cRPG => Ban/Unban Requests => NA (Official) => Topic started by: imisshotmail on March 18, 2016, 12:34:28 am

Title: Grand_Prince_Mcsanders - Intentional Teamwounding
Post by: imisshotmail on March 18, 2016, 12:34:28 am
1. Name of your character involved: CRPG_Savant
2. Name of offending character(s): Grand_Prince_Mcsanders
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: 6:20 PM EST, NA Siege Server.
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after: Died in siege, as I was respawning I saw someone idling still in a corner so QMLed him assuming typical siege leeching, upon my respawn I ran past him and he repeatedly teamwounded me over 2 lives before he got kicked for 5/5.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did: Because I found him leeching in siege.
6. Multiple Screenshots: /
7. Names of players that can witness what happened: I dunno maybe some people in the screenshots.

All in all I am very disappointed that a member of Acre would break the rules, first by leeching and then by intentionally team wounding when found out? They don't make cRPG clans like they used to!
Title: Re: Grand_Prince_Mcsanders - Intentional Teamwounding
Post by: Ocera on March 18, 2016, 12:37:45 am
Leeching? im fucking drunk i just got back from the pub from the wake of burying a friend.... and you start griefing by spamming my screen with leeching, it was all glances. so yes i was a dick and broke the rules and will accept what ever punishment but i didn't leech you bellend. i was killing and fighting on flags while you was too busy dicking about reporting people.
Title: Re: Grand_Prince_Mcsanders - Intentional Teamwounding
Post by: imisshotmail on March 18, 2016, 12:39:59 am
Leeching? im fucking drunk i just got back from the pub from the wake of burying a friend.... and you start griefing by spamming my screen with leeching, it was all glances. so yes i was a dick and broke the rules and will accept what ever punishment but i didn't leech you bellend. i was killing and fighting on flags while you was too busy dicking about reporting people.

I'm sorry about your friend, but that is no excuse for blatantly breaking the laws that the game admins have set out for us. Hopefully when you are sober and in a clearer state of mind you will realise leeching is wrong.
Title: Re: Grand_Prince_Mcsanders - Intentional Teamwounding
Post by: Ocera on March 18, 2016, 12:43:58 am
I was not leeching i killed Pollux with a sai, and i was on the flags, the 5 glances was against the rules i admit that one. but i have been playing this game over 5 years and i have not been banned, because i am normally following all the rules, but your false accusations of rule braking pissed me off.
Title: Re: Grand_Prince_Mcsanders - Intentional Teamwounding
Post by: imisshotmail on March 18, 2016, 12:53:12 am
I was not leeching i killed Pollux with a sai, and i was on the flags, the 5 glances was against the rules i admit that one. but i have been playing this game over 5 years and i have not been banned, because i am normally following all the rules, but your false accusations of rule braking pissed me off.

All I can tell is my side of the story- I saw you standing still in the corner where 2 walls meet as a fight was going on nearby and not helping, I used QML once on you and carried on. Then I was teamwounded. Considering you admitted yourself you are drunk and not in the right state of mind, I can understand you forgetting a few details.
Title: Re: Grand_Prince_Mcsanders - Intentional Teamwounding
Post by: Kelugarn on March 18, 2016, 01:40:09 am
I was not leeching i killed Pollux with a sai, and i was on the flags, the 5 glances was against the rules i admit that one. but i have been playing this game over 5 years and i have not been banned, because i am normally following all the rules, but your false accusations of rule braking pissed me off.

Well you own up to it at least. Since you've never been banned in 5 years (you've been doing a great job) I'm going to write you a warning. Don't be bad again or you'll be put in timeout.