Strategus => Faction Halls => Topic started by: jbratina on February 09, 2014, 07:19:19 pm

Title: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on February 09, 2014, 07:19:19 pm
Region:NA only

APPLY HERE!?page=claninfodetail&id=4824

Our goal is to create a fundamental, tactical clan in cRPG that groups together and fights in formations every round possible.

The Scottish Bravehearts
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Scottish Gaelic Warrior Ranks:

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Scottish Gaelic Noble Ranks

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Training Dates:

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Add me on the following.

Steam: KDSmash

Skype: Griff/[email protected]



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Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: no_rules_just_play on February 09, 2014, 07:20:45 pm
So if I pay 3000 US dollars I am allowed to join your clan for a week?
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: HardRice on February 09, 2014, 07:45:08 pm
So if I pay 3000 US dollars I am allowed to join your clan for a week?
Slice off the leader's head with a claymore and you can join.

Oh yeah, good luck and all
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on February 09, 2014, 09:11:28 pm
So if I pay 3000 US dollars I am allowed to join your clan for a week?
Lol. What? No that's not what it says at ALL. If you are in the clan for 1 week you are rewarded 1,000 in-game gold. And if you are in the clan for 2 weeks you are rewarded 3,000 in-game gold.
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on February 09, 2014, 09:12:12 pm
So if I pay 3000 US dollars I am allowed to join your clan for a week?
There are no requirements  to join. If you want to join just add me on steam; KDSmash
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on February 10, 2014, 03:22:02 am
Changed the ranking tags to actually celtic ranks.
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on February 11, 2014, 05:11:07 am
Added strat uniforms since you know, strat is coming back and all... Oh yeah and also coming with an exclusive banner VERY soon.
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: tizzango on February 11, 2014, 08:00:37 am
Why do Americans love all things Scottish?

I went over there for a few weeks and everyone proceeded to tell me about my ancestry or how they are 1/8th Scottish, and have a second cousin that lives 137 miles north of Edinburgh and think that I might know them.

Anyway all the best, good luck!
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on February 14, 2014, 03:01:35 am
New banner, added.
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Bob_Ross on February 14, 2014, 03:49:12 am

* Horses

1. Donkey


3. Saddle Horse

4. Courser

5. War Horse


I'd join, but my hemorrhoids would disagree, I'm afraid.  :(
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Sharpe on February 14, 2014, 03:57:33 am
Why do Americans love all things Scottish?

I went over there for a few weeks and everyone proceeded to tell me about my ancestry or how they are 1/8th Scottish, and have a second cousin that lives 137 miles north of Edinburgh and think that I might know them.

Anyway all the best, good luck!

Its because of Mel Gibson.
Also good luck to in your endeavors!
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Delson on February 14, 2014, 02:55:08 pm

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Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Varadin on February 15, 2014, 01:54:16 pm
Good luck , but era of new clans being sucessfull is very low.
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on February 16, 2014, 02:28:38 am
Banner Updated
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Sari on February 16, 2014, 08:21:47 pm
Good luck! One suggestion, what about having ragged outfit as an armor, it looks like a kilt but whatever you decide. Seem so many weaboos under the Scottish banner. lol

Isn't the saddle horse the rouncey and what about adding javelins to your armory.
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on February 23, 2014, 01:16:40 am
lol 0 votes for chris
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Tanken on March 04, 2014, 04:07:52 am
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485090  for the Color Code if you want to use it. Enjoy!
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on March 04, 2014, 04:55:22 am
Tanken you're fucking gr8 at this banner shit, how long does it take you to do one like that or ours?
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Tanken on March 04, 2014, 05:11:51 am
Tanken you're fucking gr8 at this banner shit, how long does it take you to do one like that or ours?

I did theirs over the period of about 20 minutes while playing cRPG. So any time I died or was auto-running I was working on it.
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: bredeus on March 04, 2014, 04:33:11 pm
Good luck. Also no idea why Megatron is not an option.
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on March 08, 2014, 01:19:54 am
Region:NA only

APPLY HERE!?page=claninfodetail&id=4824

Training Dates:

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Add me on the following.

Steam: KDSmash

Skype: Griff/[email protected]


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Clan Uniform

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Strategous Info

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New banner all credit goes to Tanken!!! Thanks. Also we are doing very successful on strat for only 11 members.
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: dreadnok on March 08, 2014, 05:17:25 am
Good luck guys. Don't take any shit from the scumbags in this community. Always good to have new clans
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on March 11, 2014, 01:49:20 am
New Scottish Gaelic Ranks added. Some of them maybe not correct but will do for now.
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on March 24, 2014, 02:05:19 am
Good luck. Also no idea why Megatron is not an option.
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on March 25, 2014, 01:59:20 am
Finally got the image of our land! Yup i know bad handwriting... err
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Bittersteel on March 25, 2014, 03:39:33 am
GandalfJr? More like GandalfDishonourableSperglord downvoting all of his posts.

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Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Drunken_sailor on April 19, 2014, 10:49:43 am
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: njames89 on April 20, 2014, 06:17:49 pm
A Stalwart Defence of Lord Xbow of the Scottish Rebels

The air hung heavy with an eerie feel as Lord Xbow of the Scottish Rebels returned from a trade run into the Order of Saints territory. He had seen a potentially hostile army in the region and was making for Dirigh Aban with maximum haste. Xbow couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. "Send forth a rider to Dirigh Aban with our fasted steed. The roguish bandit Krosis has been spotted in the area. He is in Acre lands and will face the full force of our trade laws should he attack us. Such behaviour will be met with fierce punishment. We will have need of reinforcements of troop and equipment." Xbow spoke to his scout leader Savage Roktal. Roktal responded quickly "Yes sir it will be done. Forbid a fool a thing and that he will do. I will have King Robert Bruce updated on the situation shortly." To which Xbow replied, "Godspeed my brother." Within minutes a beating of drums signaled that Roktal's scouting party was going ahead to warn of the potential attack.

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Xbow had been right. Within a couple hours of dispatching Roktal torches and riders could be seen closing in on the trade party. Krosis must have ordered his men to double time, a costly mistake as once they were reinforced the Scottish Rebels would easily turn back the exhausted bandits. Knowing the party would not make Dirigh Aban in time to fortify properly Xbow ordered that the remaining troops dig trenches deploy spike walls and dig in for the assault. Robbie Burns had been commanded by Xbow to direct the fortification efforts, as well as to keep morale high among the now impending defenders. Speaking with the soldiers putting up fortification Robbie was happy to report high levels of morale and a near indecent amount of shit talking. Unable to contain his laughter at the things he was hearing Robbie spoke "Haha you fucking animals, keep that filth out of the ears of the lordship, I like your spirit however... I do myself expect to cut off the heads and shit down the throats of these bandits. That being said... please ensure the ladies of the court aren't exposed to yours and my twisted thinking.

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Reinforcements had arrived just in time, King Robert Bruce himself rode to ensure the safety of his men. Upon arrival he was flanked by his two knewly knighted Kingsguards. They sounded the royal arrival as King Robert Bruce went to the war tent to meet with his Lords and Officers. "We've arrived with all the men and equipment needed. This will be a glorious day, let us make our ancestors proud let the forefathers of Scotland rejoice in this bloodbath." the King spoke. With a short tactical discussion had the men moved to prepare for the field battle. As the rogues were moving closer to the lines of the Scottish Rebels they began to see the fortifications and that they had not been able to attack an under-geared and unfair opponent, their disappointment was visible and perhaps even audible. Eager at the chance at blood and glory the Scottish Rebels could be seen with grins on their face, some even opting to not wear armor and fight naked as had their forefathers.

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The enemy had superior terrain advantage and had taken up position on a cliff high above the Scottish Rebel fortifications. Luckily enough siege defences had been placed to protect the men from enemy ranged fighters. The Scottish Rebels had taken up position on the bank of a river, forcing the enemy to wade through chest deep water effectively negating their ability to dodge missiles and move quickly. The first 45 minutes of the battle consisted of allied ranged pelting the enemy with arrows and bolts. Several elite archers from the Kingdom of Acre had been in Dirigh Aban on a technology based mission educating the maesters of Dirigh Aban. Thankfully they had been present and able to ride with King Robert Bruce to the aid of Lord Xbow, their presence on the field accounted for hundreds of dead enemies alone. This was rather amazing considering the cliff the bandits were positioned on seemed to have some dark magic upon it blocking arrows and bolts in thin air.

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Seeing the superior position of the enemy and having discussed battle plans with the other officers Xbow knew this was the time for the charge. Ladders were dropped across the river and the charge was ordered. Fiercely offended that someone would have the audacity to try and murder his men in their own territory Lord Xbow and King Robert Bruce could be seen charging into battle first cleaving limbs off left and right with their newly acquired Highland Claymores, shipped from their ancient homeland and sanctified with the blood of infidels.

Quickly the charge reached the hill where the enemy was positioned. The bandits were putting up much less of a fight than had been accounted for. With only a few remaining enemy archers shooting at the camp Xbow was able to surprise them as they were focused on the troops remaining to defend the archers on the friendly side of the river. "By the rightful Gods of Calradia you will know that we are the hand of justice when I lay the holy hammer of the Gods upon you" Xbow shouted as he kicked two of the archers off the cliff and spun quickly to clip the face of the third with his Claymore. With King Robert Bruce guarding his flank and cutting down the few remaining enemies routing the battle had been won.

The victory had been a good test of the Kingdom of Acre and Scottish rebel territorial policy as well as a strong blooding of many recruits. Xbow and Robert Bruce being exhausted from battle retired to their tents to feast upon chicken and ale a glorious victory it had been indeed.

Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Zhyang on April 20, 2014, 07:10:53 pm
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: SugarHoe on April 20, 2014, 08:51:32 pm
A Stalwart Defence of Lord Xbow of the Scottish Rebels

The air hung heavy with an eerie feel as Lord Xbow of the Scottish Rebels returned from a trade run into the Order of Saints territory. He had seen a potentially hostile army in the region and was making for Dirigh Aban with maximum haste. Xbow couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. "Send forth a rider to Dirigh Aban with our fasted steed. The roguish bandit Krosis has been spotted in the area. He is in Acre lands and will face the full force of our trade laws should he attack us. Such behaviour will be met with fierce punishment. We will have need of reinforcements of troop and equipment." Xbow spoke to his scout leader Savage Roktal. Roktal responded quickly "Yes sir it will be done. Forbid a fool a thing and that he will do. I will have King Robert Bruce updated on the situation shortly." To which Xbow replied, "Godspeed my brother." Within minutes a beating of drums signaled that Roktal's scouting party was going ahead to warn of the potential attack.

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Xbow had been right. Within a couple hours of dispatching Roktal torches and riders could be seen closing in on the trade party. Krosis must have ordered his men to double time, a costly mistake as once they were reinforced the Scottish Rebels would easily turn back the exhausted bandits. Knowing the party would not make Dirigh Aban in time to fortify properly Xbow ordered that the remaining troops dig trenches deploy spike walls and dig in for the assault. Robbie Burns had been commanded by Xbow to direct the fortification efforts, as well as to keep morale high among the now impending defenders. Speaking with the soldiers putting up fortification Robbie was happy to report high levels of morale and a near indecent amount of shit talking. Unable to contain his laughter at the things he was hearing Robbie spoke "Haha you fucking animals, keep that filth out of the ears of the lordship, I like your spirit however... I do myself expect to cut off the heads and shit down the throats of these bandits. That being said... please ensure the ladies of the court aren't exposed to yours and my twisted thinking.

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Reinforcements had arrived just in time, King Robert Bruce himself rode to ensure the safety of his men. Upon arrival he was flanked by his two knewly knighted Kingsguards. They sounded the royal arrival as King Robert Bruce went to the war tent to meet with his Lords and Officers. "We've arrived with all the men and equipment needed. This will be a glorious day, let us make our ancestors proud let the forefathers of Scotland rejoice in this bloodbath." the King spoke. With a short tactical discussion had the men moved to prepare for the field battle. As the rogues were moving closer to the lines of the Scottish Rebels they began to see the fortifications and that they had not been able to attack an under-geared and unfair opponent, their disappointment was visible and perhaps even audible. Eager at the chance at blood and glory the Scottish Rebels could be seen with grins on their face, some even opting to not wear armor and fight naked as had their forefathers.

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The enemy had superior terrain advantage and had taken up position on a cliff high above the Scottish Rebel fortifications. Luckily enough siege defences had been placed to protect the men from enemy ranged fighters. The Scottish Rebels had taken up position on the bank of a river, forcing the enemy to wade through chest deep water effectively negating their ability to dodge missiles and move quickly. The first 45 minutes of the battle consisted of allied ranged pelting the enemy with arrows and bolts. Several elite archers from the Kingdom of Acre had been in Dirigh Aban on a technology based mission educating the maesters of Dirigh Aban. Thankfully they had been present and able to ride with King Robert Bruce to the aid of Lord Xbow, their presence on the field accounted for hundreds of dead enemies alone. This was rather amazing considering the cliff the bandits were positioned on seemed to have some dark magic upon it blocking arrows and bolts in thin air.

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Seeing the superior position of the enemy and having discussed battle plans with the other officers Xbow knew this was the time for the charge. Ladders were dropped across the river and the charge was ordered. Fiercely offended that someone would have the audacity to try and murder his men in their own territory Lord Xbow and King Robert Bruce could be seen charging into battle first cleaving limbs off left and right with their newly acquired Highland Claymores, shipped from their ancient homeland and sanctified with the blood of infidels.

Quickly the charge reached the hill where the enemy was positioned. The bandits were putting up much less of a fight than had been accounted for. With only a few remaining enemy archers shooting at the camp Xbow was able to surprise them as they were focused on the troops remaining to defend the archers on the friendly side of the river. "By the rightful Gods of Calradia you will know that we are the hand of justice when I lay the holy hammer of the Gods upon you" Xbow shouted as he kicked two of the archers off the cliff and spun quickly to clip the face of the third with his Claymore. With King Robert Bruce guarding his flank and cutting down the few remaining enemies routing the battle had been won.

The victory had been a good test of the Kingdom of Acre and Scottish rebel territorial policy as well as a strong blooding of many recruits. Xbow and Robert Bruce being exhausted from battle retired to their tents to feast upon chicken and ale a glorious victory it had been indeed.

more like say on one side of the river  with 20 mercs more than attacking side and shooting people and almost getting flag capped because your mercs are shit other than the 7 heroes
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Thryn on April 22, 2014, 05:46:50 pm
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1/10 see me after class
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Veniathan on April 23, 2014, 12:31:29 pm
You should allow more armor, I really doubt that's all the Scottish Rebels wore man ..
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on April 25, 2014, 11:11:42 pm
You should allow more armor, I really doubt that's all the Scottish Rebels wore man ..
yes i know was going to add lots of furry armor [considering they had lots of sheep] but for now i just wanted to rep the banner :)
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Veniathan on April 26, 2014, 09:55:41 am
yes i know was going to add lots of furry armor [considering they had lots of sheep] but for now i just wanted to rep the banner :)

Was thinking of making my own clan in the future maybe, how much do banners like this cost? How much does it cost to pay etc? Do you know? I saw you added more armors, not bad. Wish you good luck
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on April 27, 2014, 10:42:36 pm
Was thinking of making my own clan in the future maybe, how much do banners like this cost? How much does it cost to pay etc? Do you know? I saw you added more armors, not bad. Wish you good luck
thanks and tanken did the banner for free
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Knife on April 27, 2014, 11:09:28 pm
Why such a lame poll? Replace with something in the lines of: Do you support the independence of Scotland to allow driving whilst drunk?

Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on April 29, 2014, 02:11:03 am
Why such a lame poll? Replace with something in the lines of: Do you support the independence of Scotland to allow driving whilst drunk?
hahaha okay maybe
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Thryn on May 01, 2014, 05:06:53 pm
mod needs kilts
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Sari on May 02, 2014, 12:11:46 am
mod needs kilts
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Jack1 on May 03, 2014, 06:14:25 am
i'm not sure if you guys have enough for a team, if not, you can join on with me if you are interested:
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on May 03, 2014, 06:29:07 am
i'm not sure if you guys have enough for a team, if not, you can join on with me if you are interested:
We will have enough pretty sure. And i would love to participate! Going to sign up
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Jack1 on May 03, 2014, 06:29:44 am
it's 8 minimum for a team and 15 max
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on May 04, 2014, 04:27:29 am
it's 8 minimum for a team and 15 max
Do i list Team Captain also in the team members
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Jack1 on May 04, 2014, 04:29:39 am
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Drunken_sailor on May 08, 2014, 08:04:04 am
Efter killing ower yin thousand five hundred enemies in three back tae back assaults oan oor minor village:
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Dinnae fash wi' us unless ye hae some guts tae lay oan th' playground o' th' deid.
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on May 09, 2014, 04:30:13 am
Efter killing ower yin thousand five hundred enemies in three back tae back assaults oan oor minor village:
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Dinnae fash wi' us unless ye hae some guts tae lay oan th' playground o' th' deid.
We may be small, new, and not the best fighters... but we can still kick some ass!
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on May 16, 2014, 05:37:10 am!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=1322 Last Minute Save..... LITERALLY!!!! 0.02 hours left the clock ticking! Harx at 10:29 puts troops and gear in the village like a madman!
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on May 17, 2014, 02:07:04 am
Scottish Rebels defend Dirigh Aban from the Squids for the THIRD TIME
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Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: HappyPhantom on May 17, 2014, 12:37:45 pm
"Why do drugs when you can have a big bowl of ice cream" - Harximous

This kid has clearly never tried drugs.
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Sharpe on May 17, 2014, 04:52:58 pm
This kid has clearly never tried drugs.

Like you ever have.
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on May 18, 2014, 01:06:54 am
This kid has clearly never tried drugs.
I don't need too, like i said.. ice cream is all i need bb
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Thryn on May 19, 2014, 02:31:18 pm
put your drugs in your icecream

Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Drunken_sailor on May 23, 2014, 02:04:09 am
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: HappyPhantom on May 23, 2014, 03:04:00 am
Like you ever have.

C'mon dude, I'm like quadruple his age, and have been to Amsterdam, of course I have!  :mrgreen:

I mean, really, which would you prefer:

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or this:

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Sharpe on May 23, 2014, 04:17:13 am
C'mon dude, I'm like quadruple his age, and have been to Amsterdam, of course I have!  :mrgreen:

I mean, really, which would you prefer:

(click to show/hide)

or this:

(click to show/hide)

Why not both, we can create drug ice cream flavors.

Rocky Mountain Shroom
Peanut Butter and Blow
Chocolate Meth Chip
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on May 29, 2014, 03:27:27 am
C'mon dude, I'm like quadruple his age, and have been to Amsterdam, of course I have!  :mrgreen:

I mean, really, which would you prefer:

(click to show/hide)

or this:

(click to show/hide)

The first picture looks more persuasive than the second one
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on May 29, 2014, 03:30:28 am
Local Scottish News:
King Harx decides to create the new governing style. "I would like to remain the King of the clan in general and command the formations in battle and so on. But then again my fellow loyal member, myxbow is twice as active and dedicated than I am. This leads me to believe the best decision is to give the STRAT leadership to myxbow."
Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: Thryn on May 29, 2014, 05:55:53 pm
Major Scottish News:
King Harx decides to create the new governing style after a failed coup attempt jeopardized his claim. Myxbow has been seized and admitted to plotting and trying to dethrone the King in an attempt to save what tatters of his honour still remained. The King will no longer consult with nobles of the realm, relying on himself to hold together his kingdom. "We must stand like walls of iron, and vanquish the coming evil that is EU Strat. I myself shall lead the Rebels to a greater future."

Despite the King's effort to keep the peace, the fires of war seem to be brewing inside the hearts of many men who have lost their voice in politics. At its weakened state, the kingdom lies vulnerable to outside and inside powers.

Title: Re: The Scottish Rebels [SR] Now Recruiting!
Post by: jbratina on June 06, 2014, 01:27:38 am