The stun looks a bit silly when you get hit for like 5-8% of your health bar, video somewhat related.(click to show/hide)
Kind of makes sense when you get hit by something like a bolt from an arbalest or a throwing lance though.
Realism is not an argument, never is in c-rpg.
And +1 from me. When i agree with panos, its very serious.
When you agree with panos then the two QQ paths have found each other for a short time
After the stun, we should nerf 1h stab :twisted:I'm fine with that I hate the opness of the 1h stab it needs a serious nerf even tho I'm 1h myself
When you agree with panos then the two QQ paths have found each other for a short timeKeep the hating and insulting goin, whatever.
1h stab is a broken gamemechanic atm. Id definately jump on that bandwagon.I would join u.
I love how you open up a thread about the problem, like any of the devs will actually give a fuck. :lol:
Stop bothering, it`s a lot easier.
Move toFixed as well.balance/ suggestionsThe Chamber of Tears.
QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 2h nerfed, but not enough QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Did not get buffed in this patch like other classes, but its somehow still op QQQQQQQQQQQ. I love stunning for a longer time than any other melee class, plz no nerf.So, do u play archer?
Removing stun is not a good solution. It should be fixed.Well i voted for nerfing it, so this sounds pretty fitting tbh. I can accept that the strongest xbow would fuck me over in melee, since it does take some time for that weapon to get a shot of, compared to the bows.
Below some amound of dmg there shouldn`t be a stun, with rising dmg player get with a missile, stun should be longer, but with defined maximum duration time.
Let`s say that maximum stun duration is one we have atm after getting shot from strongest x-bow. Rest should be lower than it.
Removing stun is not a good solution. It should be fixed.
Below some amount of dmg there shouldn`t be a stun, with rising dmg player get with a missile, stun should be longer, but with defined maximum duration time.
Let`s say that maximum stun duration is one we have atm after getting shot from strongest x-bow. Rest should be lower than it.
Well i voted for nerfing it, so this sounds pretty fitting tbh. I can accept that the strongest xbow would fuck me over in melee, since it does take some time for that weapon to get a shot of, compared to the bows.
compared to the bows.
Since the amount of ranged on the servers is really high, maybe it`s time to remove the ranged stun totally, or at least nerf it.
What do you guys think??
2 down thousands to go....(Prosexe pitsirika min arazeis poli ekso)
Removing stun is not a good solution. It should be fixed.QFT
Below some amount of dmg there shouldn`t be a stun, with rising dmg player get with a missile, stun should be longer, but with defined maximum duration time.
Let`s say that maximum stun duration is one we have atm after getting shot from strongest x-bow. Rest should be lower than it.
2 down thousands to go[...]:D
Do you think its funny ??As funny as you think hunting "communists" is... yes.
As funny as you think hunting "communists" is... yes.
Long and rus bows with bodkins hurts a lot even tincans, you should remember that. With long bow and bodkins I can kill most players with 3 shots.I dont feel like bows should fuck you over so badly, they alrdy do a great amount of dmg, as you alrdy mentioned. They can also fire the shots at a pretty decent rate, specialy compared to the xbows.
I`m glad you find it funny, because since yesterday, the hunting season is open once again in Greece :)I rarely care about some people in a 3rd world country shooting each other tbh...
Stay tuned in your TV`s for the news.. :rolleyes:
Waaa fucking Waaa :rolleyes:Your kidding right? You could write this in every possible balance thread that has ever been created, so the fact that you only seem to write it in specific balance threads.... derp.
I`m glad you find it funny, because since yesterday, the hunting season is open once again in Greece :)
Stay tuned in your TV`s for the news.. :rolleyes:
I rarely care about some people in a 3rd world country shooting each other tbh...
Better poor and proud, rather hailing from a nazee murdering past, :wink:Should have written "inb4 Panos gets the NS-card out of his empty pockets and starts rambling about reparations." You bore me with your nonsense...
Besides, we maybe poor now, but no matter what, sooner or later, we are gonna be ok, Greeks always survive, but you Germans on the other hand, you will always have that nazee stench on you no matter what you do, and besides, if Germans actually were to pay the war reparations to Greece, things would be quite different.
Well, Panos, they are still so ashamed about it that you aren't even allowed to have your own contrary-to-the-government opinion about their actions in WW2, or you go to jail. Because what better way to show that you're not the same country you were in the past than to trample on freedom of speech?:lol:
You get stunned even from a 0 damage shot from a team mate, its pretty badly implemented.
The root forces you to accelerate again, which is horrible for heavy armour which should really protect better than light armour.
You get stunned even from a 0 damage shot from a team mate, its pretty badly implemented.this
Your kidding right? You could write this in every possible balance thread that has ever been created, so the fact that you only seem to write it in specific balance threads.... derp.
My legitimate response to this request was written in the 18 other threads from the same minority demanding the same thing. After 3 years of "nerf archery" that resulted in every single patch ever done making changes to archery, so much so that there was no more blood to be squeezed from that rock, now the whining is to reduce their effectiveness by removing the feature that makes archery one of the best team play classes in game. Nobody can save a teammate from being ganked like they can. Nobody. I'm sick of the damn whining and demands to nerf the class, so Waaa fucking Waaa is the only response this kind of shit deserves anymore.
Σκατα στον ταφο του Φυσσα, μαλακισμενο γαμω το μουνι της μανας σου, θα υπαρξουν αντιποινα, να το θυμασαι αυτο..
Always the shit melee players complaining about ranged. I suggest you go play some counter strike and learn some game sense. Maybe you won't get shot as much.
My legitimate response to this request was written in the 18 other threads from the same minority demanding the same thing.
My legitimate response to this request was written in the 18 other threads from the same minority demanding the same thing. After 3 years of "nerf archery" that resulted in every single patch ever done making changes to archery, so much so that there was no more blood to be squeezed from that rock, now the whining is to reduce their effectiveness by removing the feature that makes archery one of the best team play classes in game. Nobody can save a teammate from being ganked like they can. Nobody. I'm sick of the damn whining and demands to nerf the class, so Waaa fucking Waaa is the only response this kind of shit deserves anymore.By saving a teammate from being ganked you mean shooting him in the back and getting him stunlocked to death when he's easily winning a 3v1 due to superior footwork (and stacking ath hard), right? If it encourages you to shoot into melee then I hope it gets removed/nerfed to death.
Minority = 60% of the votes in favor of at least reducing it in some way?
By saving a teammate from being ganked you mean shooting him in the back and getting him stunlocked to death when he's easily winning a 3v1 due to superior footwork (and stacking ath hard), right? If it encourages you to shoot into melee then I hope it gets removed/nerfed to death.
Removing stun is not a good solution. It should be fixed.
Below some amount of dmg there shouldn`t be a stun, with rising dmg player get with a missile, stun should be longer, but with defined maximum duration time.
Let`s say that maximum stun duration is one we have atm after getting shot from strongest x-bow. Rest should be lower than it.
Im not taking sides here, since logic is out the window when it comes to stagger...Makes sense to me...
If u get hit by a giant two handed sword an dont get staggered, then a tiny arrow should´nt get u staggered either.. So i can understand the melee crowd reasoning for removing it.
How ever i still think there should be a tiny stagger, since it would also look silly if people just ran in a straight line taking hits without getting slowed down..
Better poor and proud, rather hailing from a nazee murdering past, :wink:
Besides, we maybe poor now, but no matter what, sooner or later, we are gonna be ok, Greeks always survive, but you Germans on the other hand, you will always have that nazee stench on you no matter what you do, and besides, if Germans actually were to pay the war reparations to Greece, things would be quite different.
Panos, germans aren't the chocolate chip cookies no more, you greeks are taking that place. Who gives a fuck about what happened 70 years ago, it's the present that counts.Your sig and avatarcombo is pretty disturbing.
We might have a nazi past and are ashamed of it but at least we don't have a nazi present.
Panos, germans aren't the chocolate chip cookies no more, you greeks are taking that place. Who gives a fuck about what happened 70 years ago, it's the present that counts.Not completely, I however agree that while 2 generations of Germans have passed we can no longer hold them responsible for WW2. But at the same time you shouldn't forget about it aswel, learn from history but don't judge on it.
You assume that Golden Dawn is a chocolate chip cookie party, which is totally fine, I can`t blame you, the media has done a good work with the brainwashing of the mass.
I guess 20% of the Greek turned out to be nazees all of a sudden :lol:
It's not every political group that gets pinned with harassment of minorities. And considering Greece's recent history, the all thing is pretty straightforward.
Since the amount of ranged on the servers is really high, maybe it`s time to remove the ranged stun totally, or at least nerf it.hmm.. since there are a lot of people enjoying the ranged role lately, lets nerf it and make it less fun! :rolleyes:
What do you guys think??
hmm.. since there are a lot of people enjoying the ranged role lately, lets nerf it and make it less fun! :rolleyes:
Ranged stun has nothing to do with nerfing ranged class dude, get your facts straight.^
It is funny how the 2h lol stab is still here, and 1h stab became pretty lolzy, yet 2h heroes still bitch about ranged. If i knew better id say they were right, but playing this game on daily basis i can see where this comes from:
"I am the mighty 2h hero! I cannot die! I go solo to kill everyone... Suddenly i feel the presence of 3 melee foes, but i dont mind - I HAVE THE POWER!!! I shall kill them all swiftly and kill some others after that. I swing, i block, i cut, i bash and then suddenly an archer hits me and three other guys kill me! INJUSTICE!!! I CAN KILL THE ENTIRE ARMY ON MY OWN BUT THAT ONE ARCHER CANT BE THE REASON WHY I FAILED! REMOVE ARCHERY!!!!!"
Ranged stun has nothing to do with nerfing ranged class dude, get your facts straight.
Nah, it only has something to do with buffing the 2h and also panos go buy some tampons cus u are in PMS. And the only reason why i might be dumb is for talking to you.
I dont know or care about ur 2h lolstab lobby shit (sounds like gay lobby when ever i see u write lobby and ur role in it so w/e). I also do not get ppl who get lolstabbed on the forum by something that wasnt even directed to them. PMS? Ur pregnat? Yo momma didnt give you enough tit milk when u were young (or old)?
Well said friend, although I am afraid some people wont understand even if they get told in another 18 threads. Actually, as you are an admin, I can hardly imagine how hard it must be for you to not instantly ban certain people for excessive stupidity.
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Ranged stun has nothing to do with nerfing ranged class dude, get your facts straight.
What about the harassment that the Greeks receive from the illegal immigrants?? Rapes, murders, drugs, robberies etc etc, the majority of inmates in Greek prisons are aliens, dude please.
This makes as much sense as your political point of view, I think I get why you post as you do now.
Just remove teammates there ability to stun you -_-
It is funny how the 2h lol stab is still here, and 1h stab became pretty lolzy, yet 2h heroes still bitch about ranged. If i knew better id say they were right, but playing this game on daily basis i can see where this comes from:
"I am the mighty 2h hero! I cannot die! I go solo to kill everyone... Suddenly i feel the presence of 3 melee foes, but i dont mind - I HAVE THE POWER!!! I shall kill them all swiftly and kill some others after that. I swing, i block, i cut, i bash and then suddenly an archer hits me and three other guys kill me! INJUSTICE!!! I CAN KILL THE ENTIRE ARMY ON MY OWN BUT THAT ONE ARCHER CANT BE THE REASON WHY I FAILED! REMOVE ARCHERY!!!!!"
Can we get back to removing ranged stagger?
I said stagger for a reason. When you get shot and you're rooted momentarily, that's fine and everything. It's the stagger where you take 3 or 4 uncontrollable steps into one direction that's completely annoying and serves no purpose other than to piss off the person that's on the receiving end.
My favourite is when you get shot by a teammate from behind and lunge forward helplessly into 3 enemies who proceed to fuck your shit over.
Can we get back to removing ranged stagger?
I said stagger for a reason. When you get shot and you're rooted momentarily, that's fine and everything. It's the stagger where you take 3 or 4 uncontrollable steps into one direction that's completely annoying and serves no purpose other than to piss off the person that's on the receiving end.
My favourite is when you get shot by a teammate from behind and lunge forward helplessly into 3 enemies who proceed to fuck your shit over.
Imo pressing M after a teambump should make the rider autorear his horse, that'd be a nice feature.Oh god, this would be THE best feature. If there's one thing more annoying than a friendly archer trying to "help you out", it's cavalry wanting some backstab kills and bumping you down so you get killed.
Imo pressing M after a teambump should make the rider autorear his horse, that'd be a nice feature.
you just went full retard..Nar, you went full retard when you bought your second CD key.
Nar, you went full retard when you bought your second CD key.
okay beta male
Maybe that's the reason why Greece is in such a miserable state... Greeks just don't learn from their mistakes. Well, or because Germany didn't pay reparations... Yeah, probably the latter.
Haha, I think I could get behind this one :PFor the record I'm serious about that feature, teambumping should be discouraged as much if not even more than shooting into melee, and quite frankly it'd be fun to be able to magically stop the asshole who bumped you in an attempt to steal your kill, then runs off leaving you to die, right before he couches someone in the back.
Oh and Molly, I love the fact that you are a communist/socialist, but with every chance you get you spit venom against Greece, I guessFunny that you actually think I am...nazeeold habits die hard :lol:
How can we never stay on topic on this cursed forum!