Sometimes I wish that I had never done this Hebrew fucking shit to FCC/others in strat 4. Boy, it sure felt fucking good when we cheekily fucked over the side we perceived (correctly, of course, FCC fucking puuties) in a way that really should NOT be possible.
It kinda sucks being on the other end.
I blame myself for being employed, personally. If I wasn't, we woulda been fine.
Well done!
and by well done i mean you did a really good job of being a abysmally autismal piece of steaming refuse
TRADITIONAL AUTISM EDIT: The reason I say that this sort of thing should not be possible is this; it forces leaders of one or both factions to coerce, encourage, grovel, and whine to other players to show up to a battle. Now, that doesn't sound so bad right?
Well, every shitty fucking peasant gear 100-man AFK trader is a potential "sign max mercs with 2 mins before battle" situation. That means that you're required to nerd-herd a sizable roster in NA3 literally EVERY TIME there is a battle. Don't know about anyone else, but I fucking hate piece of shit battles that are over in 3 minutes flat with no competition. With this sort of thing, leaders have to hustle a bunch of nerds into the server to HAVE NO POSSIBLE FUN WHATSOEVER.
And that sucks for them.
And me.
time 2 get our gear back ;)!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=499
Hey now its my turn to sit back and watch the drama. isn't your turn yet!
You've done nothing to contribute to shitposting culture, damnit. YOU HAVEN'T EARNED THE RIGHT TO SPECTATE. All those squid conflicts where you'd post a shitty insult and get downvoted by a dozen cunts. If anything, you need to try harder than the rest of us to make up for the dubious shitposting you've done in the past.
im actually getting mad about this, but only because I am frustrated because of the lack of quality insults
and we I am retarded for not connecting the dots from Aow--->Kesh/FCC puuties, failing to forsee these semitic memetics.
I am humiliated. I cannot go on. Please follow the link below to see my full post on the matter.
I am humiliated. I cannot go on. Please follow the link below to see my full post on the matter.
Hope i didnt push him there.......................He actually seems to be quite upset, which is very surprising from someone who claims to be the troll king.
it was because I did the free upgrade to Windows 10 you moron, I didn't do it to try and fix crpg
he did it because i gave him an order as his internet commanding officer that, as we all know, is literally impossible to refuse