cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: the real god emperor on March 04, 2015, 10:03:30 pm

Title: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: the real god emperor on March 04, 2015, 10:03:30 pm
+what games do you play?
-blablabla and a mod for mount and blade warband called crpg
+what is mount and blade?
-the medieval game Turks made dude you should know that
+oh yes i know but can you play that multiplayer?
-ofc and crpg adds persistent items and stuff and a...
+do you play lol?
-well, fuck you too
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Man of Steel on March 04, 2015, 10:08:09 pm
My friends are always laughing that i am playing such a game and they are saying its shit brabrabrbabab (Yes exactly the Lol players are saying that, shit graphics and so on  :rolleyes: )
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: AwesomeHail on March 04, 2015, 10:23:28 pm
well some people know M&B and shit on the mod and then theres people who have never heard of it so im making them buy the full M&B pack in the steam sales :)
two bought it, but that was pre revival patch and they thought it sucked (cuz nab :\ )
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Gatsby on March 04, 2015, 10:24:44 pm
I explain it as a great idea, unfortunatly ruined by the same ppl who had it.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Grumbs on March 04, 2015, 10:42:44 pm
I play a game called Mountain Blade thats like a 3d fighting game but with only a few attack types and no special moves.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Akronus97 on March 04, 2015, 10:43:53 pm
Nobody of my classmates and my friends know that game. I always say it has maybe the best melee system ever (Mount and Blande in general) and then they tell me that they would know the game if it had such a good melee sytsem :o

-well, fuck you too
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Rico on March 04, 2015, 11:00:42 pm
Player-skill-intense action RPG with directional combat system
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Eugen on March 04, 2015, 11:04:44 pm
I tell some people: "I play the game becouse you are not in that game!"

I tell some people: "I still play that old medieval melee game, and as long as it runs, I will not join any other online communities like on facebook, dota or other such things. C-RPG is the game that fully statisfies my online gaming needs."

I tell some people: "If you call me, I will stop playing c-rpg and answer your call - maybe..."

 :? :evil: :shock: :oops:

I tell some people: "Fair warning, dont try this game if you dont want to get addicted to a game."
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Leshma on March 04, 2015, 11:05:36 pm
Mod sucks but I'm addicted to it so fuck it.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Clockworkkiller on March 04, 2015, 11:05:55 pm
dont even bother
most of my friends are console fanyboys (one was once a pc gamer, but now plays on console instead cuz he thinks its better, wow)
the only pc games they know are LoL and MC

the ones that do play PC play nothing but CS (cuz MLG bro!) or Source-engine games (Potato PCs)
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: lombardsoup on March 04, 2015, 11:18:40 pm
Actual real life conversation about this mountain kebab mod
"So hey did you ever stop playing that game with the people that talk about dicks all the time in the in game chat?"
"*laughs* crpg?"
"Yeah that."
"Yep, balancing killed it.  The dicks are still flung though, even to this very day."
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Riddaren on March 04, 2015, 11:36:06 pm
The best thing about M&B imo is the gameplay. It was the reason I got stuck and the reason I kept playing.
But since the feeling of a game can't be communicated via some video on youtube, people must try it themselves.

Making a game easy to try out is really important. Specially today and specifically for a game like M&B that relies on gameplay.
Therefore, M:BG should be free for download (to try out gameplay vs bots) but require a unique key to play online.

In the long run the M:BG will become a lot more popular and more keys will be sold.

I haven't convinced anyone to start play M&B and that's becuase of the above.
Very few will buy a game that looks 20 years old (M&B). Few will buy a game that looks 10 years old (M:BG).
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: woody on March 05, 2015, 12:37:06 am
I dont mention playing computer games and the vast majority of my friends would rip the piss if they knew I enjoyed playing online and was in "clans". If I had to explain it, I'd say its a bit like a sports simulator but instead of football/baseball/cricket its medieval combat.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Sharpe on March 05, 2015, 12:51:01 am
I don't explain it to my friends because I would be called a racist frenchman, just like in game. In order to maintain a healthy life, you do need to separate real life and gaming life.

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Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Clockworkkiller on March 05, 2015, 01:16:21 am
I don't explain it to my friends because I would be called a racist frenchman, just like in game. In order to maintain a healthy life, you do need to separate real life and gaming life.

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but your a swimmer, that automatically makes u my old friend IRL
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Kalam on March 05, 2015, 01:29:24 am
Imagine a game with a combat system sort of like the Elder Scrolls, except you get to control how your weapon moves with your mouse...

It's like DDR with melee combat mechanics...

Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: lombardsoup on March 05, 2015, 01:34:44 am
I don't explain it to my friends because I would be called a racist frenchman, just like in game. In order to maintain a healthy life, you do need to separate real life and gaming life.

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Your real life is Napoleon Wars
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on March 05, 2015, 02:26:11 am
"Ranged combat is like a shooter game but with bows and crossbows instead of guns. Melee combat is like a fighting game where you need to block low to defend against the enemy's down attack. Also you can ride horses and run people over. You can play on team deathmatch servers or try to take over a map with clanmates that is like 24/7 always-on real time strategy game. Mrs. Witchcraft calls it Internet Horse Game."

Then every time I refer to it in the future I just say Internet Horse Game.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: POOPHAMMER on March 05, 2015, 02:31:11 am
My friend calls this a shit game then goes on to play Diablo 3. I need new friends.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Jona on March 05, 2015, 02:33:42 am
Better than having friends who call this a shit game and then go on to play chivalry.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on March 05, 2015, 02:35:05 am
Better than having friends who call this a shit game and then go on to play chivalry.
Or War of the Roses...
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: POOPHAMMER on March 05, 2015, 02:35:15 am
Better than having friends who call this a shit game and then go on to play chivalry.

He thinks chiv is better than crpg
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Thomek on March 05, 2015, 04:13:30 am
OP asks a really really good question though..   (And really important for M:BG)

Most of my friends are 30+ :D  Today they told me.. have you seen the new trailer for a new wolfenstein game? Looks awesome! I'm like..

................ Trying to pretend I'm interested. Those nubs will never understand. :D

Other friends, gamers, I've tried to get to try MB or cRPG are just pussies who get turned off by multiplayer. For me, this is the best, most addicting game I've ever played. The intense, personal fights, the recognition of yourself and other players!! Package delivers actual physical adrenaline, real rage, both in large doses. No other game does this. (Enlighten me if I'm wrong pls. )

Anyway, as my friends are not much of gamers, IDK how to explain it. Usually wrap it in some funny story about knights and ninjas, with a fitting dose of self-irony.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Tristan_of_Erzoth on March 05, 2015, 05:47:55 am
I usually explain it as a persistent multiplayer game with solid melee combat. Its hard but its rewarding once you get better at it. Most of my friends think I'm a loser for playing it, but they are the real losers amirite?
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: DonNicko on March 05, 2015, 09:46:41 am
I told my friend that c-rpg is a medieval counter-strike, but with swords and bows. I think all my friends tried it, but they always got raped by agiwhores who were dancing around them, that they even couldn't understand how they were killed. They are nubs. And this game is very hard for nubs. I like system of the game Tanks, where you divided in 10 groups, and to move to another you need to progress first and get skills. Well I think my friends would play it if they haven't been raped in the beginning.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Molly on March 05, 2015, 09:55:34 am
I don't bother explaining some medieval fighting "simulation" to anyone around me tbh. Wasted time considering the stupid looks I'd get in return :lol:
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Bittersteel on March 05, 2015, 11:33:07 am
OP asks a really really good question though..   (And really important for M:BG)

Most of my friends are 30+ :D  Today they told me.. have you seen the new trailer for a new wolfenstein game? Looks awesome! I'm like..

................ Trying to pretend I'm interested. Those nubs will never understand. :D

Other friends, gamers, I've tried to get to try MB or cRPG are just pussies who get turned off by multiplayer. For me, this is the best, most addicting game I've ever played. The intense, personal fights, the recognition of yourself and other players!! Package delivers actual physical adrenaline, real rage, both in large doses. No other game does this. (Enlighten me if I'm wrong pls. )

Anyway, as my friends are not much of gamers, IDK how to explain it. Usually wrap it in some funny story about knights and ninjas, with a fitting dose of self-irony.

You rage, playing Mount and Blade: Warband? Fucking LOL! I hope you're just the minority otherwise this community is even shittier than I thought.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: naduril on March 05, 2015, 11:58:26 am
Then every time I refer to it in the future I just say Internet Horse Game.
Mrs.Naduril calls it just "a Horsies Game". And others family members now as well :D


OP asks a really really good question though..   (And really important for M:BG)

Other friends, gamers, I've tried to get to try MB or cRPG are just pussies who get turned off by multiplayer. For me, this is the best, most addicting game I've ever played. The intense, personal fights, the recognition of yourself and other players!! Package delivers actual physical adrenaline, real rage, both in large doses. No other game does this. (Enlighten me if I'm wrong pls. )

and this:

I told my friend that c-rpg is a medieval counter-strike, but with swords and bows.

But with a little difference. My brothers and I  describe it as a Quake I Teamfortress. Once Turufin showed it to his clanmate from TF and he said it is really GOOD game. Unfrotunately his GF wasn't happy about it :D Otherwise another highskilled pro-gamer would appear and terrorize EU1 and EU2 :D

Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Kirman on March 05, 2015, 12:03:13 pm
Whenever i'm in a gaming discussion, if i hear LoL  once i don't even mention cRPG. Also few of my friends tried the game and they love it but say it's hard to play.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Casimir on March 05, 2015, 01:21:01 pm
'Mom get out of my room i'm trying to masturbate to my high K:D'

They never ask twice.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: _GTX_ on March 05, 2015, 03:10:49 pm
I told my friend that c-rpg is a medieval counter-strike, but with swords and bows. I think all my friends tried it, but they always got raped by agiwhores who were dancing around them, that they even couldn't understand how they were killed. They are nubs. And this game is very hard for nubs. I like system of the game Tanks, where you divided in 10 groups, and to move to another you need to progress first and get skills. Well I think my friends would play it if they haven't been raped in the beginning.
You're welcome!

Good point, my best mates already know exactly what cRPG is, hence them not playing it and me avoiding mentioning that I still play xD

2 of them had already sunk a ton of hours into native campaign, DROGBATIME played native multi with me lots and kept getting me banned before we found this. We liked DTV cos casual coop and no one tryhards so much, but he made the mistake of joining a public server and seeing the 'unique high-skill-ceiling distinctive pvp experience' (if that's what you want to call it lol) that crpg has to offer. That put him off the mod in general, and then DTV got fucked with those newer boring maps so we couldn't even go back to that to keep him interested in playing casually/for fun.

The other one who played native campaign gave cRPG a go for one day, but has no interest in online games or grinding so he never played after that. RIP Logan_Dragonslayer... we TKd you mercilessly for your dumbass character name and for dressing as a Weaboo...

We got one mate Warband on steam when it was cheap and he played DTV for a couple of weeks with us, but again he wasn't interested in the combat system. Prefers FIFA games... We all miss KINGTIME...

Another mate we got Warband on steam got quite into cRPG and played DTV with us and bothered learning how to actually play the game competitively unlike any of the rest of us, awlpike lolstabs and all. But he hated the community and their general anti-fun attitude, left when Strat 4 ended and never looked back. DTV was already fucked with the boring maps so there was no room to even play it casually and get hooked again through that. RIP Vermilion.
Couldn't compete and gave up... k. I supose that happens for a ton of people who play the game.

On topic:
I tried explaining it, but mostly i just receive confused looks back, since most of them play CS and shit like that. So i never really mention it, unless it's somehow brought up.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Sharpe on March 05, 2015, 03:12:11 pm
but your a swimmer, that automatically makes u my old friend IRL

Shut up furmy old friend.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Casimir on March 05, 2015, 03:49:15 pm
Sometimes I think forum should implement a basic 'reading comprehension test' before you're allowed to make an account, folk like GTX would be mute forever unless they learn to read and understand written text

The forum would be dead
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: NejStark on March 05, 2015, 04:01:06 pm
Pretty much goes like your original post, except I say I'm in a cavalry clan and we used to get 20 guys online at one time, in a battle with 200+ players.

One of my best friends who is a gamer sees me playing crpg/M&B and says:
                     'I cant believe you're still playing that shit game with the horses. You fucking love horses.'
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: the real god emperor on March 05, 2015, 09:18:38 pm
Lets fight our cats for 1 million gold then!

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Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: the real god emperor on March 05, 2015, 09:30:56 pm
Hmmm...  i'd probably say 'Lets make our cats fight for 1 million gold then!' but what you say makes sense and it's obvious what you mean, and you say it far better than most English people would bother.

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So that explains how I can understand Hetman easier than Corsair, thx.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: ARN_ on March 05, 2015, 09:46:12 pm
Lets fight our cats for 1 million gold then!

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My cat is better then your cat!
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on March 06, 2015, 02:09:26 am
Pretty much goes like your original post, except I say I'm in a cavalry clan and we used to get 20 guys online at one time, in a battle with 200+ players.

One of my best friends who is a gamer sees me playing crpg/M&B and says:
                     'I cant believe you're still playing that shit game with the horses. You fucking love horses.'

I don't know what it is that makes everyone remember the horses instead of anything else. No one calls it the game with knights and archers, the castle game, that medieval FPS, etc. It's just that horse game.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Protemus on March 06, 2015, 02:26:00 am
Everyone's talking about how would they explain mod to their friends.
But noone asks the real question, Does one who plays cRPG truly has ANY friends ???



Think about it, it's so deep I found myself starring at screen and crying
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: lombardsoup on March 06, 2015, 03:30:45 am
Everyone's talking about how would they explain mod to their friends.
But noone asks the real question, Does one who plays cRPG truly has ANY friends ???



Think about it, it's so deep I found myself starring at screen and crying

You have us, internet friends, which make even the worst friends you've ever made in your life seem good.

If you need a rope rental, that'll be $5
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: woody on March 06, 2015, 06:57:48 pm
I promised myself if I ever stay in to play a computer game rather than go out with friends I would throw my computer in the bin.
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: _GTX_ on March 06, 2015, 09:15:37 pm
I promised myself if I ever stay in to play a computer game rather than go out with friends I would throw my computer in the bin.

Send it to me instead. Just an idea!
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Tomeusz on March 06, 2015, 09:28:52 pm
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on March 06, 2015, 10:52:31 pm
If you need a rope rental, that'll be $5

Nah don't worry man I'll lend you my rope for free

*unzips pants*
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Krex on March 06, 2015, 11:01:26 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: When people ask what games do you play , how do you explain cRPG?
Post by: Jack1 on March 07, 2015, 11:35:52 pm
(I play a game called mount and blade.

) let me guess you in search of a sword on a mountain?

(No, mounttttt aaaaandddd blade


(Basically I run around with a sword and kill people.

)sounds fun

( it is, here is a video of it "mount and blade single player campaign 01"

)cool. Here is what I enjoy "XxXCoD QuIcK SkOpEz KiNgXxX"

*walks away*

For which craft