Off Topic => Spam => Topic started by: ZMaNFaRLee on January 07, 2011, 03:37:05 pm
I haven't trolled yet.... FU whoever did that (now that's a troll).
You do realise just by making this thread you're going to keep getting more - ? :P
Points serve nothing lol I'd rather change the peasant title I have I could care less of the troll points.
how do you know that negative score means more troll?
LoL -8 now. So ridiculous. Just ban me then if it's gonna be all dumb like that. I wonder if it is a person or a machine that does this???
Judging alone from my own stats I would say negative score means a bit more intelligent than the average fellow crpg player.
But then I would insult chadz, cmp, Mustikki and some other smart people.
So I think its just a toy for our kids, drunk people, and drunk kids.
It sounds like being less, not more, of a troll to me. :P
its computer generated.... hmmmm must be a way to game it. I wonder if I use the word Intelligent and Sword Play in the same sentence if it would help.
Yeah - is good it looks like. And to boot I entertained myself for a full 10 minutes. Great day so far... I like you guys!
Nope. It ain't computer generated. You can give or take other peoples' troll points. :)
Nope. It ain't computer generated. You can give or take other peoples' troll points. :)
You sure can. I give a -1 to gorath everytime I see him :D
Negative or positive, I always find it nice that people care enough about me to hit my respective buttons.
Shoot ... and here i;ve been giving a +1 to Gorath every time ive seen him :wink:
So, wait ... wouldnt negative troll points mean LESS of a troll? (ie a -10 troll is not a troll where a +25 would be a pretty big troll) :?:
Shoot ... and here i;ve been giving a +1 to Gorath every time ive seen him :wink:
So, wait ... wouldnt negative troll points mean LESS of a troll? (ie a -10 troll is not a troll where a +25 would be a pretty big troll) :?:
I have no idea :D
Still, regarding gorath the "-1" means "bad" for me.
Yes i think that people with minus score is more cool than people with plus !
I think it's most definately + makes a troll. Why would it be negative? That makes no sense. I guess everything needs a manual these days. Did you guys know that +50 gives a permanent ban on a forum member?
That seems silly. Is there a limit to how many times you can give someone a rating? I mean if you really wanted to be a troll you could just give people +1 for 50 days straight and single handedly boot someone =P
Wait, I though negative was bad.
Positive troll points ftw. :o
This is like a whole new game in the game.
Positive troll points ftw. :o
Hmmm, i really still am not sure if i should give you +1 or -1 for that post. :D
I think it's most definately + makes a troll. Why would it be negative? That makes no sense. I guess everything needs a manual these days. Did you guys know that +50 gives a permanent ban on a forum member?
Well, "Troll points" were called "Karma" originally - thats the reason for all the negative scores.
OMG :shock:
cmpxchg8b's troll points are LESS THAN 9000 ! :o
OMG :shock:
cmpxchg8b's troll points are LESS THAN 9000 ! :o
Working on fixing that.
:D :oops: :) :cry: :( :evil: :twisted: :o :shock: :rolleyes: :wink: :? :!: :?: :lol: :idea: :mad: :P :arrow: 8-) :| :mrgreen:
All people on the internet are trolls. So, having negative troll points only means you're a FAIL troll.
All people on the internet are trolls. So, having negative troll points only means you're a FAIL troll.
Having no points means your a incapable of trolling.
So if you're not a troll the goal is zero? Since no one seems to be in agreement about whether positive or negative is good.
Everyone on the internet is a troll!!
Positive troll points ftw. :o
You are cheating!
Yes i think that people with minus score is more cool than people with plus !
:O I have -1! What is this I don't even..
As always.
As always.
As It should be.