For the Acre baddie may I nominate my lord James.
I love the shit outa him, but he typically charges headlong into battle without backup, nowadays astride his +3 donkey.
Long live Jamesnado!!
Very decent nomination. James popped in my mind while making this, but he is really not too much of a baddie when he tries his heart out.
HOWEVER its just as you say. recently he has been riding that dumb donkey or mule just to either die immediately in a horde by himself, or he rides away from the battle to take potshots with his crossbow, then he runs in after his whole team is dead just to die immediately. Why James??? You would help so much literally just standing next to your team to tank some hits.
The judges rule this to be a valid nomination and King James will take BADDIE spot 4 for recent battle tactics.
I nominate you chester, for often gettin wrecked by several of the baddies on this list.
Nirnroot, he seems like he's trying but out of nowhere he'll blatantly team kill/wound lol.
No hate just saiyan man
I nominate Daruvian. Rides around in full plate on heavy horse with shield and still runs away from a lightly armored archer in melee with only a hammer and no bow out if his shield breaks. Doesn't get more sad than that. Also, constantly team bumps allies into dying in melee desperately trying to get a kill making his team lose.
I agree with Tumble, I've beat you in melee regularly on my shielder and polearmer and score higher on NA1, so top spot would be chesterotab just over me, though daruvian could give you a good run for your money.
Also, is this just going to be a biased one in favor of your friends so Daruvian and others won't be considered? Kind of invalidates the whole point, just makes it a popularity contest for who chesterotab likes and dislikes more than anything else.
Lol, in what universe is ChesterOtab bad at the game? He's one of the VERY few players left that still play that I actually have to try my ass off when I fight and he still stomps me usually. Also I've never seen him do worse than 2:1 KD in a strat battle this strat. Daruvian however I've never even broken a sweat while fighting. Kesh, you're pretty trash at the game and for the amount of time you've been playing you should be a whole lot better.
Lol, you of all people shouldn't be talking smack. lol, so bad. Your character description describing you beating some of the worst players in NA in duels is hilarious though, few of us had a good laugh when we saw that. Still don't get how you never even notice everytime I play na1 im top 1-3 on scoreboard on all my melee characters, and I never use heavier armor than cav robes (tristran the plate crutcher) often much less as I rely on skill and manual blocking instead of high strength builds (chesterotab) with plate.
But yes, please continue the popularity contest of chesterotab and his friends!
You guys don't like me, so I guess that instantly makes me a baddie, lol. To be fair having bigots and friends of bigots not like me doesn't really hurt my feelings, kind of makes me glad I'm no some dumb redneck who still thinks the traitor flag stands for something other than a bunch of uneducated rednecks who can't think for themselves.
But yes, please continue the popularity contest of chesterotab and his friends!
You guys don't like me, so I guess that instantly makes me a baddie, lol. To be fair having bigots and friends of bigots not like me doesn't really hurt my feelings, kind of makes me glad I'm no some dumb redneck who still thinks the traitor flag stands for something other than a bunch of uneducated rednecks who can't think for themselves.
I know he was Belgian and shit, but how about Bruttus? He did play NA strat after all.
"James, Perhaps has the capacity to not be a baddie..."
Perhaps has the capacity to not be a baddie...
has the capacity to not be a baddie...
not be a baddie...
Just got 3 shield skill when I turned level 37 3-4 weeks ago., so 95% of that is playing without a shield as a 1her in light armor. Considering all I have ever seen you do is high strength builds with spammy 2hers and heavy armor - not that impressive, any idiot can get a 2:1 k/d with that setup. I prefer skill-based play, have for years after hanging around cyranule and matey and dueling with kaelaen and snickers. Fuck armor crutchers. Also tristran never, never have you gotten 10:0 in your life (I have on this exact character even though I die in 1-2 hits, while you take 8, which compensates for your lack of skill manual blocking and feinting). And too be fair I never avoid dying like some e-peen chasers on this thread if it helps my team to win.
Nirnroot, he seems like he's trying but out of nowhere he'll blatantly team kill/wound lol.
No hate just saiyan man
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heres a 5 year old picture of me going 10:1 on siege if that helps, i dont usually screen cap my scores but i might have a few somewhere if you really want me to dig them up.
I prefer skill-based play, have for years after hanging around cyranule and matey and dueling with kaelaen and snickers.
By its very nature a baddy is someone with a less than 1:1 k/d since that would be less than average.
Where the fuck is my name? I wouldn't say I am the worst but surely I am down there. Shouldn't transparent shitty personality counts for something. I seem to always bring the mood down anytime I enter NA1.
I nominate Deserter_Merrrrrrica. Please someone back me up on how shitty I am? Only time I wish Gobblins were active. Those mofo would concur no doubt.
Where is Bicep's monkey ass when you need him?
I think we all need to take a second to better understand what being a baddie means. Put yourself in this scenario;
You just retired an hour ago and are playing on NA1 while low level. The first round of this map was a loss keeping you without a multiplier. You watch as the auto balance leaves your new team a man short compared to the enemy team AND it dumps you together with Kesh_BRD on a melee character or Asheram on a rock thrower/horse archer/shielder hybrid. You then think to yourself "this is almost not winnable with these baddies on my team"
You failed to demonstrate sufficient KDR to be removed from the baddie list and no one seems to be coming to your defense explaining how you should not be top baddie. I don't know what skill your play is based on, but its clearly unrelated to in game melee skill.
Where the fuck is my name? I wouldn't say I am the worst but surely I am down there. Shouldn't transparent shitty personality counts for something. I seem to always bring the mood down anytime I enter NA1.
I nominate Deserter_Merrrrrrica. Please someone back me up on how shitty I am? Only time I wish Gobblins were active. Those mofo would concur no doubt.
Where is Bicep's monkey ass when you need him?
dont talk to me like u know me i will hit u
-Dr_Professor(bad at beinga baddie,explaining that he is almost 2.5 kdr, yet demanding he appearon this list
Clearly Bicep agrees. Take that as a third nomination.!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=1213 (!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=1213)
Time to add Westwood to the list. Went 3:1 against him and every time it was 1v1 when we were fighting.!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=1213 (!?page=strategusinfobattleroster&id=1213)Man it was funny watching you flail around when your shield broke. You're also a liar lmao
Time to add Westwood to the list. Went 3:1 against him and every time it was 1v1 when we were fighting.
Man it was funny watching you flail around when your shield broke. You're also a liar lmao
Poor loser syndrome!
Also, AI didn't autohire. No one was hired when battle started, AI impossible to hire at that point, but a human player taking advantage can have roster still open then hire after battle initiated.
Its pretty clear that since the trolls quit and no one cared or paid attention, their friends are doing their best to grief and ruin the game for everyone else by avoiding battles except through ninja rosters - hire last minute practically every other battle (don't want real fight just want to make strategus less enjoyable for others to make their friends feel better) and when that doesn't work resorting to poll-banning to win. It is the absolute, pettiest, most childish thing I have ever seen in crpg, so it fits pretty well with their group of guys.
Like throwing over the board game when no one pays attention to your temper tantrum after you quit. So everyone else will be upset and make your little childish temper feel better. Its incredibly sad how many of these people are full grown men doing this - Havelle, Westwood, etc.
This list... is.. fukin... Awesome..if you put your mind to it, i'm sure you can make it one day
I'm gonna start suckin dix at this game to get on the very top of it.
Nobody ever talks about me! (lols at Asherams reaction)
I nominate my perpetual baddie in crime Viceroy Axeman of Acre aka The Bad Axeman aka that guy thwomping enemies and occasionally teammates with the great bardiche.
8. whoever is the worst of the Yoshi's belongs here, Taril?
10. One of the bad free peasants of fisdnar, El_Yanqui or Dorlando
(free kills)
There are Free Peasants that aren't bad? News to me.
For the Acre baddie may I nominate my lord James.
I love the shit outa him, but he typically charges headlong into battle without backup, nowadays astride his +3 donkey.
Long live Jamesnado!!
no mention of Zlotz at all??