cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Topic started by: RD_Professor on October 27, 2014, 08:52:55 pm
So I don't know when this happened, but now the polearm mode for the danish gs is better than the 2h mode
Speed: 93
Dmg: 42
For 2H
Speed: 91
Dmg: 41
Now I can understand why one of those stats might be better for poles, like speed, but both? When I buy a 2h, especially a greatsword, I actually like it to be better for 2h than poles. I don't know if this was an error or intentional, but it really should be better as a 2h.
#2hproblems #2hpriviledge #nerfrange/#norange #2hisntopenoughalreadypleasebuffmore
But really 2h mode ought to be better, not worse. Especially with damage.
Both speeds should be 91.
Hmm, must be my game then. I'm still surprised that the polearm dmg is supposed to be more than the 2h, but oh well.
The pole animations are shorter than 2h, hence more damage
The pole swing damage on DS is 42? That seems very high, I thought they lost at least 4-5 damage points when you switched modes, perhaps it's just an interface error?
It's bugged, right now it has Highland Claymore half-swording stats, so it loses 7 length.
It's supposed to have 91 speed, 40c, 31p.
From a realism perspective the "pole" mode should deal out more damage on the thrusts. But fuck realism.
The pole animations are shorter than 2h, hence more damage
Shorter lever do more damage? Seriously?
Shorter lever do more damage? Seriously?
Game balance, you know.
(Ofc you can't know considering archers never got the good end of that "balance" ;-) )
Shorter lever do more damage? Seriously?
Its supposed to be how people handled two handed swords against plate armor. You get a good grip halfway up the sword and jab it at some nerd like a spear. The regular two-handed stab looks great for duels or fighting cav but not like an efficient close quarters killing move. Higher damage is to represent penetrating armor better. I don't like the abstraction of pierce thrusts to armor as it is though since they should easily bounce unless done with skill then be real lethal, but instead stabs just get wonky abusable interactions with hitboxes and damage based on the point in the animation you are in, instead of point or angle of contact.