Off Topic => Spam => Topic started by: pogosan on April 02, 2015, 08:52:10 pm
Until when is the poll open?
There is no option to hide poll result until the end ? :(
There is no option to hide poll result until the end ? :(
there should be an option.
would be great!
Why is this in the spam-section? o.O
Coudn't you add a poll/vote in the original thread? not sure if that's possible :)
nice work hobo (:
Why can't I vote for Fin's song?
cuz op. how is your kidney btw?
Add jonas song. there are only 21 votes yet.
I honestly dont get how sebb got more votes than jonanhungry.
Sorry. Was kinda busy.
U can add me to voting if you want. But i don't care :) - i'm happy either way.
Good Songs everyone!
(Still missing cassi's though :( )
restart the poll and get in fin too cause will now vote for jona!!! same rights for everyone!
und krex (: nur weil du mich nicht leiden kannst musst du nicht sone kindergartenscheiße machen ja? bekomm dein leben mal in griff, danke!
I think this ones pretty cut and dry.
As far as production value, lyrics, and guitar skill (assuming its him playing dgent and I h8 h8 h8 this genre typically)
how is your kidney btw?
I think I'll be needing all my kidneys, after all.
Pogo told me to repeat what i said a few days ago:
In case i'd win something - i will not accept any prizes!
It's all yours :)
Pogo told me to repeat what i said a few days ago:
In case i'd win something - i will not accept any prizes!
It's all yours :)
well lets say that if fin wins, the second place will get the prizes
fin.. if you win, why dont want you the prices? You made a great song and you deserve the price!!! fin.. its yours!!!
Pogo told me to repeat what i said a few days ago:
In case i'd win something - i will not accept any prizes!
It's all yours :)
So you say voting you is a useless/wasted vote? :'(
I'll hug Fin if he wins the first place.
The problem I have with this is that all the vote to fin are kinda unused, and would have been better of to vote any other candidate then :( (unless he accepts his prizes, then there would be no problem.)
So what I'm saying is, if he wants to be voted for, then he should accept the prizes. If he doesn't accept/want the prizes, he shouldn't be able to be voted for. See the dilema? :( It's pretty much basics of a voting system. :o
what if we split the prize given to me between all participants? :)
voted Grytviken because it is clearly the best song in the lineup
what if we split the prize given to me between all participants? :)
that would technically work.
Vote for CAT and everybody shall have Cake and Pie!
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How come nobody is voting for Grytviken? His song is what really captures what cRPG is these days, and expresses it in a very artistic form. It may seem drab and repetitive, but that is what he is going for, dull lyrics that repeat to symbolize what cRPG has become - a dull drab boring game that is repetitive. Every time the verse repeats, it is like I am really playing DTV, spamming up swing behind a shield wall, rinse repeat.
Can nobody see the absolute brilliance behind this track? Or is everyone blinded by heavy metal and flashing vocals?
Holy shit Fins submission is geniunely good, like really good, hah. I shouldnt be surprised anymore with his earlier songs though but still.. dayum..
I'll obviously will vote for jona and hungry because the other song has no effort and actual singing in it.
how the hell did that shit even make it to the finals, seriously
Then where did everything go?
I'll obviously will vote for jona and hungry because the other song has no effort and actual singing in it.
smart man, even I voted for Hungry and Jona :lol:
i'd also like to give a shoutout to my fans ( bronto, poophammer) my dad and , my second dad, we almost made it to the top of the bottom boys, we had a good run .
smart man, even I voted for Hungry and Jona :lol:
Heh, thanks. I've voted for you both times now. 8-)
It just doesn't feel right that we can vote for ourselves. Anyone ever do a group project and at the end you are asked to rate your groups' individual contributions, and you have to rank yourself as well? Yeah... fuck those things. Even if I sincerely thought I contributed the most, I just couldn't put #1 next to my name...