cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: darmaster on August 22, 2014, 02:46:14 pm

Title: Jumping
Post by: darmaster on August 22, 2014, 02:46:14 pm
Sorry another thread, could we please remove or limit jumping feature to certain builds/armor combination? seeing people aggressive as fuck with transitional armor 12/15 agility and a great maul, jumping over my kicks/nudges instead of avoiding em like proper players do and then hitting me in the head (mostly headshot because apart from the fucked up hitbox when you jump and try to hit aiming down the first thing you meet is a fucking head) and taking loads of hps from me is real bullshit. . not to mention horses jumping over my pikes but that's another story
Title: Re: Jumping
Post by: Kalp on August 22, 2014, 03:50:11 pm
If they rolling like crazy  :rolleyes: and it's a normal for some people  :rolleyes: [maybe even for majority of community] I don't think this case is a problem...

We must accept that there are some stupid and bullshiting mechanisms in the mod.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Jumping
Post by: bavvoz on August 22, 2014, 03:51:16 pm
But its fun to jump with a pike and stab some1 in the head from a distance which is technicly impossible :D sry dar i couldnt resist :D
Title: Re: Jumping
Post by: darmaster on August 22, 2014, 06:25:25 pm
i almost never jump :l anyway it's not about jumping in general, it's about frogs who literally keep jumping just to avoid kicks or nudges, they keep spamming that space key, it's stupid. it's not about realism, it's somehow a similar discussion to spam, tho i have accepted that, because fixing it would mean a really big change, while limiting jumps to tincans it's a much more acceptable thing. anyway it was obviously a qq thread, don't really care about it too much atm
Title: Re: Jumping
Post by: gallonigher on August 22, 2014, 06:49:16 pm
Bunny-hopping is retarded

that is all
Title: Re: Jumping
Post by: Tojo on August 22, 2014, 07:16:01 pm
Learn who it is, and just be prepared for the bullshit that player uses.
Title: Re: Jumping
Post by: SirCymro_Crusader on August 22, 2014, 07:47:24 pm
4 years into warband and and the one thing I always fail at is jumping, I can do more difficult shit like ride a horse but I can't jump over a stupid little fence, always gets me killed!!

Nerf fences pls!
Title: Re: Jumping
Post by: Voncrow on August 22, 2014, 07:52:59 pm
Jumping is great and one of the few good things we str build have going right now. Jumping isn't even all that bad  since you're practically immobile for atleast 2 seconds after landing and we are the perfect targets for range.
Title: Re: Jumping
Post by: Teeth on August 23, 2014, 10:55:39 am
Come on darmaster, this is just an 'X counters me, nerf X' thread. For clarification, darmaster plays pike and uses continous kicking and nudging to prevent people from being able to attack him. So you spamming nudge or kick after every attack is skillful play and him countering your super predictable kicking and nudging by jumping is bullshit? I think it is excellent that jumping counters kicks and nudges, because especially for slow builds they are impossible to avoid at times. You can't even react with a jump because you will be too late, you have to predict the nudge or kick.
Title: Re: Jumping
Post by: Macropus on August 23, 2014, 11:20:42 am
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Jumping
Post by: Kafein on August 23, 2014, 11:35:24 am
Amusingly enough, I never ever jump with my agiwhore main, but I do it all the time with my strwhore alt. I don't force myself to do either, it just feels much more useful to jump with the tank guy.
Title: Re: Jumping
Post by: Ikarus on August 23, 2014, 11:45:41 am
... and a great maul, jumping over my kicks/nudges instead of avoiding em...

sorry but I don´t have any sympathy for people using kicks, broken mechanic... makes playing a backpaddling STR 2h easy as fuck

why not fix crpg OP kicks? Oh wait, because the mechanic has been broken for ages and people just love ignoring it


and to the jumping: plate armors were heavy, but not THAT heavy, you would actually be able to jump with it, although it wouldn´t be healthy for your knees on a long run...
Title: Re: Jumping
Post by: darmaster on August 23, 2014, 01:32:20 pm
Kicks broken? Kicks get their usefulness only when people are facehugging or going directly towards you without thinking; it's not kicks being broken, it's people being stupid.nalso they've got enough nerfed imo, they're much different from native if I remember correctly.
Anyway, many good players are capable of avoiding kicks without jumping, using skill aka their heads in this case, while other literally spam their space key like frogs not using their heads and making random headshots; let me clarify this is not only about my pike character, happens everytime someone not necessarily bad, but let's say someone who got beserkr after realizing the opponent can kickslash, starts playing more aggressively and uses a stupid frog like playstyle.
And no teeth, i don't think someone countering my predictable kicks with footwork is bullshit, i think people who rage and start spamming jumps all over and actually manage to get results from that most of the times is stupid, it would be like me with a 4d weapon who just got hit really hard, getting butthurt and starting spamming swings like a retard and getting something out of it.
As I've already said this was a butthurt thread, better lock it.