cRPG => Beginner's Help and Guides => Topic started by: smals98 on September 22, 2015, 12:42:35 am

Title: Roman Legionary
Post by: smals98 on September 22, 2015, 12:42:35 am
Wanted to start a character that had roman-esque gear. Anyone know of any armor (and weapons) would go well with it?
Title: Re: Roman Legionary
Post by: Finse on September 22, 2015, 08:18:43 am
Katzbalger looks alot like a gladius

and Shield i dont know
Title: Re: Roman Legionary
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on September 22, 2015, 08:38:14 am
Katzbalger looks alot like a gladius

and Shield i dont know
A board shield would be the closest most likely. I think the Katafraktoi Armor is supposed to be Roman(or is it greek? I get them mixed up lol).
Title: Re: Roman Legionary
Post by: Torben on September 22, 2015, 10:09:36 am
Katafraktoi Armor is supposed to be Roman(or is it greek? I get them mixed up lol).

its eastern roman empire.  there are some eastern roman armors,  non of which resemble the asterix/gladiator style armors tho
Title: Re: Roman Legionary
Post by: Siiem on September 22, 2015, 11:54:58 am
I think the Katafraktoi Armor is supposed to be Roman(or is it greek? I get them mixed up lol).

Isn't cataphract just greek for armour? So wouldn't that make katafraktoi armour be "armour armour"?
Title: Re: Roman Legionary
Post by: Teeth on September 22, 2015, 12:04:28 pm
Skutatos armor looks closest in my opinion. Pair that with a Board Shield with a red and yellow banner and you got a decent look. A Nordic Short Sword looks a bit gladius/spatha-like because of its thin guard and it is also 0 slot. You definitely need throwing lances, which are two slots and the Board Shield might be two slots as well. Otherwise use a Broad Short Sword, as it is more stabbing oriented stats-wise. Helmet-wise there isn't really a good match. You could use the Chichak helmet, as it is the only helmet that has similar neck- and cheekguards, but its not the same. Otherwise a simple iron helmet like the Bascinet or the Spiked Helmet.
Title: Re: Roman Legionary
Post by: smals98 on September 22, 2015, 03:31:45 pm
Thanks for all the suggestions, this is what I have right now:
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It's the Red Roman Helmet-Skutatos armor-mail gloves-rus cav boots\throwing lances-heavy board shield-and a broad short sword.

I'll definately take a look at the weapons and armor that's been suggested however.
Title: Re: Roman Legionary
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on September 25, 2015, 06:32:46 am
Chichak has some Russian/Polish detailing but is pretty close to actual legionnaire helmet. Saracen lamellar armor for body isn't perfect, but it's red cloth with metal chestplate (should be segmented instead of tiny lamellar plates). Unless you use a custom banner on a board shield, long pavise is the closest shield you will get.

And you have to use throwing lances. Have a 1H sword on hand for backup. I used the nordic short war sword since it has a weighted pommel, but someone else said katzbalger looks close to a gladius.

It's not perfect, but that's what my legionnaire alt wears. Chichack, saracen lamellar, long pavise, throwing lance/nordic short war sword.
Title: Re: Roman Legionary
Post by: smals98 on September 28, 2015, 03:48:01 am
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I looked at the chichack and I do agree with you, but idk, just doesn't look right I guess-just my tastes. I also agree with the saracen armor to, and I'll probably start using it once I get some money.... :oops:
Title: Re: Roman Legionary
Post by: Akavirius on September 30, 2015, 11:39:17 pm
For late imperial roman infantry, i use nordic sword and round shield and any thrown weapon, and some spear if I have a spare slot. Armor is Rus Helmet, Byrnja, and leather boots or eastern shoes.

Sorry i haven't found many images to illustrate :
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