cRPG => cRPG Technical problems => Topic started by: Mae. on August 04, 2014, 08:19:42 pm
I haven't moved, I've got a good internet package, no virus or weird shit on my computer... and my ping has been extremely jumpy lately. If the servers are still hosted in Chicago then my ping should be in the lower 40s, which it is for everything else I play that's also hosted there. I loaded up Napoleonic Wars (taleworlds game Chicago server for NA) and sure enough my ping is the true lower 40s, right back to CRPG.. boom 65 lowest and bounces to 180, frequently.. anyone have a clue what the issue could be or something I can do to remedy the situation?
Sounds like you got the hamatchi network connection open still.. causes that problem for me at least.
Don't have hamatchi :(
Have you tried resetting your router and stuff, i had this problem too but it was with all servers on everything but it went away after i reset the router 2 times
yeah see thats the weird part, its ONLY crpg. Thats why I wonder if anyone knows how Napoleonic Wars servers are working perfectly fine because they're both taleworlds, and both in chicago.. yet crpg is insanely unstable for me ping wise.. but yea I've reset my router several times just to see. Napoleonic and every other game I've tried with Chicago and CA servers, my ping is steady and accurate for my distance.. just not on crpg
I would try to use the 'Repair' option on the launcher, maybe it will magically fix it.
Are you starting the launcher as an admin?
Is your computer plugged in?
Its a mysteryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Mae I think this video can help you out. I tried it and it worked fine for me.
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