Post by: PieParadox on April 05, 2020, 02:01:09 pm
The game is amazing after the server updates. Great job Donkey Crew :mrgreen:
Though, can you make durability drop in increments of 25% or something? Repair-stacking items after any battle is the worst...
Post by: Gurgumul on June 29, 2020, 10:20:00 pm
Post by: polkafranzi on June 09, 2024, 10:13:14 am
Sadly i would not recommend spending any money on this game as there are so many others like it that actually have a decent combat system.
the building in this game is really great and there's many hours to be played collecting items, questing, and building your city.
however the combat on this game ruins it. you have to clear bandits almost anywhere you go and if you bring your villagers the bandits just wipe them out. ive spent a tone of time training my villagers skills and getting them geared up takes forever. not to mention they always put their F****** weapons up and when you need them to be armed the game just warns you that they don't have a weapon like you are gonna have time to stop combat and go re arm all of your villagers.
secondly the enemy npc moment is so garbage that its really hard to lead a shot with the bow which by the way is the only good weapon on the game because it gives you a chance to kite the enemies. the npcs almost always randomly run past you or over to the side which is just absurd. There is zero dodging on the game so get ready to get tagged by arrows constantly when fighting. Also the enemies will eventually run past you with zero stamina drain so if you let them past you they just run to your village at twice the speed you can run since stamina runs out in like 10 seconds even when you are well fed. then they kill all your villagers and ruin the whole game for you.
you pretty much have to bring villagers with you to fight off the bandits and just go ahead and expect them to die because like stated before the bandits focus on ruining the game and killing your villagers.
using swords is pretty much garbage as the npcs will block almost every hit and the way you have to use the mouse to swing your weapon is ass. if they have a shield you are screwed unless you have a villager helping or you are kiting them with a bow. also you pretty much have to do only head shots after you go into an area where its level 2+ because the armor pretty much blocks arrows and you'll do like 1/100th damage to their health bar. but if an enemy archer lands a shot on you fully armored up it takes like half of your health. Arrows also take a tone of inventory space and run short fast.
At the end of the day I love the building and stuff but the game is ruined by poor combat and npcs that just bum rush you so fast you cant even get a hit on them. be ready to get so mad as you progress in this game as combat is inevitable especially when it comes to liberating a town so that you can recruit specialist villagers to advance into the T2 buildings.
Due to this i give this game a 1 out of 5 star rating as the combat makes the game almost unplayable. hopefully one day the Devs will decide to make this game fun to play and not just constantly frustrating. there's a way to make the village raids come less but there's no way to make the npcs on easy mode or anything like that.
also it would be pretty cool if they added gates so when you fence off your town there aren't just open spots that the raiders can run around to and come right in and kill everyone off since the villagers turn into vegetables with no brains and cant arm their self even tho you build weapon racks all over town when you get raided...
I really like the building and making towns and what not so im gonna keep playing the game just maybe not as much. hopefully the devs can get their BS together and make the combat system in this game playable. Im trying to keep giving the game a chance and am hopeful for some combat updates.