cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Smoothrich on June 28, 2011, 05:52:05 am

Title: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Smoothrich on June 28, 2011, 05:52:05 am
In the past week, several members of LLJK and ATS have had their accounts hijacked and heirlooms traded away.  No one seems sure what happened here, but I think there should be a general warning for everyone to change your passwords immediately before it happens to someone else.   Hopefully whoever doing this is stopped soon and cRPG can go back to being the trusting, loving community we all play for.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Goretooth on June 28, 2011, 05:54:40 am
happened to me two hours ago.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Felix on June 28, 2011, 05:58:05 am
I recall admins saying that this kind of business is very easily tracked - so, no worries. Heirlooms will be returned and hijackers will be punished.  :twisted:
Just make sure to pass this matter directly to admins.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Smoothrich on June 28, 2011, 05:58:56 am
Yeah I heard, and two of our LLJK players, seemingly randomly chosen, had the same shit happen to them.  From what I understand, everyone's looms will be refunded to them eventually by the devs.   But if there's been a password breach, everyone better do what they can to protect themselves.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Seawied on June 28, 2011, 07:53:33 am
Thanks for the heads up.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Leman_Russ on June 28, 2011, 08:17:19 am
Yep, logged on for the first time in a while and all my stuff poofed lol.

Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: 7000bc on June 28, 2011, 08:22:09 am
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Vibe on June 28, 2011, 08:28:47 am
Hm bad stuff. Not possible that it's only NA related, right?
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Jacko on June 28, 2011, 09:47:47 am
Hm bad stuff. Not possible that it's only NA related, right?

Hah, it's actually quite possible that it's Only NA related. Stupid 'mericans.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: MurtaghOLD on June 28, 2011, 09:58:53 am
I got one player in CN as well, his heirloom has all been traded, not by himself. :(
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: ViolentCrimes on June 28, 2011, 10:12:59 am
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Classical on June 28, 2011, 12:12:28 pm
Hah, it's actually quite possible that it's Only NA related. Stupid 'mericans.

Stupid 'mericans indeed, but an interesting concept none the less. Perhaps Obama hacked into the accounts?

I would doubt that whoever is doing this is discriminating against NA players, but rather specific players/clans.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: okiN on June 28, 2011, 02:26:52 pm
It's been happening to players from all over the place. From what I've heard, I don't think it's a password breach, but there's never any harm in changing. Either way, just sit tight and wait for the devs to sort it out. chadz finishes his exams today, so hopefully that will give him more time to deal with this problem.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: ivan13 on June 28, 2011, 03:06:05 pm
All greetings. At me all things Masterwork, and 1500000 gold were gone. What to do.
BIA_Slepoy. :rolleyes: :cry:
Forgive for English.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Adam_Bomb on June 28, 2011, 04:20:06 pm
Hacking doesnt payoff good!

One day i came up with an idea to try to break into someones account. It was a day after Market was realeased on cRPG mode.
Me, GDaemon and Pizdogryz were trying to break into some account by using random passwords.
After some of easy passwords like (123, strategus, chadz, donkey, cRPG) we tried same password as login names and it worked.
We were shocked!
In the beginning we tought that it was just random person who used same psw as login name.
After some time we were breaking into even more accounts by using that kind of passwords (most of time normall nickname worked even withought clan tag)

After few days of breaking into accounts we made decision to move all heirloomed items onto our account.
Ofcourse we were not that stupid to move them to our account on the beginning so we used inactive account where we were storing that items.
After that we were trading items to our accounts and rest of the items we were selling on market to dodge chadz banhammer ^^.

The next day we realized that our mission failed and we were banned on all cRPG servers. In the beginning i talked to chadz and to be honest i was plaing a fool and tried to trick him
but after a while i admited to say the truth and i told chadz how we managed to break into that many accounts.

I want to apologize all clans that we'v hacked:


I know that it was really stupid, mindless and unhonorable but remember even person who killed someone comming out from prison after 25 years...
I know that i will met with comments like "fuc!@#" "perm" like GDaemon but i think so that You will consider that i admited to crime and chadz repaired hole in security system.

I think so that it will be warning for futhure to setup that kind of easy passwords.
I know that noone should even try or think about breaking other peoples accounts but i think so that there will be more peoples trying to earn money by easy way..
So i want to warn that hacking doesnt pay off good because justice will get You anyway its just a mattter of time, when chadz or some other admins will find out our sins in Database.

Human leanrs on their mistakes and we just learned that only honest and good work payoff not a hacking.
We wont ever do the same mistake!

I have hope that just a few peoples will atleast few peoples will consider my apologize!
I want to thanks to chadz for giving us a second chance even we did that kind of bad things wich is hacking.
I will face his finall decision even if it means permanent ban.

I want to apologize once again all defrauded peoples and i beg for lenient sentence.
I do really feels bad with what i did.
Hacking doesnt pay off!


Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Nindur on June 28, 2011, 09:28:01 pm
My heart tells me to blame LLJK, but my mind says yes

Uhhh.......I mean ecko says no
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: EyeBeat on June 28, 2011, 09:36:36 pm
My heart tells me to blame LLJK, but my mind says yes

Uhhh.......I mean ecko says no

To be honest I am glad some other people got hacked other than LLJK.  Maybe this issue will be dealt with quicker/ or even be dealt with at all.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: downer on June 28, 2011, 10:17:00 pm
My heart tells me to blame LLJK, but my mind says yes

Uhhh.......I mean ecko says no

That post was as useless as most posts made by LLJK members.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Seawied on June 28, 2011, 10:51:47 pm
That post was as useless as most posts made by LLJK members.

+1 for the honesty
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Classical on June 28, 2011, 11:10:57 pm
My heart tells me to blame LLJK, but my mind says yes

Uhhh.......I mean ecko says no

We can't seem to put our differences aside for the meta, for one second can we?
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Seawied on June 28, 2011, 11:21:14 pm
We can't seem to put our differences aside for the meta, for one second can we?

you, Zealot, are the absolute LAST PERSON that should be trying to argue "can't we all just get along!"
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Classical on June 28, 2011, 11:31:01 pm
you, Zealot, are the absolute LAST PERSON that should be trying to argue "can't we all just get along!"

I'm not saying get along, I'm just saying in this case when meta shit is involved shouldn't we put down hostilities for a second and work together to resolve the issues as normal human beings? Then, once it's finished, Ecko can go back to giving me the silent-treatment, and all of ATS can go back to hating LLJK, and vice-versa, and the game continues.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Dan lol on June 28, 2011, 11:48:09 pm
nucca please crpg is a way of life

ats we ryde 2getha we die 2getha
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Kung Fu Jesus on June 29, 2011, 03:02:36 am
My heart tells me to blame LLJK, but my mind says yes

Uhhh.......I mean ecko says no

Its all part of our grand plan to hack ourselves into oblivion.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Dehitay on June 29, 2011, 03:26:31 am
So was there some kind of glitch that allowed names to be used as passwords? Or is there just a significant number of people who are bad at choosing secure passwords? I'm curious if those of us who didn't choose easy to guess passwords are at risk due to an alternative password glitch
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Nindur on June 29, 2011, 03:32:34 am
Tell em dan
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Classical on June 29, 2011, 05:08:54 am
So was there some kind of glitch that allowed names to be used as passwords? Or is there just a significant number of people who are bad at choosing secure passwords? I'm curious if those of us who didn't choose easy to guess passwords are at risk due to an alternative password glitch

The LLJK people who were hacked did not choose "guessable" passwords, also according to some of the mods developers there is only a certain amount of times you can login before you're locked out of your account, in order to negate brute force attempts.

Basically, the assumptions come down to, whoever is doing this, it's probably linked in the past couple days, and they might have been obtained by some exploit in the database.

Most of it's speculatory but the general synopsis of the thread is: change your fucking passwords.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Trikipum on June 29, 2011, 05:47:16 pm
Are you using steam?. I know steam has an exploit that has been there for months. Using that exploit anyone can get your user name and password (for steam). Weird thing is that you cant target a person doing such exploit, its more like getting random data from random users. Never did it so dont be afraid of me :). Salute.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Thovex on June 29, 2011, 06:04:08 pm
Are you using steam?. I know steam has an exploit that has been there for months. Using that exploit anyone can get your user name and password (for steam). Weird thing is that you cant target a person doing such exploit, its more like getting random data from random users. Never did it so dont be afraid of me :). Salute.

I doubt it, last months steam got like 2 new protection layers and verification stuffs as well.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Classical on June 29, 2011, 10:39:24 pm
Are you using steam?. I know steam has an exploit that has been there for months. Using that exploit anyone can get your user name and password (for steam). Weird thing is that you cant target a person doing such exploit, its more like getting random data from random users. Never did it so dont be afraid of me :). Salute.

Source? Somehow I think I would've heard of a massive Valve exploit alongside the mass of Lulzsec propaganda news, but as the poster above me says, even if you gain access to a Steam users account, you need further verification (Email codes, gibberish) to gain access to the account.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: [ptx] on June 29, 2011, 10:54:23 pm
buy passwords 4 cheap
grow inventory 10 looms in 2 weeks, GUARANTEED!
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Trikipum on June 29, 2011, 11:22:48 pm
Source? Somehow I think I would've heard of a massive Valve exploit alongside the mass of Lulzsec propaganda news, but as the poster above me says, even if you gain access to a Steam users account, you need further verification (Email codes, gibberish) to gain access to the account.
Yes, those new security checks really help, and im sure they added them coz they were aware of their uber exploit that was there for like 1 year and no one from valve said a single word. Believe me if i tell you it existed is coz I know it did. I actually saw a guy doing it at a lan party, and it worked very well, actually that guy stole a BfBC2 cd key as the owner of the account was downloading his new bought game, then he used it to register it to his email and played the game using the non steam version. Maybe they had the cdkeys long before valve fixed their stuff. Or they just hacked the database for passwords, who knows.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Tears of Destiny on June 29, 2011, 11:44:34 pm
if you access a Steam Account and try and log in, even if you have the right username and password, if you are using a computer that it does not remember (yes, steam has and still does keep track of every computer used for every account) then it flaggs it as unfamiliar, and sends you a special e-mail with a unique password in that e-mail.

So basically, in order to hack a steam account you need the username (that they keep), the password (that they keep), the e-mail (that they keep) and the password for the e-mail (that they do not keep)...

Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on June 30, 2011, 12:48:49 am
Hmm, couple of days ago I visited my character webpage and it said no password had been made for my account... Which is clearly bullshit, so I made a new password for my account. Maybe this has happened to other players too but the ones with missing stuff were too late to notice.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Classical on June 30, 2011, 06:11:02 am
Yes, those new security checks really help, and im sure they added them coz they were aware of their uber exploit that was there for like 1 year and no one from valve said a single word. Believe me if i tell you it existed is coz I know it did. I actually saw a guy doing it at a lan party, and it worked very well, actually that guy stole a BfBC2 cd key as the owner of the account was downloading his new bought game, then he used it to register it to his email and played the game using the non steam version. Maybe they had the cdkeys long before valve fixed their stuff. Or they just hacked the database for passwords, who knows.

Uh huh, let's not get into arguments about who did what in the past though, the point is.

Check your cRPG accounts security:
1) Make sure it has a password set.
2) Make sure your password isn't "password"
3) Don't give out your password
4) Don't make extra accounts on the same serial, without adding a password that abides by rule number two and three.

General, common sense guidelines, add to the list as you see fit.

Also, in discussion with some other members of the cRPG community, we've learned that if you have a created character that you use for other modifications (Say PW mod? Mount and Musket?) on M&B, cRPG somehow, eventually logs them as characters on your serial without a password. When it does this is beyond me, but apparently it has happened to some people, so watch the alt. accounts you create.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Ufthak on June 30, 2011, 09:47:10 am
It may be best just to log those characters from other games in to let them be created, and then change their passwords. There's also a change all passwords option, for anyone that's been too lazy to check.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Delro on June 30, 2011, 10:02:57 am
Hmm, couple of days ago I visited my character webpage and it said no password had been made for my account... Which is clearly bullshit, so I made a new password for my account. Maybe this has happened to other players too but the ones with missing stuff were too late to notice.

Good tip
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Gorath on July 01, 2011, 07:02:34 am
Went to log in tonight and every single character of mine says that the password is wrong.  WTF

Created a new character so I could switch to my real characters and change the pw's AGAIN (I had just changed them when this thread was made) and the characters themselves are missing from the list!  Gorath, Amgine, Braxxus, Vyrus.  Gone.  Not in the list and it says I have to set a new main.  DOUBLE WTF!  So while I'm at work some fucktard gets into my account and deletes all my characters?  Yeah, awesome.

Just heard from the guys in vent that apparently POOPHAMMER saw "me" selling all of my gear for 1g each today while I was at work.  w00t w00t.  Guess that's the end of my time in cRPG.

*Mostly posting this so the Dev's know that even after changing pw's apparently someone still has a way to access accounts*

LOL, only one they didn't delete was my SWAT_ character alt who had no gear, gold or heirlooms.  That's just kind of a slap in the face.   :lol:
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Classical on July 01, 2011, 07:56:31 am
Welp, lets just hope the devs are investigating the issue as a whole.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: downer on July 01, 2011, 09:39:02 pm
Went to log in tonight and every single character of mine says that the password is wrong.  WTF

Created a new character so I could switch to my real characters and change the pw's AGAIN (I had just changed them when this thread was made) and the characters themselves are missing from the list!  Gorath, Amgine, Braxxus, Vyrus.  Gone.  Not in the list and it says I have to set a new main.  DOUBLE WTF!  So while I'm at work some fucktard gets into my account and deletes all my characters?  Yeah, awesome.

Just heard from the guys in vent that apparently POOPHAMMER saw "me" selling all of my gear for 1g each today while I was at work.  w00t w00t.  Guess that's the end of my time in cRPG.

*Mostly posting this so the Dev's know that even after changing pw's apparently someone still has a way to access accounts*

LOL, only one they didn't delete was my SWAT_ character alt who had no gear, gold or heirlooms.  That's just kind of a slap in the face.   :lol:

As much disdain as I have for you and the way you act in general, this sucks. Hopefully the Dev's can get something figured out for you and acknowledge this as an issue.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: 7000bc on July 01, 2011, 09:43:46 pm
Went to log in tonight and every single character of mine says that the password is wrong.  WTF

Created a new character so I could switch to my real characters and change the pw's AGAIN (I had just changed them when this thread was made) and the characters themselves are missing from the list!  Gorath, Amgine, Braxxus, Vyrus.  Gone.  Not in the list and it says I have to set a new main.  DOUBLE WTF!  So while I'm at work some fucktard gets into my account and deletes all my characters?  Yeah, awesome.

Just heard from the guys in vent that apparently POOPHAMMER saw "me" selling all of my gear for 1g each today while I was at work.  w00t w00t.  Guess that's the end of my time in cRPG.

*Mostly posting this so the Dev's know that even after changing pw's apparently someone still has a way to access accounts*

LOL, only one they didn't delete was my SWAT_ character alt who had no gear, gold or heirlooms.  That's just kind of a slap in the face.   :lol:

Don't leave gorath, we Chaos guys are organizing a replacement fund for you if you can't get the devs to give you your items back
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Socrates on July 01, 2011, 10:05:08 pm
Oh come on Gorath SWAT is a prize to behold. But other than that damn that sucks, I wonder who is doing all of this and I hope the devs are on to work on it right now.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Beans on July 02, 2011, 02:24:47 am
The biggest thing people need to make sure is that if you make a new alt, you set it a password. MAKE SURE EVERY CHARACTER HAS A PASSWORD.

If have a bunch of alts its worth your time to double check.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Xol! on July 02, 2011, 04:13:21 am
Wiegraf_BRD, Grey_of_Chaos, and Misan_of_Chaos all just got their shit stolen a few minutes ago.  Some of us in IRC picked their stuff up and will be returning it, but please everyone make sure all your accounts are passworded securely.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: polkafranzi on July 02, 2011, 04:14:59 am
damned grey order

although the gorath one might be balton getting some revenge is a dish best served cold n all that
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Xol! on July 02, 2011, 04:16:09 am
Add Occitan_ShiNock to that list (sorry if I butchered your name)

And another hospitaller guy, I missed the second part of your name but my buddy picked up your spirited courser.

and polish king of chaos, we've got your mail gauntlets and long espada.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Xol! on July 02, 2011, 04:41:05 am
here's a list of who lost what and who bought what so far.  Sorry again for name butchering.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Socrates on July 02, 2011, 05:46:21 am
I see some people enjoy hacking people's account :/. To all those changing password ain't going to help it seems as people have and they still have access. Just stay low and be careful. Also Xol your a true nice guy. Saving people's heirlooms and kicking ass +1.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Cepeshi on July 02, 2011, 07:14:44 am
Also, in discussion with some other members of the cRPG community, we've learned that if you have a created character that you use for other modifications (Say PW mod? Mount and Musket?) on M&B, cRPG somehow, eventually logs them as characters on your serial without a password. When it does this is beyond me, but apparently it has happened to some people, so watch the alt. accounts you create.

the char you use for other mods should not exist on website untill you log to CRPG server iirc

also, how come u guys are able to pickup them items so fast? you got some scripts searching underpriced stuff or what? :D but thumbs up for you sniping market for possible victims of hacking
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Darkkarma on July 02, 2011, 07:22:28 am

My account was also assassinated.

Anybody get A MW arbalest, MW bolts and thick mail gauntlets?  :wink:
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Socrates on July 02, 2011, 08:44:56 am
One by one. Who's next? Damn this is hurtful.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Classical on July 02, 2011, 11:27:52 am
Otherwise as a general community warning, if you aren't busy, watch the market, buy what you can, and give it back to those who were selling.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Matey on July 02, 2011, 11:34:10 am
This is getting fucking ridiculous, the developers of this modification need to make a statement, or inform us, do something.

Otherwise as a general community warning, if you aren't busy, watch the market, buy what you can, and give it back to those who were selling.

check the announcements :O
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Classical on July 02, 2011, 11:41:50 am
check the announcements :O

Don't I feel silly, didn't see that.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Nindur on July 02, 2011, 04:45:54 pm
I fuckin told you LLJK did it. No one ever listens to the canadians
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Nindur on July 02, 2011, 04:47:16 pm
My heart tells me to blame LLJK, but my mind says yes

Uhhh.......I mean ecko says no

Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Lefu on July 02, 2011, 05:02:25 pm
My main char was resetted....     ... years of hard work..  *puf*      :cry:
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Ashrik on July 02, 2011, 08:03:25 pm
I fuckin told you LLJK did it. No one ever listens to the canadians
hahaha goddammit
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Ashrik on July 02, 2011, 08:07:00 pm
Went to log in tonight and every single character of mine says that the password is wrong.  WTF

Created a new character so I could switch to my real characters and change the pw's AGAIN (I had just changed them when this thread was made) and the characters themselves are missing from the list!  Gorath, Amgine, Braxxus, Vyrus.  Gone.  Not in the list and it says I have to set a new main.  DOUBLE WTF!  So while I'm at work some fucktard gets into my account and deletes all my characters?  Yeah, awesome.

Just heard from the guys in vent that apparently POOPHAMMER saw "me" selling all of my gear for 1g each today while I was at work.  w00t w00t.  Guess that's the end of my time in cRPG.

*Mostly posting this so the Dev's know that even after changing pw's apparently someone still has a way to access accounts*

LOL, only one they didn't delete was my SWAT_ character alt who had no gear, gold or heirlooms.  That's just kind of a slap in the face.   :lol:
It is a sad day for us all :( plz return 2 us
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Classical on July 02, 2011, 08:23:31 pm
I fuckin told you LLJK did it. No one ever listens to the canadians

Turned out LLJK had no part in this.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: roymorrison on July 02, 2011, 08:26:58 pm
So who was it?
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Classical on July 02, 2011, 08:28:46 pm
So who was it?

Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: roymorrison on July 02, 2011, 08:34:37 pm
Literally the worst player. 
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Gildiss on July 02, 2011, 08:36:51 pm
Looking at it now it was so obvious, he did join xkhan after all.
It was simply in his nature.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: roymorrison on July 02, 2011, 08:38:20 pm
I actually imagined him as this passive aggressive weirdo after reading his posts and watching him fail miserably in game.  What a waste of everyone's time.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Eutheran on July 03, 2011, 01:23:54 am
Account hacked too, I lost a MW Long espada Eslavona, MW chain mail gloves, anybody manage to grab em? Also I am THE_POLISH_KING_of_Chaos
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Xol! on July 03, 2011, 08:24:30 pm
Account hacked too, I lost a MW Long espada Eslavona, MW chain mail gloves, anybody manage to grab em? Also I am THE_POLISH_KING_of_Chaos

Yeah, I'm pretty sure we picked both of those up.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Gorath on July 03, 2011, 08:29:39 pm
The video was cute.  I'm flattered I had a special part at the end of it.  Well done lljk douche.  Nice to know that I got under your skin THAT much.   :lol:
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on July 03, 2011, 11:32:58 pm
The video was cute.  I'm flattered I had a special part at the end of it.  Well done lljk douche.  Nice to know that I got under your skin THAT much.   :lol:

Nice to know it happened to someone who deserved it.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Gorath on July 03, 2011, 11:39:19 pm
Nice to know it happened to someone who deserved it.

Yup, hope it happens to you next so you can join the party fuckwit.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on July 03, 2011, 11:41:01 pm
Yup, hope it happens to you next so you can join the party fuckwit.

I especially enjoyed reading your quit thread, not that I bothered to read much of it.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: polkafranzi on July 03, 2011, 11:51:52 pm
I especially enjoyed reading your quit thread, not that I bothered to read much of it.

Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: 7000bc on July 04, 2011, 07:16:25 am

Do these people even know you gorath?
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Cepeshi on July 04, 2011, 07:22:20 am
Do these people even know you gorath?

i do not know him but just from his opinions here and the general view i like the guy -:) you remind me of the bloke who brought me to start playing this in the first place, so, Gorath, just dont give a shit about them idiots who just envy ur skill/time/however its called in this game :)
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: PhantomZero on July 04, 2011, 08:21:46 am
i do not know him but just from his opinions here and the general view i like the guy -:) you remind me of the bloke who brought me to start playing this in the first place, so, Gorath, just dont give a shit about them idiots who just envy ur skill/time/however its called in this game :)

Yes, the great skill of kicking anyone who is better than you on the opposing team off the server.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Cepeshi on July 04, 2011, 08:41:20 am
Yes, the great skill of kicking anyone who is better than you on the opposing team off the server.

we have qml spammers in EU, not big difference :P :D

and i played some on NA actually and met the guy, he is not bad :)
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on July 04, 2011, 12:53:09 pm
Do these people even know you gorath?

He permbanned me from the big NA battle servers for disagreeing with him and arguing a valid point of his hypcorisy around the start of 2011. Also since then he also came into one of my threads, verbally attacked me, accused me of being a thug and tried to stereotype me into something I'm nothing alike. That ontop of him vowing to -1 me every opportunity he gets.

So yeah, yay for what happened to him.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Cepeshi on July 04, 2011, 12:56:14 pm
He permbanned me from the big NA battle servers for disagreeing with him and arguing a valid point of his hypcorisy around the start of 2011. Also since then he also came into one of my threads, verbally attacked me, accused me of being a thug and tried to stereotype me into something I'm nothing alike. That ontop of him vowing to -1 me every opportunity he gets.

So yeah, yay for what happened to him.

cool how ppl rage over interwebs...oh wait
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 04, 2011, 04:08:25 pm
He permbanned me from the big NA battle servers for disagreeing with him and arguing a valid point of his hypcorisy around the start of 2011. Also since then he also came into one of my threads, verbally attacked me, accused me of being a thug and tried to stereotype me into something I'm nothing alike. That ontop of him vowing to -1 me every opportunity he gets.

So yeah, yay for what happened to him.

Eh, you -1 everyone on the forums every chance you get. Your last sentence Of the first paragraph is pretty much karma.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on July 04, 2011, 04:46:25 pm
Eh, you -1 everyone on the forums every chance you get. Your last sentence Of the first paragraph is pretty much karma.

Funny you say that, because my -1 airstrikes didn't begin for months after he decided to do that. Infact my -1 airstrikes are my reaction to the fact people will -1 individuals in defence of their clan members, the fact people will -1 individuals because that person decided to spam in the SPAM section of the forum. It means that this awesome bar has no real value to me anymore. I used to have a positive bar but that was before I started acting more controversial on the forum.

People with highest awesome bars here are people with political power in-game, connected to their clans, people who post popular subjects and then take credit for doing so in the form of awesome points, and non controversial members who seek to insert positive comments where an opportunity presents itself to portray themselves as 'nice' agreeable people. And then bandwagon jumpers who are supported by the majority side they've decided to associate themselves with. Also those who have the power to edit their bars. Oh and don't forget clan members pumping up their buddies with aweseome points apon request. (I'm sure some of you have done so.)
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Visus on July 04, 2011, 04:56:34 pm
Funny you say that, because my -1 airstrikes didn't begin for months after he decided to do that. Infact my -1 airstrikes are my reaction to the fact people will -1 individuals in defence of their clan members, the fact people will -1 individuals because that person decided to spam in the SPAM section of the forum. It means that this awesome bar has no real value to me anymore. I used to have a positive bar but that was before I started acting more controversial on the forum.

People with highest awesome bars here are people with political power in-game, connected to their clans, people who post popular subjects and then take credit for doing so in the form of awesome points, and non controversial members who seek to insert positive comments where an opportunity presents itself to portray themselves as 'nice' people. And then bandwagon jumpers who are supported by the majority side they've decided to associate themselves with. Also those who have the power to edit their bars.
So people with positive bars are ones who... A. People like as they run a clan, B. Do good things for the community by promoting positive subjects, C. Don't act like an asshat dickface. If you yourself stated that you started to be an asshat on the forums, why should you be complaining about having a negative awesome bar? And obviously, it does affect you. You just posted 3-4 times to bitch about Gorath and his
 -1ing you.

If this thread is going to turn into a whine thread, maybe it should be locked, a new one made and stickied?
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on July 04, 2011, 04:59:31 pm
So people with positive bars are ones who... A. People like as they run a clan, B. Do good things for the community by promoting positive subjects, C. Don't act like an asshat dickface. If you yourself stated that you started to be an asshat on the forums, why should you be complaining about having a negative awesome bar? And obviously, it does affect you. You just posted 3-4 times to bitch about Gorath and his
 -1ing you.

If this thread is going to turn into a whine thread, maybe it should be locked, a new one made and stickied?

Well I'm trying to say it doesn't bother me as much as it used to. I've also proved that the awesome bar means so much to the majority of this forum by the fact that alot of my recent negative points have come from retaliation in response to my -1 airstrikes. Also I'm posting in response to other players not posting fueled by my own obsession with my aweseome bar.

However the real subject is my justification of liking the fact Gorath was hacked, however it's inevitable opinions will be shared here to or for such actions, and the original subject will become derailed with attacks on the character of the person who has to justify themselves. Although justifying actions to this community is just like trying to justify actions anywhere else in the world, people will only listen to what pleases them and ignore reasons even if they hold truth that are contrary to the beliefs and motives of such people.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 04, 2011, 05:28:40 pm
People with highest awesome bars here are people with political power in-game, connected to their clans, people who post popular subjects and then take credit for doing so in the form of awesome points, and non controversial members who seek to insert positive comments where an opportunity presents itself to portray themselves as 'nice' agreeable people. And then bandwagon jumpers who are supported by the majority side they've decided to associate themselves with. Also those who have the power to edit their bars. Oh and don't forget clan members pumping up their buddies with aweseome points apon request. (I'm sure some of you have done so.)

I see.
I have no political power in game.
I have posted a total of one popular subject.
I am extremely controversial (just ask our Devs how charming I can be when I decide to troll members who don't understand how the game mechanics work, and my "air of authority").
I have yet to bandwagon jump on anything (you all suck and only I am awesome, jump on my bandwagon or a pox on you!). I shoot my mouth off a lot actually on these forums if you read my posts.
I don't have the ability to edit my awesome bar.
I have yet to request anyone to plus bar me.

I think it is purely my sexy avatar that nets me point! Lord knows a few people - me simply because of my name and main class alone  :lol: :lol: :lol:

I do however see your point, well and truly.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: DrKronic on July 04, 2011, 05:31:33 pm
lol people wit high awesome bars have their clans +1 them you tools(fallen does this for example, just look in their clan thread and look at the average "awesomeness"

awesomeness is a lie, has nothing to do with how relevant your ideas are at all, btw I love how in this thread a LLJK says "change your passwords"

he should have prefaced it with "because our password generator is pretty good"
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 04, 2011, 05:42:38 pm
lol people wit high awesome bars have their clans +1 them you tools(fallen does this for example, just look in their clan thread and look at the average "awesomeness"

Yup, average awesomeness is 12, and Beuchamp and Punisher who have organized heavy tournaments have high awesome bars, and our diplomats have them as well. Meanwhile people like vibe have 2, Angel has -1, etc.

Wait, what? On second thought I don't understand...
I gotta organize a +1 spree on our members!

awesomeness is a lie, has nothing to do with how relevant your ideas are at all
I completely agree.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: [ptx] on July 04, 2011, 06:12:41 pm
I see.
I have no political power in game.
I have posted a total of one popular subject.
I am extremely controversial (just ask our Devs how charming I can be when I decide to troll members who don't understand how the game mechanics work, and my "air of authority").
I have yet to bandwagon jump on anything (you all suck and only I am awesome, jump on my bandwagon or a pox on you!). I shoot my mouth off a lot actually on these forums if you read my posts.
I don't have the ability to edit my awesome bar.
I have yet to request anyone to plus bar me.

I think it is purely my sexy avatar that nets me point! Lord knows a few people - me simply because of my name and main class alone  :lol: :lol: :lol:

I do however see your point, well and truly.


(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Smoothrich on July 04, 2011, 06:26:40 pm
lol people wit high awesome bars have their clans +1 them you tools(fallen does this for example, just look in their clan thread and look at the average "awesomeness"

awesomeness is a lie, has nothing to do with how relevant your ideas are at all, btw I love how in this thread a LLJK says "change your passwords"

he should have prefaced it with "because our password generator is pretty good"

Well, I made this thread after some LLJK and Goretooth had their accounts compromised, which showed there were big holes in the system.  I hope some people who might've became hacked read my thread in time and protected themselves.  The guy who did this acted by himself, apparently encouraged by the security issues that have been now brought to light and corrected.  And the "hacker" has now been banned.  Don't see how you can fault me for trying to help people.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Kafein on July 04, 2011, 07:04:24 pm
My final goal is to have everyone on 0 awesomeness. People tend to gloat for having big positive or negative awesomebar values. So thanks to my true evil spirit I keep on +ing negative scores and -ing positive ones, regardless of what the person actually wrote x). Most of the time, you get + by helping people or being friendly, and you get - by posting anything controversial (the game balance section is really a must for stacking negative awesomebar), or just being a troll. That's why I keep on +ing Xant :lol:

It's really funny to have active forum dwellers with 0 awesomebar like total newbies :twisted:
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Darkkarma on July 04, 2011, 10:19:45 pm
"CRPG Forums: A popularity Contest"
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: SPQR on July 04, 2011, 10:28:37 pm
gotta grind up my awesomebar rep so that i can wave my e-penis around like all the cool kids
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Classical on July 04, 2011, 10:35:27 pm
I love how in this thread a LLJK says "change your passwords"

You know, half the conversation about these hacks and LLJK have been, don't judge us all because of the actions of one. You big cudly bear you, heh, heh! ATS is full of moronic retards, because Ecko is in ATS, heh, heh.

I also orchestrated the downfall of Richard Nixon, after the failed assassination attempt. I may or may not have been involved in 9/11 also, but keep that to yourself.

Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Darkkarma on July 04, 2011, 10:43:48 pm
Zealot Orchestrated Putin's rise to power.

Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 04, 2011, 11:20:49 pm

I don't sleep on anyone, far more comfy to be slept on :) <3
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Nindur on July 04, 2011, 11:26:14 pm
You know, half the conversation about these hacks and LLJK have been, don't judge us all because of the actions of one. You big cudly bear you, heh, heh! ATS is full of moronic retards, because Ecko is in ATS, heh, heh.

I also orchestrated the downfall of Richard Nixon, after the failed assassination attempt. I may or may not have been involved in 9/11 also, but keep that to yourself.

How dare you sir, on this great day of America. How dare you.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Gorath on July 05, 2011, 11:10:36 am
You know, half the conversation about these hacks and LLJK have been, don't judge us all because of the actions of one. You big cudly bear you, heh, heh! ATS is full of moronic retards, because Ecko is in ATS, heh, heh.

I also orchestrated the downfall of Richard Nixon, after the failed assassination attempt. I may or may not have been involved in 9/11 also, but keep that to yourself.

You willingly, knowingly and purposefully PAID to join the goons.  Notorious and known purely for being the e-club of fuckwads and douchebags to gather in on the internet.  I think that says enough about your character tbh.  I mean really, who fucking joins SA and the goons except someone that wants to be part of the goon asshattery?
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on July 05, 2011, 11:23:55 am
NVM  :oops:
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: Classical on July 06, 2011, 02:56:27 am
You willingly, knowingly and purposefully PAID to join the goons.  Notorious and known purely for being the e-club of fuckwads and douchebags to gather in on the internet.  I think that says enough about your character tbh.  I mean really, who fucking joins SA and the goons except someone that wants to be part of the goon asshattery?

Ah, ah, ah, you didn't say the magic word.
Title: Re: cRPG security situation: change your passwords
Post by: MrShine on July 06, 2011, 06:10:52 am
You willingly, knowingly and purposefully PAID to join the goons.  Notorious and known purely for being the e-club of fuckwads and douchebags to gather in on the internet.  I think that says enough about your character tbh.  I mean really, who fucking joins SA and the goons except someone that wants to be part of the goon asshattery?

I'm not a part of LLJK, but I joined SA a few years ago.

I did it for the articles.

Just like my subscription to Penthouse.