title pretty much sums this post up. respecs and exchanges can now be bought in the shop, for 100k&750k, respectively. there's a new category in the shop navigation that is directly to the right of the button for bolts. until 24 hours pass, or if you recache the page (by pressing cntrl-f5), the icon won't be visible, but the button for the 'goods' category is still there, and it does work. I haven't found any bugs during the testing I've done, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. if there are, please let me know
since there is now an option for you fat cats out there to empty your purses in exchange for a heirloom exchange, reforges will no longer give 3 loompoints, and will instead just give 2. again, reforges will give you 2 loompoints, not 3. if you manage to reforge an item without knowing this has changed, well... you have been warned, especially considering I added in two more confirmation messages to the reforging process.
yes I can revert accidental reforges but it's a pain so it's easier for everyone if we're all informed instead
this won't take effect until later this week. time TBD, but it will be a reasonable length of time for people to get builds back to normal.
besides that, yeah I still want to get the pseudonym and small siege tower bugs fixed, so I'll dive back into those this week. hopefully the focus I had today will continue throughout the week, if it does I might even be able to fix both those bugs in a day. wouldn't that be real swell
oh also free respecs are back to once a week. most of yall are loaded, buy some respecs from the store if you want em. same applies here as with the reforges
final note, the prices for these services are subject to change. the economy is bloated to all hell, and with the free reforges we've had for the past while, the price of a loom point is up in the air. these services should act to stabilize the economy to some extent and bring back the marketplace, which in turn will allow us to better gauge the correct price of the services. these services have also never been offered in the shop before, so we're in unexplored territory. exciting stuff
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loginOh thank god I think having to sell anymore respecs was going to give me an aneurysm
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