Other Games => ... and all the other things floating around out there => Topic started by: Armycook_of_KSantiago on June 04, 2014, 05:26:03 am

Title: Another Mount & Blade rip-off
Post by: Armycook_of_KSantiago on June 04, 2014, 05:26:03 am
刀锋铁骑(Blade Cavalry by Google translate)
Alpha test
A game made by Tencent(Biggest Chinese software company), non-historical based, but incorporated characters throughout ancient Chinese history, like Lubu, Zhaoyun ETC.
Players from YYY and Blood participated in this demonstration..
Well, the funny thing is that dude doing comments keeps telling that girl she's pretty!
Title: Re: Another Mount & Blade rip-off
Post by: Oberyn on June 04, 2014, 05:42:19 am
Someone made a thread about this at some point. Some maps are just blatant copies of warband maps, it's pretty funny. Still, I'd play this. The more games like M&B, the better.
What did the YYY and Blood players think about it?
Title: Re: Another Mount & Blade rip-off
Post by: SixThumbs on June 04, 2014, 09:38:35 pm
It started off with some chinese girl dancing and for a second I thought I was linked to a porn site.

Then I was disappointed.
Title: Re: Another Mount & Blade rip-off
Post by: Teeth on June 04, 2014, 10:02:22 pm
Wait, so the Chinese Mount & Blade players are called on to test the Chinese rip-off for Mount & Blade?
Title: Re: Another Mount & Blade rip-off
Post by: Armycook_of_KSantiago on June 05, 2014, 12:40:18 am
Wait, so the Chinese Mount & Blade players are called on to test the Chinese rip-off for Mount & Blade?

Yea... since they can actually help the producer to demonstrate their so-called "original" "revolutionary" game mechanics that Chinese players have never seen before( cough.... except Mount & Blade players....cough...)
Title: Re: Another Mount & Blade rip-off
Post by: Rumblood on June 05, 2014, 11:46:59 pm
Even being a rip-off it looks like a spastic, laggy game that doesn't even capture the M&B gameplay except in a vaguely familiar way. And these games were playing on a professional gaming studio LAN for e-sports competitions.
Title: Re: Another Mount & Blade rip-off
Post by: LordBerenger on June 06, 2014, 12:06:57 pm
I wish i was Chinese
Title: Re: Another Mount & Blade rip-off
Post by: Daunt_Flockula on June 06, 2014, 02:15:37 pm
Looks a lot like War of the Roses to me, which I eventually did not like so much. Still, I'd like to give that a try and see how it plays out.