cRPG => Beginner's Help and Guides => Topic started by: noxnoctum on October 18, 2015, 02:43:07 am

Title: How do I import a character?
Post by: noxnoctum on October 18, 2015, 02:43:07 am
I got a new PC and I'd like to use my old character, how do I do that? I can log in etc. to the crpg site but only have the option to create a new character in-game.
Title: Re: How do I import a character?
Post by: Sparvico on October 18, 2015, 02:57:15 am
Assuming you are using the same Warband CD key as before you can simply create a character with the same name as the one on your cRPG account in game and join a server. The characters are not bound by appearance only gender and name. If you are using a new Warband CD key you can kindly ask the devs via IRC chat or a forum PM to merge the two accounts, or if you know the old CD key you can change it in your warband registry file (instructions for which are on youtube somewhere I am sure).
Title: Re: How do I import a character?
Post by: noxnoctum on October 18, 2015, 03:32:35 am
Thanks for the tip, worked perfectly  :)