Did you know chadz had (still has?) a music career? :mrgreen:
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4:13 PM <[ptx]> you touch my trolololo, my x...x-5
Pls don't kill me chadz
So, is this thread asking for more photoshops of the dev team, or...?
Peasant Pack:
Peasant Badge
That way it will be formatted more consistently with your higher end ones, like Clan Pack, Noble Clan back, etc. It makes it a little easier to digest.My idea is simple: Boobs and cats.
I think you should wait for a stable running alpha (such as the proposed March one) and throw it at reviewers
How about...
You find some "people" who do medieval roleplay combat and get them somehow involved in making advertisment. You could even storm the Vienna in full plate mail.
I think something missing from the Kickstarter is an explanation of what the money is going towards. Why 130K? Was the number plucked from thin air, or is there some idea behind what the money will go towards? One of the most important things people will want to know is what their money is used for. There should be a really detailed breakdown of the costs, and what the game would be like without a successful kickstarter. Why does it cost 300k for single player? Will the game not have tournaments if you don't hit the other stretchgoal?I also think there is way too much choice in the tiers..people will get confused. Also think there will be confusion in what the product even is, especially with throwing in "sandbox" in there midway through. Why is it a sandbox game? Its kind of vague and seems to be to be used because it sounds cool
Anyway my 2p, take it with a pinch of salt as always
Besides that though you can't force things to go viral, and trying too hard might backfire. If you think something is funny or interesting then post it, but don't flood social media with junk that associates M:BG with something negative. I'm a bit disappointed we don't really have any good threads of reddit since the first week though, there is nothing that got upvoted decently since week 1
Hard to say, I mean we can obviously keep spamming forums and videos but honestly I don't think it is going to bring us to our goal. Unfortunately what has been presented doesn't seem to have that much immediate mass appeal that it takes off life wildfire on different social media sites. I have faith that it is going to be awesome but the response you get from most people unfamiliar with warband/cRPG is pretty mediocre/disinterested, it doesn't seem to generate much hype. It is somewhat understandable, while I have played cRPG from the first days and have some faith in the devs to create a good combat system there is perhaps not that much that seperates it from games like bannerlord, chivalry, war of the roses etc at first glance. (Best thing to create some interest and set it apart from other games is probably stronghold?)
How about...
You find some "people" who do medieval roleplay combat and get them somehow involved in making advertisment. You could even storm the Vienna in full plate mail.
Hi, I am Sinisa "ZImke" Vuckovic, Lead Artist and Historical Adviser in Melee:Battlegrounds, all the things regarding "history, authenticity and realism" are my department.
Since young age my entire life is revolving around history and archaeology starting with my father. It is one passion that I always cherished and researched. My favorite period of research is medieval period, and I can assure you, if there is anything related to that topic, I am the guy who can answer all your questions. I do not restrict myself to book knowledge only, with the access to museum artifacts and my own personal antiques collection I was able to reconstruct, examine and test out everything that was of my interest.
I am one of the founders of "historical reenactment" and "living history" in my country, and I am very strict in regards of authenticity, and always pushing hard to bring knowledge of middle ages to domestic and foreign public. With such goals my reenactment company has organised first international reenactment event in my country, been representing my country in the Times&Epoch festival in Moscow, Grunwald event in Poland, and many other events in surrounding countries. We have organized and our captain has led the first team that participated in "Battle Of the Nations" competition which was held this year in Trogir (Croatia), and was ranked high in it's group (although without success against undefeated team of Russia, but not bad for first participation). Member of our group is official judge for Historical Accuracy in the HMBIA committee. He is just now at the HMBIA presentation of national teams for championship Battle of the Nations 2015 in Prague. At the moment my group is working on the project of reconstructing fortified medieval manor, which will take some years until we finish it. I will stop now, since my work regarding history related aspects is rather big, but I absolutely love every part of it.
For the first release Melee:Battlegrounds is set to 13th century. I will include as much cultures as I can (North/West/South/East Europe, Balkan States, Russian States, Mongol states, Eastern Roman Empire, Turkic tribes, Mamluks) and when the work on them is done, we will be moving on to next century. There won't be centuries mixing in native game versions, but modders can do whatever they want, since we will be releasing entire SDK, tools used, and make "how to guide" to modders. As modders ourselves, this is very important to us, and we will support them in all ways possible.
The video looks crude because of one simple reason, it took us 2 years to finish the engine, and when it was done, we had just two months to finish everything needed for kickstarter video, that is very little time for such task. Then we assembled as much players of cRPG possible and instruct them what to do so we could make a video. I wish to give enormous THANK YOU and gratitude to every single cRPG player that supported us and played our mod during the 4 years, really, thank you guys!
So yes, what you see in video IS indeed very crude, models, textures, animations, props, buildings, so many programming related stuff that made fighting, rendering control and camera related things possible, it is all made in 2 months. So some items are using placeholder textures, animations are made in a fly as fast as possible, we barely slept during that period, and then the day came when video was entirely shot in-game, using "movie mode" made for that particular purpose (it basically records all actions on the map, and then just replays everything, so we can film the recorded players actions with camera in "fly mode".
I also wish to express BIG THANKS to Warhorse studio for showing us support on Twitter, I am very humbled by this because you guys are our Indie Heroes!
Best regards;
Sinisa "Zimke" Vuckovic
ZImke is the worst looking and doesn't fit your boy band image.
ZImke is the worst looking and doesn't fit your boy band image.
Very well then m'lady
*dips fedora*
*dips fedora*
What did you just did that hat into
did you ruin the entire crockpot of chicken wing dip with your greasy unwashed Walmart fedora
you are no longer invited to board game night Bittersteel
What did you just dip that hat into
did you ruin the entire crockpot of chicken wing dip with your greasy unwashed Walmart fedora
you are no longer invited to board game night Bittersteel
*Dipping intensifies*(click to show/hide)