One: SQUID SLIMEBALLS, very mature Jamie. Two: If you are going to make a proper diplomacy thread write our name correctly. Three: Its the Republic of Squids. Four: Have better night time settings.
Yours truely,
Y U complain? Battle time is at a great time :mrgreen:
Haha yeah for some people.... I have a feeling many an energetic beverage shall be consumedSponsored by Mountain Dew and Crystal Meth
Big Surprise. Squids are jumping in on yet another GeForce war. As I said, the alliance is obvious... now if only the diplomatic map would get updated to reflect it.Lol
Big Surprise. Squids are jumping in on yet another GeForce war. As I said, the alliance is obvious... now if only the diplomatic map would get updated to reflect it.Just be quiet about your shit talk about us hoping on everyone's dick. Just because you don't matter on the strat map don't mean you got to be butthurt about not mattering.
Just be quiet about your shit talk about us hoping on everyone's dick. Just because you don't matter on the strat map don't mean you got to be butthurt about not mattering.
Aww, what's the matter Little Noodle, don't like being called out on it? Afraid others might catch on and stop you? I mean, if the marauders were capable of standing on their own two feet, you probably wouldn't be so 'butthurt' about me pointing it out...Its more that you are a bystander talking shit and acting tough. You are basically the guy who says he can beat the shit out of some one and then never show to the fight. You aren't playing strat so please don't act like you are a better person/player/strategist.
James, how could you put a picture of uncle Bucky dead on the concrete? You animal! ANIMAL! You'll pay for your sins! How unholy of you, no proper burial. ;(
Never mind Uncle Bucky, look what happened to your Aunt Sarah(click to show/hide)
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My god... :shock:
visitors can't see pics , please register or login=republic of squids? Thats incredibly harsh Dionysis. 0o
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= ???
Its more that you are a bystander talking shit and acting tough. You are basically the guy who says he can beat the shit out of some one and then never show to the fight. You aren't playing strat so please don't act like you are a better person/player/strategist.Hmm...Actually, I'd say he is based on how well he knows strat mechanics.
Hmm...Actually, I'd say he is based on how well he knows strat mechanics.
I might hop in this war and waste what's left of my useless self doing something stupid for no reason.
Aww, what's the matter Little Noodle, don't like being called out on it? Afraid others might catch on and stop you? I mean, if the marauders were capable of standing on their own two feet, you probably wouldn't be so 'butthurt' about me pointing it out...
I remember when AoW/Teutonic betrayed KUTT and wiped them off strat when all KUTT did was help them and give them a home.that was a different strat so cant really use that against them anyway good luck to both sides :wink:
Strat is merciless and ruins clans and alliances and how you look at people nuff said! :rolleyes:(click to show/hide)
SO first - James declared war on DSEP all on his own, second - I'd like to point out that Squids are neighbors of ours, we have no real alliance but I feel its in our best nature to be GOOD neighbors plus I just like 'em, they're fun to fight with! I'm excited to have the same foe but you'll have to know the advantages to having friendly neighbors vs a REAL alliance is much different, they'll be receiving merc support but never has either side aided in materials. No gear, no troops, nothing.. so this isn't a matter of being ganged up on in my eyes at all.
Wait, your faction member was bored > He attacks acre > it's not an act of war cause he did it on his own(yet was in your faction) > said faction declares war on you cause of it.
Also, ignoring the fact that you DoWed them with your desert traders banned thread(DoWed FPoF and Acre in that thread).
So: Short > You started war, regardless.
How does Acre have all this cRPG gold to give out if they all go into game with plate 24/7? Legit question. Must be hacks
Divine financing from the Gods more like it. chadz fills my coffers to help our cause.Hacks
Divine financing from the Gods more like it. chadz fills my coffers to help our cause.
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Winter is coming, and it's got a very nice jumper.
Being a trader on anywhere near a squidth kraken swallows all (except for assorted people)(click to show/hide)
Being a trader on anywhere near a squidGood one, only difference though is that we actually catch them lol.(click to show/hide)
about a week later i notice acre attacked an undefended fief that was a bit outside of our main territory and wrote a really cute RP about it.I'm so glad you thought it was cute. I was actually quite tired when I wrote it but I was aspiring to cuteness.
Well strat definitely ruins relationships with crpg friends. When I look back and think about who I fucked over, I feel bad. It really is horrible. But I don't keep that from stopping a decision to be made. I guess you can say I've turned cold and jaded. Do I like it, no. Do I regret it, yes. Will I keep fighting, yes.
Well strat definitely ruins relationships with crpg friends.
"Squids eat a varied diet depending on the species. From the smallest to the largest(traders to... small whales), they eat mainly marine life that can go up in size to a whale depending on the size of the squid.(Just how big are we?) Each species will be different in what they consume as food. The giant squid is notorious for tackling baby whales, as many people can attest to. They can basically eat anything that they can grab onto. While some would say a squid eating a whale may be ludicrous, baby whales are taken by squid at times(prepare yourselves!)." (
Makes sense... right?[/spoiler]
Well... You see...(click to show/hide)
It takes a really big fucking-over to cement hostile relations between parties.
I love chip n' dale!
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Hey folks,...People lose. None of us are unique butterflies who will get everything we want or even everything that we deserve. People lose in war hence people lose in this game. Relationships are determined for the most part by the reactions of said losers. The level of gloating on the winning parties side plays a role, but it is not the driving force. If you wanna play this game and maintain good relationships with the rest of the community, don't be a sore loser. Easy as that. Look at Hospi for example. We have lost repeatedly in several strat rounds but none of us get on this forum and complain about fairness or whatever other arbitrary factor one might claim was responsible for the loss. If whoever loses this war proceeds to come here and bitch/moan incessantly they will not only lose their war, they will lose healthy relationships.Thx dad
Fatherly advice finished.
You should definitely go to Chip N' Dales then. Dancing squirrels everywhere. Take your wife and the kids with you - make it a family event. Your wife will love you for it! :wink:
Squirrels? Chipmunks? What's the difference? They are all just rats in disguisevisitors can't see pics , please register or login
Can't call anyone a random trader when they are under YOUR strat faction, just an fyi.
Stole 1100 goods from Ulburban. James paid Allers 600k,(to merc) clearly James went to Allers. Clearly working together. Non the less he stole our goods. We are paying the same prizes. We have gear. They are unarmed. Fight for a Republic! Not for a Dictatorship! James had just as bad battle times. Karma! James does anything in his benefit. To arms! Grab your tentacle, grab your blade, grab an eye on an acre and shove that blade so far up their a**
Deny the truth to make yourself look good. See you at the battle. And many many moons to come ;)
Down vote as it's the only thing you can do :)
Sandy what?
Man, you guys don't even talk shit properly. Look at the old threads between Kesh and...well, pretty much whoever was against Kesh at the time. Take notes.(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
Man, you guys don't even talk shit properly. Look at the old threads between Kesh and...well, pretty much whoever was against Kesh at the time. Take notes.(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
1/10 see me after class
I haven't paid allers a cent.
He is independent
Our battle at a bad time didn't actually occur at that time due to a glitch and also was caused by accidental night time setting
You are losing your mind buddy. You are going to start pissing people off just jumping on independents and calling them acre lol. Fight with these people if you want guys but they are just doing whatever they want and claiming I am Big Bad James. I can't help if you squids are afraid of me. You should be because I wouldn't ever help a faction that behaves like you.
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just talked to allers, he didnt get paidblind or nahhh
Man, you guys don't even talk shit properly. Look at the old threads between Kesh and...well, pretty much whoever was against Kesh at the time. Take notes.
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginhe is saying MAYB bc he is joking around with you. He did/is getting paid by Acre. Maybe not 600k but nonetheless that is still a quite big amount of gold to be paid to merc.
he is saying MAYB bc he is joking around with you. He did/is getting paid by Acre. Maybe not 600k but nonetheless that is still a quite big amount of gold to be paid to merc.
He MIGHT have been promised money to merc but i really doubt anyone would have paid 600k. If allers says he hasn't been paid then he hasn't been paid.Then Acre is lying about paying people??
He MIGHT have been promised money to merc but i really doubt anyone would have paid 600k. If allers says he hasn't been paid then he hasn't been paid.
You paid more than a couple of the mercs that were previously on my side in the ismirala fight that you flag capped on us with 12 more mercs. I mean, I could be wrong, but as far as I understand you paid noodles, knightmare, bob, ballsack, and the others I can't really identify because of their pseudonyms in the battle 50k each to fight.
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N_James: id fuck wesley up if he ever did that shit to my face
N_James: and he lives in my province
N_James: so he should watch himself
Ban please, making real life threats is not acceptable. If you would stop coming into our TS and screaming at us every time that would be nice too.
Get perspective. Look in the mirror and ask yourself "How can I trust Acre after these recent events?" or even better "Is there an Acre sleeper cell in my faction right now?"
Without the animosity I wish to continue these Xp fests.^
havent come back since wesley and the two others requested my prescence and then went on to act like children and make personal attacks at me.
Ban please, making real life threats is not acceptable. If you would stop coming into our TS and screaming at us every time that would be nice too.
I don't see the relevance.
For context, we belittled James when I asked him to stop raising his voice, reminded him this is a video game, and told him to stop swearing at us.
wow you guys are going hard here. You were literally raising your voices and talking over me as I tried to talk to you after you invited me and requested my coming to your ts. Im sorry if you aren't used to swearwords though you fucking slimey pieces of shit*SNIFF* *SNIFF* I smell rage in this thread
If trying to get me banned, for telling you that the scumbag type of behaviour you displayed to me and my guys in ts would get you fucked up, is all you can do to save yourselves, good try. If i get banned for trying to help you to understand that behaving that way is unacceptable I don't care. I can't show everyone how ridiculous you shitheads are in ts(THE SQUID LEADERSHIP) but I was there and so were several of my guys.
As far as how can you trust me in thiscommunityrealm I haven't fucked over anyone. We have worked with our allies and never backstabbed anyone. I would have worked with you too(THE SQUIDS)but you started jumping our traders and anyone with any association to us. I don't know if you planned this from the start or are trying to be opportunistic. Either way go fuck yourself Wesley. You can come at us all you want I couldn't ask for a shittier person in the realm to fight against.
I endeavor personally to make thecommunityrealm as enjoyable as possible because I love thegamerealm. This land isentertainingholy and the squids seek to desecrate Noble Customs. Help my Kingdom help the Realm.
The Squids recruited me ages and as I felt many of them were odd and not enjoyable to be in ts with, mostly I remained quiet and looked for another group. They kicked me from their faction. I don't agree with the way they play Strategus and they know it, they are waging an opportunistic war against us with no provocation trying to attack an easy target. Some of their members have a personal vendetta against me for what reason I can't say. They may be telling you things I have said, things i plan to do, or a variety of other lies. I recommend you join us in feast ( << Our teamspeak ). Feel free to ask us anything, communication is key. Also you can always send word to me( add N_James to steam) incase you think something has been told to you about us that could be false.
Don't let them tell you our fiefs are closed all are open only curaw and karindi are reserved for traders requesting permissions. All the rest of our fiefs are free trade! They may jump you in our territory, but they may also jump you outside! Their armies are weak and focused on attacking small parties. We are patrolling with armies and will reinforce anyone they jump in our territory as much as possible.
There is something seriously wrong with you.
I haven't paid allers a cent.
He is independent
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James take a second and read this if your sober enough..
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Blatant lie.
N_James: id fuck wesley up if he ever did that shit to my face
N_James: and he lives in my province
N_James: so he should watch himself
You either have multiple personality disorder or your a fucking retard.
Seriously, your now the new Jason the Great, just shut the fuck up
On a side note:
Gandalf... Every time I see your picture, it freaks me out. Truly cringe-worthy! :shock:
There is something seriously wrong with you.
You either have multiple personality disorder or your a fucking retard.
Oh yeah? Quote and post it?
I can confirm James hasnt paid me a cent because I told him not to
Then Acre is lying about paying people??
Well that aside allers, you shouldn't be touching the villages S&D, reason for the attackYeah i know that now , but as i said i dont play strat much usually i just go to any village because i dont even know what clan owns them
I can't show everyone how ridiculous you shitheads are in ts(THE SQUID LEADERSHIP) but I was there and so were several of my guys.
I endeavor personally to make thecommunityrealm as enjoyable as possible because I love thegamerealm.
The Squids recruited me ages [ago] and as I felt many of them were odd and not enjoyable to be in ts with, mostly I remained quiet and looked for another group. They kicked me from their faction.
in response to
as well as to all the personal attacks i was subjected to when you asked personally for me to come in to your ts and listen.
Well as a fresh set of eyes, with yours and James reputations; I wouldn't doubt that you just deleted the message.And who are you? And also a game admin could probably check the logs and confirm for you :)
James is pretty gay, get confirmation via Njames on steam.
Oh, the irony! Your clanmates who were so embarrassed by your behavior that we had to talk to them after your tantrum?Two words: Put Down
In all honesty, you do take in a lot of new members, and that is very helpful to the community. It's just unfortunate that they have to play with such a rude person.
You didn't talk because no one knew who you were. I didn't think you were a bad guy, and whenever someone told me about the little spats they were having with you, I told them to stop talking to me about it because I thought you were a normal person. Boy, was I wrong. I quickly realized all the rumors were true when you began chewing me out for continuing a conversation about polestun in your TeamSpeak, the first half of which you weren't even there for.
Also, we never kicked you from our faction. You left to join Acre along with Reinhardt, Delson, and Chumley.
Would you stop making this up? You came into our TS asking about our political relationship with GForce, probably nervous because Holiday cancelled our mercenary agreement which held such little value to you that you forgot it (here comes the belittling again, but I guess it's somehow not belittling to forget the overabundant support we gave you in every fight AND the fact that Lamarr_AoW lifted the flags to your siege battle and saved your asses from an embarrassing defeat). We told you we are just as neutral with them asyou arewe are with you, and that we'll look to fight the fair fight. You told us they don't deserve help after all the Game of Thrones spoilers (as a fan of the show myself, I thought it was a dick move too, but what would MURDERTRON care if I ruined a video game he plays every now and then). You continued to inform me MURDERTRON "verbally abused" a kid in TeamSpeak, and your choice of vocabulary was so overblown and ridiculous it was admittedly laughworthy. You came into our channel a second time after we fought for GForce in your incredibly unfair battle that you needed good players to ensure your already certain victory. No James, we were not fucking with you, as you so elegantly put it, we were fighting for the side that didn't have gear or merc support.
By the way, the fact that you're internalizing these internet flame wars does not make it a personal attack.
Get perspective. Look in the mirror and ask yourself "How can I trust Acre after these recent events?" or even better "Is there an Acre sleeper cell in my faction right now?"
Yes, because you guys are oh so trustworthy, and you don't have ANY sleeper cells in YOUR faction....i admit, I'm a spy for my lord chadz
I should probably get rid of my "asking mercs to switch sides in a battle is a scumbag move" mentality if you got almost all of our all-stars to switch sides by saying "hey switch sides pls ;)))))Ty for the best shitpost this far. Go on brave sandy and bring honor to the forums with your shitposts
also what the FUCK happened in this thread?? like really what? i looked at the thread last at like 3am and now I have woken up at 8am and there are three pages of awful, awful NOT EVEN SHITPOSTS. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN
also calamari you are one of like 3 people in NA that actually makes me mad in the battle server, how can you even do that many generations without taking any sort of effort to do anything other than holding up a shield and throwing? like holy shit nigga, you've won because you make me upset, but goddamn I can't comprehend how you can take it.
I can confirm James hasnt paid me a cent because I told him not to
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Ok, this is too early for a battle, and I'm very Cranky, so I'm going to shit post:
SuperDink Wesley is a super dink, and a poopy pants, and a dumb dumb head.
I've seen some spergs in my day, but my god this war takes the cake.
I must admit I'm a little disappointed in my team.
Being outnumbered 7 to 1, I decided not to split my forces, but instead sent everyone in a surprise counter attack. Unfortunately, the enemy seemed ready for this. Was there a Squid spy hidden amongst the ranks? We'll never know. After a fierce battle lasting at least two seconds, we were crushed. Superior tactics and maneuvering were defeated by sheer numbers.
Realizing that this mindless horde of cephalods would stop at nothing, I ordered all the troops to pull back and set up a defensive perimeter. With very little time I just managed to form up into the dot formation when they were upon us. The defenders put up a valiant fight. Such heroism on the field has never been seen in Strat before, and will probably never be seen again. But these inhuman beasts seemed to feel no pain, to realize no fear. Lord Bryggan of the renowned 13 Knights showed especial courage, slashing one, hacking another, ignoring the pain and exhaustion in this fierce battle. But even he could not stem the tide.
Finally the Tuethidan swarm overwhelmed the defensive position, swords swinging wildly in their tentacled grasp. The great Lord Bryggan, last of the defenders, finally succumbed to his many wounds from the madly flailing weapons. And silence settled on the field.
The squids, even with their tiny pea sized brains, felt their first emotion ever. Respect. Rather than celebrating their stupid 6:35 AM (PST) battle, they left the field sombre.
Was there a reward for top player for defender? I got no kills, but managed two points.
I've seen more heroism in strat before.
I once convinced every Australian playing to pointlessly help defend me after I robbed Chaos. We scared them for half a second because we had a roster double their size, but with 8x their ping so it was doomed, but valiant.
I wish both sides would stop with the somewhat high amounts of personal attacks. This entire war is a microcosm of the strat playing CRPG community. People going out of their way to bribe players off enemies rosters, ridiculous mercenary paying agreements and in general shitty attitudes. This is why I did not want to bring people back for this strat. To compete with everybody's poor sportsmanship, you have to stoop down to their level.
I implore both sides to pull back from the way this has been acted out and try to find ways to bring other players into strat who may be turned away by the current horrible state of relations within strat.
O'doyle Rules!"Science rules""Welfare rules"
I know I'm supposed to be nice to cRPG players now, but you guys are making a mockery of a passion of mine.
I am cRPG'S Senior VP of Shitposting, and with all the authority that position gives me I have to say this thread sucks and is making me slowly hate all of you because you're all rambling on about personal bullshit. Just call each other gay and get over it, jesus fuck sake. Let me try and guide you with two quotes that always keep my course true at times like this.
"A new command I give you: shitpost one another. As I have shitposted you, so you must shitpost one another."
"...For God so loved the world that that he gave his only son, so that whomever believeth in Him shall not perish but instead shitpost on the internet."
I know I'm supposed to be nice to cRPG players now, but you guys are making a mockery of a passion of mine.
I am cRPG'S Senior VP of Shitposting, and with all the authority that position gives me I have to say this thread sucks and is making me slowly hate all of you because you're all rambling on about personal bullshit. Just call each other gay and get over it, jesus fuck sake. Let me try and guide you with two quotes that always keep my course true at times like this.
"A new command I give you: shitpost one another. As I have shitposted you, so you must shitpost one another."
"...For God so loved the world that that he gave his only son, so that whomever believeth in Him shall not perish but instead shitpost on the internet."
I wish both sides would stop with the somewhat high amounts of personal attacks. This entire war is a microcosm of the strat playing CRPG community. People going out of their way to bribe players off enemies rosters, ridiculous mercenary paying agreements and in general shitty attitudes. This is why I did not want to bring people back for this strat. To compete with everybody's poor sportsmanship, you have to stoop down to their level.
I implore both sides to pull back from the way this has been acted out and try to find ways to bring other players into strat who may be turned away by the current horrible state of relations within strat.
"Science rules""Welfare rules"
King James? More like King Lames! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:(click to show/hide)
The Teutonics were originally going to join Fimbulvetr, but Occitan attacked us and they backed out.
and then they attacked Ismirala, gf.
I think they were going to join fimbulvetr but this was the time of digglez and I think he did some diggling and turned wesley off of it?
Or maybe turboflex did some flexing and turned him off of it, he could be known to do that from time to time.
That's entirely possible, Digglez was pretty good at ruining strat relations.
Not Turboflex though, he's like the dad of the internet, a true nice guy.
I must admit I'm a little disappointed in my team.
Being outnumbered 7 to 1, I decided not to split my forces, but instead sent everyone in a surprise counter attack. Unfortunately, the enemy seemed ready for this. Was there a Squid spy hidden amongst the ranks? We'll never know. After a fierce battle lasting at least two seconds, we were crushed. Superior tactics and maneuvering were defeated by sheer numbers.
Realizing that this mindless horde of cephalods would stop at nothing, I ordered all the troops to pull back and set up a defensive perimeter. With very little time I just managed to form up into the dot formation when they were upon us. The defenders put up a valiant fight. Such heroism on the field has never been seen in Strat before, and will probably never be seen again. But these inhuman beasts seemed to feel no pain, to realize no fear. Lord Bryggan of the renowned 13 Knights showed especial courage, slashing one, hacking another, ignoring the pain and exhaustion in this fierce battle. But even he could not stem the tide.
Finally the Tuethidan swarm overwhelmed the defensive position, swords swinging wildly in their tentacled grasp. The great Lord Bryggan, last of the defenders, finally succumbed to his many wounds from the madly flailing weapons. And silence settled on the field.
The squids, even with their tiny pea sized brains, felt their first emotion ever. Respect. Rather than celebrating their stupid 6:35 AM (PST) battle, they left the field sombre.
Was there a reward for top player for defender? I got no kills, but managed two points.
wussley and crew jumped to us from KUTT ally when it was pretty clear we were about to roll over them. Tough call but many of the players here would have done the same given the circumstances. Afterwards they were always great group and perfectly reliable with us. Add to that some of the better mercs to have on your team as a whole clan.
Astralis are the captain of a sinking ship. No Cowards here.
Astralis are the captain of a sinking ship. No Cowards here.
I must admit I'm a little disappointed in my team.
Being outnumbered 7 to 1, I decided not to split my forces, but instead sent everyone in a surprise counter attack. Unfortunately, the enemy seemed ready for this. Was there a Squid spy hidden amongst the ranks? We'll never know. After a fierce battle lasting at least two seconds, we were crushed. Superior tactics and maneuvering were defeated by sheer numbers.
Realizing that this mindless horde of cephalods would stop at nothing, I ordered all the troops to pull back and set up a defensive perimeter. With very little time I just managed to form up into the dot formation when they were upon us. The defenders put up a valiant fight. Such heroism on the field has never been seen in Strat before, and will probably never be seen again. But these inhuman beasts seemed to feel no pain, to realize no fear. Lord Bryggan of the renowned 13 Knights showed especial courage, slashing one, hacking another, ignoring the pain and exhaustion in this fierce battle. But even he could not stem the tide.
Finally the Tuethidan swarm overwhelmed the defensive position, swords swinging wildly in their tentacled grasp. The great Lord Bryggan, last of the defenders, finally succumbed to his many wounds from the madly flailing weapons. And silence settled on the field.
The squids, even with their tiny pea sized brains, felt their first emotion ever. Respect. Rather than celebrating their stupid 6:35 AM (PST) battle, they left the field sombre.
Was there a reward for top player for defender? I got no kills, but managed two points.
Well said Bro Bale. Yeah I wasn't aloud in fimbutthole thing which pretty much originated from TAMDA, only NH joined in. Later on Teutonics left it TAMDA, and I wanted in fimbutthole but Turbo's dick was too hard and he insisted I was unreliable... If you know what I mean ;). Blah blah blah. So far this strat is going planned. Muahahahaha.
Edit: TAMDA was my idea. I came to Artyrm and brought up the idea.
I just read 10 pages of this in a row, and I may well have gotten brain cancer.
I'm no closer to understanding this war, except that apparently Squids are determined to take the low road this strat, dick whoever they want, and justify it by saying it makes somebody mad. There are about 5 straight pages of "lol, he mad" in this thread.
Ask yourselves - is this the faction you want to support?
Half the shit being talked about in this thread isn't stuff anyone else was present for, but was steam/teamspeak diplomacy being gratuitously leaked. So, distasteful as I find it, I'll add one more bit of information from TS for the record. I was at the meeting where Wesley and a couple others were talking about the merc agreement we had honestly forgotten about, because it was apparently discussed only once weeks/months back, not posted on Diplomacy, and hadn't come up since. I asked them if we had done anything to hurt their faction as a result of this lapse of memory, and they admitted, straight up, that we had not, it just hurt their feelings. Then they went back to badgering James, and negotiations, predictably, came to an end. About one day later, they started this war.
Other than that, I'd just like to thank Daruvian (and Sandy) for providing the only entertainment in this thread, and trying to elevate the discourse to a more tolerable type of shitpost. I really never thought I'd say this butAt last I truly see.(click to show/hide)
I am so disappointed I myself did not entertain you. I suppose my dry history does not excite.
I just read 10 pages of this in a row, and I may well have gotten brain cancer.
I'm no closer to understanding this war, except that apparently Squids are determined to take the low road this strat, dick whoever they want, and justify it by saying it makes somebody mad. There are about 5 straight pages of "lol, he mad" in this thread.
Ask yourselves - is this the faction you want to support?
Half the shit being talked about in this thread isn't stuff anyone else was present for, but was steam/teamspeak diplomacy being gratuitously leaked. So, distasteful as I find it, I'll add one more bit of information from TS for the record. I was at the meeting where Wesley and a couple others were talking about the merc agreement we had honestly forgotten about, because it was apparently discussed only once weeks/months back, not posted on Diplomacy, and hadn't come up since. I asked them if we had done anything to hurt their faction as a result of this lapse of memory, and they admitted, straight up, that we had not, it just hurt their feelings. Then they went back to badgering James, and negotiations, predictably, came to an end. About one day later, they started this war.
Other than that, I'd just like to thank Daruvian (and Sandy) for providing the only entertainment in this thread, and trying to elevate the discourse to a more tolerable type of shitpost. I really never thought I'd say this butAt last I truly see.(click to show/hide)
hello, personal consultant here
this man is attempting to make you mad while adding no meat to the conversation
i advise that you call him something rude and tell him hes wrong
if he replies, it does not matter what he says, what you must do is call him mad
at that point he is provably mad and you have won the conversation
HARD MODE: call him mad without using the words "mad, nerd, autism" or mentioning likely real-life characteristics.
May the Kraken suck you dry Dread ;)If the Kraken can't, I will.
sigh, i was just a stupid templar thing!
Sure it was.Don't Disrespect Dread
Astralis has TOO much pride.
I take a certain amount of pride in that.
Well I mean its true.
but i thought gay pride was okay
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Sure it was.
Squids take things to a new low in tonight's battle with abusive ban polls. Considering that you have to scroll through a list of players and ban, I highly doubt the first was a misclick, and the second two definitely weren't.
Way to keep it classy, guys.
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Which one is sitting bull?visitors can't see pics , please register or login
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Holy...I...Actually laughed :lol:
ya know, for as much drama has been thrown around this forum for this war...Its really been a shitty war. No fief sieges whatsoever thus far and the war has been going on for over a week. Get it together people ffs.
Astralis Never Disappoints. First war in strat. Best war in Strat.
Hey we had something to do with that!
seriously, no offense sitting bull but squids are at war with an actually powerful enemy (acre) and they are attacking your only fief (tilbaut castle)? What is the point of this entire war guys? Seems like a lot of people talking and very few walking.
seriously, no offense sitting bull but squids are at war with an actually powerful enemy (acre) and they are attacking your only fief (tilbaut castle)? What is the point of this entire war guys? Seems like a lot of people talking and very few walking.
No one would care about astralis if they didnt plant their asses in the middle of the trade routes for the obvious reason of messing with us.
Well, Astralis may not have cared about AoW if AoW didn't uproot them for the sake of uprooting them.visitors can't see pics , please register or login
No one would care about astralis if they didnt plant their asses in the middle of the trade routes for the obvious reason of messing with us.
and you still haven't accomplished anything lol
Hey we had something to do with that!
Fuck it I'm too drunk to figure out how to delete this post.
ya know, for as much drama has been thrown around this forum for this war...Its really been a shitty war. No fief sieges whatsoever thus far and the war has been going on for over a week. Get it together people ffs.Um, if I remember correctly, the 13 Knights captured New Anus Audi from G-Force.
I am pleased to announce that the fief of New Anus Audi now belongs to the 13 Knights, and following the example of our liege, his Majesty King James of Acre, we have made it a free trade fief*. Tax is a mere 8%, goods price is 23, and plenty of prosperity so you won't get stuck hanging around for S&D.
Here's a promo for our village:(click to show/hide)
The taking of New Anus Audi:(click to show/hide)
And would the people who got 1st, 5th and 10th place message me for their prizes. And also whoever it was that was 13 Nights of Death message me for his 13K? Honestly, 13 Year Old Knight was funnier, and he should have won it, but he didn't show up so I guess its yours.
*SDE are still welcome to come and trade. Though you will be attacked. But if you manage not to get attacked, you may trade.
"They have taken the bridge and the Second Hall. We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes... shitposting, shitposting in the deep. We cannot get out. The shitposting moves in the dark. We cannot get out... They are coming."
Hey idiot.... Thread title is "Squid declares war on Acre" Nothing to do with Gforce. I think I have come to the conclusion that the only reason I stay in this community is that my average (worldwide population) intelligence puts me on a massively higher playing field than most of you idiots combined and allows me a feeling of superiority that just isn't possible in the beacon of learning that is the midwest. Thanks for that ya fuckin idiots. :wink:
Shut your mouth when you talk in here hospergler#you'sabitch. decrypt that smart ass. :wink:
ya know, for as much drama has been thrown around this forum for this war...Its really been a shitty war. No fief sieges whatsoever thus far and the war has been going on for over a week. Get it together people ffs.
Wow, Squids wasted 20 minutes in the Tilbaut battle once they ran out of ladders and didn't retreat. Rhalzo didn't kick or ban any of them to force them to retreat.
Really? Way to follow the rules squids.
Lol shut up. Not like you guys do anything anyways. Blah blah blah, you guys do nothing but complain. Just enjoy the battles.
Breaking rules is breaking rules. Only in NA does the side without ladders not get forcefully kicked to make them retreat. EU comes down hard on it.
No rules broken, we had a ladder, used it, then retreated after it broke.
1) Prolonging a battle
1.1) End battle, common sense rule. Feel free to troll around when the battle is over, but don't extend it too long, crpg no delaying rules applies here.
1.2) If the attacker is out of siege equipment, and no longer has any way of getting into the castle or town, he has to retreat ("getting into the castle" means getting in the defender spawn zone. If defenders are in a place that cannot be reached from their spawns without siege equipment, they will have to come down).
Wow, Squids wasted 20 minutes in the Tilbaut battle once they ran out of ladders and didn't retreat. Rhalzo didn't kick or ban any of them to force them to retreat.
Really? Way to follow the rules squids.
20 minutes of free EXP? How awful!
When the attackers fight each other in order to help break gear, there's a violation. They're breaking the spoils of war.
When the defenders lose lives, any at all, because the attackers are delaying, there's a violation. Lost troops and what not that would have been avoided had the rules been followed.
Just two points. Meanwhile, the second attack is now in place, with the defenders at a slight disadvantage... something that could have been avoided. So yes, there is something a tad 'awful' about it. But then, the Squids rarely follow rules. Last strat, this strat... every little strat strat.
It's not a violation to break/destroy/waste gear at all.
It is if you are NOT attacking and only jacking off at you're spawn.
If only the admin online did his job this wouldn't be so bad. That admin needs to be reviewed and/or squids deserve a punishment.
Wow, Anders, you are beginning to sound like Kesh. Haven't you been around long enough to know that nothing will happen? Should they reduce the number of active admins from 4 to 3? Is that what you want?
Wow, Anders, you are beginning to sound like Kesh. Haven't you been around long enough to know that nothing will happen? Should they reduce the number of active admins from 4 to 3? Is that what you want?
So what you're saying Murder is that it's ok, as long as the admin is on the side of the rule breakers? That's not an abuse of power....?
I'm active *hint* *hint* :wink:
Want some cheese with that whine?
Wow, Anders, you are beginning to sound like Kesh. Haven't you been around long enough to know that nothing will happen? Should they reduce the number of active admins from 4 to 3? Is that what you want?
Maybe hire some more admins that don't all circle jerk each other and/or the trolls in the community.
Hire? Do you think they get paid?
It is if you are NOT attacking and only jacking off at you're spawn.
If only the admin online did his job this wouldn't be so bad. That admin needs to be reviewed and/or squids deserve a punishment.
Having a box and dumping gear is a very common tactic. At that point if the defenders wanted to do something about it they could have charged out and broke the box. The enemy has no obligation to retreat as long as they are doing something productive.... just because it is not fun or helpful to their enemy is not an issue.
again they built a catapult... = way to get in castle. also they had a ladder. So your clear cut rule does not apply.
again they built a catapult... = way to get in castle. also they had a ladder. So your clear cut rule does not apply.
To elaborate, no rule says you have to go and use it right away as recklessly as possibly just to have it broken. If the attackers want to cause distractions in order to get a more successful chance of a good ladder, they are more than welcome to.
Sort this shit out you wippersnappers, ever since you started this little belly aching of yours no one comes to trade at my fief.
Lol so many people cry for battles. When battles start they keep crying. I love it!
Lol of course it was me i was just trying a differant persona like i always do and this 1 was working well, Ill make a new 1 soon and the community can guess dont worry! I do love it though that Canary cares so much about me :D HE KNOWS ALL MY NAMES and comes out to say them when called upon like my biggest fan! Anyway ill switch my forum and ingame name soon again to keep the fun up maybe ill award the first guess winner 100k.
Im surprised SMOOTHRICH is not up on here with me though, and im sure alot of you agree!
IMO the real problem in the battle was acre trying to open the gate at the very end of the battle, it was against the rules.
and then they tried to blame it on me! shameful.
IMO the real problem in the battle was acre trying to open the gate at the very end of the battle, it was against the rules.
real talk: who the fuck is balikar?
~harold c crumb
diplomat for acre
squire of lord manking jamison
real talk: who the fuck is balikar?Anders
~harold c crumb
diplomat for acre
squire of lord manking jamison
real talk: who the fuck is balikar?
~harold c crumb
diplomat for acre
squire of lord manking jamison
Ha! I don't hide behind other names. I'm no Coward.
I believe its GG from here James, you can stop hiding. I have undeniable evidence that you, King James of Acre, opened the gate during that fateful siege battle.King Lames strikes again... ban he.
(click to show/hide)
I believe he should be sentenced to a permanent ban with no option for an unban essay, the whole of Acre should be disbanded too.
Sort this shit out you wippersnappers, ever since you started this little belly aching of yours no one comes to trade at my fief.
So, this is my understanding of this thread.
Squids: (Insert some underlying strategy here to cover up for the fact that everyone's bored and just wants XP battles)
#embargo, if you attempt to run our blockade, you will be inked
Acre: Sivart, thou shalt attempteth to cross yon embargo, though thoust mighteth be attackethd, so prepareth thine anus
Squids: releeskrakenpls
Acre: War is upon us
Squids: 420inkit
Acre: Thou hast entered the wrong kingdom, knave
Oh, just some battles here and there:(click to show/hide)
Frisia: You guys don't even shitpost right.
Acre: Frisia, thoust comments art uncalled forth
Squids: LoLOLOoLOloLlOLooOOlLlol wat r u doin gaise, its lik urnoteventrying acre
Acre: Squids, thou hast depleted thine ladders in thine siege against Astralis, fools
Squids: icrievrytim
Succeeds or fails, we still have you trapped. "It's a trap". If I can recall some Acre/Astralis talking shit about the Squids losing our Castle Assualts. Lol pretty sad. Acre and Astralis will never do an assault like that because they are too coward. Open field battles will come forth and the Squids will crush all of these scum. Why the Squids will crush them you may say? Because they won't be hiding behind walls. Cheers to the new battles!!! (Stop crying ppl) :)
“Don’t shitpost behind me; I may not lead.
Don’t shitpost in front of me; I may not follow.
Just shitpost beside me and be my friend.”
― Albert Camus
"I shitposted for Barack 'cause he was black. 'Cause that's why other folks shitpost for other people - because they shitpost like them. That's American shitposts, pure and simple."
-Samuel L. Jackson(click to show/hide)
Lots of wasted potential there. I really like the idea of a box of shitposts. It would be a much more surprising box than a box of chocolates.
(click to show/hide)
- Julius"the shitposter" Ceasar
"I have a dream that my four shitty children will one day play in a mod where they will not be judged by the bushiness of their neck beards, but by the content of their shitposts.
-Martin Shit Poster Jr.
the dooming sting of the slams that ruined so many
the chumps and the bustas hurled headlong into gloom
to sip bitter cola with the sluts and kinky-haired hoes,
dollar store shit, not even brand-name;
thus was the will of Zeus.
Begin with the wit of that lord--
the Ultimate Hustler
who descended like night upon the bright shores
of unfortunate Troy where the Achaeans all camped.
As the sun in his splendor, spangles his rays
upon the folds of the sea when the day is just dawning
so too was the light that came from the mouth
of that merciless pimp, for nigga he had
hella fine platinum up in his grill.
And seeing the masses of Grecians, a full generation
set for ten years in grim siege on the sand
the Hustler rattled his cane, a thunderous funk
and made known his will.
"Well well well
guess now be a good time to buy stock in coconut oil and cock rings
since y’all look like you ready to storm Fire Island and start a pride parade.
First time I seen a fleet of ships using they momma’s dirty drawers as sails.
That ain’t no Mycenaean insignia, that just where she couldn’t reach around ta wipe.
An do I see Odysseus sticking gettin rutty with that handmaid? Ima call Ithaca,
tell em they all need to file a missin bustas report.”
All through the camp, men fell transfixed
laid out by the insults that poured like hard rain
upon the wearied and weak. It seemed as a plague
that ran through the ranks, a vast rippling breath
like when the wind, blown black in the dusk
touches the grain and withers the stalks
and the farmers they gather what once was fine crop
and set it to torch to weep at the flames.
Mighty Achilles, a lion in temper, stepped onto the shore
from his proud flanks flashed fierce indignation
at the Ultimate Hustler, the man like dark wine all richly attired.
When kings go out hunting, they bring with them dogs,
tightly-haunched hounds with foam on their teeth.
The pack is arrayed, and now catches the scent
of a rabbit or stag and strains at the leash,
their limbs at the ready, their eyes full of death,
and finally their master loosens the rein
so was the wrath of Achilles that long had lain quiet,
now aimed at the Hustler and hot for its prey.
“Whether you be
a dark Ethiopian far from your home or else
a sunburnt man from a sunburnt land, Achilles
cares not. You now forfeit your life.”
So said Achilles, and drew forth his spear, the heft on his shoulder
the point all of bronze and, taking his aim, hurled it full force
like a bolt from Olympus.
But Mandingo was watching,
god of the Dozens, and turned it astray.
All there assembled, Achaean and Trojan, saw Achilles’ first failure
and soon wicked Rumor, with her venom and bile, started to whisper
that ain’t nobody choked that bad since yo momma
try deepthroating a Titan.
The Hustler boomed out his mirth.
“Next time you wanna give me yo shaft, make believe I’m Patroclus’ stankhole
and there ain’t no way you missin. Oh I forgot, Hector currently using that bitch
as a hood ornament. Take him down to the kennels, he metamorphose
into kibbles and bits. That nigga, he dead.
And what up with that armor? Shit’s tacky. Bet that breastplate come with a horn
play “Lowrider” when you goosesteppin through the ranks.
Ain’t it bad enough you got grease face? Been, what, twenty years since yo momma
dip you in tha Styx, and the Hades EPA still tryin to clean the oil slick,
declaring it unfit for animal habitation.
My nigga Charon spark up a fatty, throw the match overboard,
shit goes up like Mt Etna.”
Mighty Achilles groaned like the ocean, let fall his arms to the ash at his feet.
Betaken by sorrow, he sought out his tent and the drowse of his harem
where black-visaged grief crept from the shadows. Like the waxes of Hybla
it muzzled his mind, stopped up his ears, made deaf his heart
to all the sweet pleas of men and immortals.
Just at that moment, the figure of Helen, awake in the city,
appeared on the walls. King Menelaos, the chariot driver,
gnashed all his teeth and raged at the day
she was promised as prize to craven Prince Paris
and doomed distant Troy.
She was spied by the Hustler.
“Shit, ain’t it the daughter of Leda and a swan.
Bitch squirt up a douche, get a bowful of duck soup.
That the face launched a thousand ships? They all musta
gone looking for that most mythical of treasures, cure for dick blisters.
Only time the topless towers of Ilium get burned is when they go take a leak,
get funky discharge look like something Cerberus leave on yo carpet.
Bitch been ploughed more times than the winedark sea. Yeah
I droppin some poetical shit here. Fuck ya if ya hatin.
Everyone heard Helen so tough and hangly down there, she legally obligated
to have the Arby’s logo tattooed on her snatch.
Priam still around? Get him out here.
That nigga so old, last time he manage to pop wood,
Pandora’s box just got some peach fuzz
and Priapus’ balls ain’t even drop yet.
This some brokedown city y’all got here. Couple thousand years, Heinreich Schliemann
dig this place up, wonder what the hell the luddy convention was doin in town.
All looking like somebody built a group home for Cyclops crackheads.”
His counsel at end, the Hustler arose and took to the air
in the form of a bird, feathers jet-black, leaving all stunned.
Sometime a hunter when the race has been run
surveys the beast his arrows brought low,
admires the flank and the struggling faint breaths,
and though its life is near gone strings one last shaft
to take cold delight in an unneeded wound.
So now the Hustler, in no haste to leave,
flung finally a barb down into the field.
“First I thought that wicker tinker toy was the Trojan Horse,
but now y’all inside it, I see it just a raggedy-assed fruit basket.
And yo toga look like a dishrag.”
Tearing her hair, Queen Hecuba led
her waxen-faced ladies in an ebon procession
to Athena’s white temple, hoping the goddess
would pity their plight, grant Troy gray-eyed mercy.
Greeks and Dardanians, all there assembled, hearing the wail
added their voices to the keening and crying
and it is said that even Olympus covered its face
for the great lamentation:
I don't know where else I am ever gonna have a chance to post this, but I have wanted to for a while. Please enjoy.
Tearing her weave, Queen Hecuba
I haven't seen this much downs syndrome since I saw the video of Sugarhoe's family reunion.
ftfy Witch :D
I am thoroughly satisfied with what I have shitposted to this thread.
"Success consists of going from shitposting to shitposting without loss of shitthusiasm."
-Winston Shitposterhill
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We don't like the way the diplomacy subforum is being used right now - most threads derail into offtopic within page 1. We want to see more roleplaying and in-character conversation. This doesn't mean hardcore roleplaying, but you should write stuff with your character in mind.
Therefore, we will announce some rules that you should read closely before posting:
- no one liners - if you have something to say, put some effort in it.
- complete sentences, proper grammar - as above, put some effort in it.
- stay on topic
- no links to outside pictures, unless they really fit (ok: strategus map screenshot, not ok: link to 4chan images)
- same for youtube videos - unless you've done one yourself, it's most likely inappropiate.
- refrain from using "modern talk" - comparing a battle with the invasion of the iraq doesn't really help setting the mood
- think of it as people with messages that are getting sent to all of the lords.
- keep it in the timespan - so no talk about last strategus rounds, if possible
This single thread breaks almost every rule. Anyone wanna finish off any other rule that hasn't been broken yet. Seize the opportunity people.
We broke all of the rules. We also broke a bunch of more general rules as well.
What does this teach us?
No one really gives a fuck anymore.
viva la freedom!
Oh Sugar, there is something about you that truly draws sincerity and pleasure out from our inner being. You're so eloquent in your humble state that it mesmerizes the vast number of players who look up to you. I don't know if you know this, but you're one of the grand personalities that holds the fine community together, driving us toward the preservation of this not only this mod, but the livelihood that was built by players like you.wat dose wurds mean
This single thread breaks almost every rule. Anyone wanna finish off any other rule that hasn't been broken yet. Seize the opportunity people.
CS:GO Update; I was playing with the Frisians, and Sugar's back is so damn sorei went 5/20 my old friendg
Let me put you in the moment:
HAPHAP social_anxiety_disorder_sugar is running back from mid after our push got stomped. He picks up a CT auto to save some cash for us in the next round. He forms a plan as he heads up to the apartments, the blood spray still fresh in the air from the last conflict. He rushes up a ramp and into the apartments where he pops a squat on a dirty couch inside. There is an open door to his left and a long hall before him. Seeing that he's autistic and has 1:30 on the clock until he gets pulled out, he flips on the ghetto TV in front of him and watches some Chinese porn (see below). 30 seconds later, the NSA is preparing to breach the two entrances, but Sugar's autism senses were already tingling by that point. Sugar drops his tissues and picks up his auto as the NSA storms into the apartment. Sugar guns the one down the hall and suppresses the one trying to make his way into the door. He sprints down the hall, bullets flying behind him, and escapes.
Sugar went on to go 4/20 in his attempt to get 69 points against the NSA.(click to show/hide)
Nothing new! The most epic NA battle just happened. After a rather confusing maneuvering of armies, with red herrings thrown in our way and rather intense decisions concerning targets, especially considering time zones (stupid time zones- why don't all C-Rpg players move to the west Coast?), the Squids and yours truly met in the field.
I do think it was a little unfair that they were defenders, as I'm sure it was a mutual consent fight. But, for all who missed this most epic, awesome battle, let me tell you this: it was epic and awesome.
A bloody river separated us, which is a risk we expected, but also, what was unexpected, the Squids had roster support. Equal armies! WTF! Not appreciated, people. I would understand if it was just Acre fellows, but this was a 13 Knight battle! Being so beloved, we expected everyone to sign for us, including most of the squids. But, rather than being the easy victory we expected, we were actually defeated!
But what a wonderful defeat! There were crazy charges on the left, the right, flags were taken on each side before whichever defenders rallied. The bloody Squid shield wall held strong, advances were repulsed, last second spawns changed the face of battle. Pushing, repulsing, colliding, the all important range being chased or else slaughtering Agincourt style the advancing infantry. Oh, and did I mention the cavalry? Thrice armoured as their riders, they lived to fight on for both sides, switching teams several times.
All in all it was awesome10. And anyone who wasn't there was a loser. I was there, and I lost, and played crappily, but I am still less of a loser than all you losers who passed on this brilliant battle.
And Kudos to the Squids. Nice tactics, good teamwork, and some brilliant individual players. Shame we ran out of time. It was bloody, but should have been bloodier. Oh well, let's do it again tomorrow.
My favorite part is where we had 2 construction sites and an Acre fellow was upset that he couldn't get certain gear out of our equipment rack, so he saw fit to break it in a fit of most holy rage.
Very good!
Frankly I think this whole strat business is staring to smell like a load of horse shit.
Nothing new! The most epic NA battle just happened. After a rather confusing maneuvering of armies, with red herrings thrown in our way and rather intense decisions concerning targets, especially considering time zones (stupid time zones- why don't all C-Rpg players move to the west Coast?), the Squids and yours truly met in the field.Next time learn to build faster. You wasted 15mins on building a forward spawn... ofc you run out of time.
I do think it was a little unfair that they were defenders, as I'm sure it was a mutual consent fight. But, for all who missed this most epic, awesome battle, let me tell you this: it was epic and awesome.
A bloody river separated us, which is a risk we expected, but also, what was unexpected, the Squids had roster support. Equal armies! WTF! Not appreciated, people. I would understand if it was just Acre fellows, but this was a 13 Knight battle! Being so beloved, we expected everyone to sign for us, including most of the squids. But, rather than being the easy victory we expected, we were actually defeated!
But what a wonderful defeat! There were crazy charges on the left, the right, flags were taken on each side before whichever defenders rallied. The bloody Squid shield wall held strong, advances were repulsed, last second spawns changed the face of battle. Pushing, repulsing, colliding, the all important range being chased or else slaughtering Agincourt style the advancing infantry. Oh, and did I mention the cavalry? Thrice armoured as their riders, they lived to fight on for both sides, switching teams several times.
All in all it was awesome10. And anyone who wasn't there was a loser. I was there, and I lost, and played crappily, but I am still less of a loser than all you losers who passed on this brilliant battle.
And Kudos to the Squids. Nice tactics, good teamwork, and some brilliant individual players. Shame we ran out of time. It was bloody, but should have been bloodier. Oh well, let's do it again tomorrow.
Nothing new! The most epic NA battle just happened. After a rather confusing maneuvering of armies, with red herrings thrown in our way and rather intense decisions concerning targets, especially considering time zones (stupid time zones- why don't all C-Rpg players move to the west Coast?), the Squids and yours truly met in the field.You can't forget the brave Sloshi (sloth and Yoshi) spec ops team that went behind enemy lines and took out your flags, allowing the main army to push up and take the forward spawn.
I do think it was a little unfair that they were defenders, as I'm sure it was a mutual consent fight. But, for all who missed this most epic, awesome battle, let me tell you this: it was epic and awesome.
A bloody river separated us, which is a risk we expected, but also, what was unexpected, the Squids had roster support. Equal armies! WTF! Not appreciated, people. I would understand if it was just Acre fellows, but this was a 13 Knight battle! Being so beloved, we expected everyone to sign for us, including most of the squids. But, rather than being the easy victory we expected, we were actually defeated!
But what a wonderful defeat! There were crazy charges on the left, the right, flags were taken on each side before whichever defenders rallied. The bloody Squid shield wall held strong, advances were repulsed, last second spawns changed the face of battle. Pushing, repulsing, colliding, the all important range being chased or else slaughtering Agincourt style the advancing infantry. Oh, and did I mention the cavalry? Thrice armoured as their riders, they lived to fight on for both sides, switching teams several times.
All in all it was awesome10. And anyone who wasn't there was a loser. I was there, and I lost, and played crappily, but I am still less of a loser than all you losers who passed on this brilliant battle.
And Kudos to the Squids. Nice tactics, good teamwork, and some brilliant individual players. Shame we ran out of time. It was bloody, but should have been bloodier. Oh well, let's do it again tomorrow.
Guys, there was a battle. Let's write 8 pages for it.8 pages will not be enough. We should have an entire thread, like you guys did for New Shariz.
Dirk understandably slept through his alarm clock and didn't reinforce me. Bravo did though, and should we lose Dirk will attack naturally. Could we have a gentleman's agreement to wait for a proper time though, without running away or reinforcing?
As a wise man once said "You snooze, you lose."
Oh, that's what that means. Well, let's not take that literally quite yet, as where there's life there's hope. As for Dirk counter attacking, he's already long gone, so we won't expect the Squids to be gentlemen.
Oh, that's what that means. Well, let's not take that literally quite yet, as where there's life there's hope. As for Dirk counter attacking, he's already long gone, so we won't expect the Squids to be gentlemen.
If squids aren't gentlemen then what's this jive tureky?(click to show/hide)
if at least 10 people don't upvote this post, this community is a hot, steaming, smelly, putrid piece of gigantic dog shit.
Frankly Sandy the whole community here are shit puppets.
Psh, a REAL gentlemandoesn't throw his tea aroundcan handle his drink.
Psh, a REAL gentlemandoesn't throw his tea around.can handle hisdrinkshitposts.
Witch pls
The Squids recruited me ages ago and as I felt many of them were odd and not enjoyable to be in ts with, mostly I remained quiet and looked for another group. They kicked me from their faction. I don't agree with the way they play Strategus and they know it, they are waging an opportunistic war against us with no provocation trying to attack an easy target. Some of their members have a personal vendetta against me for what reason I can't say. They may be telling you things I have said, things i plan to do, or a variety of other lies. I recommend you join us in feast ( << Our teamspeak ). Feel free to ask us anything, communication is key. Also you can always send word to me( add N_James to steam) incase you think something has been told to you about us that could be false.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a shitpost. The other is as though everything is a shitpost.”
― Albert Einstein