fap fap...
now u
does siege count aswell
does siege count aswell
now u
What about DTV?The other day I saw Cora go 200-0 on DTV, then she was accidentally tkd by a third party. And if instead a good shieldwall is made, slashers can reach even more ridiculous streaks. (I have definitely seen over 350/1, not sure whether some with 0 too).
Military fork actually isn't a peasant weapon :Pall done with a tunic with vest and a +1 millitary fork(click to show/hide)
Military fork actually isn't a peasant weapon :P
It's siege, doesn't count.(click to show/hide)
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It's siege, doesn't count.
It's not siege, its..never played this gamemode...
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginI know right :cry:
rip good ole days
well if you count dtv, im about on par with theese
I don't take enough screenshots :|(click to show/hide)
keep this e-peen thread alive!
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Well, if you count DTV you might as well count anything! In which case, I have you beat Plumb.(click to show/hide)
Well, if you count DTV you might as well count anything! In which case, I have you beat Plumb.(click to show/hide)
Hardly ever got 0 kills, remember that even with pike i d go for the 1 on 1 and huge clusterfucks, loved supporting teammates and being the first one to charge.
I guess you mean deaths not kills?
Also, just checked some screens, I got plenty of something between 8-17 kills : 0 deaths, but alot more between 10-20 kills : 3-5 deaths, though that doesn't count. My best battle map was 250 points 36 kills 4 deaths, pretty gud I think :mrgreen:
I'm about to blow all you queer baits out of the water. Check out this sick score(click to show/hide)
for just one +3 i can teach you my moves
Pretty sure allers went at least 100-0 in a fcc ichamur strat battle as a 2h melee. Healing tents are pretty OP
Edit2: Bjord had 50:0 before they implemented upkeep.
Had 114-1 once in Eu1wat, no you didn't
Best killstreak with 0 deaths
Never took a pic of the scoreboard. And people called me a tryhard, lol.before cav nerf TomMmYyYyYyYY had some stupidly high scores i must ask him for some screenshots
Best ever done is probably around 25-0 to 30-0. Maybe more, but that was in the early days of crpg when it was still 100% native mechanics, just with higher level, minmaxed builds. Doesn't count compared to later day crpg, especially after the lance dmg and angle nerfs in the case of cav.
Never took a pic of the scoreboard. And people called me a tryhard, lol.
Best ever done is probably around 25-0 to 30-0. Maybe more, but that was in the early days of crpg when it was still 100% native mechanics, just with higher level, minmaxed builds. Doesn't count compared to later day crpg, especially after the lance dmg and angle nerfs in the case of cav.
Vex had at least 51:0 or better, can't remember exactly but it was later when people actually knew how to block. Gravoth ended it - warspear > str nodachi
I actually remember this, after having lost to him butchering my team i decided to take matters into my own hands and would just avoid everyone but him, and then go balls deep to kill him. Always fun to get an objective.Was over 50, I remember because it was a bit impressive :oops:
Not sure if he went beyond 50 kills though.
Was over 50, I remember because it was a bit impressive :oops:
I remember going 55-0 on ruins in EU1 with my milanese plate, elite scimitar and huscarl shield, back when cRPG still had native native mechanics and there were the monthly resets happening, I had a level and gear advantage on most players tho. I still remember it, someone pointed out my score and I felt very smug. Good times, unfortunately didn't take any screens back then.
If Strategus counts then I remeber a DaveUKR or Segd or other DRZ archer with 50 (up too ~~100) kills and 0 deaths. A few times. Good memories :)
Back then that was an ok round for anyone that played enough to plate up vs the majority who struggled at 5k worth of gear with meh amounts of levels. 1v20 was daily occurence with the 2h plate lol. I never joined the plate army unfortunately, i stuck with my agi whore fashion gear :cry:
had 64 - 0 like year ago , left swing spam , easy. But score im most proud of was in great strategus battle had 304- 9 (Defending ofc)I always sucked hard in that strat battles you have no idea how irritating that was for me.
I always sucked hard in that strat battles you have no idea how irritating that was for me.
Hell I remember the turks crushing 4 of ur forward spawns with a catapult 50 meters behind the walls of Sargoth or Reyvadin :D A good catapulter can be more effecitve than 5 of the best players in the game as I noticed xDdidnt change fact that i suck in actual strat combat