I got some but I will not tell you untill I am 100% shure that I don't bledge enough to get it myselve.
What to do with that custom animation though.. anyone's got any ideas :lol:?
I'll probably contribute nothing of worth to the mod, but instead consider making an inadvertantly homosexual pseudo-historical clan to play with in it.
Probably be one of the few guys who ever uses the chat feature in-game to post witty shitty comments that make people rage and then inadvertently get muted
i will spam
Fixed. :mrgreen:
i will spam stupid comments/jokes whilst constantly whining about how i hate the game but can't stop playing it
I'll make Krems clan
Easy there, DJ Bantos.
I will be pink order
With all the trolls you can expect from me, hue hue
I will try to rally my GK comrades who have been emotionally scarred by the changes to HA and lancer lance angle in crpg.
I hope one day, after cutting through hordes of random 14 year olds called xXx_KHALDROGO_xXx etc., you will be happy and overcome with nostalgia to see a cloud of dust on the horizon as 50 mongolian cavlrymen with names you remember from a mod long ago charge towards your lines.
I will try to rally my GK comrades who have been emotionally scarred by the changes to HA and lancer lance angle in crpg.They are not even sure if they gonna implement HA cuz they realize how game breaking they actually are :P
I hope one day, after cutting through hordes of random 14 year olds called xXx_KHALDROGO_xXx etc., you will be happy and overcome with nostalgia to see a cloud of dust on the horizon as 50 mongolian cavlrymen with names you remember from a mod long ago charge towards your lines.
First thing is a no brainer, but i definitely want to get some more knowledge about developing models and do some myself. I want a freaking lord of the rings mod for this epic scale of fighting =D
I will shoot arrows of love, hopefully from a horseback and make everybody have unprotected sloppy sex.
They are not even sure if they gonna implement HA cuz they realize how game breaking they actually are :PMaybe when you get the 9k King tier, they let you "suggest" HA as a thing in the game :lol:
Maybe when you get the 9k King tier, they let you "suggest" HA as a thing in the game :lol:
I will start a witch cult.
Maybe when you get the 9k King tier, they let you "suggest" HA as a thing in the game :lol:
http://www.indiedb.com/games/melee-battlegrounds (http://www.indiedb.com/games/melee-battlegrounds)
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I will vote for us in the IndieDB contest.
I will open a new incognito window every few hours of the day to try to make sure we get moar gest voats.It says #15, don't lie!
Also, as of this posting we're #19. Let's keep it up guys!