cRPG => Announcements => Topic started by: RD_Professor on November 23, 2017, 06:50:10 am

Title:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: RD_Professor on November 23, 2017, 06:50:10 am
First off, I want to say thanks to all the people who have gotten back into crpg, and who are keeping the mod alive. For the past two weeks, the amount of active players has been increasing at an extremely constant rate, which is just such a wonderful thing to see. There's still a ways to go, but we're getting there. Onto the important stuff.

This patch introduces many of the things that I forgot to, or meant to put out in PoUD. Undoubtedly, I'm still forgetting more, but jeez there's already a lot in this patch. One of the more important things to take away from this is that the leveling system has been tweaked (for the final time), and strat has been 'revitalized,' that is, all strat players have been given troops based on their troop cap, and crime was removed. Over the next few patches, I'll also increase the rate at which armies can be built through actually playing the game, so that we can see some nice wars in strat again.

Here's the actual patch notes:
-Professor: Strat battle item result fixed
-Professor: Crime removed, got those bad hombres out
-Professor: Bonus troop, tick amt to all players in strat
-Professor: New items (courtesy of zimke, hopefully more to follow!)
-Ikarooz: Retexture of new open/closed sallet + eyeslot helms
-Professor: Donkey DTV wave fix
-Professor: Weaboo wave reintroduced
-Professor: Leveling system tweak (basis for changes provided by Nightingale)
-Professor: STF level returned to 30, as it was pre-PoD
-Professor: Reduction of DTV xp due to round time has been removed
-Professor: DTV bots no longer 'lock' onto Vivi immediately
-Professor: Some old DTV maps added back to rotation
-Professor: Virgin now loses clothes starting from 20% health
-Professor: Virgin underwent cosmetic procedures to enhance her beauty
-Professor: Expiration date of exchanges and respecs increased from 336 hours to 7200 hours. (too lazy to do math)
-Professor: Strat now gives out x1.5 normal strat battle XP
-Professor: Valour easier to get, requires 2.5x team average score.
-Professor: Flag cannot spawn in battle mode until 45 seconds has passed from round start
-Professor: Several old textures of items readded into game
-Professor: Break chance for items slightly lowered
-Professor: Given that strat died for a bit, and people lost troops, each strat player was given some amount of troops/gold
Now, your favorite changes:
-Professor: Ranged damage cap on horseback increased from 60 to 65
-Professor: Ranged damage reduction on horseback reduced from 20% to 15%

To come:
-Throwing nerf
-New DTV waves
-DTV bot AI improvements
-New items
-Flag fix
-More endgame goals
-Fix bugs in game loading
-Fix bugs with Tavern tab
-Fix Hooded Nasal Helmet
-DTV should give out ticks, gold according to base XP gained. 3000:1 ratio for ticks.
-Multiplier-based gamemodes should give out ticks, gold according to current multiplier. 1:1 ratio for ticks.

XP System:
The levels before 32 have not been changed, they are still what they were earlier. For post-31, the new amounts of xp required for each level are as follows:
XP for 32: Went from 52,415,058 to 29,119,477
XP for 33: Went from 209,660,232 to 97,064,922
XP for 34: Went from 1,048,301,160 to 323,549,741
XP for 35: Went from 6,289,806,960 to 1,617,748,704
XP for 36: yeah good luck with that

This tweak here provides a balance between the system I came up with and the one that was used pre-PoD. With this, high level builds are not attainable, and veteran players will see their characters retain the same level lead they did in PoD. So, level 37 corresponds to 33, 38 corresponds to 34, that sort of thing. So that we don't have a respec every week with a new leveling system, I'm locking this one in for the foreseeable future.

Other Things:
There won't be a strat reset for quite a while, at least until early 2018 or so. Similarly, if it does occur, will only be a partial wipe, and happen no earlier than the strat reset. On a different note, in the shop you will see some repeats of item names. The ones without a picture are currently the item displayed as the picture for the other instance of the item. When I can, I'll upload new pics of the items so that there won't be conclusion.

The code that I wrote for this patch (especially considering strategus) was untested, so if there are any bugs that come up, please let me know.

If I think of anything I forgot, I'll add it later.

Items Changes:
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Asheram on November 23, 2017, 07:24:51 am
Ok I am confused, before your revert I needed 310mill xp to next level 38, after I needed 729mill xp to next lvl now I need 4,673,397(less than 5 mill xp). where did the time go?
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: RD_Professor on November 23, 2017, 07:29:57 am
The leveling system was tweaked so that 34 was more attainable. as in attainable at all.
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Drunken_sailor on November 23, 2017, 09:43:19 am
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: pogosan on November 23, 2017, 11:03:27 am
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: the real god emperor on November 23, 2017, 11:29:23 am
Don't want to start another drama but, why don't you reset Strat asap? It is an instant boost to mod popularity, I assure you.
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: njames89 on November 23, 2017, 01:03:37 pm
Excellent work as usual Professor.

Don't want to start another drama but, why don't you reset Strat asap? It is an instant boost to mod popularity, I assure you.

I think a strat reset is coming soon enough but the current plan is to have some XP battles and ensure all bugs are worked out. Seems like we find something new that is borked with strat almost daily at the moment, although Professor is working out the bugs at an impressive rate. Personally I definitely support a strat reset in the early 2018 and I agree it would be good to help get people interested again.
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Ikarus on November 23, 2017, 01:13:23 pm
Don't want to start another drama but, why don't you reset Strat asap? It is an instant boost to mod popularity, I assure you.
better safe than sorry, first take care that strat and the game itself really works fluently, that we have a decent amount of regular players (both veteran and new) and a system which is fun for everyone, then we can focus on a good, well announced strat reset with the players and hype it deserves
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Jarl_Onurb on November 23, 2017, 03:28:25 pm


To come:
-Throwing nerf
-New DTV waves
-DTV bot AI improvements
-New items
-Flag fix
-More endgame goals
-Fix bugs in game loading
-Fix bugs with Tavern tab
-Fix Hooded Nasal Helmet
-DTV should give out ticks, gold according to base XP gained. 3000:1 ratio for ticks.
-Multiplier-based gamemodes should give out ticks, gold according to current multiplier. 1:1 ratio for ticks.


No wonder why mod is still dead
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: FleetFox on November 23, 2017, 06:01:28 pm
Pogosan left.

Yeah thats a little worrying, its not like throwing is OP right now... yikes at getting even lower damage.
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: RD_Professor on November 23, 2017, 10:18:05 pm
Had a discussion with a balancer last night, they recommended a nerf to throwing in a way that would not directly affect damage. I'll probably implement something like that, which will be a nerf, but not one that makes throwing non-viable.
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: the real god emperor on November 24, 2017, 10:33:58 am
Biggest problem with throwing is the accuracy anyway. Damage makes sense but its pinpoint even from mid range.
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Ăšlfur on November 24, 2017, 10:58:16 am
A couple of us, such as me and James are constantly working on improving strat and making it work.
First removing bugs and testing everything. Such as not having Crime in a lower populated strat seems nice.

Suggestions / wishes are always welcome.

(goes without saying that Rider and Professor are always on it too)
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: QuisUtDeus on November 24, 2017, 11:35:51 am
Great work!

Also thanks to the new dev team as well as to all the players who try to revive this great mod
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Konrax on November 25, 2017, 05:20:35 pm
After the last patch my xp is all wonky

Experience: 110,355,560
Level up in: -13,290,637
Next level: 97,064,923

Maybe I just need 1 tick on the server to fix?
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: njames89 on November 25, 2017, 05:49:16 pm
After the last patch my xp is all wonky

Experience: 110,355,560
Level up in: -13,290,637
Next level: 97,064,923

Maybe I just need 1 tick on the server to fix?

Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Sauce on November 26, 2017, 09:13:20 pm
and veteran players will see their characters retain the same level lead they did in PoD.

Still missing the levels i had
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Thryn on November 26, 2017, 11:17:59 pm
and veteran players will see their characters retain the same level lead they did in PoD.

Still missing the levels i had

you should keep the experience, not the level
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: RD_Professor on November 27, 2017, 01:03:51 am
Quick update, fixed my sloppy code that caused errors with the Hall of Fame. So, players now will see their proper titles ingame. Additionally, the required XP for level 35 was fixed, now it is around 1600 mil XP, as it should be. About to test code that will lower strategus death timers, and cap it at 30 seconds.
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Ikarus on November 27, 2017, 12:47:12 pm
Quick update, fixed my sloppy code that caused errors with the Hall of Fame. So, players now will see their proper titles ingame. Additionally, the required XP for level 35 was fixed, now it is around 1600 mil XP, as it should be. About to test code that will lower strategus death timers, and cap it at 30 seconds.

jesus Professor, don't forget to take breaks aswell
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Torben on November 27, 2017, 06:55:54 pm

"XP for 34: Went from 1,048,301,160 to 323,549,741"

Hey!  I have 900+ million XP,  it says level up in -600million XP,  and I am lvl 33.  should be lvl 34 I guess,  just if you want to check into it
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Thryn on November 27, 2017, 07:12:38 pm

"XP for 34: Went from 1,048,301,160 to 323,549,741"

Hey!  I have 900+ million XP,  it says level up in -600million XP,  and I am lvl 33.  should be lvl 34 I guess,  just if you want to check into it

if you probably join server and get a tick you will be fine
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Torben on November 27, 2017, 07:15:27 pm
makes sense
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Asheram on November 27, 2017, 08:44:54 pm
So why in pod stf lvl was 35 the retirement lvl but now it's lvl 30 the lvl before retirement?
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: RD_Professor on November 27, 2017, 11:38:44 pm
So why in pod stf lvl was 35 the retirement lvl but now it's lvl 30 the lvl before retirement?
I was reminded that before PoD, STF level was 30. Also, considering that the average level of players (that still retire) is 30, it makes sense to me that the level for STF would be the same.
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on November 28, 2017, 12:55:14 am
STF being level 35 was stupid to begin with. Completely removes any incentive to not have a STF
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Asheram on November 28, 2017, 01:51:16 am
You mean removes any need to put your nose on the grindstone. Esp if you dont care about looms or long grinds after that level and want to be able to respec whenever.

But that point is kind of mute as I highly doubt anyone would spend much time on one now anyways with so low population.

With this new point distribution I have 3 stf one is level 31, one is level 32 and the other is lvl 33 with my main lvl 34, all of them at gen 16 unfortunately though I have to share the 7 day respec with all of them.
And I have no plans on retiring ever again, I would have for Asheram's grandmaster title when he only needed 310mill xp to lvl 38, but now he only needs 4,673,397 til vl 34 which is legendary title but I don't feel it would be earned if I do retire so I am not going to.
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on November 28, 2017, 02:25:36 am
You mean removes any need to put your nose on the grindstone. Esp if you dont care about looms or long grinds after that level and want to be able to respec whenever.

You mean one of the main features and draws of the mod?
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Asheram on November 28, 2017, 03:22:42 am

You mean one of the main features and draws of the mod?
must not be a main draw because there are 50-70 players on everynite on gk tdm and battle 15-30.
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: njames89 on November 28, 2017, 04:06:25 am
Had 43 or 44 on battle tonight and it was well populated for several hours. Just a matter of getting people coordinated to get on at the same time!

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Good fights! Will get it going again soon maybe tmrw night.
Title: Re:, the Patch of UnDestiny, pt. II
Post by: Asheram on November 28, 2017, 04:17:48 am
Thats why I thought leaving the pod alone and locking all to lvl 35 stf char with looms disabled would draw more from native that would stay as there is a much larger wardrobe here and would still be able to build classes.