lel ptx you dickbutt stop spamming me with trade offersI will...
hahaha glorious
I'm green
ITS ON!maybe cuz you're gamecoholic
ps. Why am i already broke
pps. why do i already own all the games on sale
More newbs to slaughter in cRPG. Warband is on flash sale.I think this has stopped having any significant effect at least a year ago.
PM me when Dead Rising 3 gets on preorder sale or when Watch Dogs gets on sale.
Dead Rising 3 is locked at 30fps, just by the way.
Don't support it! Pirate it!
I never played spore.. is it worth it at 10 bucks?
It seems pretty cool but I don't want to buy another game that gets "dusty" in the library.
youll put like 4 hours into it, and it will get dusty. You will play it through one time and probably never play again. If you have kids or a little brother, they may absolutely enjoy the hell out of it and get the moneys worth.
I've played console games all my life. I dun giv a phuq. Also i'm too lazy to download ISO mount programs and then deal with errors because crappy files be crappy.
I think this has stopped having any significant effect at least a year ago.
About spore, every game is divided in 5 phases and this is key to any decent review of the game. The first one is basically a flash game, but very nicely done. The second one is kind of the coolest part in which you get to change your creature with almost complete freedom. Think penis. But the actual gameplay is weak. The third and fourth phases are respectively RTS and grand strategy and they both suck very hard. The last phase is space exploration. It's actually the best part gameplay-wise and you can get quite a lot of playtime out of it. Overall it's a pleasant yet profoundly broken videogame. I spent more time designing weird creatures than actually playing this (again, penis). I don't think it's worth 10 bucks, but not that much lower either.
Win8 has built-in iso mount functionality.
arma 3 50% off still £18. still feels like alot, I would only want to play pvp mods and doesn't look like its that activeEven the SP is demanding and good fun. Worth every penny. Very good game.
Even the SP is demanding and good fun. Worth every penny. Very good game.Well each to his own; my experience in arma 2 and arma 3 (beta) singleplayer is that its the most face grinding boring experience. I mostly interested in arma for tactical battlefield mod which was basically a PR clone, but I check up and get feeling not enough players.
As someone who can't seem to enjoy any games apart from cRPG and super deep strategic shit I gotta recommend the Witcher 2. Barely expected any triple A title to entertain me anymore, but I had a blast with that one.
X-COM: Enemy Unknown - Really fun, I like the way they simplified it. I've restarted a few times to better design/optimize my base and squad but don't mind.
I never played spore.. is it worth it at 10 bucks?
It seems pretty cool but I don't want to buy another game that gets "dusty" in the library.
Got Spore when it first came out, its a solid game imo. Bought it for steam recently on sale because my old disk is dead. Basically its just great fun and like has been said the Space stage is great, stetting up trade networks, or paving out Empires through force. I personally like the Creature stage, its fun looking for all the different customisable parts to then create some crazy ass looking creatures :D
Hopefully the Banner Saga will drop in price more than 33% that seems a game worth spending money on. Also just got that Betrayer early access game at 80% off. Its very interesting definitely worth a look on youtube :)
Well, looks like I won't be buying a single game on the sale again, there should be an achievement for thatSame here.
I enjoyed witcher 2 enough, but as a crpg and strat player didn't you fucken hate the combat? its even more lame than skyrim, you don't aim or use any tactics; you just spam click target and watch their health bar deplete. witcher 3 looks like its going to be the same combat also :(
I enjoyed witcher 2 enough, but as a crpg and strat player didn't you fucken hate the combat? its even more lame than skyrim, you don't aim or use any tactics; you just spam click target and watch their health bar deplete. witcher 3 looks like its going to be the same combat also :(Combat isn't great but I thought it was easily servicable enough, some enemies require slightly different tactics and you got the different spells to break the tedium. I found that I had to be rolling all the time and learning attack patterns of enemies, which is a quite a stretch beyond the depth of Skyrim. It's been a while but I can't remember it being worse than most other games.
You guys are going to be seriously disappointed if the only games you guys can have fun on is cRPG's combat.
Combat in the Witcher 2 ? What combat ?
*igni igni roll igni roll roll igni roll igni roll*
This is how I played The Witcher 2:
Igni, Igni, Igni, Igni, Igni, Igni, Igni, Igni....
Nobody survived that.
I caved and bought myself Payday 2. Any suggestions on which DLCs are worth getting?
I also got Sid Meier's Civilization V Comete Edition but on another way for 1 loom and 100k :mrgreen:
I caved and bought myself Payday 2. Any suggestions on which DLCs are worth getting?
Play with me nub I heff transport DLC. The train heist... that shit has bags worth 250.000$ apiece.