i think some of our clan members waiting for an explaination about the banner :D i thought everyone in our clan knew about this but it seems very few of us know that. well , here is the thing. when i first joined the norse clan i kinda didnt like the way our banner looks on the heraldic armor so i asked our clan leaders if we can change the banner or not , so they said yeah why not and since then im making banners and the banner you see in fleetfox's message is one of the banners i made and its just a placeholder banner. im still making new banners and when they are done we are all gonna vote to pick a banner. and of course there will be an option like 'i dont want a banner change, i prefer our current banner'.
these are the banners i made. some of them dont perfectly fit on the shields and heraldic armors and i will not fix them yet because its a real time killer and my plan is im gonna fix the banner that chosen by our clan members after the voting is done. there are lots of high quality pictures so you gotta download it. (47 mb) and as i said im still making new banners but it will take some time to finish because im moving out and im a little bit bussy. let me know if there is a problem with the link.
Yeah thanks for explaining mate, the reason I have used that banner is because I don't have our current banner image on this computer :P so can't upload to image hoster ^^
I wish you and Kasigi the best of luck! BTW I really like the Theme Style!
dont forget Shagga :PFor sure i wish him the best too, but i know fleet and Kasigi a way better! :wink:
Hey ! Nice job, i can help you for thread.
I am looking for a very good build shielder, here for now my stats, I would like advice and opinions.
Well, as one of the founding members of the Ravens, this clan may just be home if you'll have me.
Warning: I'm not very active and I rarely get on TS.
Are you guys still recruiting for NA players (-5:00 EST / Canada)
cRPG main character: "Cotroneo"
I am looking for a very good build shielder, here for now my stats, I would like advice and opinions.Hey Tork what lvl are you? At lvl 35 I would suggest you try for the build 24/18, its a very good shielder build :)
Alright, sign me up. Norse faction or no faction for me my friend. I'll be retiring soon for a name-change if needed.
Applied.. and I usually play on NA 1, the ping for me on EU isn't good but I'll play there for fun.
Hopefully me playing on NA drums up a few NA players to join.. but in the mean time, "Norse_Motormouth" is alright?
I would love to have an active-enough NA member base so that shield walls are common! Thing is.. you'd need like, two dozen people for this to even be effective.. if not more, although; if we mixed our EU players with NA and organized custom battles with Anglo Saxon factions, it surely would be fun.
Send me some maileFree maile? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt061BAbkQs)
Outch you are running the game in very low quality ?
Hey, nice screenshots. I honestly forgot to take a few myself because I thought everyone else would handle that. Great fun I had with you guys, thanks for having me!
It's christmas! Where's your cheer? "Bumpity bump-bump, bumpity bump-bump.. 180 vikings on two Busse'!"
I also have a Refuge with a few dozen spare Drengr and Bodi :D
I need to get me some more Bondi, just bought a ship for 39 crew for 20k after accidently selling my first ship from Doccinga :P
Do this (and only buy ASH ships as it will save you money in the short run, helping you make more money faster by getting more ships up sooner.. and don't waste points on Navigation!)
1. Get the Snekkja from Doccinga.
2. Sail with that until you have money to get a second.
3. When you have 10-15k saved up, sell both Snekkja' and move on to a Skeid. This will cut repair costs in half and is faster by 3 knots.. each Snekkja is 27 crew, Skeid is 55 (27 + 27 + 1)
4. Save up yet another 10-15k and sell the Skeid for a Busse.
5. Repeat 1-4 until you have 10 Busse' amassing 900 troops and conquer the world.
A few tips:
Assuming you probably joined Danmark, get a shop selling Linen in Ribe and in Northvegr's main town (starts with a T). That'll help float you with troop costs. King Horik also gives you a feif upon enlisting which covers the cost of a Refuge (great for storing troops - pay just below 1/3 regular wages).
BIG tip here, to save the heartache that is soon to come during the story. When so and so asks you to amass an army of 200+ men, put your own army inside your garrison at the Refuge (need to upgrade it once (or twice if you want the added bonus of a blacksmith and such)) then go hire 200 peasants and give the filthy bastard that.. then before the next segment of the quest line, go grab your 200 strong army of berserk vikings and tear that shithead apart!
Yeah unfortunately I only own a laptop, so have to play on lowest settings (I only just put textures to medium to see banner more clearly lol)
haha jeez those tips are insanely good, though i have done a very unorthodox route, I first merc'd for Kingdom of Northumbria and now im a vassal of the norwegian king. Day 40+ and I'm in Denmark for the first time, although i have just started a new game to which I will be a suck up to the first jarl in Frisia, see if there is any difference in the story ^^ So have you completed the story now?
Same here, fleet. swinging with 12 fps and sound of an airplane
No, not yet, day 240 or so.. still in Danmark. One thing that really helps pass time is Ctrl + Space (speeds travel for those who didn't know).
When launching Warband, in the Module selection screen go to Configure > Advanced > Force Single Threading.
Problem solved.. your welcome.
All your ships belong to me.
does this apply to crpg too? cuz you dont start crpg with the module selectorYeah, Warband itself would be running in Single Threaded Mode.
What does Force single threading do? i assume it helps the performance :DI honestly have no bloody idea.. but it fixes the problem.
So who watched Vikings Series 3? :)
Never abuse other players or discriminate
Good thing you can ignore people like Leshma when it comes to those rules. :lol:
Ever so serious Torr :D It was you silly, remember? Just wanted to make a joke out it, not for real :wink:
Related I guess.
you have new banner, change it here too!
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
All you Norse bros are welcome on the Raven banner, apply and bring glorious norse victory to all!
Nerco this mutha ducka, anyone else back playing?
Woo! I'll try and keep an eye on the applicants page, apologies if it takes a bit at times.
Also, the previous Raven clan was ghost-claimed so we're working on building up our armory! It's already got a good mix of +3 but sharing is caring!
Woo! I'll try and keep an eye on the applicants page, apologies if it takes a bit at times.
Also, the previous Raven clan was ghost-claimed so we're working on building up our armory! It's already got a good mix of +3 but sharing is caring!
Heyo, I'm the new meat