cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: //saxon on March 31, 2014, 05:09:19 pm

Title: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: //saxon on March 31, 2014, 05:09:19 pm
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Now im not against Valour in anyway but do you ever get that experience where you want to go to bed and you just keep getting x5.
The amount of times ive left on an x5 is an absolute joke tbh, its countless.

and its all because of valour. heres what i think about it

Its fucking epic of course.
But i think its just too easy to get or broken in some way.

The reason i think this is because i was playing with my Clan last night i started playing at around 7 in the afternoon till around some time at night.
and made 4milxp and 50k gold.

i would lose the round get valour
i would lose my x5 not get valour but then win the next round with valour and get an instant x3
just to get it again and get an instant x5 and valour after valour.

fuck there was even one round where i killed 1 person and one horse and i fucking got it, and i even lost that round.

now i can't really complain can i? and who would, but is there anyone else besides me that would like valour to change and have a more "balanced" way of achieving it so everyone can maybe get it in a more elegant way, like actually doing something heroic, like:

Saving someone's life by helping him when he is 1vs5 even if you both die, you still had the courage to help him and so it earns you valour!  :D

that is just one example, does anyone agree with me on this?

Poll is above. #Valour OP. give it more love?
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Corsair831 on March 31, 2014, 05:13:16 pm
so you're complaining that you get valour too much?
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: //saxon on March 31, 2014, 05:15:25 pm
so you're complaining that you get valour too much?
I want to be able to give the Valour i get for teamkilling 4 times to others, so i can leave.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Switchtense on March 31, 2014, 05:17:13 pm
I want to be able to give the Valour i get for teamkilling 4 times to others, so i can leave.

how about you just leave then? or does your chair automatically tie you to it if youre on multi?
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Apsod on March 31, 2014, 05:17:49 pm
The absolute maximum amount of exp you can get in 3 hours with constant x5, max gen bonus and x2 exp bonus is 2610000 exp, so that 3,9M exp you got couldn't have been from 3 hours of playing.

Though I get where you're comming from, valour is a bit too easy to get.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: //saxon on March 31, 2014, 05:20:07 pm
how about you just leave then? or does your chair automatically tie you to it if youre on multi?

The amount of times ive left on an x5 is an absolute joke tbh, its countless.

and Apsod, i don't know exactly how long i was playing, it was just an estimate but it wasn't all day and all afternoon, i got to gym for 2hours. and work 4-5hours.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 31, 2014, 05:23:59 pm
Fix multiplier system, valour is fine.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: //saxon on March 31, 2014, 05:28:33 pm
Fix multiplier system, valour is fine.
il add this on poll. thank you sir Gravot.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Daunt_Flockula on March 31, 2014, 05:38:44 pm
Poll needs teh "Give them run" option too.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Macropus on March 31, 2014, 05:58:57 pm
It's the change of points gaining that caused more people get valour.
Before the change a lot of people got points just for standing near the fight which led to increased average points amount,
now as relatively less people get points, more people have high points amount compared to average.

They just need to adjust the valour formula a little.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: //saxon on March 31, 2014, 06:09:19 pm
Poll needs teh "Give them run" option too.
i disguised it with Give them Valour.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: BlueKnight on March 31, 2014, 06:16:02 pm
It's the change of points gaining that caused more people get valour.
Before the change a lot of people got points just for standing near the fight which led to increased average points amount,
now as relatively less people get points, more people have high points amount compared to average.

They just need to adjust the valour formula a little.
Why adjust it? It's purpose was to reward people for doing good job, not to get a small group of elitemy old friends or pointwhores and then reward them. Big group of people getting valour is nice as there is usually more than 3 ppl per team that are doing great job. It's earlier that those poor peeps weren't getting rewarded enough, not now that they are overrewarded.

New point-system was to evenly display people's input in the rounds' outcome and does it nicely as now you can see that more often archers and cavs are getting rewarded by it. Fair distribution of points may be used later in the new exp system as some sort of additional formula that balances some shiet. Imho you can't balance point-system perfectly but it's still better than the old hold-shield-4-valour.

Also siege needs totally different point system srsly stop this tdm bullshiet, it's siege!
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Patoson on March 31, 2014, 06:39:44 pm
For me, valour was ok when it was only given to people from the losing team. The current valour makes no sense to me.

I'm fine with rewarding good players, but if this reward is making them level up much faster than the rest (and earning a lot more gold), then that will eventually lead to newbies with low generation and level struggling against pros with enough generation (and looms) and a very high level more and more.

I suppose there might be beginners who accept this challenge, but I, at least, don't like constantly seeing - when my team loses (which is often since I suck xD) - me and my team going back to x1 (except a few lucky guys who get valour) and, even worse, some of the guys who already won a multiplier getting another one for free (!!!).

TL;DR: give valour only to players in the losing team (like at its origins).
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Kafein on March 31, 2014, 06:46:33 pm
I still don't understand why those stats aren't presented as bar plots.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: BlueKnight on March 31, 2014, 07:01:39 pm
I'm fine with rewarding good players, but if this reward is making them level up much faster than the rest (and earning a lot more gold), then that will eventually lead to newbies with low generation and level struggling against pros with enough generation (and looms) and a very high level more and more.
Like we don't have this already...

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Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Sir_Mahtin on March 31, 2014, 07:05:51 pm
Only poll option you need is nerf 2h... then valor will be balanced.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Byrdi on March 31, 2014, 08:59:08 pm
I can only approve of this. Valour is a joke.

You shouldn't get valour this easy.
You shouldn't get valour when you are in the winning team either.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Dooz on March 31, 2014, 09:12:12 pm
my dick is too big. many women complain that it is uncomfortable for them. i point to my chest tattoo.
"just the tip"
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Miwiw on March 31, 2014, 09:54:31 pm
so you're complaining that you get valour too much?

This rather seems to be a "nerf 2h" thread!
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Izatopia on March 31, 2014, 10:00:30 pm
are u insane lock this thread

btw i got valour 12 times in a row a week back
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: _GTX_ on March 31, 2014, 10:01:25 pm
The absolute maximum amount of exp you can get in 3 hours with constant x5, max gen bonus and x2 exp bonus is 2610000 exp, so that 3,9M exp you got couldn't have been from 3 hours of playing.

Though I get where you're comming from, valour is a bit too easy to get.
He is not even close, lol.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: //saxon on March 31, 2014, 10:33:04 pm
it seems to me alot of people don't like 2H very much  :lol:
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Byrdi on March 31, 2014, 10:33:27 pm
This rather seems to be a "nerf 2h" thread!

Honestly I have the same problem as Saxon. I often get valour from killing 3 people (and thereby not deserving it) and I am a polearmer.
It does take a lot out of the game when you don't have to care about the multi :(

Is it a buff 1h thread now?
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: San on March 31, 2014, 10:42:00 pm
Valour's already getting changed next patch. Various things make it pretty easy to get right now.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: HarryCrumb on March 31, 2014, 10:49:28 pm
Valour's already getting changed next patch. Various things make it pretty easy to get right now.

more details plz
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Perverz on March 31, 2014, 10:51:04 pm
you are so cool saxon...can i be your friend?
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: StonedSteel on March 31, 2014, 11:10:45 pm
alright, ill be the one to say it

i vote change valor

for one simple reason, i have witnessed first hand events so painfully disgusting, i can hardly believe i witnessed them at all, and now my hand trembles as i write.

meh just my opinions, which dont mean shit, but imo some people just shouldnt get valor...they just shouldn't period


the people that help their team out the least, take the least risk, and get rewarded for it, BIG TIME.

shame on you crpg...if your gonna give "valor" to these fucks, change what it says at least, have it say "(insert persons name) your overwhelmingly gay performance earned you an extra multi, GJ!"

but dont call it valor ffs, its a spit in the face to those who play this game valorously

as long as its melee i'll lose to a million no balls ultra agi skeying pheguts and be perfectly fine with it each loss.

but dying to range just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, i dont even feel i lost, i honestly feel cheated

and to those range players about to counter bitch at me are simply in denial if you think the rewards and skill requirements to get those rewards are the same for melee and range

when melee makes a great play...its a great play

when range makes a great play

it just gay

crpg is gay enough ffs

plumbo out

*drops the mic, walks off stage*
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: darmaster on March 31, 2014, 11:11:23 pm
ffs I stepped on humbleness again, my fuckin shoe
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Nordwolf on March 31, 2014, 11:18:35 pm
I once had x5 for ~7 hours on my alt, with no breaks, actually I've just let it go because I needed to go.  I've earned 2.5 mill exp and ~50k gold. Morning till late afternoon, the best valour time.

Valour is nice, but the overall multiplier and xp system is wrong. Harald (I think he?) once said that he was working on a new one.... it was like 10 months ago :(
Around the time new siege was introduced.

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Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: San on March 31, 2014, 11:29:06 pm
more details plz

IIRC for how it is:

Right now: 2.5x average points of both teams. Before, people who received 0 points didn't factor into the average, but now they do. That's why there is so much valour going around right now.

Additionally, there is a 0.75x - 1.25x multiplier depending on who you're damaging. Reduced points from horses (before: same as player, now is like 0.5x) also lower the average a bit, making it easier for melee who really only fight other melee or ranged to get valour.

Next patch: 3x average of whichever team you're on. I think points from horses are slightly increased again, too, like 0.75x, but I can't really confirm. We talked about it, but I'm not sure whether it was changed or not.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: //saxon on April 01, 2014, 12:05:27 am
alright, ill be the one to say it

i vote change valor

for one simple reason, i have witnessed first hand events so painfully disgusting, i can hardly believe i witnessed them at all, and now my hand trembles as i write.

meh just my opinions, which dont mean shit, but imo some people just shouldnt get valor...they just shouldn't period


the people that help their team out the least, take the least risk, and get rewarded for it, BIG TIME.

shame on you crpg...if your gonna give "valor" to these fucks, change what it says at least, have it say "(insert persons name) your overwhelmingly gay performance earned you an extra multi, GJ!"

but dont call it valor ffs, its a spit in the face to those who play this game valorously

as long as its melee i'll lose to a million no balls ultra agi skeying pheguts and be perfectly fine with it each loss.

but dying to range just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, i dont even feel i lost, i honestly feel cheated

and to those range players about to counter bitch at me are simply in denial if you think the rewards and skill requirements to get those rewards are the same for melee and range

when melee makes a great play...its a great play

when range makes a great play

it just gay

crpg is gay enough ffs

plumbo out

*drops the mic, walks off stage*
its ok, im not a ranged character and i have no ranged alt characters you can trust me, just let it all out  :)
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: SMEGMAR on April 01, 2014, 12:18:10 am
xX y3ah br0 val0ur is EPIC 4 life Val0ur 4ll d4y 3v3ry d4y br0 Xx

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Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Teeth on April 01, 2014, 12:50:08 am
Right now: 2.5x average points of both teams.
No, no, no, no, this is all wrong, again. When valour was originally implented it seemed like its function was to reward players on the losing team that did well even though their team sucked with a continuation of their multi. A continuation by the way, not current multi + 1. Now the valour system has for some reason been extended to the winning team, which I find weird and unnecessary in itself, but what really fucking blows is that when the calculation uses both teams for the average, often the losing team actually gets prevented from getting valour because the winning team has a much higher average score. Like losing with against a stacked team isn't bad enough, if it is stacked enough they will be rewarded with an extra multiplier instead of you.

For the love of god, seperate the averages, put the limit higher if valour needs to be more exclusive, but there is no reason to use both teams in the average calculation.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: ecorcheur_brokar on April 01, 2014, 01:14:57 am
I think it's nice that valour reward more often high lvl player, because at the beginning, only the time you spend in crpg counts for the speed of your leveling. But when you go to higher level, if you want to continue to go to upper lvl, you need to play well so you can get valour and keep your multiplicator as long as you can. In the end, only the good player (and/or those who really spend too much time in crpg) will get to level higher than 35.

And Saxon let's face it you're a good player, that's normal that you often get valour.

Still what would be fun, is a valour for kill-strike in limited time. It usually means that you took risk by jumping into a bunch of people alone, and that you managed to do massive damage. (or maybe you took a bath of ranged, but then two pleasure are better than one)
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: //saxon on April 01, 2014, 01:30:52 am
Still what would be fun, is a valour for kill-strike in limited time. It usually means that you took risk by jumping into a bunch of people alone, and that you managed to do massive damage. (or maybe you took a bath of ranged, but then two pleasure are better than one)
yes its a good and understandable way of getting valour, would be good.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: San on April 01, 2014, 01:34:26 am
No, no, no, no, this is all wrong, again. When valour was originally implented it seemed like its function was to reward players on the losing team that did well even though their team sucked with a continuation of their multi. A continuation by the way, not current multi + 1. Now the valour system has for some reason been extended to the winning team, which I find weird and unnecessary in itself, but what really fucking blows is that when the calculation uses both teams for the average, often the losing team actually gets prevented from getting valour because the winning team has a much higher average score. Like losing with against a stacked team isn't bad enough, if it is stacked enough they will be rewarded with an extra multiplier instead of you.

For the love of god, seperate the averages, put the limit higher if valour needs to be more exclusive, but there is no reason to use both teams in the average calculation.

You're preaching to the choir here, especially since I was one of the first to complain about those issues. Old valour had its own problems, giving you a very high chance at it as long as you didn't die too early in the round. I abused the heck out of that, since all I had to do was minimize risk.

It took a bit of extra logic to implement, but I'm glad that score & valour continue to be refined at least.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: ecorcheur_brokar on April 01, 2014, 01:44:26 am
I didn't want to read all the post but you make a point here teeth. There should be in the calculation for the valour, a bonus for the players on the loosing team, because it's harder to score with shitty team.
Also a bonus for the attacking team in siege would be great, it is almost impossible to get valour when attacking.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: li379041890 on April 01, 2014, 05:55:20 am
I have no idea about the old valour and the mechanic of it. :oops:
I think the valour is epic now but i wanna suggest to make changes on multi somehow since there are some players/Clan are too op and they are easily be placed at the same team.... (Its a tragedy to the other team and 4 round games become less fun.)

so my suggestion is:::::::::::::::::
How about make a rank system?
For example, based a player's lifetime K/D to all the player in database so the system can give a rank level to the player which he can see on by himself only
then during the game, based on a player's performance (K/D or score) to increase or decrease his rank (temporarily) and add all together so that the two teams will be even and balanced based on the everyone's rank
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Teeth on April 01, 2014, 09:31:30 am
You're preaching to the choir here, especially since I was one of the first to complain about those issues. Old valour had its own problems, giving you a very high chance at it as long as you didn't die too early in the round. I abused the heck out of that, since all I had to do was minimize risk.

It took a bit of extra logic to implement, but I'm glad that score & valour continue to be refined at least.
So you agree with me that the averages should be done seperately for the two teams? I am not sure if you got my main point as you refer to other things here. If you do agree on that with me, then why aren't the averages split, is it somehow too difficult to implement?
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Riddaren on April 01, 2014, 09:40:53 am
If only one or two HX/HA players would constantly focus you...

You know what to do fellow cavalry players.
If you are not HA or HX, bring a great lance. That will teach him.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on April 01, 2014, 10:05:54 am
Next patch: 3x average of whichever team you're on.

Interesting. Seems like kind of a slippery slope in a good way. The more enemies you hit/kill, the less there are left for your team to score points on. Gives an incentive to not delay or hide in the early part of a round.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Molly on April 01, 2014, 11:09:43 am
There is only one single change needed for valour:

Make it loosing team only. Yes, it's that simple.

Everyone knows that it's piss easy to do really good in a good team. It's much harder to do good in a shit team tho. Therefore, Valour only for the loosing team.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on April 01, 2014, 11:17:44 am
There is only one single change needed for valour:

Make it loosing team only. Yes, it's that simple.

Everyone knows that it's piss easy to do really good in a good team. It's much harder to do good in a shit team tho. Therefore, Valour only for the loosing team.

It's entirely possible to win when you are stuck with a garbage team though. This gives a bonus to those who carried all the bad/lazy/new players on their shoulders. They deserve it just as much as the pro who went down fighting 1 vs 8 and killed 6 of them while losing the round.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: //saxon on April 01, 2014, 02:04:54 pm
Make losing team only.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: San on April 01, 2014, 02:25:57 pm
So you agree with me that the averages should be done seperately for the two teams? I am not sure if you got my main point as you refer to other things here. If you do agree on that with me, then why aren't the averages split, is it somehow too difficult to implement?

Had to get another person to edit score stuff apart from the creator. Only a few people can change that directly. At first he thought it was too difficult, yeah. If you have access to the beta forums, you can add your own recommendations for score.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: //saxon on April 01, 2014, 06:14:34 pm
i bet all the people that -1'd this thread feel quite stupid now, since this last patch of course changed Valour, but i wouldn't say this thread changed it.

it feels good to be right though  :lol:.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Teeth on April 01, 2014, 06:22:26 pm
do you ever get that experience where you want to go to bed and you just keep getting x5.
I do, but I have figured out a very handy trick to deal with this issue. Warning, not for the tech unsavvy. You press the ESC button and then you click quit.

Had to get another person to edit score stuff apart from the creator. Only a few people can change that directly. At first he thought it was too difficult, yeah. If you have access to the beta forums, you can add your own recommendations for score.
I do not have access to the beta forums, but I presume seperate averages made it through in the end? At least that is what I think this line in the changelog refers to: ''Tydeus: Valour calculated separately, rather than collectively''
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: San on April 01, 2014, 06:39:44 pm
Yep. There was a typo/bug, so next patch/hotfix will have it working correctly. The beta forum is pretty useless since many people with that title don't even use it.

Should be like this:

Quoting Tydeus
-If round tie find average score gained per player that spawned
-else team's average score gained per team member that spawned
-give valour to anyone who gained 300% or greater than the average.
Horses are also 0.75x amount of points. 300% greater than means >= 3x average, not 4x.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: darmaster on April 01, 2014, 06:41:50 pm
I do, but I have figured out a very handy trick to deal with this issue. Warning, not for the tech unsavvy. You press the ESC button and then you click quit.

oh my. jesus christ teeth, you crazy? can anybody censor this please?
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Tydeus on April 01, 2014, 07:01:39 pm
What San quoted is the intended functionality, while adding a very simple check for the number of players in the server, I made it so valour is only every calculated on rounds that end in a tie. This has been fixed for the next patch. It's still a WIP, same with score.

Also, what's with this poll? How can I make broad assumptions as to what is needed based on these weird options?

Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on April 01, 2014, 07:27:35 pm
I'm glad valor is now be calculated separately (or when the next patch is released).  I wish it would have only been for the losing team however, but this is still better than calculating both teams' averages together to find out what score you need for valor.

I got this playing 45 minutes yesterday (before valor change):

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Won every round or got valor every round except for one time (at the end) when we lost and I didn't get valor. 
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Butan on April 01, 2014, 08:23:52 pm
I dont know what Saxon said which called for that much -1, he didnt say "damn I'm so good!"

Seems like the patch fixed some things Saxon called for.

Tydeus: Valour calculated separately, rather than collectively. Increased requirement to receive Valour.

-If round tie find average score gained per player that spawned
-else team's average score gained per team member that spawned
-give valour to anyone who gained 300% or greater than the average.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Rebelyell on April 01, 2014, 08:42:20 pm
I dont know what Saxon said which called for that much -1, he didnt say "damn I'm so good!"

Seems like the patch fixed some things Saxon called for.
ultimate e-peen thread
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Tzar on April 01, 2014, 10:03:47 pm
So again the casual player who have a life unlike my old friendxon, now has to grind extra hard to reach hes lvl.
GJ devs.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: ecorcheur_brokar on April 01, 2014, 10:22:46 pm
Quoting Tydeus
-If round tie find average score gained per player that spawned
-else team's average score gained per team member that spawned
-give valour to anyone who gained 300% or greater than the average.

I should have stayed in OdE....
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Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Tears of Destiny on April 01, 2014, 10:22:50 pm

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That's pretty cool to get an average of 12028 XP per minute  :rolleyes:  That was not 45 minutes
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Osiris on April 01, 2014, 10:24:44 pm
retire main, loom rocks, throw rocks at chase. most fun crpg  8-)
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on April 01, 2014, 11:02:19 pm
That's pretty cool to get an average of 12028 XP per minute  :rolleyes:  That was not 45 minutes

It might have been closer to 40 minutes even!

(double xp, plus the 30 second tick).  I try to stay away from doing the maths, but I know when I started and stopped.  Pretty sure I started playing at 6:19pm (but could have been as early as 6:14pm) and stopped just before 7pm. 

*EDIT* I'm gen 13, at x5 I'm getting 6950 xp if my maths is correct, double that would be 13900. 
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: //saxon on April 01, 2014, 11:03:18 pm
I do, but I have figured out a very handy trick to deal with this issue. Warning, not for the tech unsavvy. You press the ESC button and then you click quit.
The amount of times ive left on an x5 is an absolute joke tbh, its countless.

RAGE Paragraph.
and whats this about an e-peen thread?..

i had x5 for fucking 4+hours straight, what!, you think i fucking killed 30+ people every round to get Valour? nah.
i clearly stated that multiple rounds i only killed 1 or 2 players and still got fucking Valour when we won or lost.
its stupidly easy to get, bunch of fairy boys, stop crying and acting like a fat mess.

e-peen thread, sort your heads out lads.
since i have the scoreboard disabled on a random key on the keyboard, think your the ones staring at it constantly not fucking me..
don't give two shit about casual and let the kids rage ingame.

rant over, sort your heads out..

ultimate e-peen thread
stop acting like a murderboy, get gone.
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Rebelyell on April 02, 2014, 02:31:58 am
RAGE Paragraph.
and whats this about an e-peen thread?..

i had x5 for fucking 4+hours straight, what!, you think i fucking killed 30+ people every round to get Valour? nah.
i clearly stated that multiple rounds i only killed 1 or 2 players and still got fucking Valour when we won or lost.
its stupidly easy to get, bunch of fairy boys, stop crying and acting like a fat mess.

e-peen thread, sort your heads out lads.
since i have the scoreboard disabled on a random key on the keyboard, think your the ones staring at it constantly not fucking me..
don't give two shit about casual and let the kids rage ingame.

rant over, sort your heads out..
stop acting like a murderboy, get gone.
dont worry crpg is all about e-peen
Title: Re: Valour got me 4mil xp on EU_1
Post by: Knitler on April 06, 2014, 02:33:59 am
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Nearly got ya Saxon :P ...