-well, fuck you too
I don't explain it to my friends because I would be called a racist frenchman, just like in game. In order to maintain a healthy life, you do need to separate real life and gaming life.(click to show/hide)
I don't explain it to my friends because I would be called a racist frenchman, just like in game. In order to maintain a healthy life, you do need to separate real life and gaming life.(click to show/hide)
Better than having friends who call this a shit game and then go on to play chivalry.Or War of the Roses...
Better than having friends who call this a shit game and then go on to play chivalry.
OP asks a really really good question though.. (And really important for M:BG)
Most of my friends are 30+ :D Today they told me.. have you seen the new trailer for a new wolfenstein game? Looks awesome! I'm like..
................ Trying to pretend I'm interested. Those nubs will never understand. :D
Other friends, gamers, I've tried to get to try MB or cRPG are just pussies who get turned off by multiplayer. For me, this is the best, most addicting game I've ever played. The intense, personal fights, the recognition of yourself and other players!! Package delivers actual physical adrenaline, real rage, both in large doses. No other game does this. (Enlighten me if I'm wrong pls. )
Anyway, as my friends are not much of gamers, IDK how to explain it. Usually wrap it in some funny story about knights and ninjas, with a fitting dose of self-irony.
Then every time I refer to it in the future I just say Internet Horse Game.Mrs.Naduril calls it just "a Horsies Game". And others family members now as well :D
OP asks a really really good question though.. (And really important for M:BG)
Other friends, gamers, I've tried to get to try MB or cRPG are just pussies who get turned off by multiplayer. For me, this is the best, most addicting game I've ever played. The intense, personal fights, the recognition of yourself and other players!! Package delivers actual physical adrenaline, real rage, both in large doses. No other game does this. (Enlighten me if I'm wrong pls. )
I told my friend that c-rpg is a medieval counter-strike, but with swords and bows.
I told my friend that c-rpg is a medieval counter-strike, but with swords and bows. I think all my friends tried it, but they always got raped by agiwhores who were dancing around them, that they even couldn't understand how they were killed. They are nubs. And this game is very hard for nubs. I like system of the game Tanks, where you divided in 10 groups, and to move to another you need to progress first and get skills. Well I think my friends would play it if they haven't been raped in the beginning.You're welcome!
Good point, my best mates already know exactly what cRPG is, hence them not playing it and me avoiding mentioning that I still play xDCouldn't compete and gave up... k. I supose that happens for a ton of people who play the game.
2 of them had already sunk a ton of hours into native campaign, DROGBATIME played native multi with me lots and kept getting me banned before we found this. We liked DTV cos casual coop and no one tryhards so much, but he made the mistake of joining a public server and seeing the 'unique high-skill-ceiling distinctive pvp experience' (if that's what you want to call it lol) that crpg has to offer. That put him off the mod in general, and then DTV got fucked with those newer boring maps so we couldn't even go back to that to keep him interested in playing casually/for fun.
The other one who played native campaign gave cRPG a go for one day, but has no interest in online games or grinding so he never played after that. RIP Logan_Dragonslayer... we TKd you mercilessly for your dumbass character name and for dressing as a Weaboo...
We got one mate Warband on steam when it was cheap and he played DTV for a couple of weeks with us, but again he wasn't interested in the combat system. Prefers FIFA games... We all miss KINGTIME...
Another mate we got Warband on steam got quite into cRPG and played DTV with us and bothered learning how to actually play the game competitively unlike any of the rest of us, awlpike lolstabs and all. But he hated the community and their general anti-fun attitude, left when Strat 4 ended and never looked back. DTV was already fucked with the boring maps so there was no room to even play it casually and get hooked again through that. RIP Vermilion.
but your a swimmer, that automatically makes u my old friend IRL
Sometimes I think forum should implement a basic 'reading comprehension test' before you're allowed to make an account, folk like GTX would be mute forever unless they learn to read and understand written text
Hmmm... i'd probably say 'Lets make our cats fight for 1 million gold then!' but what you say makes sense and it's obvious what you mean, and you say it far better than most English people would bother.(click to show/hide)
Lets fight our cats for 1 million gold then!(click to show/hide)
Pretty much goes like your original post, except I say I'm in a cavalry clan and we used to get 20 guys online at one time, in a battle with 200+ players.
One of my best friends who is a gamer sees me playing crpg/M&B and says:
'I cant believe you're still playing that shit game with the horses. You fucking love horses.'
Everyone's talking about how would they explain mod to their friends.
But noone asks the real question, Does one who plays cRPG truly has ANY friends ???
Think about it, it's so deep I found myself starring at screen and crying
I promised myself if I ever stay in to play a computer game rather than go out with friends I would throw my computer in the bin.
If you need a rope rental, that'll be $5