cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Tears of Destiny on March 18, 2014, 05:30:58 pm

Title: We need more beer mug brothers!
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 18, 2014, 05:30:58 pm

Enough of these unmanly Bitch Sticks people claim are weapons, real men use mugs.

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Title: Re: We need more beer mug brothers!
Post by: Joseph Porta on March 18, 2014, 05:34:28 pm
Hey, i have that item.. But ow in the world did it get in my inventory?
Title: Re: We need more beer mug brothers!
Post by: Mae. on March 18, 2014, 05:59:10 pm
Title: Re: We need more beer mug brothers!
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on March 18, 2014, 06:01:21 pm
There were plenty of real women at Bockfest (beer festival) I was at a few weeks ago
Title: Re: We need more beer mug brothers!
Post by: LordBerenger on March 19, 2014, 01:27:36 am
Is this where you pretend you're irish so you can get a reason to tell your family you're going out drinking hard?
Title: Re: We need more beer mug brothers!
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 19, 2014, 01:32:00 am
Is this where you pretend you're irish so you can get a reason to tell your family you're going out drinking hard?

No, if I need any irish in me I don't have to pretend, I just go to the local bar to find a suitable lad.
Title: Re: We need more beer mug brothers!
Post by: LordBerenger on March 19, 2014, 04:50:37 am

No, if I need any irish in me I don't have to pretend, I just go to the local bar to find a suitable lad.

So gay
Title: Re: We need more beer mug brothers!
Post by: Kamirane on March 19, 2014, 05:52:03 am (

should have posted in this here
Title: Re: We need more beer mug brothers!
Post by: Sniger on March 21, 2014, 12:22:52 pm
(click to show/hide)

peesent. ale (or blood) is drunk from a skull.

and you dont run around on a fucking battlefield with an empty beer mug. if you have a beer mug on the battlefield its fucking half-full.
Title: Re: We need more beer mug brothers!
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on March 21, 2014, 02:22:16 pm

No, if I need any irish in me I don't have to pretend, I just go to the local bar to find a suitable lad.

I wore green on St Patty's Day (even though I don't like to) because I don't like explaining to everyone who asks "Why aren't you wearing green?" or tries to pinch me, that in fact I'm Irish every day of the year, not just that one day.

Long story you doin?