cRPG => Ban/Unban Requests => Closed Requests => Topic started by: Balza on September 16, 2013, 01:47:33 am
i tk my friend OdE_teutates because we win 3-1 and we are 12vs 1, its the end of the map i kill him for fun , we play for the fun :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: you are bad admin
What's happened:
Tonight, at the end of round, we were 12 in our team and it was only a hx in the opposite team. Everyone know that there is nothing more annoying than running after a hx at the end of a round.
My two friends have decided to do an impromptu duel as long as the round ends.
So they made their duel and OdE_Teutates_Le_Nervien died. The round ends and the beginning of the second round, OdE_Le_Borgne was ban for one day by aozaki (karasu)..
Shortly after, OdE_Teutates_Le_Nervien wanted to be ban by solidarity asking my agreement to kill me and he was banned.
wtf ?
We know that the rules are here and our clan respected it all the time.
We also know that tk / th are not allowed, but the role of an admin is not also about being flexible when needed ?
It was not allowed to have fun when the situation is boring at this point ?
They do not disturb anyone and they are willing, what there was wrong with that ?
Many clan members or even admins do that and they are never be banned, but if they are members of a small french clan without great reputation, they deserve a ban ?
Better explanation than "there has rules" and a closed topic is required !
I agree about that . It's me Teutates . It's suppose to be a game so why be so rude against people who never get in trouble ? I don't get it really ...
Intentional teamkilling is bannable and the duels at the end of the round are consisting of exactly that. If an admin considers it to be necessary to ban you is up to him/her/it.
Also, this is no ban or unban-request and completely out of place here.