Melee: Battlegrounds => General => Topic started by: Thomek on December 03, 2014, 11:33:01 pm

Title: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Thomek on December 03, 2014, 11:33:01 pm
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Kirby is of course right here. The thing lacking is the idea.. :P

You all know how lame I am, and even though I try real hard, I'm too fucking old for this shit!  :)  I don't "get" what takes off on imgur or other places. What we need though, is 10 or a 100 ideas for how we can present our game in 3 - 5 or 15 "shots" like this.

(Thread (

IT COULD be something like this:


In 2013 the devs of cRPG mod for warband met for the first time.

They released this first picture of themselves to the community.

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It was a big mistake.

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etc etc etc.


Now these dudes are making their first game, but they want to have an office. This is their office now:

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With country flags?

Now they are making this game:

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Anyway, you guys are 10x better at this than me.

Nessaj approves, loompoints or something else for the winner! :)  + Maybe something special in M:BG if it is successful!
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Thomek on December 03, 2014, 11:40:13 pm
Maybe even makes screens of the forum posts:  like this:

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Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Son Of Odin on December 04, 2014, 12:18:45 am
It was a really big mistake...

Did you know chadz had (still has?) a music career? :mrgreen:

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4:13 PM <[ptx]> you touch my trolololo, my x...x-5

Pls don't kill me chadz

Oh and may I add:

11:49 AM <Son_Of_Odin> chadz 131k on kickstarter = you shave a Gunther mustache
11:49 AM <Son_Of_Odin> deal?
11:51 AM <[ptx]> also, take a week off to sleep, eat and rest
11:51 AM <Son_Of_Odin> absolutely
11:55 AM <[ptx]> when are you dropping the mailbomb?
12:01 PM <chadz> Son_Of_Odin, deal
12:01 PM <chadz> [ptx], in a few hours
12:03 PM <Son_Of_Odin> ^ log saved for future reference :D
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: IR_Kuoin on December 04, 2014, 01:02:50 am
Good idea.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: lombardsoup on December 04, 2014, 02:05:02 am
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Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on December 04, 2014, 05:20:45 am
So, is this thread asking for more photoshops of the dev team, or...?
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: lombardsoup on December 04, 2014, 05:24:19 am
So, is this thread asking for more photoshops of the dev team, or...?

Photoshopped diversity, thereabouts
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: MURDERTRON on December 04, 2014, 05:38:29 am
I'm not terribly well versed in Kickstarter statistics, but I will say this:  You have too many backer packages/amounts/whatever.  Yes, you want to attract as many people as possible, and don't want to turn any backers away, but there are too many choices and it is confusing.  So, you should name each one, possibility eliminate some, although with backers at most of the lower levels you probably can't do that now.  They are kind of named, but the format is weird.  When you start getting into the higher tier ones that don't just start with ____ Badge, it gets confusing.  I'd probably just change the format to:
Code: [Select]
Peasant Pack:
Peasant Badge
That way it will be formatted more consistently with your higher end ones, like Clan Pack, Noble Clan back, etc.  It makes it a little easier to digest.

The other thing I would focus on is driving the value of your clan packs, and such.  For example $250, you are getting 8 Full Packs (normally $45 ea), plus clan registration.  That's $360 value, plus a free clan registration!!! Buy now!

This would help drive the group buy mentality.  However, because it's kickstarter and I can't sub-kickstart, it is harder to get multiple people (clan mates)locked in to something like this.  Do I pay my buddy now?  What if funding falls though, how will I get paid back? 

And, like I said before, its probably too late to do this, but certain packages are well... stupid or almost redundant.  A $21 dollar package vs a $25 vs $29?  People will just get hung up on the differences, say they'll decide tomorrow and never donate.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on December 04, 2014, 07:57:39 am
I agree, there are too many tiers with such tiny differences that it muddles everything together.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: lombardsoup on December 04, 2014, 08:06:52 am
End the kickstarter farce and let me donate via a method where I don't have to wait x amount of days to give you people money

Jus lemme gib mane
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Wyrda on December 04, 2014, 09:45:39 am
I don't really think there's too many rewards, but the wording is a bit over-complicated.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: KingBread on December 04, 2014, 10:05:57 am
My idea is simple: Boobs and cats. This is what rules internet. So mayby instead of posting inside jokes that only CRPG community gets, we can post boobs with cats and say pls gib money.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Soulreaver on December 04, 2014, 10:58:46 am
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Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: KingBread on December 04, 2014, 01:04:58 pm
Now just pick some photos from Fapapocalyplse thread and we got 300k$ in no time
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: pogosan on December 04, 2014, 02:31:04 pm
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Mr_Oujamaflip on December 04, 2014, 02:31:31 pm
I think you should wait for a stable running alpha (such as the proposed March one) and throw it at reviewers, us CRPG guys and anyone who might generate interest. Get some game play videos as well as some dramatized ones and do a second kickstarter. Get the interest BEFORE the kickstarter with a date of it starting so people can get interested and throw money at it when the time comes. Get it in the top 10 and more people will see it and throw more money. I've seen a lot of complaints about the combat looking clunky and the animations looking crap and so on and while that's fine for it's stage in development people aren't going to get involved if it looks dodgy. While a lot of us here realize why I think you guys have probably hit up the kickstarter a bit prematurely.

I agree there are too many ties of donation and it makes people go what's this and this and perhaps limiting it to four or five tiers instead could help. $25 for Alpha $50 for fancy stuff, $100 for fancier stuff and maybe like a $500 clan pack or something.

Less text blobs, it was well presented with the pictures splitting it but it was too long. Most people won't worry about the "Social" and "Server" elements and probably even the "Engine" part. Get the most important things on the kickstarter like combat, development, customization and stronghold and leave the rest for the website. Biggest issue is the kickstarter page sort of overcomplicated things and people with a passing interest won't read all of it.

Split the website up a bit more with the options you've got in the kickstarter along the upper banner with videos pertaining to each category so the website will give the extra information that is currently on the kickstarter.

IMO videos are the most important thing as pictures don't really do it justice and get these towards the top of the page, do some quick videos kind of like the combat one but showing off different things. Like movie teasers.  Maybe do a short 2 minute teaser showing the game modes, battle with two large groups clashing, siege show the siege weapons and collapsing walls, stronghold the resource capture and the settlement development.

I honestly believe the combat and the stronghold mode are your biggest selling points, use them heavily.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: The_Bloody_Nine on December 04, 2014, 02:56:59 pm
I too have my thoughts about the reasons why this Kickstarter didn't went well so far and agree on many points with oujama. But hey guys, let's analyze that and talk about what can be done better the next time after this Kickstarter is done.

The current Kickstarter is still running and even if it is looking really bad right now I think it would be better to talk about things that still can be done for this funding. Btw any words on that big update?

oh, and no, I currently have no Idea for an imgur album and no photoshop skills :(
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Hirlok on December 04, 2014, 03:07:33 pm
My idea is simple: Boobs and cats.

can't help with the boobs, but with the cats. Team up with my kitten relief fundraiser  ('t-care-still-worth-a-try-(cute-kitten-inside!)/), add some boobs to my ultracute kitten pics, and we will both achieve our goals!

BTW the Melee subreddit has HOW many subscribers? And how many of you nerds here use reddit? Fix dat. Nao.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: djavo on December 04, 2014, 04:26:35 pm
How about...
You find some "people" who do medieval roleplay combat and get them somehow involved in making advertisment. You could even storm the Vienna in full plate mail.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: agweber on December 04, 2014, 04:35:35 pm
I think you should wait for a stable running alpha (such as the proposed March one) and throw it at reviewers

If, for some reason bizarre reason, we don't make our goal, then I think something along these lines is best. As part of the backer rewards, state that backers will get a playable alpha as soon as the campaign finishes. During the campaign, the alpha is already ready and is being offered up to anybody that can stream it, create youtube videos, etc to expand populairty.

However, we're totally not gonna fail. I'm depending on you guys to DO this!
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: The_Bloody_Nine on December 04, 2014, 05:52:35 pm
How about...
You find some "people" who do medieval roleplay combat and get them somehow involved in making advertisment. You could even storm the Vienna in full plate mail.

somebody remember that hilarious Warband fight made by a couple of guys with original warband sounds overlayed?
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Thomek on December 04, 2014, 06:18:03 pm
Yep guys, we are all learning fast here, and making tons of mistakes. (Lets leave that talk to if it fails.)

Our main problem atm is manpower and pushing the news out there. Kingdom Come had 2million USD before Kickstarter, and hired a professional press agency to get it out there. God knows what they paid them.

We don't have that kind of cash, but we have a community that they didn't have.

We are in the middle of the campaign, and I don't think all hope is lost yet. If you look at views on our videos, one main problem is that people haven't even heard of us! We are not able to push the word out there, and this is something all of you guys can help with.

That's why I asked someone here to do this imgur thing, because some people here would do it better than I ever could. As well as I don't have much time at all left for everything.

A kickstarter doesn't just happen by itself. It needs to be pushed out there continously, unless you make something that goes Viral. But then you are competing with SW teasers and kittens. That's just though.

Anyway, we have something in the works that we hope can explode, but for now we really depend on you guys. Spread the news, don't stop. 20k views on youtube is pathetic, considering how many people have been playing cRPG through the years.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Soulreaver on December 04, 2014, 06:21:15 pm
as alternative...if you guys will get ~1000 backers to the end of ks campaign it's easier to represent the game to a publisher as a business make an agreement.. to assure them it's worth investments etc, i think it worth a try so we ll get the game faster  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Thomek on December 04, 2014, 08:03:55 pm
Yes of course, there ARE all kinds of options later. But the better the KS goes, the better our position will be, the more freedom we will have, and no one will meddle with OURs and YOUR game :)

So let's keep focus where we are at. :)  No point in creating more anxiety than we already carry.. :D
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Beauchamp on December 04, 2014, 09:16:26 pm
probably just spam every possible forum and youtube videos with similar games and improve kstarter post/videos as much as possible, dunno what else can one do in 2 weeks.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Kirbyy on December 04, 2014, 10:14:38 pm
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Honestly, I really like the preview, it has just enough personal information to let people see what it's like now for the developers.  It needs a little bit more detail on the game, but overall it seems really genuine.  People are really nice on there, however, it seems that making it to the front page of websites like that are really random.  I really think you can do it with a little bit more detail on your struggles and how you guys have gotten through it, how you've been constantly backed by an entire community and how you actually have something worth investing in here.  Just make an honest post, be direct, say what you guys want, you have the main idea down you should have a good chance.  I know you can do it Thomek :D

[Edit] Also go through the history of the mod and how you guys met just a little bit :D they love stories!
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Thomek on December 04, 2014, 11:24:11 pm
Yeah I'll do it myself then :)

I thought perhaps someone from community would step up, but nahh..
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Grumbs on December 04, 2014, 11:46:58 pm
I think something missing from the Kickstarter is an explanation of what the money is going towards. Why 130K? Was the number plucked from thin air, or is there some idea behind what the money will go towards? One of the most important things people will want to know is what their money is used for. There should be a really detailed breakdown of the costs, and what the game would be like without a successful kickstarter. Why does it cost 300k for single player? Will the game not have tournaments if you don't hit the other stretchgoal?I also think there is way too much choice in the tiers..people will get confused. Also think there will be confusion in what the product even is, especially with throwing in "sandbox" in there midway through. Why is it a sandbox game? Its kind of vague and seems to be to be used because it sounds cool

Anyway my 2p, take it with a pinch of salt as always

Besides that though you can't force things to go viral, and trying too hard might backfire. If you think something is funny or interesting then post it, but don't flood social media with junk that associates M:BG with something negative. I'm a bit disappointed we don't really have any good threads of reddit since the first week though, there is nothing that got upvoted decently since week 1
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Kalam on December 05, 2014, 12:06:10 am
I'll try and come up with something.

In the mean time, I've got a question: would the dev team consider revealing plans for The Epic?
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Thomek on December 05, 2014, 02:38:46 am
I think something missing from the Kickstarter is an explanation of what the money is going towards. Why 130K? Was the number plucked from thin air, or is there some idea behind what the money will go towards? One of the most important things people will want to know is what their money is used for. There should be a really detailed breakdown of the costs, and what the game would be like without a successful kickstarter. Why does it cost 300k for single player? Will the game not have tournaments if you don't hit the other stretchgoal?I also think there is way too much choice in the tiers..people will get confused. Also think there will be confusion in what the product even is, especially with throwing in "sandbox" in there midway through. Why is it a sandbox game? Its kind of vague and seems to be to be used because it sounds cool

Anyway my 2p, take it with a pinch of salt as always

Besides that though you can't force things to go viral, and trying too hard might backfire. If you think something is funny or interesting then post it, but don't flood social media with junk that associates M:BG with something negative. I'm a bit disappointed we don't really have any good threads of reddit since the first week though, there is nothing that got upvoted decently since week 1

I think you are right Grumbs. It was an oversight during the shooting of the KS vid, and it's a pity we haven't been able to communicate it. Also because the money would go to us having an simple office, + some pocketmoney to live for, so we can quit our dayjobs and actually work efficiently..  A very simple, practical and noble use of the money if you ask me..

Yeah, if anyone makes something special send it to me. We talk about it here before we go public with it.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Cyber on December 05, 2014, 02:54:28 am
Hard to say, I mean we can obviously keep spamming forums and videos but honestly I don't think it is going to bring us to our goal. Unfortunately what has been presented doesn't seem to have that much immediate mass appeal that it takes off life wildfire on different social media sites. I have faith that it is going to be awesome but the response you get  from most people unfamiliar with warband/cRPG is pretty mediocre/disinterested, it doesn't seem to generate much hype. It is somewhat understandable, while I have played cRPG from the first days and have some faith in the devs to create a good combat system there is perhaps not that much that seperates it from games like bannerlord, chivalry, war of the roses etc at first glance. (Best thing to create some interest and set it apart from other games is probably stronghold?)

Comments about how there is no info as to exactly where the money is going, how tiers are structured etc are valid in a sense that it is something that could be improved but it's not something that is going to address the main problem which is that we just don't have much publizity and interest outside the warband community, few adjustments to the kickstarter page are not going to change that.

I think the best chance we have would be to try to get coverage from a major youtuber or a gaming site. I'm sure this "idea" has been thrown out there a hundred times so I know I'm not saying anything new but I can't really think of anything else that would get us there at this point than someone who already has a audience covering it.

I do not really know how someone like Totalbiscuit etc chooses their games, I guess it's just something that gets enough publicity or it's something that someone from hes "inner circle" recommends to him? Maybe someone who has some clue about that kind of stuff has a better idea if there is any chance to get some attention from people like him. Doesn't necessarily have to be someone so big either, could just try messaging as many gaming channels as possible, even with few hundred subscribers or perhaps some let's players who have let's played mount & blade to give it some coverage. Maybe you could get someone interested in doing a interview with the dev team?

Also I assume that your not at a point where you would be willing to give some press copies out to try the game which might get someone more interested in covering it? Any attempts at picking this up really needs to come asap because it's going to be harder to get interest as time goes on and it looks more and more like it's not going to make it.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: andreakarasho on December 05, 2014, 08:25:25 am
Make a playable alpha, give this alpha to the public, give 2€ to a famous streamer (twich/utube).
If there will be positive, you earn and can repeat the thing, if not you lose 2€.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Mr_Oujamaflip on December 05, 2014, 08:55:46 am
Hard to say, I mean we can obviously keep spamming forums and videos but honestly I don't think it is going to bring us to our goal. Unfortunately what has been presented doesn't seem to have that much immediate mass appeal that it takes off life wildfire on different social media sites. I have faith that it is going to be awesome but the response you get  from most people unfamiliar with warband/cRPG is pretty mediocre/disinterested, it doesn't seem to generate much hype. It is somewhat understandable, while I have played cRPG from the first days and have some faith in the devs to create a good combat system there is perhaps not that much that seperates it from games like bannerlord, chivalry, war of the roses etc at first glance. (Best thing to create some interest and set it apart from other games is probably stronghold?)

Well we might as well get it as far as we can.

Biggest thing is to condense the kickstarter page and shift the rest to the website, should make it easier to read and passing viewers will get more out of it. May just want to email total biscuit and some others with the link and say take a look, it's a bit late but could be worth a push anyway.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: MeevarTheMighty on December 05, 2014, 10:24:00 am
How about...
You find some "people" who do medieval roleplay combat and get them somehow involved in making advertisment. You could even storm the Vienna in full plate mail.

Zimke made a nice post on the K:CD forums (excuse formatting, those forums have a thinner text column):

Hi, I am Sinisa "ZImke" Vuckovic, Lead Artist and Historical Adviser in Melee:Battlegrounds, all the things regarding "history, authenticity and realism" are my department.
Since young age my entire life is revolving around history and archaeology starting with my father. It is one passion that I always cherished and researched. My favorite period of research is medieval period, and I can assure you, if there is anything related to that topic, I am the guy who can answer all your questions. I do not restrict myself to book knowledge only, with the access to museum artifacts and my own personal antiques collection I was able to reconstruct, examine and test out everything that was of my interest.
I am one of the founders of "historical reenactment" and "living history" in my country, and I am very strict in regards of authenticity, and always pushing hard to bring knowledge of middle ages to domestic and foreign public. With such goals my reenactment company has organised first international reenactment event in my country, been representing my country in the Times&Epoch festival in Moscow, Grunwald event in Poland, and many other events in surrounding countries. We have organized and our captain has led the first team that participated in "Battle Of the Nations" competition which was held this year in Trogir (Croatia), and was ranked high in it's group (although without success against undefeated team of Russia, but not bad for first participation). Member of our group is official judge for Historical Accuracy in the HMBIA committee. He is just now at the HMBIA presentation of national teams for championship Battle of the Nations 2015 in Prague. At the moment my group is working on the project of reconstructing fortified medieval manor, which will take some years until we finish it. I will stop now, since my work regarding history related aspects is rather big, but I absolutely love every part of it.

For the first release Melee:Battlegrounds is set to 13th century. I will include as much cultures as I can (North/West/South/East Europe, Balkan States, Russian States, Mongol states, Eastern Roman Empire, Turkic tribes, Mamluks) and when the work on them is done, we will be moving on to next century. There won't be centuries mixing in native game versions, but modders can do whatever they want, since we will be releasing entire SDK, tools used, and make "how to guide" to modders. As modders ourselves, this is very important to us, and we will support them in all ways possible.

The video looks crude because of one simple reason, it took us 2 years to finish the engine, and when it was done, we had just two months to finish everything needed for kickstarter video, that is very little time for such task. Then we assembled as much players of cRPG possible and instruct them what to do so we could make a video. I wish to give enormous THANK YOU and gratitude to every single cRPG player that supported us and played our mod during the 4 years, really, thank you guys!

So yes, what you see in video IS indeed very crude, models, textures, animations, props, buildings, so many programming related stuff that made fighting, rendering control and camera related things possible, it is all made in 2 months. So some items are using placeholder textures, animations are made in a fly as fast as possible, we barely slept during that period, and then the day came when video was entirely shot in-game, using "movie mode" made for that particular purpose (it basically records all actions on the map, and then just replays everything, so we can film the recorded players actions with camera in "fly mode".

I also wish to express BIG THANKS to Warhorse studio for showing us support on Twitter, I am very humbled by this because you guys are our Indie Heroes!

Best regards;
Sinisa "Zimke" Vuckovic

To me, this is probably a direction the Kickstarter should have gone in. Having someone so involved with medieval combat is a big asset and you need to show him off. Honestly (pls don't hate), it's probably too late for this kind of move this time around - not that the Kickstarter can't still succeed, but I agree with others, it probably needs something more spectacular at this point, rather than just a solid strategy (which really, you need to have from the start or it looks inconsistent and even more disorganised).

If it doesn't work out this time and you guys go for it again, I think it would really pay off to schedule the updates that you want to produce ahead of time, make sure they're achievable within the timeframe, make them a lot more frequent and include multiple bio-type updates, that show that every member of the crew is outstanding (or at least the ones you show are) and has gone on some kind of journey to be working in the team. It's not just a corporate profiteering project, you all have reasons for being there and that's a big part of why people back Kickstarter projects.

Showing yourselves off is a big card that's unfortunately, kind of stuck up your sleeves at this point. Zimke is a real asset, but he's not the only one that will sell copies if people can learn about the team.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: MURDERTRON on December 08, 2014, 01:46:32 am
ZImke is the worst looking and doesn't fit your boy band image.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on December 08, 2014, 04:38:09 am
ZImke is the worst looking and doesn't fit your boy band image.

He seems like the kind of person that I would love to hear babble about history and warfare and all that jazz. He loves that shit and is enthusiastic about it. He looks like it too.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: lombardsoup on December 08, 2014, 05:20:23 am
ZImke is the worst looking and doesn't fit your boy band image.

I repeat: Too Many Skinny White Gays Guys™

The solution is more women, ITS NOT TOO LATE
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Killer on December 08, 2014, 11:37:00 pm
(I didn't read any of the posts before this except the first to start off so my ideas may be repeats)
I was thinking along the lines of the small little things that make a game like warband or this a lot more fun. Since I'm pretty sure you guys got the main game mechanics outlined or done my idea is small things, stuff like pulling an arrow out of your body, cutting all the arrows off your shield with your sword, hitting someone with your crossbow to stun them and then be able to pull out a sword, stabbing someone in melee with an arrow when they get to close (or throwing the arrow), throwing your sword, using a bandage/cloth on wounds, eating and drinking (its a small thing for a game like this i would think), wild animals, trained animals (other than horses and donkeys), being able to place deployable pavise shields, weapons or shields getting knocked out of your hand or destroyed, cries of surrender and cages/prisons to put prisoners in, random weapons around the battlefield (not from dead people), random ai warriors on battlefield that help or try to kill you, shops to buy weapons ammo or other stuff on the battlefield, random events (storms, branches falling, building falling over, etc.), and other little things that you might come up with will make the game more enjoyable and random which will always keep the player guessing. That list right there was what i came up with in 15 mins although i may have repeated some things that other people said i hope it helps if you guys use it.
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Lordras on December 09, 2014, 12:00:54 am
make a sob post on reddit about how much the dev worked the asses off for the community and how they worked on the mod.
then reach the front page.
4. profit
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Chris_the_Animal on December 09, 2014, 12:26:48 am
I'm doing some stuff on YouTube with Vegas Pro etc. at the moment, so if you need a special kind of video I would love to give it a try making some :)
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: lombardsoup on December 09, 2014, 12:43:24 am

Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Bittersteel on December 09, 2014, 09:29:49 am

Very well then m'lady

*dips fedora*
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: lombardsoup on December 09, 2014, 09:47:20 am
Very well then m'lady

*dips fedora*

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Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on December 10, 2014, 12:05:36 am
*dips fedora*

What did you just dip that hat into

did you ruin the entire crockpot of chicken wing dip with your greasy unwashed Walmart fedora

you are no longer invited to board game night Bittersteel
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: lombardsoup on December 10, 2014, 12:19:39 am
What did you just did that hat into

did you ruin the entire crockpot of chicken wing dip with your greasy unwashed Walmart fedora

you are no longer invited to board game night Bittersteel

I see a fedora, I immediately want to deck the person wearing it.  Worst hats, keep that shit on reddit where it belongs
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Bittersteel on December 10, 2014, 10:33:03 am
What did you just dip that hat into

did you ruin the entire crockpot of chicken wing dip with your greasy unwashed Walmart fedora

you are no longer invited to board game night Bittersteel

*Dipping intensifies*

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Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: lombardsoup on December 11, 2014, 01:52:43 am
*Dipping intensifies*

(click to show/hide)

Too much dipping, lay off the chips
Title: Re: Ideas, ideas ideas needed people! Squeeze those brains. :) (Looms inside?)
Post by: Bittersteel on December 12, 2014, 10:13:47 am
So funny dude, haha, if only Witchcraft hadn't just made the joke. You always find a way for people to want to punch you in the face.