Good luck everyone x)
Btw, if I post something random like this, it doesn't disqualifies my real post, nor does it not increase the replies count, right ?
A more secure way would be for the sword winner to inform you of his or her character name, and have the winner offer something like rocks for the sword. This way there is no chance of someone Ninja-ing the sword away from the winner.
Oh, and um...
Teamwork is important because we all love the experience and xp gained, and thus the better your teamwork then the better the chance of winning a larger reward! Teamwork is also important because with a group of friends or even randomers, it can make the match much more enjoyable. The last reason why teamwork is important (the last reason that I shall post) is that people ridicule you if you play poorly and that can be bad for some people's egos, especially if they have the same banner and are stuck with you, as well as that greater teamwork means you shall play longer and thus have more fun!
Don't miss your chance of getting free item! Even though i am aiming at players who have "skipped the fun" to lvl 30, veterans can earn some extra gold, and keep them plated horses running wild for an evening! :)
There are no rules about copyrights, so people can just Copy Pasta what Tears said. I don't think that's what you wanted :P
Screw teamwork, you should've asked us to write something about the pose 69. :wink:
Teamwork is great to gain xp and gold.
Cause we get a multiplier for sure.
But only if we work together.
And kill all those friendly archers, for the better.
Rhyming gives extra points, yes? Even if the rhyme sucks xD
Anyways what happens if post #69 is bullshit? I'm thinking up a lot of nice posts about teamwork I can make and don't want this to be fucked up by a douche writing "herpaderpa" or something and get 69. Also as said before, it would be safer if you let the winner PM him your name and he put up a request (normal dagger for the +1 sword) so nobody could ninja it.
I believe players who skipped the fun wouldn't be able to claim the prize anyway due to lack of market access.
Stfu and read, .....
If it does not hit 69 until this weekend, i will have to put a gold prize, instead of the sword :)
Awful lot of trolling going on in here...hmm
Love me love me.. say that you love me..
oops.. wrong thread :lol:
If it does not hit 69 until this weekend, i will have to put a gold prize, instead of the sword :)
Everyone is just waiting for idiots to post 67 responces.
So how was your day? :lol:
Pretty shitty, yours?
:oops: I feel like he will never give gold to the winner :(
You just have to whine & cry, even in a thread like this.....
Filthy liars, both of you. :wink:
Its not my fault that infantry is so blind and unaware. I played footman for ages and i rarely got teamkilled by cavalry cause i was always aware of them coming and positioned myself so they get the enemy, not me. Today's players are blind and careless. 8-)
Protect your teammates back. Your teammates will protect your back. You will be rewarded with xp and a big gold sack.
I hate playing with someone who only plays for kills and forget his team. A player like this has more than 9000 kills, but no idea of teamplaying, kills all peasents, fight at the respawn point of attackers as defender and is wondering why he always has a x1.
350,000 gold.
Harsh times for the Mercs so they have to spam threads like this to gather some gold.......pathetic. :twisted:
Protect your teammates back. Your teammates will protect your back. You will be rewarded with xp and a big gold sack.
Harsh times for the Mercs so they have to spam threads like this to gather some gold.......pathetic. :twisted:That shows team effort and team play Gnjus :) Strategus is comming
That shows team effort and team play Gnjus :) Strategus is commingxD He's right. That's the best part xD