cRPG => Ban/Unban Requests => NA (Official) => Topic started by: Captain_Skinboat on November 05, 2015, 07:50:46 pm

Title: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: Captain_Skinboat on November 05, 2015, 07:50:46 pm
1. Name of your character involved: Agamemnon_Breaker_of_Horses
2. Name of offending character(s): Taylor_Swift_XIII
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: NA 1 at 1:41pm
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. Tailor Swift was shit talking me and dionysus for being bad at cav on a low pop server for about half an hour. She then decided to teamkill dionysus's horse during the round and the next round hunted me down and teamkilled me while I was waiting at the flags.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did: I think Tailor Swift is an old player that pops on once in a while and has complete disregard for the rules or anyone elses fun. She came on and trolled the entire server and threatened to continue tking us because there was "no admins anymore"
6. Multiple Screenshots:visitors can't see pics , please register or login

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7. Names of players that can witness what happened. Dionysus, Gheist_Ritter, Juicy Mango
Title: Re: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: Swift_and_True on November 05, 2015, 09:24:02 pm
Wheres the proof when you nearly kileld me in spawn? GG. And the TK was an accident when u ran into my spar. And i never threatened to TK you Bc no admins anymore. I said run me over again, ill kill your horse. Lol you're such bullshit, kid. And all those Team wounds are on your horse. And i see you made sure your insults didnt appear. 10/10.
Title: Re: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: Donkey_Thrower on November 05, 2015, 09:32:10 pm
I'd like to add on to this thread with intentional TW as well as Brocoding.

Today, Tailor slashed my horse after I accidently bumped her.  Ok cool no big deal.  Then the next round she starts killing my horse for no good reason.  I think I "stole" her kill or something.

Then she brocoded and caused our team a loss because instead of fighting, she sat there and watched our teammate get owned, then went into fight and sat there and took hits, losing us the round.

Here you can clearly see tailor waiting by while my teammate is fighting 1v1, instead of helping him and ending the match.

Here you can see tailor smacking my horse for no good reason...,EajF41a,FeIoBUy

Ban this blatant abuser of rules!
Title: Re: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: Swift_and_True on November 05, 2015, 09:33:55 pm
One, i didnt brocode, he was last alive so i let him have spars. Two, you bumped me as i released my swing on an enemy, glance killing your horse. But i will admit to attacking your horse the next round, due to you following me and stopping your horse just before you hit me to taunt me. And hell no i didnt take hits, i was level 18 in the fight, i died in 1 hit. You both are blowing it out of proportion looking innocent. Now I remember this toxic community.
Title: Re: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: Donkey_Thrower on November 05, 2015, 09:35:35 pm
One, i didnt brocode, he was last alive so i let him have spars. Two, you bumped me as i released my swing on an enemy, glance killing your horse. But i will admit to attacking your horse the next round, due to you following me and stopping your horse just before you hit me to taunt me. And hell no i didnt take hits, i was level 18 in the fight, i died in 1 hit. You both are blowing it out of proportion looking innocent. Now I remember this toxic community.

you have screenshots to back up your claims?  Cause I don't see them.

Also, letting people spar at the end of a round is lame as fuck since most of us are still trying to level our guys up and a multiplier does matter to us.
Title: Re: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: Swift_and_True on November 05, 2015, 09:39:36 pm
Spars may be lame, but not against the rules. And no, i dont screenshot cause i dont let admins fight my battles. I fight em myself.
Title: Re: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: Captain_Skinboat on November 05, 2015, 09:41:14 pm
I never team wounded you or bumped you on purpose. Me and dionysus just made new characters and were trying cav. You insulted us for 30 minutes about being bad at cav and playing cav on a low pop server. When we defended ourselves you teamkilled dions horse. then you teamwounded it again at the beginning of the round. I told you to stop crying and breaking the rules and you ran straight at me and teamkilled me and my horse. The hits weren't all to the horse because I died, as you can see in the screenshots. Not to mention I played for the next 2 hours and you were toxic to the entire server for that time. Insulting people non stop and teamwounding when you could. Waiting around not helping your team just to spite them. Why don't you let other people have fun.
Title: Re: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: Swift_and_True on November 05, 2015, 09:43:06 pm
HE LITERALLY HIT ME 4 TIMES IN SPAWN AND I HAD 2 BARS HP LEFT. And i never hit u at start of round. thats another lie. nd as i said, the TK ur making seem completely on purpose, you ran into my fight when i was spinning.
Title: Re: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: Donkey_Thrower on November 05, 2015, 09:47:48 pm
HE LITERALLY HIT ME 4 TIMES IN SPAWN AND I HAD 2 BARS HP LEFT. And i never hit u at start of round. thats another lie. nd as i said, the TK ur making seem completely on purpose, you ran into my fight when i was spinning.

yet you freely admit to TK'ing people's horses because they "are an ass"
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Title: Re: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: Swift_and_True on November 05, 2015, 09:49:30 pm
I literally said "Yes the first horse TK was accidental, but then i attacked it next round for you being an ass." I already admitted to the on like my third post.
Title: Re: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 05, 2015, 09:52:02 pm
One, i didnt brocode, he was last alive so i let him have spars. Two, you bumped me as i released my swing on an enemy, glance killing your horse. But i will admit to attacking your horse the next round, due to you following me and stopping your horse just before you hit me to taunt me. And hell no i didnt take hits, i was level 18 in the fight, i died in 1 hit. You both are blowing it out of proportion looking innocent. Now I remember this toxic community.

Duels for the honorable, yes. It's a common thing ( only if there arent any tryhards on who want to up their kd)
Title: Re: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: Swift_and_True on November 05, 2015, 09:53:59 pm
You weren't there when the other two started it and i was already on low limits to deal with it. So i did attack it the next round, first time was unintentional, and the TW on the first 2 were all to their horse for attacking me in spawn. I never said id attack BC no admins BC thats also false. Ive seen admins on the server. I never attacked your horse bc of a TK, its because you were following me, taunting purposefully. So ill lay claims to what actually happened, and what didnt. Talk to me in PMs if necessary or TS or something. this is ridiculous.
Title: Re: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: Donkey_Thrower on November 05, 2015, 10:01:05 pm
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Title: Re: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: Nightingale on November 05, 2015, 10:03:45 pm
Swift I'm going to ban you for 12 hours

1: Teamkilling
2: Teamwounding
3: Griefing
4: You've been playing long enough to know this type of behavior and actions is frowned upon.

I'm not checking logs I'm going based strictly on the screenshots provided; your ban history is clear so you will receive a minor ban of just 12 hours. Future bans may be more harsh regarding similar situations.

Title: Re: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: Swift_and_True on November 05, 2015, 10:04:31 pm
Fair enough. BTW, dont know if it matters, but i just retired so its Tailor_Swift_XIV now for the ban
Title: Re: Ban Taylor_Swift_XIII
Post by: Nightingale on November 05, 2015, 10:07:18 pm
Thanks; Locking topic