cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gnjus on November 20, 2014, 08:38:37 pm

Title: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Gnjus on November 20, 2014, 08:38:37 pm
So the KillStealKickStarter Campaign for Melee: Battlegrounds is on. In these harsh & ruthless times Crowd Funding a project of any kind is not the easiest thing to do, no matter its nature. Market is brutal, people are fed up with false promises, whether they lack money or time is not so important but if they lack faith & belief then its even worse. This is what this thread is all about: having faith & believing in success of this project.
Anyone can pledge a few bucks and hope for the best but not anyone can have so much faith in success to pledge something more than money at the moment when even some basic have not been made certain. I'm so convinced that this thing will go through that I'm gonna pledge myself into trying to bring something into a game which is not even remotely confirmed. I expect you folks to write down as well what you intend to bring into M:BG, once its done. As we already know: almost everything will be possible (in one way or another) so what will you do in M:BG to enhance it as a game and help its community ? How will you behave & play ? Will you do any modding ?  What kind of clan will you try to create & roleplay ? What kind of videos will you make ? What kind of maps or items will  you try to create ? What area of yourself or the game will you try to improve ? What kind of ideas do you have and from what kind of sources ?

I'll start:

In M:BG I'm gonna try to make some maps (if the Map Editor is not too complicated to use). The first scene I'll try to make will be to commemorate one of the people who are creating this awesome game: our dear Zimke Zlovoljni, historical researcher, the Deckard Cain of Melee: Battlegrounds. I'll make a map of a location known as Kosovo Polje, a historical place in Serbia known for a great battle back in 1389 AD. Once I'm done with the map (ofc I plan to study its appearance to make it as close to realism as possible, the way Zimke likes it) I will try to organize an event: a recreation of Kosovo Battle, between Serbian Army and the invading Ottoman Forces ( Hopefully we will have more than enough historically accurate gear to equip both armies  :wink:.
I will take command of the Serbian Army with high hope that our dear Zimke will join us, as one of our leaders & heroes, he can be our own Miloš Obilić if he wants. I will make it as accurate as possible, we will fight outnumbered and no Turk will be allowed to fight on our side, not even Reyiz or Cicero. They are free to join their beloved Kapikulus on the other side, who will hopefully be there to make things easier for us.  :twisted:
History tells us that Serbs lost this epic battle but those of us who know better are familiar with the fact that its a lie (constructed in the Congress of Berlin, 1878. and maintained ever since), Serbs actually won (though they lost a good part of their prominent leaders due to some unfortunate circumstances) but over the course of time they (I won't reveal who at this moment) twisted it into a defeat and to this day its what kids at school still learn.
Hopefully - our dear Zimke and the rest of us will rewrite history (or even fix it, whatever term you prefer more) and we will have one hell of an event with some great fun for lots of players.  8-)

I have a few more ideas of what I would like to do but they are kind of a secret that will only be revealed to certain people.  :wink:

Remember: its more than a year away from becoming reality so we have some time to kill and even if we forget what we pledged this thread can at least serve as a reminder of our faith.
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Now - let your TRUE pledging begin !!!!!!
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Grumpy_Nic on November 20, 2014, 08:42:51 pm
I'll make Krems clan
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Krex on November 20, 2014, 09:35:07 pm
I will be annoyed by Krems-members.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Vibe on November 20, 2014, 09:38:25 pm
I will take off my torso rags and bless the community with perfectly formed muscles
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: [ptx] on November 20, 2014, 09:39:26 pm
I will stab you.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: SayAttack on November 20, 2014, 10:04:20 pm
ill try to find a saddle and couch some hundreds new players
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Moncho on November 20, 2014, 10:06:34 pm
If I save enough money by the end of the campaign to pledge for it (not even sure what pledge level this would fall under), I want to request a salute animation:
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Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Bittersteel on November 20, 2014, 10:14:39 pm
Me and Butan will create a RP clan toghether and get a clan hall where we can decide various things to improve the RP feeling. We'll probably go for a teutonic clan, we like them alot.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Dolphin on November 20, 2014, 10:17:42 pm
This one already belives and have given a fair share of money !

Also i want to try every build as i have done in crpg !
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Casul on November 20, 2014, 10:18:31 pm
Tavern 24/7  

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Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Horns_Archive on November 20, 2014, 10:28:30 pm
Since I am paying $150 total on this game I get a home somewhere (fuck if I know where it will be). Regardless! I will be opening a Sex and Waffle house where every sexual encounter purchased comes with Horns' Blue Waflle's topped with my secret whip cream recipe. I already came up with a slogan too: If the hookers didn't make you cream, then my waffles definitely will or the next hooker is free! That is all, carry on with your lives.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Kenji on November 20, 2014, 10:52:38 pm
Since I'm clanless and not a competetive player, I don't really know what I'll do with the clan name that came with the 300$ pledge.

Maybe I'll create an adventurer's guild (neutral clan) for people's alts and casual players who wish to remain anonymous.

What to do with that custom animation though.. anyone's got any ideas :lol:?
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Umbra on November 20, 2014, 10:56:00 pm
Ill be the worst agiwhoting, vaegir mask, kuyak wearing, min maxing, stab abusing, hiltslashing, spamming, no skill 2h bundle of sticks in the entire game. This will be my contribution.

Also, if there is any kind of taunt or voice chat i will spam the shit out of that thing. Ill beat the dead horse and then shoot it and then beat it again. Ill spam voice on spawn, mid battle, Thank you kind sirs after a kill. Ill be QQV-ing so hard you will hear me waaaaaaaay before you see me. Ill be so fucking relentless people will wish to choke me trough the screen. FUN FUN FUN FUN

JK. Seriously now, ill probably just be roleplaying a bandit if the bandits reform.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: karasu on November 20, 2014, 10:56:21 pm
Definitely scene making in the beginning, while playing a bit as spear-man (because pokeys r 4 lyf bruv), and keep on helping the dev team whenever requested since the early days.

Since organizing and reenacting important battles from the 13th century is a possibility, I'll put my hands into work onto the scene for a Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa (, which was an important step on the Cristian Reconquist on the Iberian Peninsula. And I'm sure I can count on our Spanish friends to make this happen.

And later if Plated armor gets implemented, even reenact the Aljubarrota Battle.

The rest time will tell.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Utrakil on November 20, 2014, 10:57:27 pm

What to do with that custom animation though.. anyone's got any ideas :lol:?
I got some but I will not tell you untill I am 100% shure that I don't bledge enough to get it myselve.

I wll try to become a ingame actor and help out everybody who wants to make movies with the moviemode.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Smoothrich on November 20, 2014, 11:01:23 pm
Corner streaming, tournament organization, community news and videos like I've seen some enterprising goons like L.D. do for Dota 2. Then become corrupt event manager and take cuts from any tourney pots and accept bribes and steal money in any way possible.

Or more short term maybe write some copy for M:BG's website or any other future promotional material and give it to the devs to use if they ever want. Short and to the point helping it sell.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: agweber on November 21, 2014, 01:38:22 am
I plan on poking and prodding along the development process to make sure that the Tavern/community map will be awesome. I didn't learn about this until the KS release and I'm totally stoked. I'm hoping for some real spectacular things from it. Stronghold seems awesome as well, but I think it'll be awesome without me heckling the team about it.

I may upgrade my $150 to $300 to get an animation later on. If I do I've got a 'loosen up' animation in my head that I think will be awesome pre-duel. Many other animations will probably be great pre-duel as well.

I also would like to do some map-making, but I don't have any epic plans or anything for that yet.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on November 21, 2014, 02:37:53 am
I'll probably contribute nothing of worth to the mod, but instead consider making an inadvertantly homosexual pseudo-historical clan to play with in it.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Taser on November 21, 2014, 03:32:44 am
I'll probably contribute nothing of worth to the mod, but instead consider making an inadvertantly homosexual pseudo-historical clan to play with in it.

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Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Sharpe on November 21, 2014, 01:49:32 pm
Would the First Battle of Tannenburg be in the realm of possibility?
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: BlindGuy on November 21, 2014, 02:54:24 pm
If I was to pledge more, I would want this animation:

Because there is nothing better than that: You want to fight? Come kiss my arse you bastard. Should be easy to make (Crossbowmen in cRPG already do this on the regular :D )
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: //saxon on November 21, 2014, 03:38:03 pm

Im gonna dance, and dance.

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Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on November 21, 2014, 03:49:51 pm
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Bittersteel on November 21, 2014, 04:01:48 pm
Probably be one of the few guys who ever uses the chat feature in-game to post witty shitty comments that make people rage and then inadvertently get muted

Easy there, DJ Bantos.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: okiN on November 21, 2014, 04:05:39 pm
I'll do my best to constantly remind you all that you're awful. Really, just terrible.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Corsair831 on November 21, 2014, 04:16:18 pm
i will spam stupid comments/jokes whilst constantly whining about how i hate the game but can't stop playing it
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Algarn on November 21, 2014, 04:17:10 pm
i will spam

Fixed.   :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Corsair831 on November 21, 2014, 04:41:10 pm
Fixed.   :mrgreen:

hue hue :D
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Johammeth on November 21, 2014, 04:50:36 pm
i will spam stupid comments/jokes whilst constantly whining about how i hate the game but can't stop playing it

Pretty much the only honest post in this thread.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: zottlmarsch on November 21, 2014, 05:45:59 pm
I'll make Krems clan

This....And i'll make a new lederhosen, us trolls need something decent to wear afterall.   8-)

Also someone should make Krems Castle Map with incest Sex Dungeon
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Erasmas on November 21, 2014, 05:51:47 pm
We will be Grey Order.

With all the best you can expect from us, hue hue...


chadz, what about this pledge with 100 CD keys? Is it on the way already?  :wink:
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on November 21, 2014, 05:54:06 pm
Easy there, DJ Bantos.

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Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Richyy on November 21, 2014, 05:54:45 pm
I will be pink order

With all the trolls you can expect from me, hue hue
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Erasmas on November 21, 2014, 06:05:20 pm
I will be pink order

With all the trolls you can expect from me, hue hue

In this case pink will suit you just fine  :D
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: NejStark on November 21, 2014, 06:23:33 pm
I will try to rally my GK comrades who have been emotionally scarred by the changes to HA and lancer lance angle in crpg.

I hope one day, after cutting through hordes of random 14 year olds called xXx_KHALDROGO_xXx etc., you will be happy and overcome with nostalgia to see a cloud of dust on the horizon as 50 mongolian cavlrymen with names you remember from a mod long ago charge towards your lines.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Overdriven on November 21, 2014, 06:25:06 pm
I will try to rally my GK comrades who have been emotionally scarred by the changes to HA and lancer lance angle in crpg.

I hope one day, after cutting through hordes of random 14 year olds called xXx_KHALDROGO_xXx etc., you will be happy and overcome with nostalgia to see a cloud of dust on the horizon as 50 mongolian cavlrymen with names you remember from a mod long ago charge towards your lines.

Hear hear.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Molly on November 21, 2014, 06:32:39 pm
I will try to rally my GK comrades who have been emotionally scarred by the changes to HA and lancer lance angle in crpg.

I hope one day, after cutting through hordes of random 14 year olds called xXx_KHALDROGO_xXx etc., you will be happy and overcome with nostalgia to see a cloud of dust on the horizon as 50 mongolian cavlrymen with names you remember from a mod long ago charge towards your lines.
They are not even sure if they gonna implement HA cuz they realize how game breaking they actually are :P

Lance away for all I care tho x)
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Kalam on November 21, 2014, 08:30:48 pm
Map making followed by tutorial video.

Edit: Also banners if Melee has banners.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Tanken on November 21, 2014, 08:43:29 pm
I will abuse jump mechanics and develop the school of Pike-Fu early on.

Unless devs remove jump attacks...then that $1,000 pledge is looking awfully silly pretty soon...
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Fips on November 21, 2014, 09:16:43 pm
First thing is a no brainer, but i definitely want to get some more knowledge about developing models and do some myself. I want a freaking lord of the rings mod for this epic scale of fighting =D
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Pawiu on November 23, 2014, 01:58:57 am
I will forge Poleaxe and Winged Great Helmet
and then I'll become the biggest polemy old friend of this game
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: jtobiasm on November 23, 2014, 02:50:53 am
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Fuarkkkk, I'm mirin shredded kunt

Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Pestdoktor on November 24, 2014, 03:53:00 am
I wish i could afford the $550-package, so i could do this

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and poke people with my stick...
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: KingBread on November 24, 2014, 03:15:06 pm
First thing is a no brainer, but i definitely want to get some more knowledge about developing models and do some myself. I want a freaking lord of the rings mod for this epic scale of fighting =D

So i guess i will be blaming Fips for making terrible maps. Also i will QQ about archery being OP.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Panos_ on November 24, 2014, 03:33:49 pm
Will get permabanned a couple of times ( or 5 to be more precise)  :lol:
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Prpavi on November 24, 2014, 07:49:43 pm
I will shoot arrows of love, hopefully from a horseback and make everybody have unprotected sloppy sex.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Molly on November 24, 2014, 07:53:37 pm
I will shoot arrows of love, hopefully from a horseback and make everybody have unprotected sloppy sex.
They are not even sure if they gonna implement HA cuz they realize how game breaking they actually are :P
Maybe when you get the 9k King tier, they let you "suggest" HA as a thing in the game :lol:
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Joseph Porta on November 24, 2014, 11:41:48 pm
I will just ponder over the possibility's for [epic], might it ever come.  Other then/before that.. I'm not sure, I will see what there is to do once it gets here  :)

All i can say fore sure is that IF it is half as good as I hope it will be it'll be my drug game of choice.   :lol:
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: lombardsoup on November 25, 2014, 12:03:15 am
Maybe when you get the 9k King tier, they let you "suggest" HA as a thing in the game :lol:

Don't bring Mongoloid HA filth into this
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Porthos on November 25, 2014, 01:09:02 am
I'll try to create the ugliest face, take katana and occupy siege server 24/7.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on November 26, 2014, 04:25:25 am
I will start a witch cult.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: lombardsoup on November 26, 2014, 04:36:34 am
I will start a witch cult.

The Inquisition, EXPECT IT

Now to find suitable quick burning wood, and plenty of high thread count rope to keep witches in place
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Latvian on November 26, 2014, 04:46:17 am
i will make tincan build in heaviest armor possible and live in my house in tavern map and slash peasants who pass by
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Prpavi on November 26, 2014, 09:14:02 am
Maybe when you get the 9k King tier, they let you "suggest" HA as a thing in the game :lol:

We'll see about that, I can always have a pony and a bow on my horseback, will defintely not play a serious melee build
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Zhyang on November 27, 2014, 09:57:03 pm
 maybe I will create a muslim character and throw stones at people
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Wyrda on November 28, 2014, 10:19:30 am
I'm gonna do by best to support the AU community. Try and convert a some players from the M&B and Chivalry communities.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Kalp on November 28, 2014, 10:30:50 am
I will be sending a meme to Fips, describing how bad admin he was in cRPG. Each day.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Daunt_Flockula on November 29, 2014, 11:17:03 am
Talking about faith, did you guys know that even Mikail Yazbeck backed the Kickstarter?
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: agweber on December 01, 2014, 07:44:14 pm (

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I will vote for us in the IndieDB contest.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: xxkaliboyx on December 01, 2014, 08:44:29 pm
I will start a KEN456 fan club and decorate my house in KEN456 screenshots. To make it extreme awkward I will invite him over to my tavern, offer him some green tea and just stare at him while slurping it.
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: agweber on December 02, 2014, 03:50:39 pm (

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I will vote for us in the IndieDB contest.

I will open a new incognito window every few hours of the day to try to make sure we get moar gest voats.

Also, as of this posting we're #19. Let's keep it up guys!

Edit:: 13 now!
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: [ptx] on December 02, 2014, 05:09:10 pm
I will open a new incognito window every few hours of the day to try to make sure we get moar gest voats.

Also, as of this posting we're #19. Let's keep it up guys!
It says #15, don't lie!
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Ikarus on December 02, 2014, 10:41:31 pm
Maybe I´ll try myself in map making, maybe I can get my butt up for some armor/weapon modeling

I´ll at least do an animation based on the game
Title: Re: Thread of Faith (or: what will you do in Melee: Battleground ?)
Post by: Xant on December 03, 2014, 12:53:03 am
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