Do you like me?
=( why do you have to leave me now I'm quacking alone pls pls stay inside and give me all your looms :(
Find some new cRPGers and make it rain.
join Templars or any other clan and drop that to armoury but never give it away
armoury is bast way to share looms nowdays
just give 1 mw item to panos and donate rest to peasants united :wink: do something nice, dont give items to these jеws :!:Exactly, most of those have already +20 mw items.
This is even worse than communism...If this was communism nobody would be sitting on such piles of looms anyway.
I hope this is a prank loom giveaway :DYeah, would suck if he removed all her looms from our armory.
We need to merge our voice-spamming and get Ciri to stay!
Ciri: I'm leaving the game
us: [N]o!
Ciri: I'll give away all my looms as well
us: [N]o! Can you stop it. ([X]Stop])
Ciri: It ends now
us: Shut up! ([S]ilence)
us: Pay attention! ([W]atch your Aim) Can you stop it?! ([X]Stop)
Ciri: Okay, I will stay
If you want any of these items and think that for some reason I (Cirilla Evil/Crazy/Mad Witch) like you, make an offer and post here link :P Will accept in a few days. I have also 12 loompoints, which I will give away as well.
If this was communism nobody would be sitting on such piles of looms anyway.
I know you don't like me
But if given a choice, I'd just go for 1 loompoint :o
Tood bad you hate me. :cry:
Would be cool to find someone who's only played a few months and drop some looms on them.
just join some noob clan and give them looms, its a charm
Yeah, would suck if he removed all her looms from our armory.
Wrong, I don't like what you've made with DTV maps, but its nothing personal, in fact I appreciate your work even if I don't like results :P
He'll be back. They always come back.
The only way to leave cRPG is in a body bag.
If you are really leaving, who should I hug in the beginning of the round?! :cry:Same feeling here, guess I have to hug you and Kate more :cry:
I will really miss you and if you got the feeling to give a "friend" a loomed item or two, feel free to accept one of the following offers: ( ( ( (
Same feeling here, guess I have to hug you and Kate more :cry:
Wrong, I don't like what you've made with DTV maps, but its nothing personal, in fact I appreciate your work even if I don't like results :P
Zagibu, pick what you want and post a link, I'll accept.
Ask nicely and looms will be given. Post a link.
There're very few players who I truly dislike in crpg and noone who I hate.
I gave newbies a few milions of gold, but now there's a little chance to find some true newbie who won't quit in a few days :wink:
Temptation to come back would be too stronk :lol:
[G]oodbye :P
Hello gentle mate.
I don'"t want your looms for myself but you can give all to "paesant-united" clan... they need help to love this game !
Do something for them..that is a big point !
One does not leave just like that :o. I know something about it :lol:. Good luck.
Do that. join a large clan with lots of members(or guys you like) and put your stuff into their armory.
Never delete/get rid of. Its to hard to get it back.(or start over, I started a new alt that I'll retire now. He's a themed character, and hard to play cause everything takes so BLOODY long)
Though If you'd like, I'll hold onto them for you.
I actually want the norman pot helmet, its worth the try.
Reason; I spent enough loompoints to some Ex-Clanmembers without asking for anything ... maybe i get something back from that now :/ (
And i want that helmet anyway for my recently outfit :/(click to show/hide)
Couldn't agree more. Best thing to do is usually to hand it all over to a singleGive it all to GoatsChatedral. I promise I'll take only two items I need and replace them with two MW items I have, all the rest will go to Peasants United.Giving away stuff to different players is huge mistake imho.
Give me any of the 1handers
Do it
Hey Cirilla, are you leaving? :(
Anyway I thought you may want to give one of your items to an old fellow rageballer, I remember playing with you ages ago on rageball when it first started and when you were 2h and everyone QQed because of your insane long kick that almost always went in :P
Kasigi :)
Just assumed you would, because some people really do hate me now for the dtv stuff xD
But anyway, if you can accept that trade and give away my armor then, i would really appreciate it, looking forward to do this trade for a long time now.
Can you please give me One Loompoint? :mrgreen:
gimme looms
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gimme looms :(and more
(click to show/hide)
Give me any of the 1handers
Do it
Post a link.
I Need that masterwork scimitar! (: or 2 loompoints.offer still stands! :D
Hey Cirilla, are you leaving? :(
Anyway I thought you may want to give one of your items to an old fellow rageballer, I remember playing with you ages ago on rageball when it first started and when you were 2h and everyone QQed because of your insane long kick that almost always went in :P
Kasigi :)
[G]oodbye :P
Your item isn't fully repaired :rolleyes:
Really? People are so greedy that they post their marketplace links here? Perfect way to distinguish who is who :cry: good luck Falka 8-)exactly!!!!!
Really? People are so greedy that they post their marketplace links here? Perfect way to distinguish who is who :cry: good luck Falka 8-)
......and you will allways see same old "guys" begg for lp's/mw items....... fucking sleazebags
I'd like to have any +3. For example, 1h or shield. Here's offers:
Also, if there left any lps, 1 or 2 would be great:
But most likely to have something red or Chapaev-shashka styled, like serbian armor, archons armor, scimitar or rus cav boots - I'm member of PRAVDA, and red/russian revolution stuff is our main target to gather for the armory - to show that we are true followers of communism and bolshevism!
P.S. Everyone, JOIN PRAVDA NOW! MOTHERLAND CALLS! (!?page=claninfodetail&id=3733)
Fucking vultures everywhere, shameful.
Just keep the stuff for yourself, you never know when you want to play a bit again. Or give to those you actually know they need/deserve it, instead of this "omg gief itamz pls" sad show.
I know you'll come back.
pretty please?
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thats me right?Okay, all loompoints gone, still have a few items, but I want to give them to some specific people.
Kerkko leaving too - now barely anyone left to fool around with a little... :|
I'm here you know. :(That's why I used the word "barely" and not "none". :D
Denny Crane.
Sorry to break to you guys, Ciri has given away all her stuff now and left as far as I can tell. :(
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