Off Topic => General Off Topic => Topic started by: Wyrda on November 28, 2014, 08:31:15 am

Title: Problem with Forum Regristration
Post by: Wyrda on November 28, 2014, 08:31:15 am
I can't see anywhere else to post his so I'll put it here

Basically when I tried registering through this site It didn't work and came up with an error. I had to install cRPG to get access. And I've heard of many other people having the same issue. There's probably a whole bunch of people interesting in M:BG who come here to discuss the game, but can't because of the error.
Title: Re: Problem with Forum Regristration
Post by: AntiBlitz on November 28, 2014, 03:50:36 pm
i dont think its an error, its that your forum profile is linked to your crpg account, i assume so that people cant spam the forum with multi-accounts and other nonsense.  I would say its a safe bet to say that people interested in m:bg would probably want to play the mod crpg to get an idea of what they are looking forward to.
Title: Re: Problem with Forum Regristration
Post by: NejStark on November 28, 2014, 04:09:01 pm
This is a valid issue if this is the forum to be used for M:BG discussions. There will be people who are interested in m:BG who do not have (or want to have) Warband even.