paste and overwrite it over your "new" warband exe.
4. start the game and dont take care about the launcher which sais u still have the new version.
then join a server hope it helps u cheers ;D
I'm posting it everywhere.Works
I didn't download anything you guys mentioned, instead:
I changed this line
compatible_with_warband = 1223
to this
compatible_module_version = 1223
in the second line of module.ini in the cRPG folder.
It works!
(No hacking with steam, I only did this change after I couldn't start the game)
same here didnt work :?
module_name = cRPGNO
module_version = 1223
compatible_with_warband = 1223
this is what I have put in
rename compatible_with_warband to compatible_module_version in maybe the third line!
Thats all you have to do! Keep autoupdate ON, don't install anything else.
module_name = cRPG
module_version = 1223
compatible_module_version = 1223
#compatible_with_warband = 1223
Precisely. It worked perfectly for me.
And for those of you who are squidish about deleting your line of code, just comment that line and add in Garrus's line of code as follows:
The ' # ' is how you start a comment line in Python like how % starts a comment line in C++ (or in my frequent case, Matlab :rolleyes:)
Just remember, Garrus' line of code replaces the line I highlighted in lime green!
This should no longer be necessary I believe. Steam updated me again and women bodies are back to women bodies! *phew*
NOTE*** This alteration of the code shoud not negatively effect you after the hot fix on steam! (needs confirmation)
thanks everybody for the quick replys Crpg is now working just fine :D
thats great, unfortunately this "fix" didnt work for me.
Im running (1.223) and i can't join cuz' the sever is running (1.223) :mad: ????? any help?
Click on my signature and read Section 0.
First Solution or Second, choose your poison. Hell, try both (I did).
Im running (1.223) and i can't join cuz' the sever is running (1.223) :mad: ????? any help?
The same problem got newest patch 2.23 and cannot join becouse got 2.23 ...
Don't listen to him, its a trap. If you click the link he will take your soul :D