cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Topic started by: ADCS on March 14, 2014, 09:18:58 pm

Title: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: ADCS on March 14, 2014, 09:18:58 pm
Why do Power Strike do only 8% damage more?
Somebody do every stats in strength (like me :D), in power draw it's look like 30lvl-13lvlpower draw 13*14=182%damage more.
Long bow-33 +8 tatar arrows = 41
41 *182% =41 +41 +33 =115 damage
Nobody with 13 power strike and with weapon like persian battle axe don't do damage like this
then bow do more damage than sword?
Look normal arrow don't kill
But if arrow hit in the chestplate then don't kill too.
I just want to tell you it's don't normal.
And not fair because before warrior go to archer he shoot him 2-3/4-5 times.
With that stats and that damage we crush the best shield in 5-6 times
Warrior always must do more damage.

PS: Please add piercing.
I'm thinking about hitting few men in one attack, because
then it's better for fighting and it's like that in normal life.

1 hit-5 deads

Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: Okkam on March 14, 2014, 09:31:53 pm
Also. it would be fair if every PS will deplete your active wpf in every melee style.
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: Miwiw on March 14, 2014, 09:38:54 pm
Nobody who has any idea of this game would ever go 13 pd. That is not even a smart idea and the maths you do are stupid in that case.

@Okkam: No, that would destroy the idea of AGI/WM and wpf. If you want wpf in every melee, then you need to get a lot of WM and choose a high agi build (as sair does for example).
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: Sniger on March 16, 2014, 12:21:36 pm
so you say playing range is fairplaying?  :twisted:  :lol:
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: HarunYahya on March 16, 2014, 06:27:41 pm
This game is fucked up.
Favors Agiwhores only.

STR Based infantry build :

Has high health pool , forgives mistakes
Hits good

Moves slow,easy target for ranged.Can't dance like agi bitches
Can't pick targets due to low movspeed
Can't backpedal and spam
No element of surprise
No speed bonus on hits = reduces your damage output heavily
Low attack and block speeds

Agi based infantry:

Hits good (Although has lower PS,speed bonus and 198 wpf compensates for the loss)
Can pick targets
Can move out of danger zones easily
Hard to target for ranged and cavalry
Can use element of surprise and can easily abuse speed bonus.
Backpedal+spam = WIN
Far more easier to get out of gangbang situation due to high movspeed,block and attack speeds.
Far less repair costs i mean huge difference !

Not forgiving mistakes,if you miss a block or fail to use footwork ggwp.

If you are skilled infantry,you should use AGI based builds because it is far more superior to STR . STR builds are very good at forgiving mistakes but you make those mistakes because you lack speed for most of the time. As a STR crutcher %99 of my death reason is trying to spam an agiwhore and fail.

I strongly dislike the current system. It feels retarded to see people swinging gigantic shits like they are made of foam,moving in heavy armor like hussein bolt yet that's the game we have.

My primary build is 24 str - 18 agi and i realized 15-27 longsword spammer deals fairly the same damage as i do because he can literally "couch" his sword with 9 athletics lol !

I wouldn't like if they add cleaving to this game. Hitting multiple guys with a swing... It's really hard to balance and it will cause shitloads of teamkills and shit. No need for that , skip it.

I would like to see some buffs to STR though.
Str = Strenght = Power of a man right ?
More power should result less WPF penalty for wearing high tier armors , this would balance this game a bit more i think.
I mean a tough saxon guy can handle the weight of an armor easier than a thin korean lad.(Using stereotypes to make you visualise it,not for racism don't get it wrong like a retard.)
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: Tzar on March 16, 2014, 08:16:58 pm
Why do Power Strike do only 8% damage more?
Somebody do every stats in strength (like me :D), in power draw it's look like 30lvl-13lvlpower draw 13*14=182%damage more.
Long bow-33 +8 tatar arrows = 41
41 *182% =41 +41 +33 =115 damage
Nobody with 13 power strike and with weapon like persian battle axe don't do damage like this
then bow do more damage than sword?
Look normal arrow don't kill
But if arrow hit in the chestplate then don't kill too.
I just want to tell you it's don't normal.
And not fair because before warrior go to archer he shoot him 2-3/4-5 times.
With that stats and that damage we crush the best shield in 5-6 times
Warrior always must do more damage.

PS: Please add piercing.
I'm thinking about hitting few men in one attack, because
then it's better for fighting and it's like that in normal life.

1 hit-5 deads

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Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: Macropus on March 16, 2014, 08:53:32 pm
As a STR crutcher %99 of my death reason is trying to spam an agiwhore and fail.

So smart, lol.
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: Miwiw on March 16, 2014, 10:33:33 pm
As a STR crutcher %99 of my death reason is trying to spam an agiwhore and fail.

That must mean you do never die actually? Because spamming others with a str build is more than fail... Especially if you know the enemy has lots of agi...
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: Gravoth_iii on March 16, 2014, 10:55:52 pm
(click to show/hide)

No bias here.
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: Kafein on March 16, 2014, 11:34:00 pm
If you are skilled infantry,you should use AGI based builds because it is far more superior to STR . STR builds are very good at forgiving mistakes but you make those mistakes because you lack speed for most of the time. As a STR crutcher %99 of my death reason is trying to spam an agiwhore and fail.

Laughing at this so much here. You just said you are mad because you can't just spam people and win ? Really ?
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on March 17, 2014, 03:02:41 am
hahaha stupid thread is stupid.
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: HarunYahya on March 17, 2014, 11:47:54 am
That must mean you do never die actually? Because spamming others with a str build is more than fail... Especially if you know the enemy has lots of agi...
I never mentioned that Im a smart man .
Laughing at this so much here. You just said you are mad because you can't just spam people and win ? Really ?
I never said Im mad neither .

Im not a hater , been playing this mod for far enough to try every possible build (Including agi whores) . My conclusion for current situation is , agi builds are far more superior to str builds now.

If you disagree , please tell me why without hating and posting bullshit ?
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: Afina on March 17, 2014, 11:58:12 am
Why do Power Strike do only 8% damage more?
Somebody do every stats in strength (like me :D), in power draw it's look like 30lvl-13lvlpower draw 13*14=182%damage more.
Long bow-33 +8 tatar arrows = 41
41 *182% =41 +41 +33 =115 damage
Nobody with 13 power strike and with weapon like persian battle axe don't do damage like this
then bow do more damage than sword?
Look normal arrow don't kill
But if arrow hit in the chestplate then don't kill too.
I just want to tell you it's don't normal.
And not fair because before warrior go to archer he shoot him 2-3/4-5 times.
With that stats and that damage we crush the best shield in 5-6 times
Warrior always must do more damage.

PS: Please add piercing.
I'm thinking about hitting few men in one attack, because
then it's better for fighting and it's like that in normal life.

1 hit-5 deads

my char have 15PS and for 1 kills need 1 hit
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: BlindGuy on March 17, 2014, 12:32:44 pm
Why do Power Strike do only 8% damage more?
Somebody do every stats in strength (like me :D), in power draw it's look like 30lvl-13lvlpower draw 13*14=182%damage more.
Long bow-33 +8 tatar arrows = 41
41 *182% =41 +41 +33 =115 damage
Nobody with 13 power strike and with weapon like persian battle axe don't do damage like this
then bow do more damage than sword?
Look normal arrow don't kill
But if arrow hit in the chestplate then don't kill too.
I just want to tell you it's don't normal.
And not fair because before warrior go to archer he shoot him 2-3/4-5 times.
With that stats and that damage we crush the best shield in 5-6 times
Warrior always must do more damage.

PS: Please add piercing.
I'm thinking about hitting few men in one attack, because
then it's better for fighting and it's like that in normal life.

1 hit-5 deads

Yes get 13 PD and see how great it is :D

Mechanics understanding you must get.
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: Miwiw on March 17, 2014, 12:32:54 pm
I never mentioned that Im a smart man . I never said Im mad neither .

Had to give you a + for this post! :D
Anyway, I do of course agree with you, that the latest patch buffed agi builds a lot. If we say that an agi build is 21 agi+ while being on 15 str or less, and str builds are the other way round, the agi builds probably have far more advantages. Even with low ps, you could pick a weapon that deals extra damage to high armor rating and with 4 or 5 PS you will still deal a lot of damage plus you can do many hits anyway if you're able to out spam the heavy str guy.
I rather play str builds myself, I was 24-15 as 2hand for ages, but that was before the patch happened. During that time I played a 21-18 shielder and wasn't satisfied with my speed compared to other players.
Now I'm on a 18-21 pole (21-21 to be) because I simply would never go below 18 str but now at least 18 agi are needed for enough wpf imo.
Str certainly needs some buff (see "raise str requirement for heavy armors" topic in Suggestions).

However I quoted you for that part where you said that you die 99% of the times you spam someone, don't think that's weird at all with your heavy str build. Spam only works if you got a spammy build and weapon. And not even every time then. :)
Warband's combat system actually doesn't really support spam, at least not if your enemy knows how to play.
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: Teeth on March 17, 2014, 12:49:03 pm
Say what you want about strength crutching but as a not half bad player I find agi and balanced builds much easier to play than strength oriented builds, let alone very high strength builds. On siege perhaps strength builds fare better but on battle movement speed is key to surviving.
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: HarunYahya on March 17, 2014, 03:39:31 pm
Had to give you a + for this post! :D
Anyway, I do of course agree with you, that the latest patch buffed agi builds a lot. If we say that an agi build is 21 agi+ while being on 15 str or less, and str builds are the other way round, the agi builds probably have far more advantages. Even with low ps, you could pick a weapon that deals extra damage to high armor rating and with 4 or 5 PS you will still deal a lot of damage plus you can do many hits anyway if you're able to out spam the heavy str guy.
I rather play str builds myself, I was 24-15 as 2hand for ages, but that was before the patch happened. During that time I played a 21-18 shielder and wasn't satisfied with my speed compared to other players.
Now I'm on a 18-21 pole (21-21 to be) because I simply would never go below 18 str but now at least 18 agi are needed for enough wpf imo.
Str certainly needs some buff (see "raise str requirement for heavy armors" topic in Suggestions).

However I quoted you for that part where you said that you die 99% of the times you spam someone, don't think that's weird at all with your heavy str build. Spam only works if you got a spammy build and weapon. And not even every time then. :)
Warband's combat system actually doesn't really support spam, at least not if your enemy knows how to play.
Yeap I agree everything yet Miwiw, you miss the point I am not blaming game mechanics or agiwhores for my fail :D I already know it's my fault trying to spam with 18 AGI .(It would be far more retarded if i could spam +3 Great Bardiche with 8 PS ;) )
 Im not thinking it is weird or unbalanced etc . Not asking for the ability to spam with less agi neither.
 My point was there are 2 stats in this game and one of them is far superior for the other one at the moment. I like STR based builds more , so no matter what I'll keep playing with it.Im not complaining or crying about how circumstances just stating my experiences and moments when I go retard :D

I saw Panos' thread about Armor STR increase suggestion and i approve it . There is a fact that most of the weapons and armors require only 15 str, so game basically asks nothing more than 15 str (with few exceptions ofc.) Putting more STR and asking to profit in current situation is basically our fault.

Actually,maybe we shall change nothing but our thoughts about "MORE STR,MORE MANLY YAY!" most of this community is happy that way , game designed to encourage 15-18 str, going above that limit and asking devs to buff it sounds a bit selfish to be honest.

Whatever I am derailing the topic and I'll lure hater fanboys to this thread soon so I'm off , peace ! :)

Flash edit : Just don't add "cleaving" that will occur too many balance problems and QQ, would be hard to optimize aswell.
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: BlindGuy on March 17, 2014, 03:49:54 pm
AGI was nerfed and STILL is nerfed compared to its original state. For 2 years STR was by FAR the superior stat, and now that AGI has a purpose other than move speed ppl cry ....
Title: Re: Piercing and fair playing
Post by: Macropus on March 17, 2014, 09:12:58 pm
My conclusion for current situation is , agi builds are far more superior to str builds now.

If you disagree , please tell me why without hating and posting bullshit ?
Ok, I'm not really good at game mechanics theoretising, what I have however is two facts.
1) My kdr as 24-18 polearm build was 2.1
2) My kdr as 15-30 2h/polearm build is 1.4
As you can see, the difference is quite significant. My skill didn't change either since I respeced only a week ago. I however blame my shitty laptop for many deaths since agi builds don't forgive fails and I agree with better FPS and no lags my performance would be better, probably the same as with previous str-build.

Eh, I think STR vs AGI stats are overall pretty balanced right now.