Other Games => ... and all the other things floating around out there => Topic started by: Ganner on June 19, 2014, 07:49:08 pm

Title: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Ganner on June 19, 2014, 07:49:08 pm

ps. Why am i already broke
pps. why do i already own all the games on sale
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: SeQuel on June 19, 2014, 08:01:46 pm
Team Red niggas.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Christo on June 19, 2014, 08:04:53 pm
Pink.. why the hell do I have to be Pink?

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Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Vibe on June 19, 2014, 08:42:05 pm
In the end I'm probably not gonna buy anything, since it's the same games on sale all the time.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: okiN on June 19, 2014, 08:59:22 pm
Yeah, none of the dailies or flashes look interesting at all. Apparently I'm purple.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Weren on June 19, 2014, 09:10:05 pm

I'm green
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Taser on June 19, 2014, 09:12:54 pm
Team purp checking in.

Its not the best start for the sale since I either have the games they have on sale or don't want them.

Eh. Its alright I did get something I wanted 50% off but it was a dlc that was on the cheap anyway so w/e.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Banok on June 19, 2014, 10:10:10 pm
I'm a dirty pirate, but there is one thing I think I will buy; don't starve £2.74

because they are making a 4 player co-op expansion called "don't starve together", and when that comes out this summer the game price is going up and all owners of the original game get it for free.

so you are saving alot more than only the 75%  8-) go go exploit this today

If I any good multiplayer games go on big sale I might be interested. I want arma 3, but its still too much, hopefully will catch a daily.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: [ptx] on June 19, 2014, 10:17:21 pm
Purple powah!

Just bought... Fallout 3, Don't Starve, Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon and Dark Souls II

Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Angry_Bag on June 19, 2014, 10:18:44 pm
dont rly want any of the games but will still buy allot, and never play them  :? team \o/
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Senni__Ti on June 19, 2014, 10:59:30 pm
Pink team reporting in :|

Tempted by blood dragon, that's about it.
All the rest are either meh or I own them.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: okiN on June 19, 2014, 11:31:21 pm
lel ptx you dickbutt stop spamming me with trade offers
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Kafein on June 20, 2014, 12:09:15 am
No badge yet.

Even though I got 6 event cards "legit", I didn't have enough steam wallet to buy all the others.

I failed so hard this time around. Don't Starve + DLC, Payday 2 + DLC, Stanley Parable, Blood Dragon, Papers Please, Risk of Rain and Hotline Miami (finally bought it).
I even added some others to my wishlist in case of daily.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Tore on June 20, 2014, 12:36:35 am
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Molly on June 20, 2014, 10:03:22 am
Go blue! :?
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Vibe on June 20, 2014, 10:28:32 am
purple best team
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: [ptx] on June 20, 2014, 10:29:59 am
lel ptx you dickbutt stop spamming me with trade offers
I will...
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Kalp on June 20, 2014, 11:03:50 am

I'm green
hahaha glorious
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Switchtense on June 20, 2014, 11:12:08 am
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Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Fredom on June 20, 2014, 03:00:13 pm

ps. Why am i already broke
pps. why do i already own all the games on sale
maybe cuz you're gamecoholic
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Banok on June 20, 2014, 06:03:33 pm
darkfall is on sale plus I think you get 60 days.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Leshma on June 20, 2014, 07:01:58 pm
More newbs to slaughter in cRPG. Warband is on flash sale.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Earthdforce on June 20, 2014, 07:30:17 pm
Oooh state of decay and dlc on sale today. I already have the base game on 360 but I'll probably end up picking all of it up today
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Teeth on June 20, 2014, 07:43:23 pm
More newbs to slaughter in cRPG. Warband is on flash sale.
I think this has stopped having any significant effect at least a year ago.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: LordBerenger on June 20, 2014, 08:38:24 pm
PM me when Dead Rising 3 gets on preorder sale or when Watch Dogs gets on sale.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: SeQuel on June 20, 2014, 08:43:42 pm
PM me when Dead Rising 3 gets on preorder sale or when Watch Dogs gets on sale.

Dead Rising 3 is locked at 30fps, just by the way.

Don't support it! Pirate it!
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Taser on June 20, 2014, 09:13:56 pm
I never played spore.. is it worth it at 10 bucks?

It seems pretty cool but I don't want to buy another game that gets "dusty" in the library.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: LordBerenger on June 20, 2014, 09:18:08 pm
Dead Rising 3 is locked at 30fps, just by the way.

Don't support it! Pirate it!

I've played console games all my life. I dun giv a phuq. Also i'm too lazy to download ISO mount programs and then deal with errors because crappy files be crappy.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: AntiBlitz on June 20, 2014, 11:35:18 pm
I never played spore.. is it worth it at 10 bucks?

It seems pretty cool but I don't want to buy another game that gets "dusty" in the library.

youll put like 4 hours into it, and it will get dusty.  You will play it through one time and probably never play again.  If you have kids or a little brother, they may absolutely enjoy the hell out of it and get the moneys worth.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Taser on June 20, 2014, 11:54:41 pm
youll put like 4 hours into it, and it will get dusty.  You will play it through one time and probably never play again.  If you have kids or a little brother, they may absolutely enjoy the hell out of it and get the moneys worth.

So it gets stale after the initial start?

Fair enough. Kind of seemed cool with the idea but I was wavering on whether it would still be interesting after I started the game.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Leshma on June 21, 2014, 12:27:36 am
I've played console games all my life. I dun giv a phuq. Also i'm too lazy to download ISO mount programs and then deal with errors because crappy files be crappy.

Win8 has built-in iso mount functionality.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Kafein on June 21, 2014, 12:33:13 am
About spore, every game is divided in 5 phases and this is key to any decent review of the game. The first one is basically a flash game, but very nicely done. The second one is kind of the coolest part in which you get to change your creature with almost complete freedom. Think penis. But the actual gameplay is weak. The third and fourth phases are respectively RTS and grand strategy and they both suck very hard. The last phase is space exploration. It's actually the best part gameplay-wise and you can get quite a lot of playtime out of it. Overall it's a pleasant yet profoundly broken videogame. I spent more time designing weird creatures than actually playing this (again, penis). I don't think it's worth 10 bucks, but not that much lower either.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Switchtense on June 21, 2014, 12:33:24 am
I think this has stopped having any significant effect at least a year ago.

Yeah, I was the last one who joined last year and still is shit :D
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Taser on June 21, 2014, 12:34:57 am
About spore, every game is divided in 5 phases and this is key to any decent review of the game. The first one is basically a flash game, but very nicely done. The second one is kind of the coolest part in which you get to change your creature with almost complete freedom. Think penis. But the actual gameplay is weak. The third and fourth phases are respectively RTS and grand strategy and they both suck very hard. The last phase is space exploration. It's actually the best part gameplay-wise and you can get quite a lot of playtime out of it. Overall it's a pleasant yet profoundly broken videogame. I spent more time designing weird creatures than actually playing this (again, penis). I don't think it's worth 10 bucks, but not that much lower either.

Yeah from what I can gather the space aspect is the best part.

Thanks. I'll pass on this game then.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: LordBerenger on June 21, 2014, 08:59:39 am
Win8 has built-in iso mount functionality.

Win 8 also confuses me with app/touch friendly layout.

Brb gonna buy some steroids and cocaine on Silk Road instead. Want some Amhsel?
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Attila3 on June 21, 2014, 09:50:18 am
RIP Wallet
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Polobow on June 21, 2014, 12:39:46 pm
Payday 2 -80%! Bought a 4pack.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Kafein on June 21, 2014, 11:00:33 pm
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Christo on June 21, 2014, 11:17:02 pm
; - ;

wanna be purpl
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Ikarus on June 22, 2014, 02:34:50 am
gogo team blue
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Tibe on June 22, 2014, 08:41:57 pm
Lol, this one about Early access
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Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Knute on June 23, 2014, 10:39:12 pm
Here's what I got so far and short reviews:

X-COM: Enemy Unknown - Really fun, I like the way they simplified it. I've restarted a few times to better design/optimize my base and squad but don't mind.

Far Cry 3 - Kind of a letdown, you have to sign up for something called U-Play to launch the game and some server was down so I couldn't get into the game when trying to create an account through Steam. There's a bit too much dog skinning so far for my taste and the story/setting isn't that interesting. Also super dumb AI on normal setting. Far Cry 2 had good atmosphere but I still like the first one best as far as crazy story/action.

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon - Awesome, funny dialogue, 8-bit cutscenes and tutorial. A bit too easy though, same dumb AI as FC3 but das ok here because the story and all the little details they put in are great.

The Witcher - haven't installed

The Witcher 2 - haven't installed, probably won't have enough time to play either of these games but was only a few bucks so had to get.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Banok on June 23, 2014, 11:36:31 pm
arma 3 50% off still £18. still feels like alot, I would only want to play pvp mods and doesn't look like its that active
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Molly on June 23, 2014, 11:41:17 pm
arma 3 50% off still £18. still feels like alot, I would only want to play pvp mods and doesn't look like its that active
Even the SP is demanding and good fun. Worth every penny. Very good game.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Teeth on June 24, 2014, 12:18:44 am
As someone who can't seem to enjoy any games apart from cRPG and super deep strategic shit I gotta recommend the Witcher 2. Barely expected any triple A title to entertain me anymore, but I had a blast with that one.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Banok on June 24, 2014, 04:43:03 am
Even the SP is demanding and good fun. Worth every penny. Very good game.
Well each to his own; my experience in arma 2 and arma 3 (beta) singleplayer is that its the most face grinding boring experience. I mostly interested in arma for tactical battlefield mod which was basically a PR clone, but I check up and get feeling not enough players.

As someone who can't seem to enjoy any games apart from cRPG and super deep strategic shit I gotta recommend the Witcher 2. Barely expected any triple A title to entertain me anymore, but I had a blast with that one.

I enjoyed witcher 2 enough, but as a crpg and strat player didn't you fucken hate the combat? its even more lame than skyrim, you don't aim or use any tactics; you just spam click target and watch their health bar deplete. witcher 3 looks like its going to be the same combat also  :(
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: SeQuel on June 24, 2014, 04:56:25 am
You guys are going to be seriously disappointed if the only games you guys can have fun on is cRPG's combat.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Leesin on June 24, 2014, 07:35:53 am
X-COM: Enemy Unknown - Really fun, I like the way they simplified it. I've restarted a few times to better design/optimize my base and squad but don't mind.

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The whole reason why I hated that game is because they 'simplified' it, it's like they ripped out the soul of the game and just painted the shell. Personally I thought the original games were all pretty simple and their actions were more "dumbing it down" than simplifying. Xenonauts is a far better re-make even with its bugs and shitty graphics. Well, that's all my opinion anyway just like you have yours.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Kafein on June 24, 2014, 07:53:23 am
Payday 2 Bag Throwing Simulator 2 still extremely fun

Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Vibe on June 24, 2014, 08:04:45 am
Well, looks like I won't be buying a single game on the sale again, there should be an achievement for that
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: FleetFox on June 24, 2014, 09:13:25 am
I never played spore.. is it worth it at 10 bucks?

It seems pretty cool but I don't want to buy another game that gets "dusty" in the library.

Got Spore when it first came out, its a solid game imo. Bought it for steam recently on sale because my old disk is dead. Basically its just great fun and like has been said the Space stage is great, stetting up trade networks, or paving out Empires through force. I personally like the Creature stage, its fun looking for all the different customisable parts to then create some crazy ass looking creatures :D

Hopefully the Banner Saga will drop in price more than 33% that seems a game worth spending money on. Also just got that Betrayer early access game at 80% off. Its very interesting definitely worth a look on youtube :)
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Taser on June 24, 2014, 09:46:00 am
Got Spore when it first came out, its a solid game imo. Bought it for steam recently on sale because my old disk is dead. Basically its just great fun and like has been said the Space stage is great, stetting up trade networks, or paving out Empires through force. I personally like the Creature stage, its fun looking for all the different customisable parts to then create some crazy ass looking creatures :D

Hopefully the Banner Saga will drop in price more than 33% that seems a game worth spending money on. Also just got that Betrayer early access game at 80% off. Its very interesting definitely worth a look on youtube :)

Got betrayer on wishlist atm. Didn't know it went up for 80%. Darn. For now I'll wait and see if it drops. If not then maybe I'll grab it at 50% before the sale ends.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Molly on June 24, 2014, 09:50:38 am
Well, looks like I won't be buying a single game on the sale again, there should be an achievement for that
Same here.
Well, I bought some cheap DLC for Grid2 after I realized there is a cockpit view mod which makes playing it again more than worthwhile... :P
...wasn't even enough for a trading card tho.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Patoson on June 24, 2014, 10:28:18 am
I enjoyed witcher 2 enough, but as a crpg and strat player didn't you fucken hate the combat? its even more lame than skyrim, you don't aim or use any tactics; you just spam click target and watch their health bar deplete. witcher 3 looks like its going to be the same combat also  :(

Try Full Combat Rebalance mod ( It changes a lot of things, including how you block - you now just lock on an enemy, and as you walk around you block without having to press anything, and also you can't spam anymore, since they start blocking after 1 or 2 hits. For me it makes the combat much more enjoyable.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Teeth on June 24, 2014, 10:41:53 am
I enjoyed witcher 2 enough, but as a crpg and strat player didn't you fucken hate the combat? its even more lame than skyrim, you don't aim or use any tactics; you just spam click target and watch their health bar deplete. witcher 3 looks like its going to be the same combat also  :(
Combat isn't great but I thought it was easily servicable enough, some enemies require slightly different tactics and you got the different spells to break the tedium. I found that I had to be rolling all the time and learning attack patterns of enemies, which is a quite a stretch beyond the depth of Skyrim. It's been a while but I can't remember it being worse than most other games.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Kafein on June 24, 2014, 11:02:05 am
Combat in the Witcher 2 ? What combat ?

*igni igni roll igni roll roll igni roll igni roll*
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Radament on June 24, 2014, 01:26:23 pm
You guys are going to be seriously disappointed if the only games you guys can have fun on is cRPG's combat.

bought 7 days to die , dedicated server and i'm enjoying it with some other friends. of course that is not crpg , there's no fin that teamkills you at the end of the round , there's no GTX that talking to himself in the rageball server , there's no ranged spam but it's fun.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Gravoth_iii on June 24, 2014, 01:50:52 pm
I dunno if you played witcher 2 on hard difficulty but there spamming left click gets punished if theres more than 1 enemy. The combat isnt amazing but im enjoying it more than most games, except when i fight bosses which can be complete bullshit.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Christo on June 24, 2014, 03:44:24 pm
Combat in the Witcher 2 ? What combat ?

*igni igni roll igni roll roll igni roll igni roll*


This is how I played The Witcher 2:

Igni, Igni, Igni, Igni, Igni, Igni, Igni, Igni....

Nobody survived that.

Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: SixThumbs on June 24, 2014, 07:25:56 pm
I've had more mileage out of the GOG sale than the Steam one.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Christo on June 29, 2014, 04:03:01 am
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ahaha Pink is fucking awesome   :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Lennu on June 29, 2014, 10:06:13 am
That's how we roll in tha pink team!
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Elmuri on June 29, 2014, 10:28:34 am
Meh, paid the double for Shadowrun a few days ago. Well, bought 5 games I actually want to play.

Whats the point of that colour teams-thing? What a great chance to win!

Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Molly on June 29, 2014, 10:42:03 am
I bought Prototype 2 and I am surprised how entertaining it actually is :D
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Christo on June 29, 2014, 07:14:14 pm
I bought the patricians and merchants box or what it's called for 0.99

Had 3 games in it, I wanted darkstar one in my steam library so good deal right there.

Also received the game I wanted so much, Space rangers HD - A war apart from a friend as a gift, thank you very much!

Here are the summer adventure results.

(click to show/hide)

Pink team was the Avenger! fuck yeah! [╯°□°]╯︵ ┻━┻
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Miwiw on June 29, 2014, 08:16:18 pm
Farm Simulator 2013 for 6€
DCL for Euro Truck Simulator 2 for 2€
Thief 4 for 15€

Good enough. That's enough games till winter sale...
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Vibe on June 29, 2014, 09:52:50 pm
I caved and bought myself Payday 2. Any suggestions on which DLCs are worth getting?
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: TheAppleSauceMan on June 29, 2014, 10:40:58 pm
I caved and bought myself Payday 2. Any suggestions on which DLCs are worth getting?

None. You can get them online for free. No joke. Realized it after I bought the Courier DLC, sort of regret it now.

Also, very disappointed with the sale, haven't bought anything. The few things I thought were good deals, I already own.  :?

Guess I might buy The Witcher 2 since it's dirt cheap and I played through it ages ago. Here's to hoping the Winter Sale treats me better.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Lamk on June 29, 2014, 10:48:26 pm
It is always the same games that are on sale. Once you get all the good ones, there is nothing to buy except DLCs. I have bought Dark Souls and Dishonored so far, plus a few DLCs.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Fredom on June 29, 2014, 11:10:44 pm
Thought I wouldn't buy anything this time but found 20 € PaySafeCard from my birthday this year so I  decided to get something.
I bought: FarCry3 for 4.99€,
BattleBlock THEATER for 3.74€ (which is awesome fun with friends with controller)
Tomb Rider or however its called just because it looks good,.4.99€ instead of 20 or 30 and able go be played with controller.
I also got Sid Meier's Civilization V Comete Edition but on another way  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Ikarus on June 30, 2014, 12:16:36 am
bought nothing yet since paypal is a bitch; had some troubles with it and now I got a new plan:

- send all my cents from my acc back to my bank
- delete paypal acc (you smelly cunts)
- get a paysafecard tomorrow
- finally achieve dark souls 2 and glory
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Earthdforce on June 30, 2014, 12:30:03 am
I also got Sid Meier's Civilization V Comete Edition but on another way for 1 loom and 100k  :mrgreen:

Welp, enjoy your ban for admitting you're selling looms
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: BASNAK on June 30, 2014, 12:38:33 am
I'd totally not give all my mw's and looms for steamgames. If you're interested you should totally not pm me.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Kafein on June 30, 2014, 01:43:47 am
I caved and bought myself Payday 2. Any suggestions on which DLCs are worth getting?

Play with me nub I heff transport DLC. The train heist... that shit has bags worth 250.000$ apiece.
Title: Re: Steam summer sale 2014!
Post by: Vibe on June 30, 2014, 09:16:22 am
Play with me nub I heff transport DLC. The train heist... that shit has bags worth 250.000$ apiece.

Sure thing give me a buzz when im on