cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Topic started by: Ronin on January 30, 2014, 02:51:09 pm

Title: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Ronin on January 30, 2014, 02:51:09 pm
At the moment we have some periodic auctions. Such include "training lessons", "Heirloom exchange", "Exclusive Banner", "Blacksmith services" etc. You get what I'm talking about.

Why are they auctions after all? Why can't they be bought off from a shop for some "hefty" prices?

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I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but we can discuss.
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: no_rules_just_play on January 30, 2014, 02:57:51 pm
Because then the prices wouldn't depend on the amount of prople that want it. Selling as normal trade means only one provider, so the prices won't change being very high when only one person wants to buy it and very low when all horse archers want to respec hopefully bext patch :3
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Teeth on January 30, 2014, 05:16:00 pm
Considering you need to sell like 6 loompoints to get 2.5 million gold, that is still only 50 million worth of xp if you had been retiring. Don't know what level character you are trying to respec but if you are level 35 you are talking about saving 100 million xp compared to a normal respec, stop being a cheapskate and get more money. Its purpose is being a gold sink after all, auctions makes sure the sink adapts to the amount of gold available because people are going to be willing to spend more, which is good. Also, you'd think people got their respecs with the wpf rework.
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Ronin on January 30, 2014, 11:16:21 pm
The problem is not really the price. Only one person can use it per a week.
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: BlueKnight on January 31, 2014, 05:28:00 am
Would like to play other build? U wish... here is cRPG. Money-sink n1 priority, fun is 4 pussies. Things wouldn't be precious if anyone could afford them.

I am big enemy of what we have now and support whatever idea you have that could change what we currently witness here.
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Angellore on January 31, 2014, 02:07:54 pm
It would be briliant if you can change attributes/skills anytime for specific, but quite high amount of gold.
For example, decreasing 1 attribute or skill point would cost 100k gold. Decreasing 1 weapon proficiency point would cost 10k.

So let's say you want to change 21/24 build:
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To 24/21 one:
(click to show/hide)
Firstly, you will have to decrease AGI by 3 attribute points, which will cost 300k. Then Weapon Master/Athetics/Two Handed weapon proficiency points will turn red (you can't have 8 WM/ATH and 184 2h WPP with 21 AGI), so you will have to take off 1 WM and 1 ATH point, which will cost additional 200k. Then you need to decrease Two Handed WPP from 184 to 170, which will cost 140k gold (14 WPP points x 10k gold = 140k gold). Then confirm button appears and you can make whole change for 640k gold - if you need just slight build adjustment, it's fair price imo.

Buying training lessons for 2+ mln just to change your build by 3 attribute points makes no sense atm, so it would be cool to have this kind of alternative.
This quick build change feature will be expensive enough to keep training lessons popular for full respec, just like they are now. This will also solve the problem of putting wrong attribute or skill point to your build - for the price of 100k you will be able to fix the build again (right now you have to stick with broken build).
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Kalp on February 04, 2014, 11:26:57 am
Angellore post +1
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Riddaren on February 06, 2014, 12:03:02 am
Yeah, good suggestion by Angellore.
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Kalp on February 19, 2014, 09:57:04 pm
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Algarn on February 19, 2014, 10:17:24 pm
Despite I hate being back slashed by Angellore, I think devs should reflect about what he said. I hate to see those rich trolls having respecs after scamming or whatever they do to get their money, and I would love to see a less punishing way to respec a character level 34/35.
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Kalp on February 27, 2014, 06:53:35 pm
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: San on February 27, 2014, 07:12:39 pm
People underestimate how long it takes to make your own money without using the marketplace. It takes a good day in light armor to make 10k-30k if you play an hour or 2. 1 person paying a few mil every week ain't gonna do shit to be frank. It'll only make those who lost the auction annoyed for a week.

I think being able to respec at will with a base price of 200k (to avoid cheating the system) and another variable based on how much your build deviates with an extra cost for leaving points unallocated would work wonderfully.
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Jona on March 01, 2014, 12:10:59 am
In my opinion, it would be great if they had a respec feature where you paid per skill/attribute point removed. Instead of adding a point to each stat or skill, you remove it. Then, you simply do whatever you want with it... convert an attribute to 2 skill, or vice versa, or simply reassign them to a different skill or attribute. For example with my build I currently have some shield skill, but at a super high level I would ideally wish to convert that and a couple points of ironflesh into more attribute points, and thus more athletics or WM. I would have to remove a total of 5-6 skill points, I believe. If it cost maybe 100k per skill and 200k per attribute point you wish to reassign, respeccing would actually be feasible for minor build tweaks. However, if you want to go from being a level 36 cav to a level 36 foot-based archer, well... that might be a bit more costly, as it rightfully should, in my opinion. Converting my 4 shield and 2 ironflesh into more agility, and thus athletics and/or WM is a relatively minor tweak, and would cost 6-700k, which is pretty reasonable, I would argue. This method would also really help anyone who has ever fucked up a build by clicking + in the wrong skill or attribute. I just recently ruined my planned 21-15 build by not really paying attention and hitting + in front of the agility when I already had 15. I realized my mistake within the hour, and really could have used either an undo button or a mini 1-point respec... now I'm just gonna stick with this build until I retire, since respeccing isn't really worth it at level 30.

To those of you saying that 6-700k isn't expensive enough to be a good gold sink, you should take a course in economics sometime. It is all about supply and demand. Currently, since demand is so high, and yet the supply is very small, it sells for a large amount once per week, which makes sense. However, if the quantity were increased, the price would then be lowered automatically. You might think that the lowering of the price is a bad thing, yet it is quite the opposite. Lower price allows for more buyers who were turned off before from the absurdly large pricetag. If  you have 1 person losing 3.5 million per week, then the economy loses 3.5 million per week. But what if this was changed so that there are 15 people losing 400k per week? This would result in a loss of 6 million per week, nearly double what was being lost before. As I said before my relatively minor respec would cost me 600k at least, so odds are most people would be spending over 400k when respeccing. Now you might say that this might look good on paper, but it will only hold up for the short term, since once everyone gets the respec they want they will stop respeccing and then there is no gold sink left. Once more, not true.

With the reduced price people will respec more often as they wish to tweak their build to keep the game from getting stale. Currently if someone dislikes their high level build and they don't have nearly 4 million gold lying around, they can either respec and lose half of all their hard work, or they can retire, and be stuck as a weak peasant for a long while. Instead with the "pay what you want" styled respecs, people buy them much more often, and continually be able to tweak their build. Not only does this make for a larger gold sink, but it also keeps the game from getting stale for many players, and therefore helps keep the community alive. It's a win-win in my book. Honestly don't see why any of you would be opposed unless you have the "I had to pay 3.5 million so you should to" attitude, in which case grow up.
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Kalp on March 06, 2014, 04:43:31 pm
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Kalp on March 23, 2014, 11:10:02 am
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Byrdi on March 23, 2014, 11:10:14 pm

Someone is desperate. :D
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Kalp on March 24, 2014, 01:52:55 pm
Someone is desperate. :D
Not at all! My main build is finished.

It's just a good idea [Angellore post].
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Grumbs on March 24, 2014, 02:20:51 pm
Another good thing about this is we will be able to determine just how OP certain builds are. With a quick and cheap way to respec we will see a natural balance between the classes (if balance exists). If we get too many cav we will get a surge in polearms. Too many xbow with 1 hand and we will get a surge of ranged  :P . Well at least we will see very easily which stuff is OP
Title: Re: Peroidic auctions
Post by: Angellore on March 24, 2014, 07:23:42 pm
The whole problem is, devs capable of implementing such ideas are making new game atm (Melee: Battlegrounds), so they don't care about crpg anymore.
Only changes you can count on are: new items (thanks to Zagibu), more broken animations (thanks to Tydeus), some DTV changes (thanks to Fips) and bad balance changes (I guess mainly Tydeus/Paul ideas?).
What I learned in last months, writing on this forum is waste of time. I'm trying to be as inactive as possible now.