cRPG => Scene Editing => Topic started by: Tuetensuppe on November 17, 2014, 12:55:21 am

Title: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Tuetensuppe on November 17, 2014, 12:55:21 am
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So after i made several unrealistic maps for fun events i finally decided to become a bit more serious about mapping.

Tuetensuppes personal mapping rules!

Nearly the same time is needed for both teams to reach the middle of the map(battle)!
Hiding, up to some point -> yes!
Massive camping -> no!
Cav -> yes!
Getting couched all over? -> no!

Comming Home! [Battle]

So after i had some long nights on Kalmar TS i figured out that their "scandinavian spirit" isnt that big as i was imaging all the time it would be. And somehow (dunno why) i felt motivated to make and scandinavian looking map to may save my german and illiterate build of good old scandinavia.

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Numbers 1-11 are just examples for some details on the map.
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zoomed in
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details 1-5
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details 6-11
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chadz in the desert! [Battle]


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details 1
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details 2
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Tuetensuppes Arena [Battle]

Somehow easy but really balanced Arena. Perfect for low pop on the server!


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Gladiator [Battle]

Thats a battle version of my siege map "Charge the Arena" (scroll down).


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Charge the Arena! [Siege]

A bit diffrent compared to the "normal" siege maps...


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Church of Jogeldismus! [Siege]

One of my favourites...


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Raid of the Vikings [Conquest]

Some gimmicks or "intresting" ways -> ready to get discovered.


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details 1
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Island Outpost [Conquest]


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details 1
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*All maps are up on HRE_Fallen_Training server if you wanna have a look on it - just gimme a poke.

Maps for Fun Events i have done so far

Just a few examples. Still have some in my back ready to go for future events!  :wink:

The Maze (

Tuetens Donkey Race I and II!/ (!/)
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c(ounter)RPG_Strike (

Halloween Event 2013/2014 (

Tuetensuppes Tournament!-%28new-video%29/msg733598/#msg733598 (!-%28new-video%29/msg733598/#msg733598)!/ (!/)

Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Tuetensuppe on November 18, 2014, 12:29:04 am
New map added:
chadz in the desert! [Battle]
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Molly on November 18, 2014, 10:05:55 am
Serious Tuete is a lie!
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Fips on November 20, 2014, 04:07:58 pm
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Tuetensuppe on November 22, 2014, 02:45:10 am

thats all? QQ :cry:

i was expecting this from you:   "tueten, as you are the only who take part in my contest, here is the money. btw, also great job you did. looks epic and i cant do it better for sure"   :P :mrgreen:

*also working on a conquest map right now -> my first one so pls dont expect much -> also i figured out that it will be my last conquest map -> tueten hates making conquest maps from now on!  :wink:

Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Apple_the_Green on November 23, 2014, 05:49:08 pm
chadz enslaves humans

With donkeys
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Hellsing on November 28, 2014, 11:11:44 am
i was expecting this from you:   "tueten, as you are the only who take part in my contest, here is the money. btw, also great job you did. looks epic and i cant do it better for sure"   :P :mrgreen:

Have I missed something?

found it, well I guess I won't make it in time to create some new maps till tomorrow again :(
But most of the maps I have created are already on the servers.. I guess this is enough for me, lulz
Good luck for the participates.

Btw. Your battle maps look smooth so far, but I´m not an battle player at all so I can't realy figuer out how they will be played.. Good luck.
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Teeth on November 28, 2014, 12:33:10 pm
Fips postponed the deadline for submission till until after the Kickstarter fuss has died down at least. So you have time.

On the maps, first map looks pretty good. Is the Viking Keep entirely enterable? Because that might lead to horrible camping. In any case make sure that defensible spots are at equal distances to the spawns. Also, a very high amount of trees. I know these pine trees are quite heavy performance wise, so perhaps you should cut down their numbers where they don't matter too much. I personally find it hard to estimate whether maps are too heavy on the performance, but many players play on terrible PC's so you might want to be safe rather than sorry.

Second map with all the sunken and tipped over buildings and donkey props looks extremely unrealistic and random. It makes zero realistic sense and the 'funny' wears off rather quickly with maps and soon gets replaced by the 'why the fuck is this map in the rotation' factor.

Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: SyderOne on December 27, 2014, 02:00:37 am
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Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Tuetensuppe on February 12, 2015, 10:16:15 pm

six new maps added!

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Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Casul on February 13, 2015, 05:46:49 am
Add all.
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Daunt_Flockula on February 14, 2015, 11:55:31 am
I totally love that church map, although the courtyard and inner floor looks like they are made of rubble and might be difficult to walk on.
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Casul on February 20, 2015, 01:56:14 pm
bump this ffs, omg Tüten puts so much effort in this shit and people dont care  :cry:
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Leshma on February 26, 2015, 07:21:33 pm
Island Outpost has bugged spawn points which can't be selected normally.
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Tuetensuppe on February 27, 2015, 12:07:26 am
Island Outpost has bugged spawn points which can't be selected normally.

k... thx for report... will check it out -> names are bugged ingame, so its not "island outpost" i guess?... is it the conquest one with viking stuff? and also you can name the fucked up spawnpoints?

Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Leshma on February 27, 2015, 12:34:56 am
Didn't know about map names being bugged, sorry about that (was too lazy to actually find the map based on pics). But it seems some of those pics you've posted are unavailable. It is the huge conquest map. Don't have screenshot of it, but if I'm not mistaken (played it once full round and 5 minutes today) only first to the left (attacker spawn point) can be picked, one in the middle (it spawns you in front of that castle building) and the one of the far right of the map. Rest can't be chosen, but Sir_Mapal said something about suiciding while in menu that allows players to pick all the spawn points.
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Leshma on February 27, 2015, 08:12:52 pm
Raid of the Vikings lasts way too long (42 minutes), shorten that by 15-20 minutes. If defenders are good, they will win. If defenders are even or worse than attackers, there is no way they can last for more than 20 minutes on this map. Chokepoints don't work well if you've got bunch of pubs, maybe for clan fights they might work. Most spawn points are easy to take, few are chokepoints but as I said it isn't that hard to break through. Harbor seems easily defendable but defenders often, just like attackers fall in the waters which means they have to walk out of it. For attackers that isn't an issue, because they constantly spawn, for defenders it is.

Make it last 27 minutes. Great looking map btw :D
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Tuetensuppe on February 28, 2015, 01:44:29 am
thx for the suggestions/feedback

also you first request was also about "raid of the vikings", right? [dunno whats the ingame name atm]
will check out some stuff + change it over the weekend... about the spawns -> dunno why they dont work...will see what i can do

anyways thx

Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Leshma on February 28, 2015, 02:21:05 am
No it wasn't. Raid of the Vikings is the small map. I was talking about big ass conquest map. Maybe it isn't yours...
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: korppis on March 03, 2015, 09:15:19 pm
That island outpost map just doesn't work. Basicly it feels more like a super mario map where it's all about walking over ladders and trying not to fall. It's just way too easy to defend because whole map is one long chokepoint and there's no way of flanking. Especially the ship part is super easy for def, because you can bottleneck attackers on one small bridge where they have to come one by one.

Church of Jogeldismus map looks cool but the exterior is nightmare. There's no friggin way to walk more than few meters before getting stuck or glitching somehow. It wouldn't hurt to level the ground so that you can actually fight there without having your char and weapon stuck on all those rocks.
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Leshma on March 03, 2015, 09:56:15 pm
Join EU1 - Tueten :lol:
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Tuetensuppe on March 04, 2015, 08:48:35 pm
sry, bit busy these days .. vaction in the middle of march inc.... will hopefully have some time to change some stuff and make a few more maps

stay tuned

Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Akavirius on March 07, 2015, 10:04:38 am
Raid of the Viking has a bugged spawn. If you select the "docks" spawn (as an attacker) you have a chance to spawn underwater near the wooden tower on the little island on the other side. It happened to me at least twice.

I must say that i like this map :)
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Viriathus on March 07, 2015, 01:16:48 pm
Go easy on the maps, better to make few maps but realy good than a lot of maps but bugged and not even that great looking, we have plenty of maps on the rotation, dont need many more. Either way, good job and good effort.
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Falka on March 07, 2015, 08:52:31 pm
I like most of the new maps, Charge the arena is really cool map as well - or it would be if not this rocky surface. Jumping around while fighting is pretty annoying, so it would be nice to get this map with even surface. But apart from that don't see any problem with this map.
Title: Re: Tuetensuppes introductions to serious maps!
Post by: Leshma on March 07, 2015, 09:05:39 pm
I don't mind Tueten maps, find them very interesting. Only thing that bothers me is my fps while playing those maps, but that is my personal problem.