Torrent game first and buy later if good game master race.
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If its multiplayer torrents sucks.
maybe they will make bigger cities sometime
MB Warbanddo you need mount and blade for crpg?
Original was better, and the community was better since trolls were less frequent then and RPG gaming was about RP.
Bully: Scholarship Edition
Call of Juarez: The Cartel
Dungeon Defenders
L.A. Noire
Plain Sight
Post Apocalyptic Mayhem
Primal Carnage
Section 8: Prejudice
Settlers 7
Your doodles are bugged!
Some are nice for ten minutes, but in total just a waste of money.
Napoleon Total War - graphics were so cartoony it pissed me off, plus it was basically just a copy of empire total war just with a different campaign (AND A SMALLER MAP!!)
Stalker: Shadow of chernobyl. No matter what i do i just cant get this PIECE OF SHIT game to work :( Always crashes, followed all the guides looked up everything, game looks great JUST WONT WORK!!!!!!
Stalker: Shadow of chernobyl. No matter what i do i just cant get this PIECE OF SHIT game to work :( Always crashes, followed all the guides looked up everything, game looks great JUST WONT WORK!!!!!!
L.A. Noire
Section 8 is free to play so i dont think that counts :P
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
CITIES IN MOTION 2 = Just lol...
Bully: Scholarship Edition
L.A. Noire
Hearts of Iron III was a huge pile of crap
I'm really glad I pirated that one
Fallout New Vegas (boring game)
- Borderlands
- Skyrim
Without a doubt Dark Souls. After reading all the reviews I was so hyped and really tried to like it but it's just so repetetive and the combat is just plain boring.
Shogun 2
Two people in this thread called Napoleon Total War, hands down the best multiplayer TW, a bad game. I have seen it all.
Two people in this thread called Napoleon Total War, hands down the best multiplayer TW, a bad game. I have seen it all.
As i stated previously....that game sucked. Having good multiplayer is not a redeeming feature, especially for Total War where the campaign is the biggest part of it. I could go in depth as to why I felt like I wasted money on it, but that would take me too long.A sucky game cannot have a good multiplayer. It's the most balanced and tactical of all TWs, requiring the most skill and not unduly encouraging of camping, with formations and how you move them playing a huge role, etc.
And yes Kafein. Borderlands sucked because of its gay cartoony, 'tries to hard to make Borderlands graphics seem like art' crap.
I would have to agree that I found Borderlands to be a massively overhyped shallow piece of shit.
FF 14 takes the cake no doubt. I've been gaming since Wolfenstein and Doom. I have had plenty of upsets, but oh my god FF 14 was SHIT. Shit in every manner of being shit that is possible. They literally had to 100% remake the game and even call it FF14: A Realm Reborn the game was so fucking bad.
Brink was poop.
I didn't like the Risen/Gothic games either, but mainly because the load screen took 2 minutes and you CONSTANTLY had to reload. It would have been tolerable if not for the load times.
And if Borderlands was the worst game you have ever bought..... lucky you. I agree it is repetitive but it not on my bad games list by any stretch. If you don't like cel shaded why would you even buy it?
bought brink for console
was an awesome game
sad that i sold it
such underrated
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Is that mr bean?
ARMA 3(click to show/hide)
I should have added that I was quoting OP. I love arma 3. Mostly play Wasteland and King of the Hill MP. 155 hours chalked up!
How can u like Wasteland? It's basically run around with pistol for hours untill you find another player and stack water/food.