cRPG => Announcements => Topic started by: RD_Professor on July 23, 2018, 11:32:25 am

Title: Respecs/Exchanges now in the Shop! Reforges to give 2 LP soon
Post by: RD_Professor on July 23, 2018, 11:32:25 am
title pretty much sums this post up. respecs and exchanges can now be bought in the shop, for 100k&750k, respectively. there's a new category in the shop navigation that is directly to the right of the button for bolts. until 24 hours pass, or if you recache the page (by pressing cntrl-f5), the icon won't be visible, but the button for the 'goods' category is still there, and it does work. I haven't found any bugs during the testing I've done, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. if there are, please let me know

since there is now an option for you fat cats out there to empty your purses in exchange for a heirloom exchange, reforges will no longer give 3 loompoints, and will instead just give 2. again, reforges will give you 2 loompoints, not 3. if you manage to reforge an item without knowing this has changed, well... you have been warned, especially considering I added in two more confirmation messages to the reforging process.
(click to show/hide)
this won't take effect until later this week. time TBD, but it will be a reasonable length of time for people to get builds back to normal.

besides that, yeah I still want to get the pseudonym and small siege tower bugs fixed, so I'll dive back into those this week. hopefully the focus I had today will continue throughout the week, if it does I might even be able to fix both those bugs in a day. wouldn't that be real swell

oh also free respecs are back to once a week. most of yall are loaded, buy some respecs from the store if you want em. same applies here as with the reforges

final note, the prices for these services are subject to change. the economy is bloated to all hell, and with the free reforges we've had for the past while, the price of a loom point is up in the air. these services should act to stabilize the economy to some extent and bring back the marketplace, which in turn will allow us to better gauge the correct price of the services. these services have also never been offered in the shop before, so we're in unexplored territory. exciting stuff
Title: Re: Respecs/Exchanges now in the Shop! Reforges give 2 LP once more
Post by: Torben on July 23, 2018, 11:42:11 am
If I was some stupid spoiled whore like cassi id totally blow u now <3
Title: Re: Respecs/Exchanges now in the Shop! Reforges give 2 LP once more
Post by: njames89 on July 23, 2018, 11:56:37 am
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Oh thank god I think having to sell anymore respecs was going to give me an aneurysm

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Title: Re: Respecs/Exchanges now in the Shop! Reforges give 2 LP once more
Post by: chesterotab on July 23, 2018, 12:01:00 pm
Free respec being back to one week makes me way more mad than I should be. Guess I won't be playing my alt anymore.
Title: Re: Respecs/Exchanges now in the Shop! Reforges give 2 LP once more
Post by: RD_Professor on July 23, 2018, 12:11:19 pm
Free respec being back to one week makes me way more mad than I should be. Guess I won't be playing my alt anymore.
depending on how thicc people's wallets are, prices might go down. considering that you can stockpile as many respecs/exchanges as you want, it's better to start with a high price and work down for both these bad boys. honestly i didn't expect to code this in an evening, so i haven't had time to enroll in and pass a basic economy class to figure out the best price for these services
Title: Re: Respecs/Exchanges now in the Shop! Reforges give 2 LP once more
Post by: Yeldur on July 23, 2018, 12:26:48 pm
As I mentioned on the Discord, having some warning about suddenly not having anymore ability to reforge my points without spending tons of money would have been appreciated, now I've got a load of looms stuck in places that I don't want them.
Title: Re: Respecs/Exchanges now in the Shop! Reforges to give 2 LP soon
Post by: RD_Professor on July 23, 2018, 12:46:24 pm
As I mentioned on the Discord, having some warning about suddenly not having anymore ability to reforge my points without spending tons of money would have been appreciated, now I've got a load of looms stuck in places that I don't want them.
fuckin hell yeldur you're not supposed to make logical and insightful points

but yes that is a good point, time for me to backpedal.

until end of the week at latest, reforges will give 3 loompoints and free respecs will go back to one per day. . fix your awful builds, get your normal looms. but by the end of the week (possibly sooner, whatever turns out to be a reasonable time frame), these changes will take effect.

and yeah, my bad. I got overexcited by the wild success i'd seen in coding today. I didn't expect to have anything working, but I ended up getting a ton of stuff done. it was pretty exhilarating. in any case, the excitement got to my head and I rushed into this without thinking it through. it's pretty obvious that people would have some 'strange' builds and looms after pretty much having free exchanges and respecs. I definitely shoulda seen that issue coming.
Title: Re: Respecs/Exchanges now in the Shop! Reforges to give 2 LP soon
Post by: sJimmy on July 23, 2018, 06:33:41 pm
Good work! I am going to miss the 3LP Reforges, since it allowed me to change my looms for my whatever class I was playing. But adding repsecs is a big boon to the mod.
Title: Re: Respecs/Exchanges now in the Shop! Reforges to give 2 LP soon
Post by: njames89 on July 23, 2018, 06:52:24 pm
and you will still be able to save up and buy an item exchange if you really want to switch your heirloom item and cannot find a suitable trade on the marketplace.
Title: Re: Respecs/Exchanges now in the Shop! Reforges give 2 LP once more
Post by: Asheram on July 24, 2018, 06:57:10 pm
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Oh thank god I think having to sell anymore respecs was going to give me an aneurysm

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can I get one more of those on Skillless, I accidentally accepted that strat hero respec link on Judeau. Or even better if its something you hand out after the trade link is purchased just give it to Skillless rather than Judeau. TYVM

Oh and on topic why cant we keep the alt respecs 1 a day? If you are adamant on making it 1 a week can you make it so the cooldown doesn't affect alts and let each alt be able to use their own 1 week respec?