cRPG => Events & Tournaments => Topic started by: Nindur on May 19, 2011, 05:58:06 pm

Title: Northern empire event 05/22/2011
Post by: Nindur on May 19, 2011, 05:58:06 pm
Castle siege scheduled for 8 EST on Sunday, open to all NE members.

Rules are:
First team to 3 rounds
Best of 3 maps

Teams will alternate from attacker to defender
Whichever team attacks twice on the first map will defend twice on the second map

Item limitations:
Max armor: light mail and plate (red)
No longbows
Title: Re: Northern empire event 05/22/2011
Post by: ManOfWar on May 19, 2011, 08:31:18 pm
There is going to be a lot of tin cans with great mauls raping the atackers
Title: Re: Northern empire event 05/22/2011
Post by: Nindur on May 20, 2011, 12:49:27 pm
Then you better grab some pokers
Title: Re: Northern empire event 05/22/2011
Post by: Keshian on May 20, 2011, 08:05:32 pm
No longbows??  Seems odd, would be good practice for strategus if you didn't exclude them.
Title: Re: Northern empire event 05/22/2011
Post by: Nindur on May 21, 2011, 06:02:36 pm
THe reason for no longbows is the fact that we know most of the TS archers have MW longbows, which in strat we won't be using MW longbows and MW bodkins. To compensate I set an armor limit. I am open to allowing longbows if you want to talk about it and come to some arrangement!
Title: Re: Northern empire event 05/22/2011
Post by: Nindur on May 22, 2011, 06:35:36 pm
Bad news! I had something come up and I won't be available around the Time of the Scrim, so Unless Gash or Airith decides to take the reins and continue it, Assume the NE event for This evening is canceled!
Title: Re: Northern empire event 05/22/2011
Post by: ManOfWar on May 23, 2011, 06:20:36 pm
Bad news! I had something come up and I won't be available around the Time of the Scrim, so Unless Gash or Airith decides to take the reins and continue it, Assume the NE event for This evening is canceled!

Should of sent people around to the different Ts's, nobody knew what the hell was going on. Also, is it that hard..

1- get everyone into ATS vent
2- pick teams
3- change the strategus duel server from duel to battle or siege? Cant an admin do that?
Title: Re: Northern empire event 05/22/2011
Post by: Nindur on May 23, 2011, 07:51:32 pm
The forums is a pretty central place where everyone can find information, but the main Reason I didnt go around to your Team speaks was A. You never give me access to your channel and No one responds to chat messages 2. I was pressed for time!

To answer your other question, yes anyone can do it, but most people are too lazy to take control of it. Also, only a limited few people have the ability to move players through channels.
Title: Re: Northern empire event 05/22/2011
Post by: ManOfWar on May 23, 2011, 08:24:27 pm
The forums is a pretty central place where everyone can find information, but the main Reason I didnt go around to your Team speaks was A. You never give me access to your channel and No one responds to chat messages 2. I was pressed for time!

To answer your other question, yes anyone can do it, but most people are too lazy to take control of it. Also, only a limited few people have the ability to move players through channels.

Hellskey is my steam, so if I am on, ill be able to get you in