cRPG => Beginner's Help and Guides => Topic started by: haxKingdom on August 08, 2015, 10:08:28 am
This guide is meant to help people decide how effective nudging is. Thanks to DaBirds for receiving my nudges and punches, and reporting the damage for all the conditions.
My character had 39 strength/12 PS and the heaviest gauntlets in the game, +3 heavy gauntlets with 2.2 weight. Hard nudge refers to the 1h nudge.
The damage numbers given, controlling by not holding any punches and aiming at the shoulder, deviated at most by 0.5 bars because of randomization. This is equal to 0.5/10*72(DaBirds hp) = 3.6 damage. In the graph holding means the nudge recipient is holding an attack.
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This graph was made by comparing 2 points, and assumes the relationship between distance and str is linear. The experiment was done by putting the characters back to wall and block nudging the other character to a pile of sticks which served as a precision marker.
str feet
39 10
55 13
And using that to make a slope to input into a linear function. Note the 10 feet could have been 7 feet which accounts for the bad matching to the data, all that really matters in the formula is the difference of 3 feet.
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damage comparison of hard nudge with different powerstrike
45 0PS 18 damage
45 15PS 18 damage
- Nudge damage does not benefit from powerstrike
- 2.2 gauntlet weight adds 40% more damage to nudge at 39 str (20.16/14.4 = 1.4)
- Hard nudge without gloves on a naked character is around 4x stronger than nudge (14.4/3.6 = 4)
- Hard nudge/nudge/punch will do the same damage/stagger whether the opponent is holding or not. If they're blocking the damage will be nullified.
- Armor affects nudges at a higher rate than punches, meaning it's probably cut damage.
- Nudge cannot target the head, benefit from moving speed bonus, or do more damage if the attacker holds
- Str of a character has no damping effect on the distance they are pushed
- Hard nudges/nudges should be used primarily for their knockdown and stagger abilities
- Pommel strike (2h nudge) does less damage than hard nudge
Nice work. Always great to see game mechanics exposed like this.
Truly you are a gentleman and a scholar.
Of course I don't know what's really under the hood but this is good enough for beginners. Whatever helps I always say.
Pommel strike (2h nudge) does less damage than hard nudge
Literally improperly scripted