cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Game Balance Discussion => Topic started by: JasonPastman on July 02, 2015, 11:17:04 am
So, in my opinion the current balance is quite good.
2h have the best animations.
1h hand have shields and are still fast yet hit strong.
Pole has length damage and speed.
Range, has substantial damage while maintaining accuracy speed and mobility.
Thrower, has excessive ammo, high damage, and good mobility.
Xbow also has high damage and tons of versitility (anyone can use).
Cav can wreck and counter range at high gold cost but are still vulnerable to range and players able to manage them.
Agi, is fast and not too weak.
Str is strong and not too slow.
This is blasphemy, you can't just go and make a thread and say that the balance is good. Where is the whine?
I can only pick one? Nerf ranged, throwing in particular + xbows + archers. Oh and buff this shit out of cav pls, they die to like 2 of my arrows
yea nerf ranged. Throwers less accuracy and less ammo :F 6 lances rlly? kurwa mac :F
Nerf bonus for ranged vs cav :F 1 throwing axe and light horse dead lol
Buff lances on horse 1 stab in the back of archer with full speed and he stand still, bullshit :F
The versatility and strength of throwing is really annoying, it's just such a powerful class that really doesnt have much risk to it. The melee mode of the throwing Lance is just stupidly strong.
The ability to slay anyone regardless of how well you play by just slightly aiming and holding the S key is disgusting, no other range (except for Horse Archers) are capable of doing this, the difference is that Horse Archers barely deal any damage whilst throwing rapes your insides. You missed a shot? np just walk back after your opponent notices he cant run faster than you can backpeddle and pick them up.
This is blasphemy, you can't just go and make a thread and say that the balance is good. Where is the whine?
Dont worry Teeth, im here ready to let the World know my opinion which ofcourse is the correct opinion to have, if you disagree well then ur a my old friend.
The melee mode on lances is maybe slightly too strong, as far as the throwing part goes id say the damage they deal is fair considering the ammo. Only headshots really one hit, body shots only do about a third of my HP.
The balance is fine indeed. I would still change a few things, but it is balanced.
Yes throwing lance melee mode needs fix. It's just laggy e.g weapon is hitting before animation really shows. That kind of shit and its swing rate is stupidly fast. Either that or reduce ammo to 1.