Ok, Paul would like to see if the playerbase is up for something like this. If 80% are for it, it increases the chances of it actually getting implemented.
Here is the idea:
Visually would look like this:
Server: Gurni is now commanding BLUE TEAM. W:L Ratio 3.4:1
Server: Fips is now commanding RED TEAM. W:L Ratio 3.1:1
Commander Gurni: "Oberyn, lead our cav and backstab their archers."
Commander Gurni: "Infantry, we plan to charge at 4 minutes, if they charge before us, do a countercharge when they reach the tree"
Commander Gurni: "Ranged focus down their pikers! Rufio protect our archers from cav and ninjas!"
Commander Gurni: "Good luck lads!"
A. Give the person with the highest Team Win:Loss ratio (Not K:D ratios) on each team a special Leadership coloured team-chat. (Like, purple or bright green, similar to adminchat) The commander is decided at the beginning of a map. (This is a score you get when your team wins a round. It reflects how good you are to help your team win)
B. With this he can issue commands with admin coloured text, and the players would be free to follow them or not. In the worst case, people will just ignore it.
C. If his leadership gives results, aka more wins than losses, his W:L ratio will naturally improve (as well as all players on the team), and his chance of staying commander gets better. If he is a bad commander with bad results, either because the team follows him or not, or simply bad commanding or tactical ideas, his score will drop, and someone else will quickly take his spot.
D. Being a commander is optional. Tick a box on the website if you wish to participate.
E. Leaving the game while commanding should result in a double loss to the commanders W:L ratio. (To prevent commanders leaving bad teams)
F. A commander should be able to give away command at the beginning of each round to the next on the list. The result of the round will affect both commanders score. (To give newbie commanders a chance, while still keeping the original commander responsible.)
G. The commander may leave during the first 15 seconds of a new map without hurting his score. (If you want to command, the price is responsibility for the team throughout the map)
H. Who is commanding what team is proclaimed in server message near the beginning of each map and round.
Possible consequences of the idea:
* We might see more organized teamplay like in the old days again. :) (aka, charges work if done right. I've seen it many times wiping teams back in the day)
* People who aspire to become commanders, would focus on making their team win to improve their ratio, not their individual K:D ratios.
* People who would want to become commanders would most likely want to be popular. As they want people to listen to them.
* Assholes who wants to be commanders will not be listened to, therefore will not have a good commander score (W:L ratio). Asshole commanders will not exist in this system.
* This will idea will let commanders build real credibility supported by numbers. You can question him/her all you want but if he is commandeering, he has the best W:L ratio of your team.
* You could probably check your W:L ratio on the website, and get a clear idea if you help your team win or not.
* Most likely, popular clan players who help their team win will become the first commanders. But c-rpg have low enough population for anyone to be able to get their shot at
commanding. *If they are not for some reason hated or totally unknown among the majority.
* Commander heroes/stars might begin to appear if there will be trusted and smart players out there. These might boost morale, and create more an more complex tactics, as players
become more and more likely to follow them.
* Players might start to accept more complex commands once they have seen effective commanding in practice.
* Players might start to protect the commander, or attack enemy commander if he is especially dangerous.
* cRPG may change. To what, I think no one knows, but I think it would be better. The players that just wants to solo and decide what is best themselves will continue to do so without punishment.
* If it sucks, we can remove the whole system.
How verbose. We all know the commands will just be LEFT, RIGHT, or FLAG (and will probably work very well).
Would be cool to have a commander that RPs like that :)
I dont see the problem, try it - what is the worst thing that could happen if it fails? We remove it
Yeah! Just like how 1hand stab was instantly removed / re-balanced after the previous buff. Oh, wait...
Lol... I agree with you though.