I have made this post after the evil eques supressors have tried to take my home land, with threats of war.
Strat is becoming ever more impossible for small clans to play in due to the oppression of much larger clans. This came as a shock as Fenris Leader kinngrimm is supporting smaller clans since ever, and now his vasalls make war on House Rouze, OVER ONE VILLAGE! It is disgusting and strategist is becoming an elitist game where only the biggest and best clans can take part and us smaller clans have no chance and have no fun.
Where is the justice? Us smaller clans need a chance in strat!
Duty Calls.
pfft Kinn only supports small clans who join his alliance ^^
Your best bet is to find someplace easy to defend and get some allies or offer your assistance to eques in return for keeping the land
you could pay the pro mercs to roster for you
mercs roster me for free wench
It's why you lose.
mercs roster me for free wench.
only for money, looms or the soul of famous players ;)
no need for womans, cause we are gay 8-)
bitch, she called you a hoeHold my weave girl, I'm about to get hoe under my nail. *hands weave to her friend*
Strat is in the hands of UIF anyway. They can solely decide what this strat is going to be. Sad fact is sad.
only for money, looms or the soul of famous players ;)
no need for womans, cause we aregay8-)
Strat is in the hands of UIF anyway. They can solely decide what this strat is going to be. Sad fact is sad.
Wouldn't it be awesome if the ukrainians and poles were not giant pussies this time around and actually fought and beat the russians. Man, if game world only reflected real life. sigh.
Others need more self-confidence and strat managing skills.The 5 biggest factions in strategus(edit: on EU map) i know of sofar are wait for it
We all know that "anti-uif" block has (may be) even more skillfull high level guys (no lifers :lol: ). But disorganized.
Compared to theirs foes UIF-forming factions were small and noone expected them to crush enormous Templar block in just one-two weeks.
Have you talked to me or got in touch with me via pm? Nope. Only that you know, I offered at Start Sfriend, who is the leader and only member of Thule a cooperation, as i liked his Theme and we got to talk in several pms. Within FoC the currently smallest Faction has 3 members, and they will be ready to take their first fief within the week.(click to show/hide)
If you have any *working* suggestion to stop people from creating large factions, feel free to tell me, because I've been looking for a solution for years now.
Others need more self-confidence and strat managing skills.
We all know that "anti-uif" block has (may be) even more skillfull high level guys (no lifers :lol: ). But disorganized.
Compared to theirs foes UIF-forming factions were small and noone expected them to crush enormous Templar block in just one-two weeks.