Strategus => Strategus General Discussion => Topic started by: Duty Calls on March 02, 2014, 12:20:30 pm

Title: Is their a chance?
Post by: Duty Calls on March 02, 2014, 12:20:30 pm
I have made this post after the evil eques supressors have tried to take my home land, with threats of war.

Strat is becoming ever more impossible for small clans to play in due to the oppression of much larger clans. This came as a shock as Fenris Leader kinngrimm is supporting  smaller clans since ever, and now his vasalls make war on House Rouze, OVER ONE VILLAGE! It is disgusting and strategist is becoming an elitist game where only the biggest and best clans can take part and us smaller clans have no chance and  have no fun.

Where is the justice? Us smaller clans need a chance in strat!


Duty Calls.

Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: Osiris on March 02, 2014, 01:14:21 pm
I have made this post after the evil eques supressors have tried to take my home land, with threats of war.

Strat is becoming ever more impossible for small clans to play in due to the oppression of much larger clans. This came as a shock as Fenris Leader kinngrimm is supporting  smaller clans since ever, and now his vasalls make war on House Rouze, OVER ONE VILLAGE! It is disgusting and strategist is becoming an elitist game where only the biggest and best clans can take part and us smaller clans have no chance and  have no fun.

Where is the justice? Us smaller clans need a chance in strat!


Duty Calls.

pfft Kinn only supports small clans who join his alliance ^^

Your best bet is to find someplace easy to defend and get some allies or offer your assistance to eques in return for keeping the land
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: Duty Calls on March 02, 2014, 01:24:03 pm
pfft Kinn only supports small clans who join his alliance ^^

Your best bet is to find someplace easy to defend and get some allies or offer your assistance to eques in return for keeping the land

why would they want my assistance when i'm small? they just want the income of the village etc.
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: Tovi on March 02, 2014, 01:55:36 pm
Not easy to play without joining a faction in Warband too.
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: jtobiasm on March 02, 2014, 02:09:13 pm
you could pay the pro mercs to roster for you
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: Butan on March 02, 2014, 02:25:30 pm
Welcome to real life diplomacy dude.
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: Duty Calls on March 02, 2014, 03:38:28 pm
you could pay the pro mercs to roster for you

mercs roster me for free wench. even if they do, I will still die due to mass of players in the other clans.
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: jtobiasm on March 04, 2014, 08:44:58 am
mercs roster me for free wench

It's why you lose.
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: Duty Calls on March 04, 2014, 11:37:32 am
It's why you lose.

Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: Tuetensuppe on March 04, 2014, 12:55:24 pm
mercs roster me for free wench.


only for money, looms or the soul of famous players ;)
no need for womans, cause we are gay  8-)

Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: Duty Calls on March 04, 2014, 06:42:11 pm

only for money, looms or the soul of famous players ;)
no need for womans, cause we are gay  8-)


I is gay also... wonna threesome with my boyfriend? (Cymro)
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: jtobiasm on March 04, 2014, 07:44:30 pm

bitch, she called you a hoe
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: Duty Calls on March 04, 2014, 08:30:01 pm
bitch, she called you a hoe
Hold my weave girl, I'm about to get hoe under my nail. *hands weave to her friend*
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: Fips on March 04, 2014, 08:41:53 pm
Strat is in the hands of UIF anyway. They can solely decide what this strat is going to be. Sad fact is sad.
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: Keshian on March 04, 2014, 10:06:29 pm
Strat is in the hands of UIF anyway. They can solely decide what this strat is going to be. Sad fact is sad.

Wouldn't it be awesome if the ukrainians and poles were not giant pussies this time around and actually fought and beat the russians.  Man, if game world only reflected real life. sigh.
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: sjarken on March 05, 2014, 01:40:30 am

only for money, looms or the soul of famous players ;)
no need for womans, cause we are gay  8-)


Fixed :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on March 05, 2014, 04:16:15 am
Strat 2 I was a bandit jerk. I robbed from the Rich and gave to myself and then was hunted for 2 months and organised to have the bounty on my head collected by my own pals and we shared the loot. Was glorious, I robbed them and then I robbed them some more!

Don't play strat on your own like some kind of one man super group and expect to take and hold any land. There are plenty of ways to play it was an independent. But if you want to be a robber baron you're going to need a small group (3-5) or a lot of Friends.

The FPF was just me and Arys for nearly all of strat 2 and then by the ended of it we had 6 guys took 2 villages and were the first clan that small to conquer a city.


Stop whinning you bitch

Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: Zaharist on March 05, 2014, 10:39:31 am
Strat is in the hands of UIF anyway. They can solely decide what this strat is going to be. Sad fact is sad.

Others need more self-confidence and strat managing skills.
We all know that "anti-uif" block has (may be) even more skillfull high level guys (no lifers  :lol: ). But disorganized.

Compared to theirs foes UIF-forming factions were small and noone expected them to crush enormous Templar block in just one-two weeks.
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: Erasmas on March 05, 2014, 11:25:25 am
Wouldn't it be awesome if the ukrainians and poles were not giant pussies this time around and actually fought and beat the russians.  Man, if game world only reflected real life. sigh.

Man, if game world only reflected my real life I would be much deeper in shit than it looks on the battlefield  :D :D :D I'm glad it doesn't  :D
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: kinngrimm on March 05, 2014, 12:37:58 pm
Others need more self-confidence and strat managing skills.
We all know that "anti-uif" block has (may be) even more skillfull high level guys (no lifers  :lol: ). But disorganized.

Compared to theirs foes UIF-forming factions were small and noone expected them to crush enormous Templar block in just one-two weeks.
The 5 biggest factions in strategus(edit: on EU map) i know of sofar are wait for it
Grey Order 85 players
Druzina 66 Players
Kapikulu 49
Cooperation 49(Barabe & others)
Wolves of Fenris 42(36 Fenris, 9 Guards)

Now the top 3 had been thick as thiefs, the past round and from the looks of it, they are this round together with Shogunate(30 players in faction).
Those 230 players are already controlling/claiming more then 50% of the existing fiefs.

The Friends of Calradia(FoC), try to establish for smaller clans claims. I am their speaker, "not" their leader. Those clans will have their own fiefs, within they have autark sovereign rights.

(click to show/hide)
Have you talked to me or got in touch with me via pm? Nope. Only that you know, I offered at Start Sfriend, who is the leader and only member of Thule a cooperation, as i liked his Theme and we got to talk in several pms. Within FoC the currently smallest Faction has 3 members, and they will be ready to take their first fief within the week.
Talking with a small clan, does cost time and energy exactly the same way as talking to a big clan, with sometimes not the best of outcomes. Also smaller factions can become rather inactive while big factions can put their hand in their huge playerpool and drag someone to the surface who takes over a task. If you would become inactive out of the 2 players in your faction, then 1/2 of your faction is not doing their job so to speak, if in Grey Order one person becomes inactive then only 1/85 are doing nothing.

I think DutyCalls you are barking up the wrong tree here.(edit: btw why is your faction color shown on the battle roster, "exactly the same" as that of the Mercenaries(36 faction members)? Are you a supporter of them and vice versa? If so then nice propaganda show, mercs always were doing their very best in that area and have quite some expertise you can rely on to stear shit up  :lol:)

Yes we are not as "efficient" as bigger factions allying to other bigger factions, our organisation still is sound within FoC. While shitloads of people within the last strat gave up on their faction and went f.e. to play for Grey Order, so they too would be pehaps at one point on the winning side, i see the game mechanics still flawed that they dont do shit about these things. chadz admited that when he would have found a way to better balance down big factions and alliances, then he would do it. I am still of the opinion that would only be doable with a built in diplomatic system as base for calculations, with uniq advantages for those who uses and participate in such a system and therefor but become open for balancing mechanisms.

If you have any *working* suggestion to stop people from creating large factions, feel free to tell me, because I've been looking for a solution for years now.

I made 2 1/2 years ago a few suggestions into that direction, surly not perfect and a lot more complicated then described here.
Account sharing & overproduction & players without factions (

When i asked Guika last round to start programming a shared LoS and other things, the shared LoS was ment to be the carrot, to get factions to officially ally due to a built in diplomatic system, as that is one of the things which is an advantage of account sharing. So you take that advanatage use it as an insentiv, make account sharing less viable and get people to use a diplomacy system which when used, then can enforce to slow down the big factions and carebear alliances.
Title: Re: Is their a chance?
Post by: Fips on March 05, 2014, 02:34:44 pm
Others need more self-confidence and strat managing skills.
We all know that "anti-uif" block has (may be) even more skillfull high level guys (no lifers  :lol: ). But disorganized.

Compared to theirs foes UIF-forming factions were small and noone expected them to crush enormous Templar block in just one-two weeks.

That is complete bullshit. As kinngrimm said, the 3 biggest factions on strat are the closest buttbuddies. There is NO WAY anyone else can do anything against UIF because mathematically it is close to impossible. Not to mention you can allow to let your S&D grow in some villages and don't care about the crime rate because you already own half the map. You created a money factory way back in your lands and that is one huge advantage.

Everyone else is very much organized, but most of them are well aware of the impossibilities you'd have to face if you ever encounter UIF on the map. Everyone is trying to stay out of conflicts because if the godforsaken UIF decides to roster against you, YOU ARE FUCKED.