Off Topic => Spam => Topic started by: EricCire on November 29, 2013, 11:10:32 pm

Title: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on November 29, 2013, 11:10:32 pm
. thread dead. because of racism
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Huscarlton_Banks on November 29, 2013, 11:12:41 pm
Nevermind I'm bad.

Wasn't it 20 bucks in your other thread?
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on November 29, 2013, 11:53:41 pm
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Sir_Hans on November 30, 2013, 12:35:21 am
3d gaming glasses have been around for over two decades.

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Why try to reinvent something that's already been around and offer a poor version of it.

Who is going to want to effectively cut their screen size in half to play a game in 3d. The smart way to do it is to layer the image doubles on top of each other and use something called "active shutter 3d" to only let 1 image go to left eye and 1 image go to the right eye, At least that way your screen size isn't halved and made into some goofy split screen resolution/ratio.

There are many types of 3d though, and many big name brands like nvidia or samsung making current gen 3d glasses.

Why on earth would anyone want to use this flawed system..?

PS: Doesn't this count as advertising?
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Kirbyy on November 30, 2013, 12:58:56 am
God damn, you gotta gimme what you're smoking.

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Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on November 30, 2013, 01:05:14 am
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: zagibu on November 30, 2013, 02:26:56 am
Certainly interesting, and it doesn't have the problem of eyes getting tired like active shutter technology has. You claim there is no loss of screen resolution, yet the 3d frames are clearly shifted left and right respectively, does that mean it gets squeezed towards the edges? Does that somehow change the field of view? Or does the depth effect straighten it out?
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Tyefire on November 30, 2013, 02:58:49 am
Human subtlety will never devise an invention more beautiful, more simple or more direct than does nature because in her inventions nothing is lacking, and nothing is superfluous. You cant take a previous invention and compare it to this one. This required thought and a strive for success making this unique in its own way. I can see this invention becoming big and I will put some cash in because it just feels right.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on November 30, 2013, 02:59:02 am
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Sir_Hans on November 30, 2013, 09:02:03 am

It's full Screen with iYin3D goggles (not cut in half) low priced, and it works on any monitor. Thanks for your reply fellow Crpg Fam. I've been playing with Nvidia for years. Nvidia needs specific 3D televisions. Appreciate every comment though. The objective here is to make real 3D as simple as the red and blue 3D glasses.

It might appear to be full screen, but the resolution of the monitor display will be cut in half if you use the monitors natural resolution.
I am skeptical the glasses don't make your eyes extremely sore from being crosseyed and having your image magnified for hours on end.

And you say it "works on any monitor".
But at the end of your kickstarter you say "Currently desk monitors, larger screens like 70-80 in televisions become blurry. I am working clearing the images with larger screens."

The older 3d shutter and polarized gaming glasses didn't require a special monitor, just software + the glasses, and the entire image was made 3d instead of just the middle portion of the image. I bet it

My advice would be too send a free pair of them to an independent game reviewer along the lines of rockpapershotgun or kotaku... If they said some nice things about them after trying them out themselves, their words would go a long way to convincing others they are a valid product.

looked kind of weird when you were playing M&B with those and the horses head on the left image was cut off from the divider in the middle of both images. 3d for one side of the horses head only?

Asking for 45k in 30 days seems ambitious to me but GL with that nonetheless. 
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: zagibu on November 30, 2013, 01:26:13 pm
As far as I've understood it, your eyes are not crossed, the lenses do that for you.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Sir_Hans on November 30, 2013, 02:42:00 pm
As far as I can tell, and I could be completely wrong. It's not in the lens.

While the lens looks like it is magnified, it isn't divided down the center to give different angles for each eye. I don't even think that would work as you would have to match the divided lenses to the divided screen perfectly and not move your head at all, if that was the way it was intended. (or else you would get some of the left image in the right eye or something similar)

Look at the goggles or "glasses" in the very first video, the opening in the goggles looks smaller than the width of one of your pupils to the other. That gives me the impression that it is forcing both your eyes to look inward (as if you were cross eyed) and thus layering both of the side by side images and giving you a little bit of 3d in the portions where they overlap. If that is the case, its the small field of vision of the goggles forcing your eyes to look inward and cross until the images come together and has very little to do with the lens and more to do with the plastic around the lens.

I'm guessing this is why he doesn't show the front of his face while he is wearing the goggles in any of the videos or attempt to explain how they work.

Again, this is all speculation. The goggles aren't really explained at all in the videos. All that's really said is "it puts the two side by side images together and you get 3d!"

Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on November 30, 2013, 05:19:45 pm
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on November 30, 2013, 05:25:16 pm
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: no_rules_just_play on November 30, 2013, 05:45:34 pm
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so you can only see the middle of the screen in 3D? That might be useful for third person gaming, but that's about it..

Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on November 30, 2013, 05:59:25 pm
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on November 30, 2013, 06:03:38 pm
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Sir_Hans on November 30, 2013, 09:43:25 pm
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That wasn't a very good explanation. All you did was show some artwork and diagrams describing different types of lenses and mirrors... images that you can't take credit for.
If it's in the lens do you have to sit at a certain point to get the images to line up? what happens if you move your head back or forward a little bit, or move your head side to side?

Can you post a link to your patent please, I'd like to get a full explanation on it. Surely you would want to list this after spending such a required sum of money to patent it. (might be a good thing to list on your kickstarter to.) I'm guessing its a design patent, rather than a utility patent?

Not so.. The left image is tilted differently from the right image, so the brain still see's the full image as 3D. The mid section is the one with the most depth however, so you got it kind of right. This is not a problem for first person, as I always play in first person. First person with these are really dope! The only time it's bad is when you get shot in the face with an arrow; you can almost fill the arrow hit your forehead, eye or jaw.
Also let me mention that this technology is similar to the 3D televisions that do not need glasses, but it's in reverse. The 3D goggles (glasses) do not need a 3D tv.
I would also like to note that the 3D televisions that do not need glasses lack depth because of there approach. iYin3D goggles on the other hand has a lot of depth, making a pole arm seem it's full length.

How is there any depth to the parts of the picture which are only shown once, from one perspective?
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on November 30, 2013, 10:22:18 pm
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: no_rules_just_play on November 30, 2013, 10:23:12 pm
How is there any depth to the parts of the picture which are only shown once, from one perspective?
this is what I meant, the part of the image showed twice is only as wide as the horse and the roof behind it.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on November 30, 2013, 10:31:05 pm
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Sir_Hans on November 30, 2013, 10:31:59 pm
look, just take a class in psychology sensual perception and maybe you'll learn a trick or two on the way the brain and eyes perceives images. I have my masters in psychology and that's my advice to you. be gone troll.

Nice explanation. I take it you are just bullshitting about having a patent. Anyone who took the trouble to spend money and research on a patent would be happy to provide information about it.

All my questions and suggestions were serious. It seems you are the one that isn't serious in trying to explain your product.

But go ahead, call me a troll just because I won't take your random linked images as an explanation.
You're only doing a disservice to yourself by not going into detail and taking serious inquiry, seriously.

Straight from kickstarter itself:
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Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Tyefire on November 30, 2013, 10:57:14 pm
This is funny.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Sir_Hans on November 30, 2013, 10:58:23 pm
Human subtlety will never devise an invention more beautiful, more simple or more direct than does nature because in her inventions nothing is lacking, and nothing is superfluous. You cant take a previous invention and compare it to this one. This required thought and a strive for success making this unique in its own way. I can see this invention becoming big and I will put some cash in because it just feels right.

This is funny. Troll is being written all over this. If your so against it get off this fucking page.

There is a difference between being against this and being skeptical. I am also skeptical that this isn't the same person as OP on a different forum account.  :lol:
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Tyefire on November 30, 2013, 11:11:10 pm
What a simple minded accusation. Me and EricCire are not the same people nor do we know eachother. I am just simply here stating that I like this idea and thats all. You on the other hand are here just blurting out dumb shit about stuff you don't even understand. Do some research learn a few things before you decide to say random shit and flame posts.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Sir_Hans on November 30, 2013, 11:29:41 pm
If it's in the lens do you have to sit at a certain point to get the images to line up? what happens if you move your head back or forward a little bit, or move your head side to side?

Can you post a link to your patent please, I'd like to get a full explanation on it. Surely you would want to list this after spending such a required sum of money to patent it. (might be a good thing to list on your kickstarter to.) I'm guessing its a design patent, rather than a utility patent?

How is there any depth to the parts of the picture which are only shown once, from one perspective?

I think my questions are valid.

The reason I don't understand his goggles is because they aren't explained very well. The diagrams shown don't really explain his goggles, they only show what happens to light when it hits a multitude of different lenses and mirrors. If I understood everything, why would I be asking questions?

No need to get your panties in a knot.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: zagibu on December 01, 2013, 12:00:56 am
You might doubt that he's able to pull it off, but the physics behind it are pretty solid, and I think it could work. As you stated, the lenses obviously won't work for all screen sizes and viewing distances, but I think if it's optimized for desktop computer screens, it could be a pretty successful niche product. Hell I'd buy them for a 3d experience without ghosting that you can enjoy for hours because your eyes don't tire, even if the depth effect was worse than on nVidia's shutter glasses.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Kirbyy on December 01, 2013, 12:40:35 am
I see what Hans is saying, Tyefire tbh you're not helping this case, infact you're making the OP seem less credible because of how defensive you are over a product you have nothing to do with
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: cmp on December 01, 2013, 12:57:10 am
I don't understand why mention a patent and then dismiss the request to see it like that. Is there a reason why you won't/can't link it?
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on December 01, 2013, 01:19:16 am
I don't understand why mention a patent and then dismiss the request to see it like that. Is there a reason why you won't/can't link it?

Once again cmpxchg8b I feel a sense of racism on this forum. Discrediting me because I'm a black male. We've been through this before when I banned before. When I was called The "N" word. I feel as though if they want to know those things, get a hire a lawyer and find out for them selves. I'm not presenting to a patent. I'm presenting to you 3D goggles. Are you going to ban me again?
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Kirbyy on December 01, 2013, 01:26:49 am
Once again cmpxchg8b I feel a sense of racism on this forum. Discrediting me because I'm a black male. We've been through this before when I banned before. When I was called The "N" word. I feel as though if they want to know those things, get a hire a lawyer and find out for them selves. I'm not presenting to a patent. I'm presenting to you 3D goggles. Are you going to ban me again?

And... escalated.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Xant on December 01, 2013, 01:28:39 am
Somebody has to put an end to cmp's campaign of terror against the black males of cRPG.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Tyefire on December 01, 2013, 01:30:30 am
Somebody has to put an end to cmp's campaign of terror against the black males of cRPG.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Sir_Hans on December 01, 2013, 01:32:57 am
Wow did I miss something? Whats with pulling the race card?

Don't you think a patent is something potential investors to your kickstarter would want to see??? I don't see any valid reason to not list your patent unless of course you just lied and don't really have a patent.

I mean why spend thousands of dollars and a lot of hours getting a patent just to hide it from people you want to invest in your kickstarter? I'm calling bullshit here.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: cmp on December 01, 2013, 01:33:53 am
Once again cmpxchg8b I feel a sense of racism on this forum. Discrediting me because I'm a black male. We've been through this before when I banned before. When I was called The "N" word.

Pulling the racism card and lying? I am disappointed.

I feel as though if they want to know those things, get a hire a lawyer and find out for them selves.

If you're gonna make a Kickstarter then have the decency to read their FAQ about accountability ( rules instead of telling people to get a lawyer.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on December 01, 2013, 01:36:02 am
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Sir_Hans on December 01, 2013, 01:39:02 am
again let me list what kickstarter says:

Kickstarter Basics: Accountability
How do backers know if a project will follow through?
Launching a Kickstarter is a very public act, and creators put their reputations at risk when they do.

Backers should look for creators who share a clear plan for how their project will be completed and who have a history of doing so. Creators are encouraged to share links and as much background information as possible so backers can make informed decisions about the projects they support.

If a creator has no demonstrable experience in doing something like their project or doesn't share key information, backers should take that into consideration. Does the creator include links to any websites that show work related to the project, or past projects? Does the creator appear in the video? Have they connected via Facebook?

Don't hesitate to request information from a creator. You can always reach out before pledging via the "Contact me" button on the project page.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Weren on December 01, 2013, 01:43:23 am
Did you just actually make this a race thing? How is any of this helping to fund your project?

If you ask me, avoiding confrontation and getting over-defensive when you are asked to provide more evidence on the info you gave us, seem super shady.  :|
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on December 01, 2013, 01:43:49 am
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on December 01, 2013, 01:50:26 am
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Sir_Hans on December 01, 2013, 01:51:04 am

I'm offended and you think I'm dumb. If you do not trust something then don't support it. I own this invention with or without kickstarter. I'm just trying to help people have a simple way of seeing things in 3D. This Racism. I don't forget.

This isn't about me calling you dumb, not trusting you, or being a racist. Infact if I remember correctly you were the one insulting my intelligence a few posts back.

What this is about is genuine skepticism and inquiry about your item which you are trying to get people to fund through kickstarter. Inquiry which has pretty much only been met with non-answers, copy and pasted google images, insults, and now allegations of racism?

I don't know why you are so gung-ho about going off topic and being completely over defensive rather than just explaining the product in detail and listing a patent when you claim to have one.

Another thing. Did I ask you for a patent and call you a liar when I funded your project, the malee game? NO.
This doesn't feel right. Can you understand that? I know I have a valid point. Don't fund it. I'll fund my own project.

wut? I never knew I had a malee game project.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Kirbyy on December 01, 2013, 01:51:20 am
Well, good luck with your endeavors honestly your unprofessional behavior on a product you're trying to PRODUCE appalls me.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Xant on December 01, 2013, 01:52:56 am
Man, all I know is that if it's a BLACK dude selling them goggles, it's gotta be about heroin somehow. I just know it. Don't nobody pledge, you'll get dirty heroin money goggles because this guy is, if you haven't noticed it yet, that's right, BLACK.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on December 01, 2013, 01:53:59 am
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Kirbyy on December 01, 2013, 01:58:57 am
By the way, you keep acting like you were extremely popular in the community months or years back, but from what it seems to me you're just coming here to promote your goggles.  You also claim that you're coming back from a break from this community yet for some reason it seems that you never WERE active here, your amount of renown seems to prove my theory as well.  Advertising at it's best.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: zagibu on December 01, 2013, 02:06:33 am
This thread suddenly turned from interesting to why the fuck did I waste my time with this crap.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: cmp on December 01, 2013, 02:07:12 am
Fun quote from some time ago:
I found this online about 3D goggles or glasses that work on all screens that's around 20 Dollars. It seems like a kickstarter is happening soon. This guy is playing warband in 3D in some of the vids. COOL. The blog says everthing about it:

Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Xant on December 01, 2013, 02:08:26 am
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Favorite picture.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on December 01, 2013, 02:11:26 am
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Xant on December 01, 2013, 02:24:48 am
Cmp has went over to EricCire's place to privately massage him? The plot thickens...

Ah, an edit most sneaky. For those who didn't see, Eric also said "you are being reported to someone special." Guesses? Bets? Who could it be? And who is "you"? Is it cmp? All of us? All of Europe?
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Christo on December 01, 2013, 02:43:41 am
Eric you got fucking burned

Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Sir_Hans on December 01, 2013, 03:31:31 am
. thread dead. because of racism


you got to be kidding me
gg Iyin Sky, CEO patent holder, w/ masters degree, inventor.

Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Fips on December 01, 2013, 03:45:38 am
Somebody revert those edits, i didn't have enough lulz yet!
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on December 01, 2013, 04:07:09 am
Eric you got fucking burned


LOL I was banned before for showing someone else's project that I thought was cool lol. It was the enb graphics mod and something else. I see a project I like I show people on here. Me and tyefire were just having fun. lmao. I hope that sky dude don't guy don't see this and sue all of us. I got banned for showing this and acting like it was mine too. lol but seriously I was just trying to post something that I've been following on google. The racism part was a joke, I was trying to pull the race card because the guy is black.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Leshma on December 01, 2013, 04:09:17 am
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Sir_Hans on December 03, 2013, 05:31:20 am
LOL I was banned before for showing someone else's project that I thought was cool lol. It was the enb graphics mod and something else. I see a project I like I show people on here. Me and tyefire were just having fun. lmao. I hope that sky dude don't guy don't see this and sue all of us. I got banned for showing this and acting like it was mine too. lol but seriously I was just trying to post something that I've been following on google. The racism part was a joke, I was trying to pull the race card because the guy is black.

If this isn't your kickstarter... why were the images you posted here added to the kickstarter page at the same time?
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Not to mention the thread was started at the same time the kickstarter was launched. Sounds too perfect to be coincidence.
And why exactly did you delete all your posts... skulking away in shame?

Or are you saying that the kickstarter is yours but the 3d goggles and the youtube videos aren't yours?
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: EricCire on December 04, 2013, 03:53:53 am
If this isn't your kickstarter... why were the images you posted here added to the kickstarter page at the same time?
(click to show/hide)

Not to mention the thread was started at the same time the kickstarter was launched. Sounds too perfect to be coincidence.
And why exactly did you delete all your posts... skulking away in shame?

Or are you saying that the kickstarter is yours but the 3d goggles and the youtube videos aren't yours?

Well obviously my name is eric and that guys name is iyin sky. Do the math. The fun is up. Bye.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Kirbyy on December 04, 2013, 02:03:41 pm
Eric you truly are retarded, you pulled the race card, and in that fucking video the dude is black so yeah gg bundle of sticks.  cya round life baddie.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Sir_Hans on December 04, 2013, 05:30:32 pm
Well obviously my name is eric and that guys name is iyin sky. Do the math. The fun is up. Bye.

Oh... Obviously!!! I mean if that's your forum name... It must be your name irl!!! My name is of course Hans irl because its my forums name right? obviously!!!
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: zagibu on December 05, 2013, 01:21:01 am
Someone should launch a website called Kirkstarter. I'm sure it could get a few hits from typos alone.
Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Kirbyy on December 26, 2013, 11:13:33 pm
Lmfao Tyefire just tried making it seem like he didn't actually support this shit kikstarter, than made it obvious that he really did! lololollololol what a loser.

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Title: Re: 3D goggles on Every Television. KICKSTARTER LAUNCHED!!!
Post by: Lemon on December 27, 2013, 02:34:35 am
Kirbyy sounds mad :o